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Project planner cost

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        Project Manager (Impianti Fotovoltaici) Per azienda operante nel settore delle Energie Rinnovabili ricerchiamo un PROJECT MANAGER con il compito di pianificare e supervisionare l'implementazione di impianti fotovoltaici su larga scala seguendo l'intero processo dall'autorizzazione e/o acquisizione alla gestione e consegna al Team O&M e rappresentando il punto di riferimento di tutti gli attori coinvolti nel progetto. ResponsabilitàNello specifico, la risorsa dovrà: - Definire budget e programma di implementazione di ogni progetto e monitorarne la realizzazione; - Coordinare con il responsabile di H&S il rispetto delle norme di sicurezza; - Supportare attivamente il Team Leader e l'Ufficio Legale durante le negoziazioni di contratti e subappalti EPC; - Coordinare con il Site Manager l'esecuzione del progetto garantendo una consegna del progetto conforme agli standard di qualità aziendali; - Definire con l'ufficio acquisti e logistica e l'ufficio tecnico il piano di approvvigionamento e monitorare l'approvvigionamento in corso e la consegna al sito delle apparecchiature fornite; - Gestire appaltatori e fornitori durante la costruzione dei progetti; - Gestire i contratti EPC e subappalti durante la fase di implementazione, inclusi, a titolo esemplificativo, la definizione e la gestione degli ordini di cambiamento, le approvazioni dei pagamenti, ecc.; - Coordinare e monitorare con Cost Controlling i costi e i pagamenti del progetto; - Identificare i subappaltatori e fornire supporto proattivo nelle trattative di subappalto; - Monitorare lo stato di avanzamento dei lavori individuando effettivi vs pianificati attraverso reportistica dettagliata sia interna che al cliente, identificazione di eventuali scostamenti e misure correttive; - Partecipare alle riunioni in loco con i responsabili (del cantiere, del cliente, dei lavori, della sicurezza); - Coordinarsi con Team Leader e vari reparti interni per segnalare con puntualità e precisione lo stato di avanzamento della realizzazione del progetto; - Pianificare e coordinare con Site Manager e Commissioning Manager commissioning e avviamento; - Trattare con le Autorità e le Utilità competenti in materia di autorizzazione, connessione alla rete e supervisione della conformità normativa. Requisiti: - Laurea in ingegneria (preferibilmente elettrica, civile o meccanica); - Ottima conoscenza dell'inglese; - Almeno 5 anni di esperienza nella gestione di impianti fotovoltaici su larga scala; - Conoscenza del diritto edilizio italiano, iter autorizzativo degli impianti fotovoltaici, codice di connessione alla rete (MT/AT) e processo di attuazione (Richiesta di connessione alla rete, STMG, STMD ecc..); - Conoscenza degli strumenti di pianificazione come MS Project e del pacchetto Office; - Familiarità con lo strumento SharePoint; - Rigorosa attenzione ai dettagli, etica del lavoro, responsabilità personale, proprietà del prodotto di lavoro e capacità organizzative; - Disponibilità a viaggiare Costituiranno un plus: - La conoscenza del tedesco - L'esperienza pregressa in impianti fotovoltaici di grandi dimensioni (+20MW); - L'esperienza internazionale; Sede di Lavoro in loco (cantiere) Retribuzione Commisurata alla seniority Per ulteriori informazioni e per potersi candidare, scrivere a marco.migliaccio@quojobis.it
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        Per importante Azienda operante nel settore dell'edilizia industriale ricerchiamo un/una Planner per nuovo cantiere di revamping. La risorsa risponderà al Project Manager e si occuperà di: - Pianificare e organizzare l'intero processo, dalla definizione delle risorse necessarie alla programmazione dell'approvvigionamento e alla pianificazione delle attività; - Controllo del piano produttivo mediante il confronto con il Cost Controller; - ottimizzare la pianificazione dell'intero processo produttivo (scadenze, quantità e qualità); - Individuazione delle date cardine per il rispetto del contratto e per il rispetto di quanto pianificato; - Sviluppo del programma lavori per fornitore, in conformità con il programma generale, necessario per le richieste di acquisto; - Seguire tempestivamente l'evolversi del progetto secondo quanto previsto in procedura; - Valutare eventuali scostamenti, prevedere soluzioni correttive o migliorative; - redazione della reportistica mensile di controllo di progetto; L'Azienda desidera entrare in contatto con ingegneri civili che abbiano maturato almeno 3 anni di esperienza presso società di costruzione o di manutenzione industriale. E' richiesta la conoscenza dei seguenti strumenti informatici: pacchetto MS Office, MS Project, Primavera. La sede di lavoro è a Taranto.
