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Security system

Elenco delle migliori vendite security system

Il Gruppo Grimaldi ricerca per la propria Sede di Napoli: NETWORK AND SECURITY SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR La risorsa ricercata è una persona dinamica, capace di lavorare in gruppo e orientata al raggiungimento di obiettivi con spiccate capacità organizzative e relazionali. Ai fini dell'accesso alle selezioni sono considerati: REQUISITI OBBLIGATORI: - Laurea triennale o quinquennale in Ingegneria Informatica/Informatica. - Solido background nell'amministrazione e nell'architettura di rete. - Esperienza nell'utilizzo di Sistemi di network & system monitoring and management. - Conoscenze delle Tecnologie di switching, routing e firewalling. - Conoscenza del networking degli switch ArubaOS e di strutture di file quali VLAN, accesso sicuro, tecnologie di ridondanza e Virtual Switching Framework (VSF) di Aruba. - Capacità di progettare e implementare soluzioni di autenticazione, nonché all'applicazione delle policy, tramite la linea di prodotti ClearPass. - Conoscenze dei sistemi operativi Linux e Microsoft Windows. - Capacità di lavorare in modo autonomo e/o di cooperare all'interno di un team. - Ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese, scritta e parlata REQUISITI PREFERENZIALI: - Iscrizione nelle liste delle Categorie Protette così come disciplinato dalla legge n. 68/1999; SEDE DI LAVORO: Napoli CONTRATTO: a Tempo Indeterminato
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Per strutturata e innovativa Azienda Cliente Area TECHNOLOGY/SECURITY SERVICES stiamo ricercando un/a: SYSTEM & NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR - AREA TECHNOLOGY/SECURITY SERVICES TITOLO DI STUDIO Diploma/Laurea estrazione Tecnico-informatica o equivalente SKILLS & ACTIVITIES - Esperienza strutturata di 4/5 anni nel ruolo e in attività di installazione, gestione e manutenzione a 360' dei sistemi informatici fisici e virtuali, infrastrutture e data center - Ottima conoscenza in Area Networking (Firewall, router, proxy, DNS, DHCP) - Esperienza nella gestione e sviluppo di portali, piattaforme - Costituisce requisito gradito la conoscenza dei principali linguaggi di programmazione tra i quali HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, MySQL, Oracle - Esperienza strutturata nella gestione di clienti e fornitori - Capacità di gestione del budget ICT in termini di scelta dei partner e delle forniture tecnologiche - Capacità di lavorare per obiettivi, problem solving - Attitudine alla comunicazione e al lavoro in team Orario di Lavoro: Full time Inserimento: Immediato e nel rispetto del preavviso del Professionista Inquadramento e retribuzione indicativi: CTR T.Indeterminato full-time, retribuzione in linea con le capacità e con le esperienze effettivamente maturate. Sede di Lavoro: VARESE/MILANO Per partecipare alla selezione è possibile inviare cv aggiornato, citando il RIF: NWMI2021/QUOJOBIS a: alessandro.caruso@quojobis.it Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91 e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03
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Padova (Veneto)
Per potenziare il nostro team tecnico, ricerchiamo per formazione e assunzione neolaureati o neodiplomati per introdurli nel ruolo di System Engineer con la finalità di progettare, configurare e fornire supporto nell’ambito dei nostri servizi di Comunicazione e Collaborazione in Cloud a marchio Let’s Co. I compiti principali: Supporto pre-vendita alla funzione commerciale Configurazione dei servizi di Cloud Communication (Hosted PBX, Hosted UC e Trunksip). Supporto nell’installazione degli applicativi di Unified Communication Configurazione degli apparati telefonici, gateway e di audio/video conferenza (Audiocodes, Cisco, ecc) Integrazione con servizi Cloud di terze parti (Gsuite, Office 365, Salesforce, ecc) Assistenza proattiva mediante gli strumenti di Audit Supporto tecnico Helpdesk di 1 e 2 livello Gestione di eventuali risorse esterne Le competenze più importanti: Progettare soluzioni di networking, comunicazione e infrastruttura Esperienza in ambito rete su configurazioni avanzate Layer2 e Layer3, e nella progettazione e implementazione di reti di telecomunicazioni con conoscenza approfondita delle reti IP e VPN. Configurazione, analisi e troubleshooting di Firewall Conoscenza delle seguenti tecnologie e soluzioni: LAN/WAN/MAN, switch/router/Wi-Fi Piattaforme di comunicazione VoIP security (VPN, IPS, IDS, firewall), sicurezza delle reti (segregazione e segmentazione) Costituirà titolo preferenziale la competenza su più ambiti, la presenza di certificazioni Le caratteristiche vincenti: Questo è un ruolo che richiede buone basi tecniche di networking e voip ma anche predisposizione ad approccio consulenziale e passione per il contatto col cliente. Volontà di eccellere in ambienti dinamici e in mercati in evoluzione, e di accrescere continuamente le proprie competenze anche mediante la sperimentazione e l’autoformazione. Capacità relazionali/empatia, approccio orientato al risultato/capacità di lavorare per obiettivi, serietà/puntualità/perseveranza, energia, autonomia, problem solving Ottima capacità di redigere documenti e rapporti, precisione Disponibilità a continue brevi trasferte Conoscenza della lingua inglese L’ambiente orientato alla qualità e al risultato consentirà alle figure più performanti di eccellere. L’inquadramento è collegato al CCNL delle telecomunicazioni, include fisso + premi. La ricerca e selezione è condotta direttamente dall’azienda. La sede di lavoro è nella zona artigianale Padova Est. La ricerca è per assunzione immediata. Le candidature più interessanti saranno contattate entro 3 - 4 giorni.
