Reference line
Elenco delle migliori vendite reference line

Chieti (Abruzzo)
Servizio posate argento 800,pezzi 31,6 forchette,6 coltelli, 6 cucchiaia,6 forchette frutta,6 coltelli frutta,1 mestolo, firmati calegaro,azienda leader nel settore argenteria e con la passione di ricercare i particolari del designer, gr tot.2,221,7, vendo ¤ 2,287,00,allego scatola e garanzia delle mie gioiellerie. no email. solo chiamate. 136 trusted checkout top review / recensioni top best price/quality for condition world miglior rapporto qualita prezzo per condizioni best price world / miglior prezzo del mondo per condizioni instagram massimiliano_massaro follow me 7800 followers facebook 3 profile two full massimiliano massaro 20000 contacts with gerarda sarni on facebook mother of massimiliano massaro follow us both add us on facebook auction/asta orologi watch gioioielli/jewels massaro 1000 members add members pagina facebook put like follow us 2000 followers like 3 physical store show room 5 on line orogeria massaro chrono 24 349 offers make your best offer/fai la tua offerta massimiliano 3485575362 pagina facebook massaro oro srl instagram massimiliano_massaro welcame paypal il nostro successo il vostro sorriso 3 negozi fisici pescara/ chieti scalo/ chieti 300000 visite mese 1)sito web massarooro sia it che com 2)venditore pro seller orologeria massaro chrono24 +349 offerte di orologi di valore 3)sito web massaro gioiellerie orologerie subito impresa +499 annunci 4)negozio kjjj annunci massaro gioiellerie orologerie +1499 annunci vuoi vendere il tuo orologio o gioiello manda foto con descrizione anno referenza prezzo e corredo e avrai la massima valutazione phone/whatsapp 3485575362 our smile is our success 3 physical stores pescara / chieti scalo / chieti 300000 visit month 1) website massarooro sia it and com 2) seller pro seller watchmaking massaro chrono24 +349 offers of valuable watches 3) website massaro jewelers watchmaking immediately business +499 listings 4) shop kjjj ads massaro jewelers watchmakers +1499 listings want to sell your watch or jewel send photo with description year price reference and kit and you will have the maximum rating phone / whatsapp 3485575362 spediamo in tutto il mondo. per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è solo previo appuntamento. contattateci liberamente. le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono fedelmente l'orologio in vendita. per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. acquistiamo e permutiamo i vostri orologi. we ship worldwide. for safety reasons, we can show the watch only after appointment. call us to make appointment. the photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.for more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. we buy and exchange your watches.
2.287 €
Vista prodotto

Chieti (Abruzzo)
Servizio 12 pezzi di coltelli con manico argento 800,lama acciaio inox,gr tot. 830,40, firmati calegaro, azienda leader nel campo argenteria,dal 1959, vendo ¤ 690,00,allego scatola e garanzia delle mie gioiellerie. no email. solo chiamate. 136 trusted checkout top review / recensioni top best price/quality for condition world miglior rapporto qualita prezzo per condizioni best price world / miglior prezzo del mondo per condizioni instagram massimiliano_massaro follow me 7800 followers facebook 3 profile two full massimiliano massaro 20000 contacts with gerarda sarni on facebook mother of massimiliano massaro follow us both add us on facebook auction/asta orologi watch gioioielli/jewels massaro 1000 members add members pagina facebook put like follow us 2000 followers like 3 physical store show room 5 on line orogeria massaro chrono 24 349 offers make your best offer/fai la tua offerta massimiliano 3485575362 pagina facebook massaro oro srl instagram massimiliano_massaro welcame paypal il nostro successo il vostro sorriso 3 negozi fisici pescara/ chieti scalo/ chieti 300000 visite mese 1)sito web massarooro sia it che com 2)venditore pro seller orologeria massaro chrono24 +349 offerte di orologi di valore 3)sito web massaro gioiellerie orologerie subito impresa +499 annunci 4)negozio kjjj annunci massaro gioiellerie orologerie +1499 annunci vuoi vendere il tuo orologio o gioiello manda foto con descrizione anno referenza prezzo e corredo e avrai la massima valutazione phone/whatsapp 3485575362 our smile is our success 3 physical stores pescara / chieti scalo / chieti 300000 visit month 1) website massarooro sia it and com 2) seller pro seller watchmaking massaro chrono24 +349 offers of valuable watches 3) website massaro jewelers watchmaking immediately business +499 listings 4) shop kjjj ads massaro jewelers watchmakers +1499 listings want to sell your watch or jewel send photo with description year price reference and kit and you will have the maximum rating phone / whatsapp 3485575362 spediamo in tutto il mondo. per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è solo previo appuntamento. contattateci liberamente. le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono fedelmente l'orologio in vendita. per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. acquistiamo e permutiamo i vostri orologi. we ship worldwide. for safety reasons, we can show the watch only after appointment. call us to make appointment. the photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.for more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. we buy and exchange your watches.
690 €
Vista prodotto

