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Product project

Elenco delle migliori vendite product project

Padova (Veneto)
Per storico PLAYER INTERNAZIONALE con filiali commerciali e produttive a livello GLOBALE e che focalizza la propria attenzione nel settore dei MATERIALI PER L’EDILIZIA, ricerchiamo: PROJECT & PRODUCT MANAGER – BUILDING MATERIALS Il candidato si occuperà del supporto TECNICO PREVENDITA per individuare le soluzioni tecniche più idonee alla realizzazione dell'opera verso studi di progettazione e rivenditori. Poi sarà a sostegno della RETE COMMERCIALE diretta dell'azienda (venditori, export, am) e della rete clienti installatori per struttuarre corsi di formazione sul prodotto e sulle tecniche di posa. Infine dovrà essere a supporto dei progetti in cui l'azienda si impegna a realizzare l'intera opera. Ricerchiamo un profilo che riesca ad interpretare in modo moderno ed internazionale il proprio ruolo. COMPITI E RESPONSABILITA’: Supporto tecnico alla prevendita nei confronti dei clienti rivenditori che degli studi di progettazione Supporto della rete commerciale diretta dell'azienda Suppporto dei progetti, gestendo il cantiere e coordinando i posatori e la logistica di cantiere SEDE DI LAVORO: TRIVENETO COSA OFFRIAMO: Ral orientativa 50/60K + mbo CANDIDATI https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_PROJECT_PRODUCT_MANAGER_BUILDING_MATERIALS_TREVISO_NORD_173455831.htm I dati saranno trattati e conservati esclusivamente per finalità di selezioni presenti e future, garantendo i diritti di cui al GDPR 679/2016. Gli interessati/e sono invitati a leggere sul sito l’informativa sulla Privacy GDPR 679/2016. La ricerca è rivolta a persone di entrambi i sessi L.903/77. MODULO Group Autorizzazione Ministero del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale ai sensi GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298/MA004.A00
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Il Product Specialist è responsabile della messa in esercizio della suite AskMe di prodotti sviluppati da Lascaux; lavora nell’ambito della Business Unit Prodotti e risponde al BU Manager. Il Product Specialist è coinvolto nella definizione delle roadmap, conduce ricerche di mercato e analisi comparative, coordina le attività di testing sui prodotti e collabora nell’individuazione di nuove opportunità di mercato. È responsabile della gestione delle commesse e dei progetti di personalizzazione richiesti dai clienti, delle attività di consulenza ai Clienti sui processi gestiti attraverso la suite AskMe. È inoltre responsabile dell’individuazione, della registrazione e segnalazione di eventuali anomalie segnalate dai Clienti, oltre che della produzione e aggiornamento di tutta la documentazione necessaria per la promozione, vendita, assistenza e formazione dei Clienti relativamente alla Suite AskMe. •Place of work:Firenze •Working time:Full Time •Type of contract:Indeterminato About You: Sei uno specialista di prodotto in ambito digitalizzazione di processi aziendali con spiccate capacità di Project Management e una forte attitudine alla relazione con i clienti? Sei appassionato di tecnologia e digital transformation? Your Technical Background Likely Includes Experience: •Esperienza significativa nel ruolo (almeno 3 anni); •Provenienza preferibilmente da società prodotto in ambito digitalizzazione di processi aziendali •Laurea tecnica •Esperienza di Project Management e conoscenza delle relative metodologie e tool a supporto •Capacità di padroneggiare il linguaggio IT relativamente a software, sistemi operativi, database, applicativi e ambienti di sviluppo; Your Non-technical Background Likely Includes: •Capacità di problem solving e relazione con i clienti •Orientamento all’obiettivo •Pianificazione e Organizzazione
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Modena (Emilia Romagna)
Ricerchiamo per azienda operante nel settore alimentare, in ottica dell’ampliamento organico, un PRODUCT MARKETING SPECIALIST. La risorsa verrà inserita all’interno dell’Ufficio Marketing e in stretta collaborazione con l’Ufficio Tecnico e Commerciale per portare innovazione alle linee prodotto a Brand ed assicurare la massima aderenza dei progetti alle esigenze dei clienti. Responsabilità: • Proporre ed eseguire analisi di mercato per raccogliere informazioni di natura tecnico-commerciale, analizzando la concorrenza e individuando nuovi segmenti di sviluppo o nuovi target; • Organizzare e condurre le attività di sviluppo progettuale di dettaglio dei prodotti coordinando le funzioni coinvolte; • Mantenere la comunicazione e l’aggiornamento sui progetti con i responsabili delle Aree coinvolte; • Monitorare l’intero ciclo di vita del prodotto; • Creare presentazioni volte a condividere la Value Proposition dei prodotti e supervisionare tutta la documentazione tecnica; • Contribuire alla creazione di una strategia competitiva per i prodotti/packaging; • Contribuire alla definizione delle politiche di pricing, di posizionamento dei prodotti e di creazione delle promozioni; Requisiti • Esperienza in analoga mansione, preferibilmente nel settore Alimentare; • Formazione in ambito economico o marketing; • Ottima conoscenza del pacchetto Office365 e conoscenze di software di Project Management e CRM; • Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese (altre lingue verranno considerate un plus); • Spiccata propensione allo sviluppo di nuove idee e soluzioni innovative; • Capacità di lavorare efficacemente in modo trasversale e gestire progetti; • Ottime capacità analitiche e di problem solving. Sede di lavoro: provincia di Modena.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
La risorsa sarà inserita nel Team di Sviluppo Prodotti e si occuperà di:Verifica e controllo delle polizze in essereControllo dei fascicoli di polizza e delle relative garanzie e clausoleInserimento in database dei risultati e degli aggiornamentiVerifica e controllo della compliance dei prodotti assicurativiCompagnia AssicurativaProduct SpecialistLaurea in materie economiche o giuridicheAlmeno 1 anno di esperienza in attività di project management maturata nel settore assicurativoConoscenza approfondita delle polizze danni non autoBuona conoscenza dell'ingleseCompagnia AssicurativaSede di lavoro MilanoSalario da 25.000 €/anno a 30.000 €/anno