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Firenze (Toscana)
Per la nostra sede di Firenze, siamo alla ricerca di un sistemista specializzato in ambito networking e telecomunicazioni da inserire nel nostro organico con esperienza maturata nel mondo dell'IP Telephony, Unified Communication, Networking, Security, Linux server, Microsoft server e Virtual Data Center. Il candidato, che risponderà alla Direzione Tecnica, dovrà occuparsi della progettazione, installazione, programmazione e personalizzazione di soluzioni per il networking e per le telecomunicazioni. Requisiti: - Laura/Diploma in materie informatiche - Esperienza pregressa di 2/3 anni presso System Integrator in ambito Unified Communication & Collaboration - Capacità di gestire e configurare apparati switch L2/L3 e Firewall - Conoscenza dei principali protocolli di rete e routing - Familiarità con i sistemi di network management e monitoring - Capacità di progettazione e manutenzione di reti LAN/WAN - Buone capacità di troubleshooting e risoluzione delle problematiche di networking on site e da remoto. Soft Skills: - Predisposizione all’auto-apprendimento ed all’autonomia nell’attività lavorativa - Propensione al team working - Forte motivazione verso la crescita professionale - Buone capacità comunicative, attitudine al problem-solving e flessibilità. Luogo del lavoro: Firenze, Toscana Contratto di lavoro: Full Time
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Roma (Lazio)
Il candidato ideale ha maturato almeno 5 anni di esperienza nella gestione di infrastrutture IT. Sono gradite le seguenti competenze tecniche: - gestione di sistemi basati su Microsoft server 2019/2012 e client Windows 10 - gestione delle principali piattaforme applicative Microsoft (Microsoft Exchange, SCCM, SharePoint, SQL, Active Directory, etc.) in ambiente multidomain - conoscenza base Linux OS - governo di ambienti virtuali Vmware e Hyper-V - gestione networking (vpn, firewall, switch) - piattaforme Azure/O365. Sono gradite le seguenti attitudini: - capacità di lavorare in team; - capacità di gestire le priorità - attenzione ai dettagli e metodicità - elevata capacità di analisi e problem solving - elevate capacità di organizzazione del lavoro proprio e altrui - flessibilità e adattabilità - buone doti comunicative - proattività, determinazione e rispetto delle scadenze - orientamento ai risultati. Costituiscono requisito preferenziale: - buona conoscenza della lingua inglese scritta e parlata - possesso di certificazioni in ambito sysadmin/security - possesso di certificazioni e/o di conoscenze in ambito Project Management
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DevOps & Cloud System Administrator – Azienda Internazionale – Internet Of Things Fino a €45,000 + Ottimi Benefits – Full Time Remote Working Localizzata in Friuli Venezia Giulia, quest'azienda leader nell'ambito dell'elettronica e delle soluzioni IoT è alla ricerca di un/a esperto/a DevOps & Cloud System Administrator in un'ottica di potenziamento del suo organico. Sei interessato? Come DevOps & Cloud System Administrator, entrerai a far parte di una squadra di specialisti di alto livello, dove focalizzerai i tuoi sforzi lavorativi nel gestire, monitorare ed espandere l'offerta aziendale di soluzioni ed infrastrutture Cloud, con un'attenzione particolare al punto di vista del cliente. Andrai a definire gli standard e le policy per un corretto ed efficiente funzionamento dei prodotti e delle infrastrutture, migliorando ed automatizzando i flussi di CI/CD, così come la configurazione ed il deploy delle piattaforme Cloud aziendali, seguendo ed implementando le corrette procedure anche a livello di security. Collaborando strettamente con un team a respiro internazionale, ti occuperai del Troubleshooting, Problem Solving, della customizzazione dei deployment per i clienti, del monitoraggio della relativa reportistica e della pianificazione del lavoro. Il tuo obiettivo sarà quello di contribuire a migliorare le pratiche di DevOps e Security presenti in azienda, ma avrai anche l'opportunità di interfacciarti con clienti nel prevenire o risolvere eventuali problematiche legate al prodotto. Competenze ed