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        Per importante Azienda operante nel settore dell'edilizia industriale ricerchiamo un/una Cost Controller per nuovo cantiere di revamping. La risorsa si occuperà di: - gestione del processo di cost control della commessa, valutandone i costi in funzione dei materiali utilizzati e delle tempistiche da rispettare. - pianificazione del budget di commessa e analisi degli eventuali scostamenti - Controllo del piano produttivo mediante il confronto con il Planner; - redazione della reportistica mensile; L'Azienda desidera entrare in contatto con ingegneri civili che abbiano maturato almeno 3 anni di esperienza presso società di costruzione o di manutenzione industriale come controller costi.. E' richiesta una buona competenza informatiai: pacchetto MS Office e SW specifici per l'analisi costi. La sede di lavoro è a Taranto.
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        Cagliari (Sardegna)
        The Role: We are currently seeking a Project Manager to join our team based in Paris. This is an exciting opportunity for someone who is looking to become part of a hardworking, forward thinking and growing business. With the opportunity to develop your career. JOB RESPONSIBILITIES Client Management 1. Build and sustain strong relationships with all company’s department. 1. Work as a liaison between the client’s design agencies and other client’s representatives, build a relationship with leading contacts. 2. Establish and maintain a strong client relationship. Act as a point of contact for client personnel assigned to project within your control. 3. Keep abreast of trends in the retail market and how they may affect the client. Be commercially aware and responsive to client needs. 4. Attend client and supplier tours as required. Assist the Account Director with mock-up and bid phases for all technical aspect. 5. Be able to troubleshoot issues and keep the client updated on any corrective action. Project Management 1. Own and be responsible for ensuring that all projects are managed in a professional manner. 2. Work directly with clients to develop and define projects from the beginning through to project end, taking responsibility for their successful delivery. 3. Manage the delivery of projects, producing the required deliverables including budget, time constraints and quality requirements. Manage critical paths according to the clients’ launch schedule and knowledge of the internal production and the construction site 4. Implement and maintain Project Reports focusing on TIME/COST/QUALITY, Provide status report to Company / Client / Suppliers on a weekly basis, either 1:1 or via conference call. 5. Manage design for projects within your control, manage the approval process. 6. Advise and implement service supply appointments including tender selection and documentation etc. 7. Arrange and attend pre-production meetings with suppliers, client and production technician. Ensure any concerns are discussed. 8. Work with on-site site manager to ensure site production Information Management 1. Successfully communicate production issues to/from the company and work effectively with the on-site and production department. 2. Raise any issues whether client, production or team related, to the Account Director. Team Management 1. Be positive and calming influence in the team and ensure that team members maintain a professional attitude. 2. Assist the Director to mentor and train new team members. 3. Build a strong relationship with the extended team. 4. Buddy team members for holiday and sickness. QUALIFICATIONS / REQUIREMENTS Degree educated in an appropriate field of study Have up to 3+ years of experience Experience of Retail and Residential industry sectors are desirable Knowledge and experience of using Microsoft Office suite, AutoCAD and MS Project Ability to work flexibly with strong organisational skills to manage workload Innovative and adaptable to change with a professional and dedicated attitude Possess strong communication skills and can consistently offer an excellent standard of customer care Strong organisational skills along with ability to multi-task Good attention to detail A team player, with an efficient and proactive approach. TRAINING AND BENEFITS We believe in professional and personal growth and support this through training, sponsorships and apprenticeships at all stages of your career, with access to; 1. Cross-sector experience 2. Professional development training 3. Flexible but structured career path 4. Friendly working environment 5. Open communication with Senior Management