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Opportunamente formata e seguita da personale esperto, la risorsa selezionata svolgerà le seguenti attività:Esecuzione di analisi tecniche su componenti elettronici e di pneumatronica di rientro dal campo a seguito fault, con ricerca guasti e utilizzando metodologie di problem solving (8D/PDCA/FTA), emissione della relativa reportistica. Aggregare e monitorare i risultati di qualità dei prodotti appartenenti alla piattaforma Elettronica/Pneumatronica, collaborando con Project Quality Engineers e Customer Claim Engineers, raccogliendo reclami Cliente in garanzia. Partecipare al primo assemblaggio di un prodotto nuovo o modificato con l'obiettivo di evidenziarne eventuali criticità di progettazione e/o del processo. Eseguire expertise e rilasciare i relativi report sui prodotti dopo il completamento dei test di affidabilità. Fornire alla piattaforma Prodotto dati aggregati di: parti fornite (in collaborazione con Supplier Quality Assurance) per evidenziare componenti critici test seriale di produzione (in collaborazione con Quality Production) per evidenziare l'EOL critico programma di affidabilità (in collaborazione con Laboratorio) per evidenziare parti critiche situazione sul campo (in collaborazione con Customer Claims / Project Quality Engineer) al fine di evidenziare prodotti o applicazioni critici azienda nostra cliente ricerca Electronic Product Quality Engineer JuniorRequisiti:Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Elettronica Buona conoscenza Lingua Inglese Buona conoscenza Pacchetto Office Capacità di lavorare in team Competenze gestionali ed organizzative La nostra azienda cliente, appartenente a noto gruppo multinazionale, è leader nella progettazione e produzione di apparecchi per il controllo del freno per treni, metropolitane e tram, ad elevato contenuto tecnologico e nei quali elettronica, software e pneumatica interagiscono strettamente Assunzione tempo determinato di 12 mesi con finalità di assunzione. Retribuzione annua lorda 24000-26000 euroSalario da 24.000 €/anno a 26.000 €/anno
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Milano (Lombardia)
Zehus è l'azienda del Gruppo Eldor (www.eldorgroup.com) che produce delle innovative Smart Wheel per trasformare le biciclette muscolari in biciclette a pedalata assistita. (http://www.zehus.it/products/) Progettiamo e sviluppiamo questo prodotto con l'obiettivo di rivoluzionare totalmente il mercato delle city bike rendendo l'esperienza della bici più piacevole e intelligente, incentivando così l'utilizzo di questa a discapito dell'automobile. L'app MyBike, comunicando via BLE con la Smart Wheel, permette di vedere in tempo reale tutti i dati della bici e personalizzare l'esperienza di guida; un vero e proprio cruscotto digitale. Junior Project Manager: Zehus è il brand del Gruppo Eldor (www.eldorgroup.com) dedicato allo sviluppo e produzione di sistemi powertrain per e-bike (www.zehus.it/products/). Cerchiamo un/una brillante neolaureato/a in Ingegneria Elettronica / Elettrica / Fisica / Gestionale da inserire nel ruolo di Junior Project Leader. In un'ottica di crescita e specializzazione nella gestione tecnica di progetti il ruolo garantirà costante supporto alle attività di: - Definizione del piano di sviluppo del progetto secondo procedura APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning) interna, dall'avvio del progetto alla messa in produzione del prodotto; - Monitoraggio e verifica rispetto tempistiche e milestone interne di progetto; - Predisposizione documentazione interna e reportistica cliente per le diverse fasi dei progetti; - Interfacciamento con le altre funzioni aziendali (es. acquisti, progettazione stampi, sviluppo processo) per la gestione delle attività interne inerenti i nuovi progetti. Requisiti richiesti: - Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica / Elettrica / Fisica o Laurea in Ingegneria Gestionale - Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese, sia parlata che scritta - Passione per il settore della mobilità sostenibile
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Montecchio Emilia (Emilia Romagna)
Tor nasce dall’esperienza del Gruppo Lavoropiù che dal 1997 opera nei servizi alle imprese nell’ambito delle risorse umane e propone servizi di consulenza HR per ricerca e selezione di profili altamente qualificati. Your Goal, Our Mission! I candidati migliori vanno cercati, contattati e valutati con i migliori strumenti e con la massima cura. Tor nasce per questo. Tor si impegna per dare ai propri consulenti il metodo, l’affiancamento e gli strumenti per esprimersi al meglio in quello che amano fare: trovare le persone migliori sul mercato e le più adatte ai contesti aziendali dei nostri partner. TOR cerca risorsa, con esperienza di almeno 5 anni nel ruolo di DIGITAL PRODUCT LEADER / IT PROJECT LEADER / IT CAPO COMMESSA e competenze nella gestione di progetti tecnologici / soluzioni digitali / banche dati / business analytics, buona conoscenza dell’Inglese per rinomata società di Montecchio Emilia (RE). ATTIVITA': La figura dopo un periodo di affiancamento risponderà direttamente all’amministratore delegato e sarà responsabile delle seguenti attività: presa in carico, analisi e pianificazione delle commesse; sviluppo e coordinamento progetti sia per conto di clienti esterni che della società; gestione del budget. CHI CERCA: Società leader europea per la fornitura di servizi di intelligence per analisi dei media. ZONA DI LAVORO: Montecchio Emilia (RE). REQUISITI: Laurea in Ingegneria Gestionale / Informatica / Telecomunicazioni; Pregressa esperienza di almeno 5 anni maturata nella gestione di progetti progetti tecnologici / soluzioni digitali / banche dati / business analytics; Buona conoscenza della lingua Inglese; Conoscenza della metodologia Agile PM; Gestione di un team di sviluppatori; Completano il profilo: proattività ed attitudine all’innovazione, capacità di problem solving e lavoro in team.