Esperienze Necessarie: - Diploma di Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica e/o simili. - Esperienza minima di 3 anni nel gestire più di 10 server all'interno di un'infrastruttura su Cloud. - Regressa esperienza in multi-site applications, disaster recovery e load-balancing. - Ottime skills tecniche nella gestione, networking e performance tuning di sistemi quali Ubuntu e CentOS. - Forte esperienza lavorativa su ambienti Cloud quali Azure e più particolarmente AWS ed i suoi relativi servizi (VPC, EC2, S3, Route 53, RDS, Elastic Beanstalk e AWS partnership). - Esperienza regressa nella gestione di cluster di grandi dimensioni su DB quali Cassandra, ElasticSearch e MySQL. - Buone competenze in ambito security. - Ottime competenze nell'utilizzo di Git, Java, Maven, Jenkins, Terraform, Ansible, SaltStack, Kubernetes/OpenShift, Prometheus, Grafana, ELK. - Esperienza nell'automatizzazione di flussi di Continuous Integration e Continuous Delivery. - Famigliarità con i processi ITIL e relative procedure sarà considerata un forte plus. - Forti capacità comunicative e spirito d'intraprendenza. - Capacità di lavorare in team, ottime capacità organizzative e una forte motivazione personale. - Buone capacità nella lingua inglese (B2). In cambio, entrerai a far parte di una realtà solida e conosciuta a livello internazionale. Una realtà che ti offre fantastiche prospettive professionali, oltre alla possibilità di lavorare su progetti sfidanti, innovativi e con le ultime tecnologie sul mercato. Non perdere questa fantastica occasione ed invia subito il tuo CV per ulteriori informazioni!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Nexum, leader nellinnovazione tecnologica, alla ricerca di un Multicloud Security Engineer. Se senti di non riuscire a esprimere appieno il tuo potenziale nel tuo attuale ruolo o ti consideri un outsider nel settore, potresti essere leroe/eroina che stiamo cercando! Unisciti a un ambiente dinamico dove la tua creativit e competenza possono fare davvero la differenza. Descrizione della posizione: Siamo alla ricerca di un Multi Cloud Security Engineer appassionato di concetti come apprendimento continuo, sicurezza in ambito cloud e multi cloud, best practices di design e performance. Il candidato sar responsabile della progettazione e implementazione volte alla protezione delle risorse Cloud, utilizzando tecnologie avanzate per proteggere infrastrutture enterprise. Contribuir a garantire la sicurezza di sistemi criticiti e scalabili, adottando approcci innovativi per prevenire e mitigare le minacce in ambienti cloud. Responsabilit principali: Progettazione e implementazione di strategie di sicurezza per ambienti cloud, protezione di dati, applicazioni e infrastruttura. Esecuzione di audit di sicurezza e valutazione dei rischi per lidentificazione di vulnerabilit.. Integrazione dei sistemi con un monitoraggio delle minacce come Prometheus e Grafana e utilizzo di soluzioni SIEM. Progettazione ed implementazione di patch di sicurezza attraverso luso di CI/CD, IaC e Configuration as Code (es Ansible) Realizzazione di report, definizione di policy e best practice di sicurezza Competenze tecniche richieste: AWS Azure Google Cloud Cloud Security IAM Encryption CISSP, CCSP Security Vulnerability Management Certificazioni preferenziali (Nice to have, almeno una): AWS: AWS Certified Security Specialty Google Cloud: Google Professional Cloud Security Engineer Azure: Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer Associate Linux Foundation: Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) LPI: LPIC-3 Security Splunk: Splunk Core Certified User Splunk Core Certified Power User Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin Splunk Enterprise Security Certified Admin Splunk Certified Cybersecurity Defense Analyst CCSK CCSP Vault Associate (002) (001) (003) Cosa offriamo: Nexum investe costantemente nella crescita professionale dei propri collaboratori attraverso il programma Continuous Improvement, uniniziativa che promuove lempowerment tecnico e professionale. Offriamo compensi competitivi, in linea con i pi aggiornati standard del settore IT, inclusi i dati forniti dal Global