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        Italia (Tutte le città)
        L'HR Cost Controller, rispondendo direttamente all'HR Manager, dovrà occuparsi di: Gestione, analisi e monitoraggio dei costi industriali e del C/H lavorata;Gestione, analisi e monitoraggio dei costi di staff e dei costi di struttura interni alla funzione HR;Forecasting/budgeting e gestione delle chiusure mensili e analisi degli scostamenti vs budget (actual-forecast vs budget);Monitoraggio dell'analisi dei KPI (turnover, malattia, lavoro straordinario, ferie, ecc.) in termini di piano, prestazioni e variazioni;Preparazione rapporti mensili e accurati sui costi del personale, organici e contrattualistica;Gestione e aggiornamento di report mensili da condividere con le direzioni Controllo di gestione e HR al fine di garantire l'allineamento all'interno dei processiMantenimento dell'accuratezza dei sistemi HR attraverso il controllo mensile e l'aggiornamento delle variazioni dei costi del personale;Mbo e compensation benefits: preparazione delle politiche aziendali sulla valutazione delle performance e criteri di compensation, valutazione e individuazione delle leve incentivanti più adatteSupporto alla funzione pre sales relative al costo del lavoro per le operazioni straordinarie (clausola sociale, cambi di appalto, acquisizione societarie)Analisi delle necessità e ottimizzazione delle interfacce dei sistemi HR e PayrollMultinazionale leader nel settore dei servizi con sede a TorinoRicerca un HR Cost ControllerL'HR Cost Controller dovrà avere le seguenti caratteristiche:Esperienza di almeno 3/4 anni nel ruolo in aziende strutturateBuona conoscenza degli aspetti giuridico normativi del costo del lavoro e dei processi di PayrollLaurea in discipline scientifiche (Economia, Ingegneria gestionale, Matematica, ecc)Profilo analitico, abituato ed appassionato a lavorare con numeri e datiOttima conoscenza di ExcelBuone capacità relazionali e comunicativeCapacità di analisi, problem solving, orientamento al risultato, flessibilitàCapacità organizzative e di pianificazioneAttitudine al project management e al lavoro in gruppo. Multinazionale leader nel settore dei servizi (Customer Management), con sede a Torino, ricerca un profili di HR Cost Controller da inserire direttamente presso la propria struttura.Ottima opportunità di carriera. Località di lavoro: Torino Ral: 35k/45kSalario da 35.000 €/anno a 45.000 €/anno
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        Torino (Piemonte)
        KanberSrl, società di ingegneria ricerca un JR CONNECTIVITY PLANNER La risorsa avrà la responsabilità di: • Pianificazione di tutti i componenti di connettività (lato SW & HW e implementazione delle loro funzionalità) integrati nei veicoli a livello globale (EMEA, APAC, LATAM, NAFTA) • Mitigazione del rischio dovuto al sovra uso (budget upgrade) o al sotto uso (unused budget) delle risorse messe a disposizione per le attività • Product Cost & Capex Optimization: definizione dei tempi e gestione del processo di integrazione dei componenti di Connectivity nel piano di sviluppo del veicolo per ciascuna piattaforma Il candidato/a ideale presenta i seguenti requisiti: • Laurea in Ingegneria Gestionale o Economia Aziendale e affini • Gradita esperienza come planner nel settore automotive • Ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese • Ottima conoscenza di excel Completano il profilo, buone doti relazionali, problem solving, doti organizzative e orientamento al risultato Sede di lavoro: Torino Gli interessati ambosessi (L.903/77) possono inviare la propria candidatura, allegandovi l’autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi D.Lgs 196/03.
