Speeds with
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Italia (Tutte le città)
105 HT is drawn by Numarine's designer Can Yalman, who is also in charge of the concept, lines and interiors, while Umberto Tagliavini is the naval architect. Accommodation is comprised of three fully en-suite guest cabins and the spacious full beam master cabin, appointed with a dressing table, sofa, a large bathroom with a spacious walk-in shower and twin basins.
105HT is the foremost expression of the styling language that has started with the 78HT. The Hard Top design language has the gill shaped glass elements in the superstructure. Previously we have used this in the ceiling panels but in the 105HT this has been taken to the extreme and the complete side glass has this gilled, scaled structure emphasizing the creature aesthetic and power within. Taking stylistic language of the transportation industry, mainly the supercars, we tried to emulate the power, speed and luxury feel of an ultimate movement machine to a super-yacht. The elegance of motion is what we tried to achieve in the design of the Numarine 105HT
Powered with twin 1,925 hp Caterpillar C32s, the 105HT is capable of a top speed 30 knots and cruises at around 26 knots. Numarine uses advanced composite construction, vacuum assisted infusion techniques, PVC foam, and EL vinylester resin for sturdy and lightweight hulls.
Umberto Tagliavini adds: I have collaborated with the Numarine yard since their beginning and their first yacht. And just as with all Numarine designs, the primary aim when we designed the new 105 HT was to create a high performance hull shape with maximum possible comfort, even when sea conditions are not ideal. Thanks to Numarine’s technology – a given for the yard – we managed to achieve a displacement that gives us high speeds with a relatively smaller propulsion system: the two 1400kW CAT engines give the 105 HT a top speed of over 31 knots. The chined hull forward has a pronounced V, letting the bow pierce the waves relatively easily, giving the yacht a very comfortable ride. Numarine’s experience made my work easier, resulting in a high performance hull. CFD simulations were of great help in finalizing the design, but the original lines were developed based on the yard’s experience with their previous yachts. To improve the hull, obviously with the help of the yard, I have always taken out the yachts for trails in rough conditions to better understand how to improve handling in difficult conditions
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The MV Marine Mito 31 (by Pischel) is made by Italian brand MV Marine. This 2021 Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) is the fastest ever built, with two Mercury 450 V8 Racing engines. It is a sporty and stylish boat suitable for recreational use on both inland and coastal waters. The RIB has a modern and streamlined design with clean lines, a T-top and a stepped V-hull, allowing the boat to cut through the water more efficiently and achieve higher speeds with less drag and fuel consumption. The draft is 0.40 meters, making the boat suitable for shallow water as well. In the spacious, open cockpit with seating and a table, you can relax and enjoy boating. There is a 2-burner gas stove and a sink. On the bow there is a sun deck, ideal for a bit of sunbathing when at anchor. Below deck there is a cabin with sleeping accommodation for two and a small toilet. The boat is equipped with several features, including a steering console with navigation equipment, an audio system, a swim platform with swim ladder and several storage compartments for belongings and equipment.
Italiano La MV Marine Mito 31 (di Pischel) è prodotta dal marchio italiano MV Marine. Questo gommone rigido (RIB) del 2021 è il più veloce mai costruito, con due motori Mercury 450 V8 Racing. Si tratta di un'imbarcazione sportiva ed elegante adatta all'uso ricreativo sia in acque interne che costiere. Il gommone ha un design moderno e aerodinamico con linee pulite, un T-top e uno scafo a V a gradini, che consentono alla barca di tagliare l'acqua in modo più efficiente e raggiungere velocità più elevate con meno resistenza e consumo di carburante. Il pescaggio è di 0,40 metri, il che rende la barca adatta anche ad acque poco profonde. Nell'ampio pozzetto aperto con posti a sedere e tavolo, potrete rilassarvi e godervi la navigazione. C'è un fornello a gas a 2 fuochi e un lavandino. A prua c'è un prendisole, ideale per prendere un po' di sole quando si è all'ancora. Sottocoperta c'è una cabina con posti letto per due persone e un piccolo bagno. La barca è dotata di diverse caratteristiche, tra cui una console di guida con apparecchiature di navigazione, un sistema audio, una piattaforma da bagno con scaletta da bagno e diversi vani portaoggetti per effetti personali e attrezzature.
Française Le MV Marine Mito 31 (par Pischel) est fabriqué par la marque italienne MV Marine. Ce bateau pneumatique rigide (RIB) 2021 est le plus rapide jamais construit, avec deux moteurs Mercury 450 V8 Racing. C’est un bateau sportif et élégant adapté à un usage récréatif sur les eaux intérieures et côtières. Le semi-rigide a un design moderne et épuré avec des lignes épurées, un toit en T et une coque en V étagée, permettant au bateau de fendre l’eau plus efficacement et d’atteindre des vitesses plus élevées avec moins de traînée et de consommation de carburant. Le tirant d’eau est de 0,40 mètre, ce qui rend le bateau adapté aux eaux peu profondes également. Dans le cockpit spacieux et ouvert avec des sièges et une table, vous pourrez vous détendre et profiter de la navigation de plaisance. Il y a une cuisinière à gaz 2 feux et un évier. À l’avant, il y a un pont soleil, idéal pour prendre un peu de soleil au mouillage. Sous le pont, il y a une cabine avec des couchages pour deux et de petites toilettes. Le bateau est équipé de plusieurs fonctionnalités, notamment d’une console de pilotage avec équipement de navigation, d’un système audio, d’une plate-forme de bain avec échelle de bain et de plusieurs compartiments de rangement pour les affaires et l’équipement.