Knowledge IT Skills and Salary Report. Se ti senti pronto/a per affrontare nuove sfide in un ambiente internazionale e dinamico, e desideri far parte di un team che valorizza leccellenza, candidati ora e diventa parte di Nexum. Il presente annuncio rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, nel rispetto delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91 sulla parit di trattamento lavorativo e contro le discriminazioni di genere. Siamo aperti a candidati di ogni et e nazionalit, conformemente ai decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03. Nexum incoraggia inoltre la candidatura di persone con disabilit, nel rispetto della normativa vigente. Job Type: Full Time Job Location: Hybrid
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Space Work seleziona JUNIOR SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR per azienda specializzata nella realizzazione e commercializzazione di articoli di design. DESCRIZIONE DELL’ATTIVITA’: la risorsa si occuperà della gestione di tutti gli elementi hardware e software in uso, garantendo il perfetto funzionamento delle infrastrutture informatiche. Dovrà essere in grado di individuare e correggere malfunzionamenti (troubleshooting) e occuparsi della manutenzione hardware e software, conoscere le finalità con cui i dispositivi e gli apparati di rete vengono usati per migliorarne le prestazioni e ottimizzare le risorse a disposizione in base alle necessità dell'azienda. Dovrà poi occuparsi di informare i colleghi del business sugli aggiornamenti o sulle modifiche introdotte, istruirli sull'uso di nuovi dispositivi hardware e formarli per imparare ad usare in autonomia i programmi installati. Si occuperà della manutenzione ordinaria dei sistemi informatici, controllando le performance, svolgendo test di routine per verificarne la corretta funzionalità e aggiornando i programmi obsoleti. In ultimo, si dovrà occupare della configurazione delle operazioni per il salvataggio dei dati (backup) in automatico e predisporre piani di recupero dati per le situazioni di emergenza (disaster recovery). REQUISITI RICHIESTI: Formazione in ambito IT, conoscenza di Virtualizzazione, Active Directory, sistemi operativi Microsoft e in ambito Security (Firewall, VPN); sono richieste poi competenze di base in ambito Networking (switch, router, balancer) e dei sui Protocolli (TCP, NFS, CIFS, etc). Una forte predisposizione ad operare in team, buona gestione dello stress e del tempo e buone doti di problem solving ne completano il profilo. L’AZIENDA OFFRE: Contratto di assunzione e retribuzione commisurata all’esperienza SEDE DI LAVORO: Provincia di Brescia Referente della selezione: Dott.ssa Francesca Bonari L' offerta di lavoro qui pubblicata si rivolge a candidati di entrambi i sessi ai sensi della legge (D.Lgs. 198/2006)
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Nexus Cassano Magnago ricerca per azienda cliente del settore metalmeccanico IT SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR. La figura, riportando all'IT Manager seguirà la gestione dei sistemi e della rete dati e gestirà l'infrastruttura tecnologica aziendale. Principali Responsabilità: - Gestione autonoma dei sistemi informatici e della rete dati; - Assistenza sistemistica interna; - Competenze nella gestione dei sistemi operativi Microsoft (on premise, on cloud); - Gestione e manutenzione AD, EXCHANGE e SCCM; - Competenze nella gestione di infrastrutture virtuali; - Architetture Server, Storage (DELL), Backup/DR (Veeam); - Conosccenza di infrastrutture di rete, preferibilmente CISCO Meraki; - Gestione Firewell, proxy server, preferibilmente CheckPoint, - Competenze in ambito Cyber Security, attenzione alle normative GDPR; - Competenze sistemistiche SQL Server Principali requisiti: - Buone capacità organizzative; - Problem Solving; - Capacità di comunicazione/ interazione in ambito internazionale; - Proattività nell'individuare e proporre soluzioni. Orario di lavoro: full time da lunedì a venerdì Luogo di lavoro: GALLARATE (VA) Inquadramento: tempo determinato scopo assunzione La ricerca è rivolta ad ambosessi (ex L. 198/06) e a tutte le nazionalità (ex D.Lgs. 215/03 e D.Lgs. 216/03).