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        Italia (Tutte le città)
        Rolleri Cultura d’Impresa ricerca e seleziona GB1199 – PRODUCTION PLANNER – CARPENTERIA METALLICA Per importante carpenteria sita in provincia di Milano (MI) – zona Sud REQUISITI RICHIESTI - diploma tecnico di geometra o perito -Esperienza, anche breve, maturata nel ruolo -Ottime conoscenze di MS project -Ottime conoscenze Excel -Buone conoscenze pacchetto office -Buone conoscenze di disegno tecnico Autocad 2D e 3D ATTIVITÀ ASSEGNATE Il candidato scelto, rispondendo al Coordinatore della direzione, si occuperà di: - Coadiuvare i project manager di commessa per opere di carpenteria metallica; - Elaborare il programma lavori generale e di commessa con diagramma di Gantt tramite il software dedicato; - Monitorare e controllare la programmazione della progettazione, l’approvvigionamento dei materiali per la produzione in officina, per il trattamento superficiale e la consegna dei prodotti in cantiere; - Redigere la contabilità SAL mensile attiva e passiva di commessa. È previsto inserimento diretto in azienda e retribuzione allineata alle competenze. Prego inviare candidature solo se in possesso dei requisiti necessari. I candidati ambosessi sono invitati a leggere l’informativa sulla privacy sul sito di Rolleri Cultura d’Impresa.
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        Italia (Tutte le città)
        LA RISORSA UMANA.IT SRL Divisione Recruitment ricerca Si ricerca per azienda del settore informatico un JUNIOR PLANNER La figura ricercata dovrà occuparsi delle seguenti attività: • Coordinamento e supporto alla definizione dei piani di sviluppo componenti (tempi e costi) • Supporto al team tecnico interno nell'interfacciamento con i Fornitori per la fase di fattibilità e applicazione dei componenti sul veicolo • Redazione di Reporting (tempi e costi) • Monitoraggio avanzamento progetto con indicazione delle azioni correttive • Supporto alla definizione dei KPI dei vari progetti di sviluppo affrontati • Definizione di budget e forecast • Implementazione dei sistemi aziendali in ambito collaborativo • Definizioni di procedure e flussi funzionali all'eventuale ottenimento di una Pre-compliance SPICE Il candidato prescelto possiede: -Laurea in ingegneria gestionale - 1-2 anni di esperienza nel ruolo e nel settore - buona conoscenza della definizione di budget e forecast - esperienza pregressa nell’implementazione dei sistemi aziendali - approccio collaborativo - propensione al problem solving - ottime capacità organizzative; - Capacità a lavorare in team anche in situazioni di stress e delicate. Luogo di lavoro: provincia di Reggio Emilia Autorizzazione Min. e Iscrizione Albo Agenzie per il Lavoro Prot. 0004 del 22/01/2018-Sez.1 Somministrazione di tipo generalista. Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03. I candidati sono invitati ad Inviare il proprio CV e a leggere sul sito www.larisorsaumana.it l’informativa sulla Privacy (GDPR 679/2016).
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        Italia (Tutte le città)
        B4Y SAGL is a software house company based in Switzerland offering different services for web projects, ERP integrations, blockchain solutions including: system analysis and requirements definition, ad-hoc software development integration and testing. For our growing team based in Chiasso we are looking for the following profile: JOB DESCRIPTION: The full-stack developer will be introduced into the current team and for the assigned internal and customer’s projects will be responsible for the development of: - API and database structure; - Backend interface; - Front-end interface; - Custom plugins; Regular reporting of the assigned project: time, cost and deliverable. REQUIREMENTS: - Degree in Information Technology or equivalent; - Minimum 2 years of experience within a similar role in another company; - Knowledge of relational databases. MSSQL will be a plus; - Advanced knowledge of a server-side language: PHP and/or C#. Other programming languages will be a plus; - Advanced knowledge of JavaScript or other scripting language. - Knowledge of HTML / CSS; - Willing to work in a small company and ability to set own deadline and work unsupervised; - Italian as a first language, good written and spoken English. Other languages will be a plus. We are looking forward to receiving your online application at hr@b4y.ch. Information for recruiters: B4Y SAGL does not accept applications from recruiters for this position. Thank you for your understanding.