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Roma (Lazio)
L’azienda Selectra è una web company che aiuta privati e aziende a scegliere e attivare la migliore offerta di luce, gas e internet. Mette a disposizione dei consumatori un servizio personalizzato e gratuito, selezionando le proposte più adatte alle loro esigenze ed accompagnandoli nelle pratiche contrattuali. Attualmente conta più di 100 collaboratori in Italia mentre al livello globale impiega più di 1000 persone. In Italia dal 2015, è oggi uno dei principali portali nazionali sulle utenze energetiche e nel 2021 ha ottenuto la certificazione Great Place to Work Italia come "un ambiente di lavoro di qualità" attento a creare un clima aziendale positivo e stimolante. Descrizione della posizione Il candidato selezionato avrà l’obiettivo di gestire ed implementare una varietà di progetti IT, dalla loro ideazione alla loro messa in produzione, interfacciandosi sia con gli sviluppatori che con gli operations manager. Tale figura garantirà la realizzazione tecnica dei progetti assegnati, contribuendo allo sviluppo e guidando il team tecnico nell’implementazione dei requisiti definiti. I suoi compiti saranno i seguenti: - Il suo obiettivo sarà quello di ideare nuovi strumenti di lavoro e migliorare quelli già presenti per rispondere ai bisogni della parte operations di Selectra Italia. Una volta acquisita autonomia nel ruolo, la risorsa gestirà e supervisionerà i progetti di Selectra Italia con il team di sviluppatori esterni - Lavorare in collaborazione con gli sviluppatori interni: adattare le strategie di sviluppo tecnico definite a livello gruppo in Selectra Italia - Lavorare al miglioramento degli strumenti tecnici di Selectra Italia: ideazione, progettazione e sviluppo - Aiutare alla manutenzione degli strumenti di lavoro - Supportare il team di data analysis: realizzare delle macro excel e migliorare tecnicamente i processi Profilo richiesto - Formazione in ambito informatico - Conoscenza di coding: HTML e/o Java - Passione per le scienze informatiche e nuove tecnologie, preferibilmente con un solido background in computing - Inglese fluente - Conoscenza del pacchetto Office, in particolare Excel - Flessibilità e capacità di gestire più attività in contemporanea con spirito di iniziativa e positività - Voglia di mettersi alla prova in un ambiente giovane, dinamico e ambizioso - Non è necessaria una pregressa esperienza nel settore ma una forte motivazione e orientamento al raggiungimento dei risultati Offerta - Stage extracurriculare di 6 mesi con possibilità di inserimento in azienda al termine dello stage - Impegno full-time lunedì/venerdì 9-18 - Retribuzione mensile di 1000 € - Trasferte a Madrid, Parigi e Lviv - Formazione da sviluppatori e product owners: Java, gestione e sviluppo CRM e strumenti di telefonia, web-app - Sede di lavoro: Roma (quartiere Coppedè / Metro Policlinico) - Ambiente giovane e dinamico
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Italia (Tutte le città)
LA RISORSA UMANA.IT SRL Divisione Recruitment ricerca per azienda metalmeccanica un PRODUCT MANAGER ELETTROTECNICO La risorsa inserita si occuperà di: -sarà il responsabile della pianificazione, controllo e avanzamento lavori per progetti (sia push che pull) di sviluppo dei nuovi prodotti in termini di tempi, costi e qualità -si interfaccerà con i clienti -si interfaccerà con l’ufficio tecnico -seguirà a 360 l’avanzamento dei progetti Requisiti Figura Ricercata -Diploma o Laurea ad indirizzo elettrotecnico -almeno 3-5 anni di esperienza nel ruolo e nel settore metalmeccanico -buona conoscenza del cad solidworks o altro cad 3d -buona capacità di interfacciarsi con i clienti e con i diversi reparti aziendali Sede di Lavoro: Campegine. Autorizzazione Min. e Iscrizione Albo Agenzie per il Lavoro Prot. 0090 del 17/07/2020 -Sez.1 Somministrazione di tipo generalista. Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03. I candidati sono invitati ad Inviare il proprio CV e a leggere sul sito www.larisorsaumana.it l’informativa sulla Privacy (GDPR 679/2016).
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Key responsibilities as a Brand Specialist are: · Own the relationship end-to-end with top brands · Partner internally with key retail functions to contribute to the definition of priorities and operational goals according to the brands' needs · Define joint business plans and assist in delivering impact for the brands you support directly · Regularly audit metrics to continually drive quality of the AVS experience and deliver targets · Contribute to continuous enhancement and innovation within the AVS across EUAre you a self-starter with a passion for e-commerce, looking to expand your retAmazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employinExperience in financial analysis, retail buying, retail planning & allocation, product/project management, marketing, business development, consulting, negotiation or supply chain is a plus · Experience using analytical specific tools such as Google Analytics, SQL or HTML is a plus · Bachelor's or Master's studies within Engineering, Commerce, Business administration or similar filed is preferred · Bachelor's/Master's degree in management, business administration, economics, engineering, marketing. Minimum of 6 months/1 year professional experience/internship · Analytical skills · Planning, prioritization and time-management skills · Ability to communicate efficiently both internally and externally · Strong attention to detail · Excellent written and spoken Italian and English · Knowledge in MS Office programs as Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint · Ability to learn new systems and tools quickly · Tenacity to develop ideas independently and thrive in a fast-paced start-up environmentAmazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build.Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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Bologna (Emilia Romagna)
Knet HR is a leading Recruitment Consulting Company that operates at a National and International level with specific divisions: - Head Hunting division - Temporary Management Division - Top Manager division - Middle Management Division - Professional Studies Division Our company, authorized to operate by the Italian Ministry of Labor, does not administer personnel, therefore the employment relationship is directly regulated between the client company / firm and our candidate. FIELD TECHNICIAN Report to: GM Europe Purpose of the role: the purpose of the Field Technician is to support the commercial operations department to implement the activities associated with project execution, delivery and customer support post project completion. This should be completed to a high standard in line with contractual obligations and with a focus on customer satisfaction. The role is based in Northern Italy and the focus will be on assisting local Italian clients. In addition to this, some travel may be required to other European countries to provide installation and service support. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities • Ensure projects are installed and delivered on time in accordance with Company Standards and with a focus on customer satisfaction • Inquisitive mind, able to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. Able to think proactively about how to resolve/mitigate any potential issues during product installation, commissioning and support. • Documentation of all key data required for gate/meter selection, product installation and commissioning as agreed/signed by customer and/or engineering firm Technical Skills · Willingness to perform aspects of masonry work subsequent to proper training · Able to understand engineering data and plans/drawings · Mechanical and electrical skills as pertaining to but not limited to: o Assembly and disassembly of product o Replacement, programming and support of RTU, instrumentation, solar power systems and motor drives o Replacement of gearboxes o Steel cable tensioning and replacement IT Knowledge · Ability and experience with PLC, SCADA and RTU systems as it pertains to but not limited to: · Data table adjustment/entry · Knowledge of I/O as it pertains to floating point registers and digital points · Communication protocol knowledge Other Skills/Knowledge · Basic understanding of electronics · Knowledge of the agricultural irrigation industry · Occupational health and safety · Knowledge of control theory is beneficial · Strong customer service skills Language Skills: fluent in Italian and strong in English; other languages are beneficial (Spanish, French, Romanian, Arabic) Skills and Qualifications: technical trade qualification; valid driving licence; 2 + years of experience Attribute: Demonstrated effective matrix skills (crosses geography’s and departments) Demonstrated ability to work with all stakeholders (internal/external) Results oriented, motivated, reliable and trustworthy working style Excellent interpersonal skills. Able to communicate with ease at different levels and with people in different locations Excellent written and verbal communication skills Business minded, logical, analytical, good strategist and implementer Well organized, quick thinker Able to work independently and as part of a team Employment type · Full-time · Permanent contract · Salary will be discussed with the selected candidate · Benefits: Company car, PC, mobile phone, company credit card, tools, etc Starting date expected: mid January 2021 Location: Mantova – Bologna – Reggio Emilia The selection is open at both sexes of Art. 1 L. 903/77 Maximum confidentiality is guaranteed KNET HUMAN RESOURCES SRL: AUTORIZZAZIONE MINISTERIALE A TEMPO INDETERMINATO Prot. 39/0003074 / MA004.A003
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Ferrara (Emilia Romagna)
Knet HR is a leading Recruitment Consulting Company that operates at a National and International level with specific divisions: - Head Hunting division - Temporary Management Division - Top Manager division - Middle Management Division - Professional Studies Division Our company, authorized to operate by the Italian Ministry of Labor, does not administer personnel, therefore the employment relationship is directly regulated between the client company / firm and our candidate. FIELD TECHNICIAN – ITALIAN PLANTS WATER TREATMENT - FERRARA Report to: GM Europe Purpose of the role: the purpose of the Field Technician is to support the commercial operations department to implement the activities associated with project execution, delivery and customer support post project completion. This should be completed to a high standard in line with contractual obligations and with a focus on customer satisfaction. The role is based in Northern Italy and the focus will be on assisting local Italian clients. In addition to this, some travel may be required to other European countries to provide installation and service support. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities • Ensure projects are installed and delivered on time in accordance with Company Standards and with a focus on customer satisfaction • Inquisitive mind, able to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. Able to think proactively about how to resolve/mitigate any potential issues during product installation, commissioning and support. • Documentation of all key data required for gate/meter selection, product installation and commissioning as agreed/signed by customer and/or engineering firm Technical Skills · Willingness to perform aspects of masonry work subsequent to proper training · Able to understand engineering data and plans/drawings · Mechanical and electrical skills as pertaining to but not limited to: o Assembly and disassembly of product o Replacement, programming and support of RTU, instrumentation, solar power systems and motor drives o Replacement of gearboxes o Steel cable tensioning and replacement IT Knowledge · Ability and experience with PLC, SCADA and RTU systems as it pertains to but not limited to: · Data table adjustment/entry · Knowledge of I/O as it pertains to floating point registers and digital points · Communication protocol knowledge Other Skills/Knowledge · Basic understanding of electronics · Knowledge of the agricultural irrigation industry · Occupational health and safety · Knowledge of control theory is beneficial · Strong customer service skills Language Skills: fluent in Italian and strong in English; other languages are beneficial (Spanish, French, Romanian, Arabic) Skills and Qualifications: technical trade qualification; valid driving licence; 2 + years of experience Attribute: Demonstrated effective matrix skills (crosses geography’s and departments) Demonstrated ability to work with all stakeholders (internal/external) Results oriented, motivated, reliable and trustworthy working style Excellent interpersonal skills. Able to communicate with ease at different levels and with people in different locations Excellent written and verbal communication skills Business minded, logical, analytical, good strategist and implementer Well organized, quick thinker Able to work independently and as part of a team Employment type · Full-time · Permanent contract · Salary will be discussed with the selected candidate · Benefits: Company car, PC, mobile phone, company credit card, tools, etc Starting date expected: mid January 2021 Location: Zona CENTO - FERRARA The selection is open at both sexes of Art. 1 L. 903/77 Maximum confidentiality is guaranteed KNET HUMAN RESOURCES SRL: AUTORIZZAZIONE MINI
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Lucca (Toscana)
Knet HR is a leading Recruitment Consulting Company that operates at a National and International level with specific divisions: - Head Hunting division - Temporary Management Division - Top Manager division - Middle Management Division - Professional Studies Division Our company, authorized to operate by the Italian Ministry of Labor, does not administer personnel, therefore the employment relationship is directly regulated between the client company / firm and our candidate. FIELD TECHNICIAN – ITALIAN PLANTS WATER TREATMENT - LUCCA - TOSCANA Report to: GM Europe Purpose of the role: the purpose of the Field Technician is to support the commercial operations department to implement the activities associated with project execution, delivery and customer support post project completion. This should be completed to a high standard in line with contractual obligations and with a focus on customer satisfaction. The role is based in Northern Italy and the focus will be on assisting local Italian clients. In addition to this, some travel may be required to other European countries to provide installation and service support. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities • Ensure projects are installed and delivered on time in accordance with Company Standards and with a focus on customer satisfaction • Inquisitive mind, able to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. Able to think proactively about how to resolve/mitigate any potential issues during product installation, commissioning and support. • Documentation of all key data required for gate/meter selection, product installation and commissioning as agreed/signed by customer and/or engineering firm Technical Skills · Willingness to perform aspects of masonry work subsequent to proper training · Able to understand engineering data and plans/drawings · Mechanical and electrical skills as pertaining to but not limited to: o Assembly and disassembly of product o Replacement, programming and support of RTU, instrumentation, solar power systems and motor drives o Replacement of gearboxes o Steel cable tensioning and replacement IT Knowledge · Ability and experience with PLC, SCADA and RTU systems as it pertains to but not limited to: · Data table adjustment/entry · Knowledge of I/O as it pertains to floating point registers and digital points · Communication protocol knowledge Other Skills/Knowledge · Basic understanding of electronics · Knowledge of the agricultural irrigation industry · Occupational health and safety · Knowledge of control theory is beneficial · Strong customer service skills Language Skills: fluent in Italian and strong in English; other languages are beneficial (Spanish, French, Romanian, Arabic) Skills and Qualifications: technical trade qualification; valid driving licence; 2 + years of experience Attribute: Demonstrated effective matrix skills (crosses geography’s and departments) Demonstrated ability to work with all stakeholders (internal/external) Results oriented, motivated, reliable and trustworthy working style Excellent interpersonal skills. Able to communicate with ease at different levels and with people in different locations Excellent written and verbal communication skills Business minded, logical, analytical, good strategist and implementer Well organized, quick thinker Able to work independently and as part of a team Employment type · Full-time · Permanent contract · Salary will be discussed with the selected candidate · Benefits: Company car, PC, mobile phone, company credit card, tools, etc Starting date expected: mid January 2021 Location: Zona LUCCA - TOSCANA The selection is open at both sexes of Art. 1 L. 903/77 Maximum confidentiality is guaranteed KNET HUMAN RESOURCES SRL: AUTORIZZAZIONE MINISTERIALE A TEMPO INDETERMINATO Prot. 39/0003074 / MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Main Job Scope:Economical and functional main responsibility for all respective programs throughout the entire product life cycle (from pre-acquisition through end of production). Implementation of agreed project goals and responsible contact person to all external and internal costumers Key ResponsibiltiesAttainment of all agreed project goals according to defined criteria (Deadlines, Costs, Quality)Implementation (concept, quoting, program award, product development, supplier selection, launch, post-production performance, & lessons learned) of all supported programs according to Company Program Management System and according to all Program Management related standardized methods and proceduresPlanning and Coordination of all concerned Company locations and of all project tasks related to the following process steps: offer phase, series development phase and series production phase (if applicable).Ongoing controlling and reporting of progress regarding the current programs (Deadlines, Costs, Quality). In case of deviation, definition and implementation of corrective action.Ongoing documentation on program progress and reporting to management. Global Automation brandVery interesting job opportunityRequirements, Qualifications & Competencies:Degree of a Technical University, University of Applied Sciences or Polytechnic Engineering.Several years of relevant experience in the area of Program Management (processes, planning and mentoring of programs)Leading experience in lateral guidance in a matrix environment: drive results and decisions, self-initiative, team orientation, orientation on solutions, communication skills, assertiveness, motivating, people, conflict-solving skills, multi-frame and multinational collaborationMethodological skills: analytical competence, planning and implementation methods, moderating and presentation skills, mentoring and controlling skillsProfound customer orientation and relationship building skills: Keen listener, eloquence both to internal and external costumers on different hierarchical levels, credibility, ability to create trust and commitmentKnowledge of relevant automotive quality standards (GQS, APQP/VDA 6.3, PPAP) Global automotive brand, leader in electro-mechanical componentsVery interesting career opportunity
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Lecce (Puglia)
Position Overview Key Responsibilities •Ensure the organization, scheduling, implementation and monitoring of the project RAMS and V&V activities and ensure compliance with project budget, schedule and quality requirements; •Lead and coordinate the different railway safety contributors working on the Program or Project for the relevant scope; •Represent the company and the project towards third parties for the RAMS related topics; •Ensure the system safety and reliability requirements being responsible and accountable for design solutions against safety objectives; •Ensure the proper RAMS competence project staffing including staff provided by third parties such as consultants; •Ensure and be accountable for the execution, verification, submission and approval of all project RAMS and V&V activities and deliverables, interfacing the main project stakeholders including subcontractors, suppliers, internal departments, and third parties; •Ensure the execution and the sharing of communication to the project team of the following activities: •Workload management with periodic workload updates and analysis of deviations; •Critical path management and alignment of RAMS schedule with project master schedule, to avoid unplanned interruption of activities in RAMS stream; •Proactive risk management for early detection of cost, schedule, technical and resource issues and proposal of recovery plans; •V&V activities and the definition of the relevant budget; •Ensure the safety assessment (ISA) certification. •Support preparation of offers and proposal related to RAMS activities. •Ensure the provision of schedule and cost constrains to relevant Product, Required Knowledge & Skills •Bachelor degree in electric or electronic engineering; •More than 8 years of experience as RAM, Safety and Verification and Validation engineer; •Must have proven work experience within unconventional resources and have a thorough understanding of all aspects within man
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Main Accountabilities: Support the Key account Manager AO (EMEA + APAC) in the implementation of the customer strategies (prepare operative sales plans, lost order analysis, review contracts to ensure that the negotiated terms are followed and fulfilled, prepare and maintain the relevant documentation) Provide an ongoing support to the customers as regards all technical issues and ensure high quality customer service (follow-up of orders, customer visits, cost/revenue analysis in cooperation with the project controlling, prepare and conduct the customer presentations) Support the KAM AO in the liaison between the customers and the internal departments, processing the customer complaints and initiate improvements (e.g. initiation of new product concepts in the R&D department). Provide support in preparation of the price/cost analyses as well as the operational sales planning Provide support to KAM in the preparation of the price negotiations for the new projects, in cooperation with the project controlling during the offer/development phase. Support the customer projects from a technical as well as commercial perspective from the initial phase until delivery in regards to budget, deadlines, respect of payments due dates, etc. Support in preparation of the negotiations regarding the product modifications and prices during the production phase within given limits. Support the KAM AO in the market researches of the competitors´ activities and products Support KAM in performing timely invoicing/billing for the prototype samples, tools, etc. Multinazionale leader del settore industriale ricerca un Key Account Junior OE Job Requirements: University degree or equivalent education in the field of Engineering. Customer orientation, organization and coordination skills, self-initiative and ability to work under pressure communication skills Relevant IT tolls (MS Office, SAP, etc.) Fluency in English. The knowledge of German language is also appreciated. Availability to travel Sales orientation Multinazionale leader del settore industrialeOttima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 30.000 €/anno a 40.000 €/anno