Deutsch Die MV Marine Mito 31 (von Pischel) wird von der italienischen Marke MV Marine hergestellt. Dieses Festrumpfschlauchboot (RIB) des Jahres 2021 ist das schnellste, das jemals gebaut wurde, mit zwei Mercury 450 V8 Racing-Motoren. Es ist ein sportliches und stilvolles Boot, das sowohl für den Freizeitgebrauch auf Binnen- als auch auf Küstengewässern geeignet ist. Das RIB hat ein modernes und stromlinienförmiges Design mit klaren Linien, einem T-Top und einem abgestuften V-Rumpf, der es dem Boot ermöglicht, effizienter durch das Wasser zu schneiden und höhere Geschwindigkeiten mit weniger Luftwiderstand und Kraftstoffverbrauch zu erreichen. Der Tiefgang beträgt 0,40 Meter, wodurch das Boot auch für flaches Wasser geeignet ist. Im geräumigen, offenen Cockpit mit Sitzgelegenheiten und Tisch können Sie sich entspannen und das Bootfahren genießen. Es gibt einen 2-Flammen-Gasherd und eine Spüle. Am Bug befindet sich ein Sonnendeck, ideal zum Sonnenbaden vor Anker. Unter Deck befindet sich eine Kabine mit Schlafgelegenheit für zwei Personen und einer kleinen Toilette. Das Boot ist mit mehreren Funktionen ausgestattet, darunter eine Steuerkonsole mit Navigationsgerät, ein Audiosystem, eine Badeplattform mit Badeleiter und mehrere Staufächer für Habseligkeiten und Ausrüstung.
Español El MV Marine Mito 31 (de Pischel) está fabricado por la marca italiana MV Marine. Este bote inflable rígido (RIB) 2021 es el más rápido jamás construido, con dos motores Mercury 450 V8 Racing. Es una embarcación deportiva y elegante apta para el uso recreativo tanto en aguas interiores como costeras. La semirrígida tiene un diseño moderno y aerodinámico con líneas limpias, un T-top y un casco en V escalonado, lo que permite que el barco atraviese el agua de manera más eficiente y alcance velocidades más altas con menos resistencia y consumo de combustible. El calado es de 0,40 metros, lo que hace que el barco también sea adecuado para aguas poco profundas. En la cabina espaciosa y abierta con asientos y una mesa, puede relajarse y disfrutar de la navegación. Hay una estufa de gas de 2 quemadores y un fregadero. En la proa hay un solárium, ideal para tomar un poco de sol cuando se está fondeado. Debajo de la cubierta hay un camarote con capacidad para dos personas y un pequeño aseo. El barco está equipado con varias características, que incluyen una consola de gobierno con equipo de navegación, un sistema de audio, una plataforma de baño con escalera de baño y varios compartimentos de almacenamiento para pertenencias y equipos.
Nederlands De MV Marine Mito 31 (van Pischel) is gemaakt door het Italiaanse merk MV Marine. Deze 2021 Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) is de snelste ooit gebouwd, met twee Mercury 450 V8 Racing-motoren. Het is een sportieve en stijlvolle boot die geschikt is voor recreatief gebruik op zowel binnen- als kustwateren. De RIB heeft een modern en gestroomlijnd ontwerp met strakke lijnen, een T-top en een getrapte V-romp, waardoor de boot efficiënter door het water kan snijden en hogere snelheden kan bereiken met minder weerstand en brandstofverbruik. De diepgang is 0,40 meter, waardoor de boot ook geschikt is voor ondiep water. In de ruime, open kuip met zitje en een tafel kunt u heerlijk ontspannen en genieten van het varen. Er is een 2-pits gasfornuis en een spoelbak. Op de boeg is er een zonnedek, ideaal om een beetje te zonnebaden als je voor anker ligt. Benedendeks is er een hut met slaapgelegenheid voor twee personen en een klein toilet. De boot is voorzien van diverse features, waaronder een stuurconsole met navigatieapparatuur, een audiosysteem, een zwemplateau met zwemtrap en meerdere opbergvakken voor spullen en uitrusting.