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        Lecce (Puglia)
        Position Overview Key Responsibilities •Ensure the organization, scheduling, implementation and monitoring of the project RAMS and V&V activities and ensure compliance with project budget, schedule and quality requirements; •Lead and coordinate the different railway safety contributors working on the Program or Project for the relevant scope; •Represent the company and the project towards third parties for the RAMS related topics; •Ensure the system safety and reliability requirements being responsible and accountable for design solutions against safety objectives; •Ensure the proper RAMS competence project staffing including staff provided by third parties such as consultants; •Ensure and be accountable for the execution, verification, submission and approval of all project RAMS and V&V activities and deliverables, interfacing the main project stakeholders including subcontractors, suppliers, internal departments, and third parties; •Ensure the execution and the sharing of communication to the project team of the following activities: •Workload management with periodic workload updates and analysis of deviations; •Critical path management and alignment of RAMS schedule with project master schedule, to avoid unplanned interruption of activities in RAMS stream; •Proactive risk management for early detection of cost, schedule, technical and resource issues and proposal of recovery plans; •V&V activities and the definition of the relevant budget; •Ensure the safety assessment (ISA) certification. •Support preparation of offers and proposal related to RAMS activities. •Ensure the provision of schedule and cost constrains to relevant Product, Required Knowledge & Skills •Bachelor degree in electric or electronic engineering; •More than 8 years of experience as RAM, Safety and Verification and Validation engineer; •Must have proven work experience within unconventional resources and have a thorough understanding of all aspects within man
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        Italia (Tutte le città)
        Main Accountabilities: Support the Key account Manager AO (EMEA + APAC) in the implementation of the customer strategies (prepare operative sales plans, lost order analysis, review contracts to ensure that the negotiated terms are followed and fulfilled, prepare and maintain the relevant documentation) Provide an ongoing support to the customers as regards all technical issues and ensure high quality customer service (follow-up of orders, customer visits, cost/revenue analysis in cooperation with the project controlling, prepare and conduct the customer presentations) Support the KAM AO in the liaison between the customers and the internal departments, processing the customer complaints and initiate improvements (e.g. initiation of new product concepts in the R&D department). Provide support in preparation of the price/cost analyses as well as the operational sales planning Provide support to KAM in the preparation of the price negotiations for the new projects, in cooperation with the project controlling during the offer/development phase. Support the customer projects from a technical as well as commercial perspective from the initial phase until delivery in regards to budget, deadlines, respect of payments due dates, etc. Support in preparation of the negotiations regarding the product modifications and prices during the production phase within given limits. Support the KAM AO in the market researches of the competitors´ activities and products Support KAM in performing timely invoicing/billing for the prototype samples, tools, etc. Multinazionale leader del settore industriale ricerca un Key Account Junior OE Job Requirements: University degree or equivalent education in the field of Engineering. Customer orientation, organization and coordination skills, self-initiative and ability to work under pressure communication skills Relevant IT tolls (MS Office, SAP, etc.) Fluency in English. The knowledge of German language is also appreciated. Availability to travel Sales orientation Multinazionale leader del settore industrialeOttima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 30.000 €/anno a 40.000 €/anno
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        Italia (Tutte le città)
        Leading the development and implementation of global and local category strategies in IT by addressing the relevant category's total spend and supplier base and considering all potential levers to reduce cost and drive improved performance including demand and specification management. Continuously reviewing the relevant supply market to understand best industry practice and ensure that Group is best positioned to maximise its business opportunities and minimise its business risk. Leading the identification and delivery of cost savings opportunities, prioritising and maintaining a pipeline of procurement initiatives within that category by working with key Group stakeholders and leveraging on best practices across different geographies. Leading global negotiations and supporting/supervising other negotiations managed by the local teams by providing category knowledge and where required setting negotiation