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The resource, directly responding to the R & D director, will have responsibility for various aspects such as: * Firmware Development, from customer specifications, new projects, software architecture through to product testing. * Transfer of the specifications and tools to the Engineering department. * Maintainance ongoing projects for the production of firmware in accordance with the alloted time. * Preparation of technical documentation for the product. * Promotion and development of ideas, methodologies for optimization and evolution of the products and services of business development. Firmware Engineer Biomedical companyThe ideal candidate is a Firmware Engineer with solid experience in the development of firmware for microcontrollers, DSP, PIC 8/16/32 bit. The following skills are also required: * Excellent knowledge of C in embedded programming field. * Excellent product debugging capabilities and problem solving. * Good knowledge of programming languages such as VB, MFC, C ++, Python, Qt. * Good knowledge of Software Development LifeCycle. * Knowledge of interfaces such as PWM, I2C, SPI, RS232, USB. * Excellent ability to work autonously and to take the lead of a project. * Good knowledge of tools for software configuration. * Basic knowledge of image processing techniques. * Knowledge of laboratory instrumentation. * Availability to travel abroad. The candidate profile is completed by excellent communication and organizational skills, and a good knowledge of written and spoken English. Knowledge of RTOS and object oriented programming methodologies are also a plus. Biomedical companyOttima opportunità di carriera.
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Brindisi (Puglia)
Duty station: Valencia, Spain Application Deadline: 21 May 2020 * THIS IS A LOCAL POSITION FOR WHICH ONLY APPLICANTS WHO ARE SPANISH OR EUROPEAN UNION CITIZENS OR APPLICANTS WHO POSSESS A VALID RESIDENCE AND WORK PERMIT IN SPAIN ARE ELIGIBLE FOR CONSIDERATION * This is a position in UNOPS for supporting projects carried out for the United Nations Secretariat. The incumbent of this position will be a staff member of UNOPS under its full responsibility. Within the Enterprise Application Center (EAC)/ America programme, this post will report to the Information Systems Officer or his designate in the Web Services Development Group in architecting and developing Drupal websites. S/he will assist with customization or development, as well as maintainance of Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 modules and libraries; will assist with the requirements gathering and review; assist with the migration of existing websites from a variety of WCMS platforms to UN standards based Drupal 7 and 8 websites; will assist with incident and problem resolution with Drupal websites. FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Under the overall supervision of UNOPS Senior Programme Manager, the incumbent will directly work under the Information Systems Officer or his designate in New York and will be responsible for the following duties: Assist with the development and the maintenance of full-life cycle implementations of Drupal-based solutions providing support to a focus on maintainability, reliability, scalability, security, and performance. Assist the Manager with the performance of site-building activities, including assistance with creating and modifying views, contexts and blocks to match functionality specified in wireframes and designs. Provide assistance to the theme of responsive websites using Drupal version 7 and 8, and applications as per UN branding, accessibility, and multi-lingual standards. Help the Information Associate with the work related to the evaluation of user requirements, designs, and wireframes during the design and user experience phase. Support the preparation of technical documentation. Perform other duties as may be reasonably required and in line with the incumbent’s scope of services above. Impact of Results This initiative will help support the development of a continuously maintained and enhanced Drupal UN platform with a common core. It will also support the rapid delivery of new low cost features and enrich departmental websites in an Enterprise hosted environment. The initiative will also track UN website standards compliance KPI’s as part of the ICT strategy and the website governance project. Education/Experience/Language requirements Education: Completion of secondary education (High School diploma); University Degree (Bachelor's or Master's) is desirable and may substitute for some of the required number of years of experience. Required: A minimum of five years of experience in providing assistance in the design, development, implementation and maintenance of Drupal websites with a high school degree. A minimum of two years of experience in providing assistance with the development and support of Drupal 8 websites. Experience in assisting with the development of responsive websites using frameworks such as Bootstrap. Proficiency coding in PHP/HTML/CSS/JavaScript and other web development tools. Desirable: Proficiency in using Git for source control management. Experience with Agile project development and product delivery. Experience with REST API integrations Experience with MySQL and MariaDB databases. Ability to use wire-frame and modelling tools like Visio and UML. Knowledge in automated testing, automated deployment processes, and continuous integration. Knowledge of Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). Knowledge of project management methodologies such as PRINCE2. Language: Fluency in English is required for this post. Knowledge of one or more official UN languages will be considered an asset. Contract type: Staff Contract level: G5 Contract duration: One year initially, renewable subject to satisfactory performance and funding availability'
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Cerco lavoro in ambito: Area Manager, Supporto Rete Vendita e Marketing. Cerco azienda disposta a farmi iniziare un nuovo percorso commerciale con relativa formazione. SETTORE: biomedicale, dentale, metalmeccanico, alimentare e edilizia. ESPERIENZA: 10 anni in ambito commerciale biomedicale, ricoprendo diversi ruoli: Product Specialist, Product Manager e Area Manager, e Sales e Rappresentative. Sviluppato fatturati e incrementati. COMPETENZE: sviluppato marketing mix e analitico, gestione progettazione formazione rete agenti e supporto alla rete vendita. FORMAZIONE: Laurea in Economia e Management Imprese di Servizii, Master in Sales&Trade Marketing Management, Certificazione di Project Manager presso ISIPM di Roma. TIPOLOGIA CONTRATTO: tutte le forme contrattuali, si a contratto co.co.co NO P.IVA. MOBILITA’: a livello nazionale preferibilmente centro nord dell’Italia.