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Roma (Lazio)
Oracle 19C RAC AC&D Technologies è alla ricerca di un Oracle System Engineer che abbia maturato una esperienza nel ruolo. Si richiede comprovata esperienza nell’ Amministrazione dell'installazione Oracle 19C RAC – RAC one Node - SECURITY Active data Guard Sede: Roma Gli interessati, in possesso delle caratteristiche richieste, possono inviare il proprio cv in word e in formato europeo all’indirizzo: ****@****.** (utilizza il modulo di contatto per inviare email) nell’oggetto “DBA”, inserendo la propria situazione economica e contrattuale. Inserzionista: Ac&d Technologies
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The United Nations World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. The mission of WFP is to help the world achieve Zero Hunger in our lifetimes. Every day, WFP works worldwide to ensure that no child goes to bed hungry and that the poorest and most vulnerable, particularly women and children, can access the nutritious food they need. WFP's regional bureau for the Middle East and North Africa provides strategic guidance, policy/technical support, and oversight to WFP's operations in 14 countries: Algeria, Armenia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey and Yemen. The regional vision is to deliver on zero hunger and contribute to peace. Robust and reliable data analytics on food security, nutrition, vulnerability and emergency needs are fundamental in achieving this vision. JOB PURPOSE: This position is to provide leadership to a dedicated regional team of food security analysts and geographic information system (GIS) experts as well as technically overseeing and supporting country level vulnerability analysis and mapping efforts to ensure that the most reliable and up-to-date evidence is available at all times to inform WFP's portfolio of work. Responsibility will include leadership and strategic guidance in areas such as emergency needs assessments, food security monitoring, climate analysis, context analysis, beneficiary targeting, market analysis, nutrition assessments, cost effectiveness and operational efficiency. The Senior Vulnerability Analysis & Mapping Officer will work under the direct supervision of the regional Head of Programme. MAIN TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The Senior Vulnerability Analysis & Mapping Officer will be responsible for delivering quality analytics in the following key areas: Emergency need assessments - With the application of the latest technology and methods ensure that data and analysis on food assistance needs (who needs assistance, where, when and for how long) are available to WFP and partners at the right time to make key decisions for any required emergency response. - Ensure data readiness for the purpose of rapid emergency needs assessments to guide an initial emergency response. - Support country offices on the implementation and maintenance of WFP's Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and maintain current systems. Work with VAM advisors at WFP HQ in Rome to improve and expand the SDI. - Support Country Office surge requirements for assessments, vulnerability analysis and mapping, including emergency situations. Economic and market analysis - Ensure robust market analysis across the region as early warning for economic shocks and to adequately inform transfer modality choices (food, cash, vouchers). - Contribute to the refinement of cost-efficiency analysis especially for national social protection programme support. - Undertake market-related field missions to support operations –emergency, recovery and rehabilitation, development and capacity building, with emphasis on cash-based interventions. Nutrition assessments - Initiate and guide state-of-the-art nutrition analyses such as Cost of Diet and cash/voucher expenditure patterns for recommendations for improved nutrition programming. Beneficiary targeting - Provide guidance and support to country offices on methodologies and procedures for beneficiary selection that minimize inclusion of non-eligible beneficiaries and exclusion of vulnerable and food insecure households and individuals. Vulnerability and climate change impact analysis - Collect, manage, prepare and analyse remotely sensed climatological data. This includes supporting the efforts by country offices to conduct a Consolidated Livelihoods Exercise for Analysing Resilience (CLEAR) and rolling out 3PA that consist of an Integrated Context Analysis and Seasonal Livelihoods planning. - Conduct urban specific analyses that provide detailed data and analysis on food security situation in urban contexts. Monitoring and evaluation systems: Lead the regional VAM function to support country office outcome monitoring and the M&E function to support country office process and output monitoring. Partnership and representation: Enhance WFP's leadership role in food security analysis by representing WFP in meetings with strategic partners, contributing to high-level technical discussions, exchanging knowledge and experience with other institutions and identifying areas of comparative advantage in both emergency and non-emergency settings. Effective staff management: Lead, motivate and manage a geographically dispersed team of technical staff, providing coaching and guidance to ensure appropriate career development and enable high performance. - Build relationships and collaborate closely across the programme team and with other divisions, regional bureaux and country offices as required. - Ensure that gender perspectives will be incorporated in all areas of assessment and analysis. The post-holder will be expected to perform other duties as required. SPECIFIC QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED: Work experience & skills - Minimum of 11 years of relevant professional work experience in international development and/or humanitarian work, at least 4 of which in an international organisation within food security related domain(s) - Experience in managing complex activities in a humanitarian as well as in development context. - Proven knowledge and ability to comprehend complex sets of data and generate analyses. Economic and market analysis as well as focus on food security/nutrition domain considered to be an added-value - Expertise in international financial institutions, including previous work experience, is an asset. - Experience in the design and implementation of new policies, processes, and vulnerability analysis systems to improve efficiency and effectiveness of assessment efforts. - Experience in creating and cultivating a broad range of relationships with key stakeholders including NGOs, national authorities, UN agencies, donors and academia. - Demonstrated ability to lead and build multi-functional and cross-geography teams and to collaborate with others to achieve collective results. - Ability to deliver results through efficient planning and organisation and by enabling more junior colleagues to excel. - Proven ability to develop quality reports and analysis. - Experience in the Middle East and/or North Africa is preferable. STANDARD