Chieti (Abruzzo)
Servizio cucchiaini caffè in argento 800, 12 pezzi, gr tot. 151,2,manici intarsiati, marchio italiano, realizzati con grande cura nella ricerca dei materiali preziosi e nei particolari del designer, vendo ¤ 151,00,allego scatola e garanzia delle mie gioiellerie. no email. solo chiamate. 136 trusted checkout top review / recensioni top best price/quality for condition world miglior rapporto qualita prezzo per condizioni best price world / miglior prezzo del mondo per condizioni instagram massimiliano_massaro follow me 7800 followers facebook 3 profile two full massimiliano massaro 20000 contacts with gerarda sarni on facebook mother of massimiliano massaro follow us both add us on facebook auction/asta orologi watch gioioielli/jewels massaro 1000 members add members pagina facebook put like follow us 2000 followers like 3 physical store show room 5 on line orogeria massaro chrono 24 349 offers make your best offer/fai la tua offerta massimiliano 3485575362 pagina facebook massaro oro srl instagram massimiliano_massaro welcame paypal il nostro successo il vostro sorriso 3 negozi fisici pescara/ chieti scalo/ chieti 300000 visite mese 1)sito web massarooro sia it che com 2)venditore pro seller orologeria massaro chrono24 +349 offerte di orologi di valore 3)sito web massaro gioiellerie orologerie subito impresa +499 annunci 4)negozio kjjj annunci massaro gioiellerie orologerie +1499 annunci vuoi vendere il tuo orologio o gioiello manda foto con descrizione anno referenza prezzo e corredo e avrai la massima valutazione phone/whatsapp 3485575362 our smile is our success 3 physical stores pescara / chieti scalo / chieti 300000 visit month 1) website massarooro sia it and com 2) seller pro seller watchmaking massaro chrono24 +349 offers of valuable watches 3) website massaro jewelers watchmaking immediately business +499 listings 4) shop kjjj ads massaro jewelers watchmakers +1499 listings want to sell your watch or jewel send photo with description year price reference and kit and you will have the maximum rating phone / whatsapp 3485575362 spediamo in tutto il mondo. per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è solo previo appuntamento. contattateci liberamente. le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono fedelmente l'orologio in vendita. per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. acquistiamo e permutiamo i vostri orologi. we ship worldwide. for safety reasons, we can show the watch only after appointment. call us to make appointment. the photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.for more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. we buy and exchange your watches.
151 €
Vista prodotto

Chieti (Abruzzo)
Servizio cucchiaini caffè, 12 pezzi,in argento 800,gr 180, con manici intagliati,marchio italiano, realizzati con grande cura nella ricerca dei materiali preziosi e nei particolari del designer, vendo ¤ 110,00,allego scatola e garanzia delle mie gioiellerie. no email. solo chiamate. 136 trusted checkout top review / recensioni top best price/quality for condition world miglior rapporto qualita prezzo per condizioni best price world / miglior prezzo del mondo per condizioni instagram massimiliano_massaro follow me 7800 followers facebook 3 profile two full massimiliano massaro 20000 contacts with gerarda sarni on facebook mother of massimiliano massaro follow us both add us on facebook auction/asta orologi watch gioioielli/jewels massaro 1000 members add members pagina facebook put like follow us 2000 followers like 3 physical store show room 5 on line orogeria massaro chrono 24 349 offers make your best offer/fai la tua offerta massimiliano 3485575362 pagina facebook massaro oro srl instagram massimiliano_massaro welcame paypal il nostro successo il vostro sorriso 3 negozi fisici pescara/ chieti scalo/ chieti 300000 visite mese 1)sito web massarooro sia it che com 2)venditore pro seller orologeria massaro chrono24 +349 offerte di orologi di valore 3)sito web massaro gioiellerie orologerie subito impresa +499 annunci 4)negozio kjjj annunci massaro gioiellerie orologerie +1499 annunci vuoi vendere il tuo orologio o gioiello manda foto con descrizione anno referenza prezzo e corredo e avrai la massima valutazione phone/whatsapp 3485575362 our smile is our success 3 physical stores pescara / chieti scalo / chieti 300000 visit month 1) website massarooro sia it and com 2) seller pro seller watchmaking massaro chrono24 +349 offers of valuable watches 3) website massaro jewelers watchmaking immediately business +499 listings 4) shop kjjj ads massaro jewelers watchmakers +1499 listings want to sell your watch or jewel send photo with description year price reference and kit and you will have the maximum rating phone / whatsapp 3485575362 spediamo in tutto il mondo. per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è solo previo appuntamento. contattateci liberamente. le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono fedelmente l'orologio in vendita. per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. acquistiamo e permutiamo i vostri orologi. we ship worldwide. for safety reasons, we can show the watch only after appointment. call us to make appointment. the photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.for more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. we buy and exchange your watches.
110 €
Vista prodotto