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Firenze (Toscana)
Il nostro progetto (CRA - Centro Ristorazione Autonomo) consiste in una nuova forma di ristorazione. In esso, il membro / cliente è data una quota in un modo diretto per il ristorante, però, escludendo pulisce. Quale è la noia causata maggiore da un pasto? Sicuramente la fase di pulizia dopo il pasto stesso. Quello che presentiamo è così strutturato: 1) dispensa a cui il socio può accedere direttamente con un cestino/carrello dove ci sono tutti i prodotti di qualità. Da essa il cliente sceglie il prodotto direttamente da cucinare e consumare all'interno del CRA; 2) un lavoratore (modello supermercato), attraverso cui il cliente dovrà pagare quanto scelto nel punto 1); 3) per ogni gruppo di clienti affidiamo una cucina indipendente attrezzata per la preparazione dei piatti con l'ausilio di un ricettario che può essere consultato anche prima della fase 1). In questa fase si ha a disposizione tutti gli strumnti e gli utensili da cucina; 4)tavolo separato e indipendente per ogni cliente già attrezzato per la consumazione del pasto preparato al punto 3); 5) cameriere per la fase di pulizia di piatti sporchi e del tavolo su richiesta diretta del cliente; 6) la possibilità di trasferimento di cibo da un tavolo all'altro, aumentando così il livello di coinvolgimento e di relazione interpersonale all'interno del CRA; Il CRA poi, oltre a proporre lo schema sopra descritto, si impegna a cercare di creare una soluzione coinvolgente diversa che permette di organizzare cene divertenti tra amici, anche se non si dispone di una casa e di aumentare le relazioni interpersonali. I prodotti saranno interamente di qualità, di filiera corta, sia in termini di alimenti che bevande e il cliente sarà messo nelle condizioni di imparare e sperimentare molti nuove ricette, senza preoccuparsi di pulizia e spendere molto meno di qualsiasi altro tipo di ristorazione. Infatti le spese (punto 2)), all'interno di un CRA per quattro persone, con carne o pesce, può arrivare fino a € 60-70, mentre in qualsiasi altro ristorante se spendono più, anche se non di più alta qualità, quasi il doppio (circa 100-120 €). Così offriamo ristorazione di qualità, dando al cliente uno spazio piacevole e dinamico, limitando i costi di gestione e il personale, e in particolare quelli del cliente. Our project consists of a new form of catering. In it, the member / customer is given a share in a direct way to the restaurant, however, by excluding it cleans. What's greater boredom caused by a meal? Surely the cleaning step after the meal itself. What we would like to present the following outlines: 1) pantry to which the member can directly access where there are all quality products. From it the customer chooses the product directly to cook and consume inside the CRA; 2) a worker (model supermarket), through which the customer shall pay than selected in step 1); 3) for each independent kitchen table equipped for the preparation of the dishes with the aid of a recipe can also be consulted before phase 1). In this phase it has available all the kitchen's waypons; 4) separate table for each customer already set up for the consummation of the meal prepared in step 3); 5) waiter for the cleaning phase of dirty dishes on request; 6) the possibility of transfer of food from one table to another, thus increasing the level of involvement of interpersonal relationship inside of the CRA; The CRA then, in addition to proposing the scheme described above, is committed to try to create a solution involving and different restaurant allowing to organize dinners fun and and interactive between friends even if you do not have a home and increase interpersonal relationships. The products will be wholly of quality both in terms of the foods that beverages and the customer will be able to learn and experience many new recipes without worrying about cleaning and spending much less than any other type of food. Indeed expenditure (point 2)) inside of a CRA for four people, with meat or fish, can reach up to € 60-70, while in a restaurant if they spend any more, though not of the highest quality, almost double (about 100-120 €). So we offer quality catering sian for foods that beverage, giving the customer a pleasant space and dynamic, limiting the costs of management and staff, and especially those of the client.