MINIMUM ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS: Education: Advanced University degree in Economics or First University degree with additional years of related work experience and/or training/courses. Language: - Fluency (level C) in English language. - Intermediate knowledge (level B) of a second official UN language: Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish, and/or Portuguese (a WFP working language). Arabic is an advantage TERMS AND CONDITIONS International Professional positions are open to all nationalities. The selected candidate will be employed on a fixed-term contract with a probationary period of one year. Mobility is and continues to be a core contractual requirement in WFP. This position is based in Khartoum, Sudan, and would require the incumbent to relocate. After completing this assignment, you will be expected to apply internally for other assignments in WFP. WFP offers an attractive compensation and benefits package including basic salary, post adjustment, relocation entitlement, travel and shipment allowances, 30 days' annual leave, home leave, an education grant for dependent children, a pension plan, and medical insurance. For more details, please visit icsc.un.org. ________________________________________________________________________ This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. - When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support. This service is offered free of charge to Swiss nationals. Interested in a career with multilateral institutions? Read more: Working with the United Nations Working with International Financial Institutions For Swiss nationals ____________________________________________________________________________________
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Alfa Academy, Agenzia per il lavoro accreditata dalla Regione Campania, ricerca e seleziona per azienda cliente leader nel settore dell’Informatica un SENIOR IT ENGINEER – TECHNICAL PROJECT MANAGER Per la gestione ed il supporto del reparto assistenza tecnica clienti. Il Candidato ideale ha maturato almeno 2 anni di esperienza in ruolo analogo e si occuperà, su indicazioni del Direttore Amministrativo, di: - Amministrazione e configurazione degli apparati di rete e delle soluzioni di connettività (VPN): - Amministrazione data center con Hypervisors Vmware/XenServer; - Amministrazione di Active Directory e Server Windows, DBMS MsSQL PostgreSQL - Responsabile Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity - Responsabile tecnico progetti interni ed esterni; - Responsabile infrastruttura IT dell'azienda; - Responsabile reparto assistenza tecnica clienti; - Ricerca e sviluppo CyberSecurity, Networking e Virtualizzazione. Requisiti essenziali: - Laurea ingegneria Informatica; - Ottima conoscenza Microsoft Windows Server 2019-2016 - 2012 R2 – 2008 R2: domain implementation, installation,configuration, patching, Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, Certification Authority, Group Policy Object, Network Load Balancing, WSUS, Print Server, File Server, DFS, Failover Cluster, Powershell, troubleshooting; - Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager: design and implementation, patching, software updates, automatic deployment rules, software deployment/ inventory, hardware inventory, reporting, query local user, deploy system image, task sequence, operating system deploy - VMware vSphere (ESXi 6- vCenter Server): installazione, configurazione, patching, virtual machine,virtual switch, cluster (HA - DRS); - Microsoft Office 365: gestione dei servizi; - Veeam: virtual machine backup policy, restore; - Checkpoint / Fortinet o PaloAlto: firewall rule; - Cisco switch; - Citrix: XenServer 7.2 o superiore; - Ottima conoscenza Network e Security: Firewall,Routing, VPN,
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Roma (Lazio)
Cybersecurity System Engineer Gruppo Sincrono, Holding Company ICT di Consulenza e Formazione che opera sul mercato dal 1993, sta selezionando per un'importante opportunità professionale per un nostro Cliente su Roma, un Cybersecurity System Engineer, l'attività sarà svolta in sede, *il candidato verrà inserito in progetti all’avanguardia e innovativi. RUOLO RICOPERTO: -Cybersecurity System Engineer COMPETENZE RICHIESTE: -Capacità di comprensione di sistemi complessi, in particolare software, con l'obiettivo di analizzare le problematiche di security connesse -Capacità di relazione con le linee di ingegneria/sviluppo dei sistemi, con i clienti e con i fornitori Requisito linguistico: -Lingua Inglese: Liv. B1 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO: -Laurea in Ingegneria dei Sistemi SENIORITY: +1 anno SEDE DI LAVORO: Roma (On site) IMPEGNO: Full Time dal lunedì al venerdì SI OFFRE: Contratto a tempo Indeterminato e retribuzione commisurata alla reale esperienza del candidato. La risorsa verrà inserita in un contesto strutturato, all'avanguardia e su un progetto di lunga visibilità. Avvisiamo i gentili candidati che la seguente ricerca ha carattere di urgenza. Se siete interessati a ricevere ulteriori dettagli della richiesta, potere inviare un Curriculum Vitae aggiornato all'indirizzo mail, specificando la posizione per la quale vi candidate (Sistemi_RM). L'offerta è rivolta a personale maschile e femminile ai sensi della legge 903/77. Inserzionista: Gruppo Sincrono
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Milano (Lombardia)
Sorint.Lab, company with more than thirty years of experience as a 360 ° IT consultant for national and international customers, is looking for a network system engineer expert to hire in Milan, with a permanent contract. The ideal candidate (Network expert profile with experience on the technologies listed below), must be able to perform both configuration operations, ordinary maintenance and upgrades. The candidate will have to be able to manage the following technologies: • Switching: o Cisco Catalist Access Layer (2960, 3650, 3850); o Cisco Catalyst Core (4500, 6500.6800) o Cisco Nexus • Wifi: o Cisco WLC • Router o Cisco Router • Security: o Palo Alto Firewall, o Cisco ISE Required technical skills: • Skills Layer2 (very good) • Dynamic routing protocols (good) • Wifi - Experience on centralized, preferred Cisco WLC systems • Access Control (Radius / Tacas / ACS / ISE) (good) • Stateful Firewalling (very good) • Application Firewalling - Next Generation (good) • Incident management & Monitoring Appreciated certifications: • CCNA R&D or proven equivalent certificate; • CCNA Security (appreciated); • CCNP (welcome); softskills: The ideal candidate is a graduate or has a degree in Technical Disciplines, has a good knowledge of English and has some years of experience in the mentioned role. Good relational and teamwork skills, autonomy and flexibility are fundamental requirements. The contractual hiring form, remuneration and any benefits will be discussed during the interview and will be commensurate with the actual skills of the candidate. We evaluate both, direct hiring or freelance cooperation. Our company guarantees a continuous path of professional growth through its own internal academy.
