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Runtastic heart rate combo

Elenco delle migliori vendite runtastic heart rate combo

  • Compatibile con i dispositivi Bluetooth Smart Ready Android con Android 4.3 o versioni più recenti
  • Compatibile con telefoni Bluetooth Windows Smart Ready con WP 8.1 o versioni più recenti
  • Permette la trasmissione di dati a impulsi senza adattatori aggiuntivi tramite tecnologia wireless Bluetooth
  • Consumo energetico molto basso
  • Tecnologia Bluetooth intelligente e trasmissione a 5,3 kHz
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  • 24/7 heart rate monitor and sleep tracker: 24/7 heart rate monitor can check your heart rate at any time to better understand your heart rate trends. Automatic sleep tracking of your three sleep modes: deep, light, and awake, and comprehensively analyze your sleep quality (deep sleep, light sleep, and wake-up time) to help you better understand your health status and adjust your lifestyle reasonably.
  • Accurate fitness tracker and connected GPS: support 8 kinds of sports such as walking, running, cycling, hiking, mountaineering, spinning, hiking, fitness, treadmill, yoga. Accurately record all-day activities, such as steps, distance, calories burned, distance walked, and minutes of activity. Connected to mobile phone GPS, you can track all your exercise routes, distances and physical conditions during exercise. Stay motivated all day long!
  • Incoming call and SMS notification: When you connect your smart watch to your smartphone, you will never miss any incoming calls or SMS. When your phone receives a call, SMS or SNS notification (facebook, twitter, whatsapp, linkedi, messenger, instagram), it will vibrate and notify you. You can even hang up the call directly from your wrist.
  • Waterproof fitness watch and long-lasting battery: The fitness watch is designed with an ip67 waterproof rating, allowing you to swim in the swimming pool without any worries (note: it cannot track your swimming data). Large capacity and low power consumption design, longer battery life, support 7 days of normal use and 30 days of standby, Donutton smart watch is very suitable for outdoor sports, exercise all day!
  • Exceed your expectations: our 1.4-inch color touch screen makes operation easy, and you can easily view detailed data reports. There are 4 fashionable clock faces for you to choose from, with different styles and different moods. More practical tools, such as alarm clock, stopwatch, timer, camera control, music controller, sedentary reminder, adjustable brightness, find mobile phone. This watch can be a good gift choice, allowing people to live healthier, more active, and more convenient lives.
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  • 24/7 heart rate monitor and sleep tracker: 24/7 heart rate monitor can check your heart rate at any time to better understand your heart rate trends. Automatic sleep tracking of your three sleep modes: deep, light, and awake, and comprehensively analyze your sleep quality (deep sleep, light sleep, and wake-up time) to help you better understand your health status and adjust your lifestyle reasonably.
  • Accurate fitness tracker and connected GPS: support 8 kinds of sports such as walking, running, cycling, hiking, mountaineering, spinning, hiking, fitness, treadmill, yoga. Accurately record all-day activities, such as steps, distance, calories burned, distance walked, and minutes of activity. Connected to mobile phone GPS, you can track all your exercise routes, distances and physical conditions during exercise. Stay motivated all day long!
  • Incoming call and SMS notification: When you connect your smart watch to your smartphone, you will never miss any incoming calls or SMS. When your phone receives a call, SMS or SNS notification (facebook, twitter, whatsapp, linkedi, messenger, instagram), it will vibrate and notify you. You can even hang up the call directly from your wrist.
  • Waterproof fitness watch and long-lasting battery: The fitness watch is designed with an ip67 waterproof rating, allowing you to swim in the swimming pool without any worries (note: it cannot track your swimming data). Large capacity and low power consumption design, longer battery life, support 7 days of normal use and 30 days of standby, Donutton smart watch is very suitable for outdoor sports, exercise all day!
  • Exceed your expectations: our 1.4-inch color touch screen makes operation easy, and you can easily view detailed data reports. There are 4 fashionable clock faces for you to choose from, with different styles and different moods. More practical tools, such as alarm clock, stopwatch, timer, camera control, music controller, sedentary reminder, adjustable brightness, find mobile phone. This watch can be a good gift choice, allowing people to live healthier, more active, and more convenient lives.
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