40 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This role is responsible for the management of Production and Materials Planning, Inventory Control and Planning, Sales and Operations Planning, Warehouse Operations and Logistics. This position will work with Manufacturing, Quality, Finance, Sales & Project management and other relevant functional teams at the site. The Supply Chain Head must be able to negotiate and implement lean processes by developing creative solutions and forward-looking strategies and must have demonstrated ability to lead through influence. In collaboration with site teams, develop processes and Key Performance Indicating metrics, utilizing the ERP system to provide timely visibility and tracking of materials and finished goods status across the supply chain. The main responsabilities are:Direct the work of the Master Schedulers, providing expertise and assisting functional leads in identifying risks and evaluating capacities required to support production, storage and other capacities.Maintain best practice KPI metrics and dashboard(s) to measure site execution, customer service and performance of Supply Chain processes.Ensures the management of the introduction and obsolescence of materials throughout product life cycle. Positively affects cash flow and cost of goods by consistently maintaining costing accuracy, supporting the order execution process and managing inventories.Continual and transparent communication with peers to determine the status of assigned projects. Expedites operations, including all functional groups, to prevent delay of schedules. Alters schedules through the Sales and Operations Planning to meet unforeseen conditions.Utilizes a collaborative and consensus approach to ensure customer needs are well represented and met.Manage the team providing professional guidance in terms of performance appraisals and team empowermentPerforms other job duties as required. Supply Chain Head - Multinational API companysupply chain - multinationalTo perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Education and/or Experience Minimum 5 years' experience in turning around supply chain organizationsDegree required: Bachelors, preferred: Masters or MBA focused in Supply Chain, Business Management, Finance, EngineeringFamiliarity with Supply Chain concepts, Import/Export rules, transportation and warehousing requirementsMust be organized, possess time management skills, have the ability to deal with ambiguity and be able to manage changing priorities. Leads, motivates, and develops direct reports and peers.Possesses excellent communication, analytical, problem solving and decision making skills.Ability to perform work under general direction and normal business pressuresVery good English Knowledge Preferred ExperienceKnowledge/experience with SAP ERP system or comparable ERP systems.Previous process manufacturing and planning experience.Pharmaceutical environment or similarAPICS certification & Lean Six Sigma Certification as a plusClear understanding of Supply Chain Best PracticesAbility to work and succeed in a global environment and people management Our client is an important American multinational company that deals with active pharmaceutical ingredients. We are looking for 2 Supply Chain Head figures for 2 Italian sites in the north-west Milan area and south-west Milan.Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Technical Architect will be involved in responsibility for designing complex systems within IT from concept to strategy in alignment with business needs. Brings forward innovative and leading technical ideas that fit the Company strategy. Role:Defining micro services Defining and developing message driven workflow Working collaboratively with multidisciplinary teams with a focus on delivery Translate business and feature requirements into technical specifications Communicating complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders Building effective relationships with a wide range of technical peers Evaluating technologies for their appropriateness to proposed solutions, including assessing their strategic and/or tactical benefit to the product or wider department Managing relationships and team working Interessante realtà leader nel suo settoreProgetto internazionaleEssential - Degree or bachelor qualified preferably in IT sciences Preferred the TOGAF certification Preferred experience in Retail/GDO Market or in consultancy industry used to work with retail Market Ability to think strategically and evaluate options in the short, medium and long term Good technical knowledges Analytical thinking Strategic thinking Communication at all levels Location: Nord MilanoOur client is an important multinational company active in Retail/GDO Market. For an important international project, we are looking for a: IT Technical Architect - Temporary Contract Manager Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione Are you always the local guide, restaurant-picker and hotel connoisseur in your friend circle? Is traveling in your blood? Feels like you and Majorel should have a talk! Is traveling what makes you talk? And on top of that, you love to help people out? Let’s combine spirits and join our team as a travel and tourism success agent! Who we are: We’re Majorel. We design, deliver and differentiate customer experience on behalf of some of the world’s most respected brands. At Majorel we serve customers accross the world. We support them at any time, through every device and in the manner they expect from their brands. We speak their language wherever they are and whatever their culture. At Majorel we combine the best of people, technology and innovation to deliver real value to our clients. We are committed and we believe in equal opportunities between men and women. In the same way, our offered positions are open to people with disabilities. We ensure compliance and all prevention regulations are met, guaranteeing the care for our people’s health and safety both at our facilities and teleworking. Our mission: We create amazing customer experiences that people value and we are proud of. By combining talent, data, and technology. We deliver real impact for our partners. We are driven to go further. Your Responsibilities: •Providing superb support the way you would want to be treated during your vacation! •Inform your customers about the products and services the project provides, and make sure this also includes their policies and processes in a friendly manner •Be aware of current traveling destinations and holiday trends •Evaluate problems and complaints of the callers and provide proper solutions to them (chat, e-mail, phone calls) Your profile: •Excellent communication skills & high focus on customer satisfaction •Excellent language skills (at least C1) in Italian and English, both spoken and written •Customer service-orientated and a high focus on customer satisfaction •Strong administration and organization skills •Keen eye for detail to ensure high accuracy •Very good PC skills •Availability to work on shifts •Team work •A previous experience in Customer Service or similar business is a plus (B2B) Our offer: •Starting paid training path •Continuous improvement and product training •Modern and multinational working environment at an attractive location in Milan with good public transport connection •Excellent reputation as responsible employer •Welcoming and inclusive environment •Shift system (from Monday to Sunday from 7am to 11 pm; festivities included) •Work is performed in our facilities and in teleworking •Belonging to a great international company where you will constantly be learning
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione DESCRIPTION Majorel is now Teleperformance. Together, we can further refine our digital service offerings to help the world's leading brands operate with greater agility and adaptability to master their future. A core Teleperformance commitment is to position top talent for success in this new chapter. We believe that it's the people who make both companies genuinely exceptional and the combined organization will offer significant career development opportunities all around the world. Are you ready to explore a whole new world of vast opportunities? We're glad to meet you. Apply today! For an important partner in the cosmetics industry, L'Oréal Group, we are looking for brilliant resources to be included as Customer Service employees. The ideal candidate has a strong orientation towards the achievement of objectives, excellent interpersonal skills and shows a propensity to manage telephone contact. Responsibilities Management of consumer requests relating to Information and Complaints through different channels (i.e. live chat, phone, emails, webforms, Social 1:1) by providing excellent solution, service, product and beauty advice in a professional, precise and timely manner. Requirements Must have * Excellent communication skills, empathy b'&' high focus on customer satisfaction * Customer orientation, problem solving skills, teamwork * Native language skills in French or at least C1 level knowledge * English at least B2 (written, spoken and read) * Good IT skills - required competence and speed in the use of tools to report interactions * Availability to work on shifts Nice to have * Prior experience in Cosmetics and Luxury sector is preferential * Knowledge and experience with digital and social media * Previous experience in Customer Service What we offer * Competitive salary and benefits * Flexible shift system * Stable multinational company with an international and diverse environment * Possibility of internal growth * Work/live in Milan, one of the world fashion cities and gateway to one of the most beautiful countries in the world * Convenient work location with excellent public transport connections * Remote working according to project needs; it is mandatory to be within 100 km from our office in Milan while working from home * Feel Good Program to create a better work environment for our people and focus on their wellbeing and engagement If you like to be part of this great journey and growing opportunities, please join us in a vibrant, multi-cultural city center environment. Explore you career possibilities and work on your Personal Development. Above all, enjoy the experience of working with this highly prestigious brand L'Oréal Group! Equal opportunities At Majorel we are committed to equal opportunities between men and women. In the same way, our offered positions can be developed by people with disabilities. We guarantee compliance with preven
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