Vista prodotto
Bergamo (Lombardia)
Sorint.Lab, company with more than thirty years of experience as a 360 ° IT consultant for national and international customers, is looking for a network system engineer expert to hire in Bergamo with a permanent contract. The ideal candidate (Network & Security expert profile with experience on the technologies listed below), must be able to perform both configuration operations, ordinary maintenance and upgrades. The candidate will have to be able to manage the following technologies: - VPN L2L, - DNS, - fortinet, - Cisco Firepower. Appreciated certifications: • CCNA R&D or proven equivalent certificate; • CCNA Security (appreciated); • CCNP (welcome); softskills: The ideal candidate is a graduate or has a degree in Technical Disciplines, has a good knowledge of English and has some years of experience in the mentioned role. Good relational and teamwork skills, autonomy and flexibility are fundamental requirements. The contractual hiring form, remuneration and any benefits will be discussed during the interview and will be commensurate with the actual skills of the candidate. We evaluate both, direct hiring or freelance cooperation.
Vista prodotto
Cremona (Lombardia)
Sorint.Lab, company with more than thirty years of experience as a 360 ° IT consultant for national and international customers, is looking for a network system engineer expert to hire in Bergamo with a permanent contract. The ideal candidate (Network & Security expert profile with experience on the technologies listed below), must be able to perform both configuration operations, ordinary maintenance and upgrades. The candidate will have to be able to manage the following technologies: - VPN L2L, - DNS, - fortinet, - Cisco Firepower. Appreciated certifications: • CCNA R&D or proven equivalent certificate; • CCNA Security (appreciated); • CCNP (welcome); softskills: The ideal candidate is a graduate or has a degree in Technical Disciplines, has a good knowledge of English and has some years of experience in the mentioned role. Good relational and teamwork skills, autonomy and flexibility are fundamental requirements. The contractual hiring form, remuneration and any benefits will be discussed during the interview and will be commensurate with the actual skills of the candidate. We evaluate both, direct hiring or freelance cooperation. Our company guarantees a continuous path of professional growth through its own internal academy.
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_174120546.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_174120546.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_174120546.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_174120546.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Padova (Veneto)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln TO APPLY: gramazio(at)modulogroup.com The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_PAYROLL_TEAM_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_175567520.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_PAYROLL_TEAM_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_175567520.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_PAYROLL_TEAM_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_175567520.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_PAYROLL_TEAM_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_175567520.htm SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Il Consorzio Connessione Vita, operante anche nel settore IT, fornendo servizi specialistici e mettendo a disposizione dei propri clienti, competenze e professionalità altamente specializzate nella consulenza manageriale, nello sviluppo software, nella System Integration e nell’ IT Security ricerca su Roma: PL/SQL Developer Il candidato ideale deve possedere un’esperienza di almeno 5 anni in attività di analisi, progettazione e implementazione di sistemi software, competenze avanzate di SQL e PL/SQL. Si preferiscono candidature con esperienza nell’ambito data warehouse. Requisiti desiderati: 1. Attitudine al lavoro di gruppo e al raggiungimento degli obiettivi; 2. Volontà di inserirsi in un contesto motivante, dinamico e innovativo; 3. Proattività. Contratto di lavoro: Tempo pieno, retribuzione commisurata all'esperienza. Gli interessati possono inviare il proprio curriculum vitae aggiornato e dettagliato con autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs 196/2003) al seguente indirizzo mail: hr@connessionevita.it.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
In partnership with the company's CIO and senior management team, you will responsible to enhance Trendy's technology capacity/solution and service on the company's existing strong retail business and brand equity of Trendy and to ensure the planning, development, implementation and transformation of IT infrastructure, enterprise system, IT best support and deliverable that link with business needs and growth.Support the company IT strategy, provide technological guidance within an organisation, be capable to envision & influence business & technology, change to use technology as enabler for advancing quality, effectiveness, convenience & efficiency.Work closely the Chief Digital Officer to establish the best strategy to approach the digital transformation and the omnichannel strategy of the Group.Cross fertilisation will be a key to set a new vision and a cross functional