Bari (Puglia)
BFP GROUP is looking for a free-lance Portuguese Senior Electrical Engineer for a specific PV project in Portugal Requirements: – Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering – Proven Experience in the design of PV plants, HV Lines & electrical substations (minimum 3 years) – Proven experience in Preliminary, Definitive and Final Design of Solar & Wind Plants (minimum 3 years) – Mandatory excellent knowledge of Portuguese language (Being a native Portuguese speaker will be preferential) - Good English and/or Italian and/or Spanish Knowledge - Availability for short business travels in Portugal, if necessary (for possible Site Surveys, Meetings, etc.) - To be an Authorized Engineer in Portugal to sign and stamp PV Projects, Substations, HV Lines is mandatory, - Knowledge of Portuguese legislation Main Activities: - Design review of one Solar Project in Portugal (Lisbon Area), - Sign and stamp all Basic and Detailed Designs of PV Plant, HV Line and Electrical Substation produced by our team - Direct contact with local authorities, in order for the project to be authorized according to the Portuguese legislation, - Reference contact point between local authorities and our team of engineers about all administrative, legislative (and technical) aspects of the project. - weekly calls and continuous contact by e-mail (possibly calls) with the rest of the team, Please, also provide us with a hourly quotation or better a lump sum for this kind of activity. Job duration: 4-5 months, Contract type: free-lance, Availability: starting from middle-end of March 2020, Workplace: Lisbon area (Portugal), Please send your application and your quotation to the following addresses: Reference Code: P-EL-PV-LIS-27022020
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Venezia (Veneto)
For an Italian Company with a leadership approach to the DECORATIVE PAINTS that is really fast growing on the PREMIUM international market, we are looking for: SALES MANAGER FAR EAST - BUILDING MATERIALS - CHINA With the aim of developing the business of the PREMIUM DECORATIVE LINE in CHINA and FAR EAST, we are looking for a SALES MANAGER which will manage and develop two main commercial channels: TRADE - importers and specialised network of distributors in the building sector - and CONTRACT - projects. The Sales Manager will also develop the world of on-site technical assistance by developing a network of certified installer. We are looking for a profile that is able to interpret its role in a modern way, steadily monitoring changes in its own geographical area. He/she will manage the entire commercial portfolio consisting of distributors, companies, architectural firms, major customers. Under this logic the ideal candidate has gained previous experience in the BUILDING MATERIALS field (e.g., paintings, furnishings, floors, coatings, decorative mortars), specifically by developing business in Asia and having therefore gained deep knowledge of the Asian language, culture and market. TASKS AND RESPONSABILITIES: • Developing a business strategy to enhance volumes and penetration of the reference market • Maintaining and developing the customer portfolio • Managing commercial relations with the specialised network of distributors PLACE OF WORK: CHINA TO APPLY: The data will be processed exclusively for present and future selection purposes, guaranteeing the rights in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the Privacy Policy GDPR 679/2016 on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULO GROUP Authorization Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA00
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Our client, Getinge, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of SENIOR PRODUCT SPECIALIST. With a clinical background, the Senior Product Specialist is the clinical partner of customer training on his/her related products use and application. He/she architects of the success for assigned the product line (advanced monitoring). He/she is also the information gateway between market, customers, sales force and company’s internal resources being the point of reference for all product related enquiries to enhance the customer satisfaction. Key duties and responsibilities: Market analysis Marketing strategies & activities Tender managementKnowledge/Skills/Experience: Key competences/skills & personal qualities: · Strong clinical preparation and competence. · Complete product knowledge and preparation. · Strong presentation and communication skills (verbal and written) · Competence on development of sales tools based on specific USPs · Marketing dynamics knowledge. · Customer satisfaction oriented. · Team Oriented. · Interpersonal relationship skills. · Open minded and creative. · Outstanding organizational skills. · Positive thinking attitude. Experiences: previous background and work experience in the clinical field (1/2 years). IT Skills: Microsoft Office package. Languages: Fluent Italian and fluent English. Please send your application, using this link: The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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