targets and co-ordinating/representing Group input into local negotiations. By working with Group Legal teams ensuring that awarded agreements are correctly formalised with suppliers and that the contract is accurately registered in the relevant contract management system. Fully utilising Group's eProcurement tools and capability (e-RFPs, e-auctions, workflow management and reporting). When called upon running complex and high-value competitive sourcing competitions in end to end compliance with Group's procurement policy and processes. Leading and managing the appropriate commercial interface with a range of major global IT suppliers including tier 1 & 2 suppliers in accordance with Group's supplier management approach. Adopting a holistic commercial approach encompassing the entire spend/activity profile with the supplier including the leveraging of commitment controls to ensure compliance with contract and compliance with the supplier as a preferred source. Identifying the commercial benefit (e.g. cost reductions & process improvements) opportunities arising from those supplier relationships. Projecting those opportunities and leading the resulting commercial supplier interaction at group levelLeading innovative service provider - HQ Milano Ovest Global IT Category Manager scope EMEAAt least 5 years' experience developing category strategies, running substantive sourcing events and managing the commercial elements arising from contract implementation, amendments, extensions with a nominated range of IT suppliers.Experience working in multinational environments and matrix organisations.Experience of using management information from ERP and Purchasing systemsStrong negotiating skills and a deep knowledge of the key contractual elements affecting the commercial relationships with third parties.Excellent interpersonal skills and an ability to work with and influence suppliers and internal stakeholders at the highest levelExperience in project management and ability to implement and lead cross-functional and/or virtual teams Leading innovative service provider - HQ MilanoOvestChallenging role in a multinational and dynamic context
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        Italia (Tutte le città)
        Leading the development and implementation of global and local category strategies in Facilities and other services by addressing the relevant categories' total spend and supplier base and considering all potential levers to reduce cost and drive improved performance including demand and specification management. Continuously reviewing the relevant supply market to understand best industry practice and ensure that Group is best positioned to maximise its business opportunities and minimise its business risk. Leading the identification and delivery of cost savings opportunities, prioritising and maintaining a pipeline of procurement initiatives within that category by working with key Group stakeholders and leveraging on best practices across different geographies. Leading global negotiations and supporting/supervising other negotiations managed by the local teams by providing category knowledge and where required setting negotiation targets and co-ordinating/representing Group input into local negotiations. By working with Group Legal teams ensuring that awarded agreements are correctly formalised with suppliers and that the contract is accurately registered in the relevant contract management system. Fully utilising Group's eProcurement tools and capability (e-RFPs, e-auctions, workflow management and reporting). When called upon running complex and high-value competitive sourcing competitions in end to end compliance with Group's procurement policy and processes. Leading and managing the appropriate commercial interface with a range of major global and local suppliers in Facilties and other services including tier 1 & 2 suppliers in accordance with Group's supplier management approach. Adopting a holistic commercial approach encompassing the entire spend/activity profile with the supplier including the leveraging of commitment controls to ensure compliance with contract and compliance with the supplier as a preferred source. Identifying the commercial benefit (e.g. cost reductions & process improvements) opportunities arising from those supplier relationships. Projectising those opportunities and leading the resulting commercial supplier interaction at group level. Leading innovative service provider - HQ Milano OvestGlobal Category Manager Services scope EMEAAt least 5 years' experience developing category strategies in Facilities and Consultancy related services, running substantive sourcing events and managing the commercial elements arising from contract implementation, amendments, extensions with a nominated range of suppliers. Experience working in multinational environments and matrix organizations. Experience of using management information from ERP and Purchasing systems Strong negotiating skills and a deep knowledge of the key contractual elements affecting the commercial relationships with third parties. Excellent interpersonal skills and an ability to work with and influence suppliers and internal stakeholders at the highest level Experience in project management and ability to implement and lead cross-functional and/or virtual teams Strong analytical and communication skills Creativity, innovation, problem solving and ability to challenge conventional thinking A willingness and ability to work with the minimum of supervision Educated to degree/post graduate level CIPS (Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply) or similar qualification will be valued Fluent in English. Additionally Spanish, French or Italian with be valued Leading innovative service provider - HQ Milano OvestGreat opportunity in a corporate and new role for the Group