approach with all the divisions and business units of the company.You will identify opportunities and risks for business, including identification of technology trends, opportunities for innovation, and assessment of marketplace obstacles and technical hurdles to the business success.You will establish and supervise the software development process, setting short-term and long-term objectives and assessing progress as defined by the selected software development methodology.Direct development and execution of an enterprise-wide information security plan that protects the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the company's data and servers.Direct development and execution of an enterprise-wide disaster recovery and business continuity plan. Aligning the IT strategy with the overall business strategy of the organisation, you will manage the day-to-day operations of the information technology department, ensure IT operations, implementation, restructuring, innovation and service link with the needs from the various units of an organisation (such as accounting departments, risk management, HR, design, marketing, digital, retail operation, e-commerce, BUs and so on). Ensure that IT infrastructure and digital assets are working efficiently and effectively as well as technology standards and best practices are maintained across the organisation. You will maintain up-to-date knowledge of technology standards, industry trends, emerging technologies, and software development best practices and share knowledge, mentor, and educate the management, staffs, partners, customers, and stakeholders with regard to the company's technological vision, opportunities, and challenges. Collaborate with the appropriate departments to assess and recommend technologies that support company organisational needs. Ensure company technical problems are resolved in a timely and cost-effective manner. Develop, track, and control the development and deployment annual operating and capital budgets for purchasing, staffing, and operations. Temporary Omnichannel Project Challenging IT Transformation Program University degree or above in the field of engineering, computer science, information technology.A Master/PHD or MBA degree is preferred.A minimum of 10 years related working experience with at least 5 years in IT/ CIO position or a similar managerial role.Deep knowledge and substantial experience of designing/developing IT systems and planning IT implementation, project management in a leading sizeable Multinational companies.Proven leadership ability. Strategic thinking combined with strong capability in execution. A temporary manager with a specific focus on the business, someone able to convey a vision, with strategy and management skills and diplomatic approach. Monitoring in which way the ICT/Digital is impacting the company, in terms of sales, internal mood and brand awareness. Ability to set and manage priorities judiciously. Self-motivated and directed as well as service orientation mind-set. Superior analytical, evaluative, and problem-solving abilities. Excellent interpersonal skills, with the ability to motivate in a team-oriented, collaborative environment. Excellent written and oral communication skills.Fluency in Italian and English is required. Our client is a leading International retail group. Great career opportunity within multinational environment.
Vista prodotto
Roma (Lazio)
IMPORTANTE GRUPPO LAZIALE OPERANTE NEL SETTORE SANITARIO ricerca 1 Tencico informatico senior che si occuperà delle seguenti attività: o Installazione e amministrazione di Windows Server 2008/2012 (DC e GP, SQL) o Gestione e amministrazione DNS / DHCP /Active Directory o Setup e gestione sistemi operativi server virtuali (Windows e Linux) o Gestione infrastruttura VMWARE ESX e disaster Recovery o Gestione sistemi in cloud o Gestione apparati di rete e Security (Router, Switch L3, Firewall, AP) Cisco, HP, Alcatel o Gestione firmware server, SAN, NAS o Gestione infrastruttura backup + prove di restore o Gestione firewall o Gestione monitoraggio. Analisi di tuning e performance o Pianificare, implementare ed eseguire la manutenzione (aggiornamenti, correzioni etc.) dei sistemi e loro componenti correlate; o Fornire supporto tecnico avanzato e servire da punto di raccordo per problematiche e servizi IT anche con richieste a parti terze (ad esempio produttore o fornitore) secondo necessità; Requisiti richiesti o Esperienza di almeno 5 anni nella mansione presso aziende medio grandi non pubbliche. o Ottima Esperienza d'Installazione, Amministrazione e Configurazione di sistemi Server Microsoft preferibilmente in ambiente cluster e nella manutenzione preventiva dei server e dei client tramite monitoraggio. o Diploma in Informatica o cultura Equivalente o Esperienza con automazione e scripting Titoli Preferenziali o Buona Conoscenza S.O. Linux/CentoS o Esperienza in infrastruttura di tipo Sanitaria. o Ottima capacità di gestione operativa e di monitoraggio Server CED o Conoscenza del software Gamma Enterprise (team System), Medica (Multimedia), Elefant e Sistemi di Archiviazione o Certificazioni attestanti la propria formazione o Progettare, programmare e modificare gli script (in vari linguaggi) secondo necessità; INVIO CV A [*vedi modalità di candidatura*] rif IT Rm Clicca sul link sottostante "sito web" per inviarci la tua candidatura.
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