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        Brindisi (Puglia)
        Duty station: Valencia, Spain Application Deadline: 21 May 2020 * THIS IS A LOCAL POSITION FOR WHICH ONLY APPLICANTS WHO ARE SPANISH OR EUROPEAN UNION CITIZENS OR APPLICANTS WHO POSSESS A VALID RESIDENCE AND WORK PERMIT IN SPAIN ARE ELIGIBLE FOR CONSIDERATION * This is a position in UNOPS for supporting projects carried out for the United Nations Secretariat. The incumbent of this position will be a staff member of UNOPS under its full responsibility. Within the Enterprise Application Center (EAC)/ America programme, this post will report to the Information Systems Officer or his designate in the Web Services Development Group in architecting and developing Drupal websites. S/he will assist with customization or development, as well as maintainance of Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 modules and libraries; will assist with the requirements gathering and review; assist with the migration of existing websites from a variety of WCMS platforms to UN standards based Drupal 7 and 8 websites; will assist with incident and problem resolution with Drupal websites. FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Under the overall supervision of UNOPS Senior Programme Manager, the incumbent will directly work under the Information Systems Officer or his designate in New York and will be responsible for the following duties: Assist with the development and the maintenance of full-life cycle implementations of Drupal-based solutions providing support to a focus on maintainability, reliability, scalability, security, and performance. Assist the Manager with the performance of site-building activities, including assistance with creating and modifying views, contexts and blocks to match functionality specified in wireframes and designs. Provide assistance to the theme of responsive websites using Drupal version 7 and 8, and applications as per UN branding, accessibility, and multi-lingual standards. Help the Information Associate with the work related to the evaluation of user requirements, designs, and wireframes during the design and user experience phase. Support the preparation of technical documentation. Perform other duties as may be reasonably required and in line with the incumbent’s scope of services above. Impact of Results This initiative will help support the development of a continuously maintained and enhanced Drupal UN platform with a common core. It will also support the rapid delivery of new low cost features and enrich departmental websites in an Enterprise hosted environment. The initiative will also track UN website standards compliance KPI’s as part of the ICT strategy and the website governance project. Education/Experience/Language requirements Education: Completion of secondary education (High School diploma); University Degree (Bachelor's or Master's) is desirable and may substitute for some of the required number of years of experience. Required: A minimum of five years of experience in providing assistance in the design, development, implementation and maintenance of Drupal websites with a high school degree. A minimum of two years of experience in providing assistance with the development and support of Drupal 8 websites. Experience in assisting with the development of responsive websites using frameworks such as Bootstrap. Proficiency coding in PHP/HTML/CSS/JavaScript and other web development tools. Desirable: Proficiency in using Git for source control management. Experience with Agile project development and product delivery. Experience with REST API integrations Experience with MySQL and MariaDB databases. Ability to use wire-frame and modelling tools like Visio and UML. Knowledge in automated testing, automated deployment processes, and continuous integration. Knowledge of Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). Knowledge of project management methodologies such as PRINCE2. Language: Fluency in English is required for this post. Knowledge of one or more official UN languages will be considered an asset. Contract type: Staff Contract level: G5 Contract duration: One year initially, renewable subject to satisfactory performance and funding availability'
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        Italia (Tutte le città)
        The Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) is an international non-profit organisation seeking to recruit a Works Supervisor to cover the North Area of Italy. The post is responsible for the supervisory, execution and co-ordination of structural work within the geographical region allocated. Primary task is ensuring that cemeteries and memorials are properly maintained to the standards as specified by the Commission as efficiently and economically as possible and supports the Regional Manager, Southern Europe in all aspects when required. About the Role:  Preparation, coordination and completion of all maintenance and project work within the CWGC as directed. To ensure we comply with all aspects of building and conservation law including the sourcing of all necessary authorisations and permits. To help develop our long-term maintenance and conservation strategy.  To provide high-level technical and professional surveying advice for MA, to ensure the continuous development of the Area’s long-term maintenance and conservation strategy. To inspect, survey and assess the condition of our complete estate in order to guide and influence the operational output of the MA Operations Department is delivered to the Commission’s standards and in a cost-effective manner.  Manage the implementation of corporate Health and Safety Policies including the adoption of safe working practices, taking appropriate action to enable supervision and monitoring to manage the areas risks effectively.  Responsible for the operational requirement of our fleet in Italy  Responsible for managing the production, authorisation and monitoring of the monthly accounts in accordance with corporate accounting practices, within agreed delegated regional budget and financial delegated authority per transaction.  Where responsible, supervision of Works staff and contractors to ensure they deliver work as directed. Ensures that the work is carried out safely, to Commission’s standard, to cost and within agreed timescale.  Developing of Conservation Management Plans and/or Management plans for all budget funded projects.  Monitor standards, conduct and provide coaching and assistance when required to motivate staff to give their best. Promotes talent and staff development whilst dealing effectively with poor performance.  Inspect cemeteries, memorials and associated buildings. Prepare Condition survey reports and ensure that the Works standards of the Commission are met  Prepare contract documentation and issue tenders for manager acceptance. Monitor the work of contractors and report progress to the manager. Work with external engineers, architects and surveyors for the design and construction of major or specialist projects  Contribute to our Operations department in terms of policy, strategy and recommend action plans to carry out project’s works, providing professional advice to the management on issues connected with the Works programme and operations.  Recommend action plans and submitting estimates to the Regional Manager, working directly with suppliers  Liaise with Local Authorities to obtain permissions to carry out cycle maintenance in their cemeteries. outside the boundaries of Commission sites, for Highways control and the like, including new building projects  Deal with Horticultural staff, collecting information and providing assistance for small routine maintenance or works carried out by external contractors  Represent the CWGC with local authorities when delegated by the Regional Manager  Compilation and maintenance of management information About you:  Bachelor’s in Building or Master’s degree in Architecture, Conservation Management or Construction Engineering or equivalent qualification/experience and ability to demonstrate thorough experience/background in operational planning, technical projects and architecture/engineering.  Technical knowledge and experience from the construction sector. Knowledge/ experience in conservation is an advantage.  At least five years’ work experience in team management in a works environment  Knowledge of Italian legislation around building planning permission  Knowledge of surveying best practices  Knowledge of natural stone is an asset  Excellent communication skills and leadership qualities  Good command of written and spoken English language, in addition to high level of literacy in Italian  Knowledge of Health and Safety best practices  Project Management skills and ability to accurately interpret construction drawings  IT literate with excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office applications and AutoCAD  Staff Management skills including reliability and confidentiality  Ability to prepare technical reports and inspection reports of structures and properties, as well as preparation of detailed specifications for small projects  Driving license Hours of Work: Full-time (35 hours per week Monday to Friday) Salary: Salary – Circa €33.353,28 gross per annum, dependent upon skills and experience, plus a 13th and 14th monthly salary Travel: Frequent travel within Italy and ad-hoc travel within the Mediterranean Area Other Benefits: Lunch Vouchers, Supplementary Pension Fund, Supplementary Healthcare Fund How to Apply: Please visit our website www.cwgc.org/about-us/careers and select the Works Supervisor, North Italy position and see the instructions on how to apply. You will then need to click and compete the application form. Kindly send the completed application form, together with your C.V and covering letter in English to ma.careers@cwgc.org. Closing Date: 3rd July 2020.
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