Русский MV Marine Mito 31 (от Pischel) производится итальянским брендом MV Marine. Эта жесткая надувная лодка (RIB) 2021 года является самой быстрой из когда-либо построенных, с двумя двигателями Mercury 450 V8 Racing. Это спортивная и стильная лодка, подходящая для рекреационного использования как во внутренних, так и в прибрежных водах. RIB имеет современный и обтекаемый дизайн с четкими линиями, Т-образным верхом и ступенчатым V-образным корпусом, что позволяет лодке более эффективно рассекать воду и достигать более высоких скоростей с меньшим сопротивлением и расходом топлива. Осадка составляет 0,40 метра, что делает лодку пригодной и для мелководья. В просторном открытом кокпите с креслами и столом вы можете расслабиться и насладиться катанием на лодке. Есть газовая плита с 2 конфорками и раковина. В носовой части есть солнечная палуба, идеально подходящая для принятия солнечных ванн во время стоянки на якоре. Под палубой расположена каюта со спальными местами на двоих и небольшим туалетом. Лодка оснащена несколькими функциями, включая рулевую консоль с навигационным оборудованием, аудиосистему, плавательную платформу с лестницей для купания и несколько отсеков для хранения вещей и оборудования.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
With a sleek exterior profile of carbon fibre and polished stainless steel, the 65 Sport Yacht balances the traditional with hi-tech to place emotion and performance at its heart. The modular layout allows for a variety of specifications and enhancements, with space that adapts seamlessly to all kinds of socialising and adrenaline-seeking. Take your Sport Yacht to new heights by carrying the tender on the bathing platform and reconfiguring the vacated space as a dedicated ‘Beach Club’ – with direct sea access, bar, fridge, BBQ, and free-standing seating. The perfect space for those happiest close to the water. With speeds of up to 35 knots, the 65 Sport Yacht cuts an equally impressive figure on the open water. Taken all together, the experience is one of pure adrenaline, akin to driving a high performance convertible supercar and absolutely unique.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
With a sleek exterior profile of carbon fibre and polished stainless steel, the 65 Sport Yacht balances the traditional with hi-tech to place emotion and performance at its heart.
The modular layout allows for a variety of specifications and enhancements, with space that adapts seamlessly to all kinds of socialising and adrenaline-seeking.
Take your Sport Yacht to new heights by carrying the tender on the bathing platform and reconfiguring the vacated space as a dedicated ‘Beach Club’ – with direct sea access, bar, fridge, BBQ, and free-standing seating.
The perfect space for those happiest close to the water.
With speeds of up to 38 knots, the 65 Sport Yacht cuts an equally impressive figure on the open water.
Taken all together, the experience is one of pure adrenaline, akin to driving a high performance convertible supercar and absolutely unique.
Part Exchanges will be considered.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
With a sleek exterior profile of carbon fibre and polished stainless steel, the 65 Sport Yacht balances the traditional with hi-tech to place emotion and performance at its heart.
Take your Sport Yacht to new heights by carrying the tender on the bathing platform and reconfiguring the vacated space as a dedicated ‘Beach Club’ – with direct sea access, bar, fridge, BBQ, and free-standing seating.
The perfect space for those happiest close to the water. With speeds of up to 38 knots, the 65 Sport Yacht cuts an equally impressive figure on the open water.
Taken all together, the experience is one of pure adrenaline, akin to driving a high performance convertible supercar and absolutely unique.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Cranchi Endurance 2008: A Powerful and Elegant Motor Yacht
The Cranchi Endurance 2008 is a stunning motor yacht that combines power, elegance, and versatility, making it an ideal choice for those seeking both performance and luxury on the water. Known for its superior craftsmanship and seaworthiness, the Cranchi Endurance 2008 is a perfect blend of style, functionality, and comfort. Whether for coastal cruising, day trips, or longer voyages, this yacht offers an outstanding boating experience for families, friends, and serious enthusiasts alike.
Design and Construction
The Cranchi Endurance 2008 features a sleek, modern design that balances aesthetics with practicality. With a length of 12.88 meters (42.3 feet) and a beam of 3.85 meters (12.6 feet), the Endurance 2008 is a mid-sized yacht that offers ample space for its guests without being overwhelming to handle. The yacht’s fiberglass hull is designed for stability and durability, while the lightweight construction ensures excellent speed and fuel efficiency.
Cranchi, an Italian shipyard renowned for its high standards of craftsmanship, has created a vessel that not only looks great but also performs at a high level. The Endurance 2008’s deep-V hull design ensures smooth handling in both calm and rough waters, providing a stable and comfortable ride at various speeds. The yacht's design focuses on maximizing the interior and deck space while maintaining an elegant, streamlined exterior.
Exterior Features
The Cranchi Endurance 2008 offers a well-thought-out exterior with ample deck space for relaxation and entertainment. The aft cockpit is particularly spacious, featuring a large dining area with comfortable seating, perfect for enjoying meals or cocktails while cruising. The cockpit also includes a wet bar with a sink and storage, adding to the yacht’s convenience when hosting guests.
The bow area is equipped with a large sunpad, providing the ideal spot for sunbathing or lounging. It offers ample space for guests to relax and take in the views while cruising. The swim platform at the stern is easy to access, providing direct entry into the water for swimming or watersports. An integrated swim ladder further enhances ease of access when in the water.
For those who enjoy steering from above, the flybridge on the Cranchi Endurance 2008 is an outstanding feature. Equipped with its own helm station, it offers excellent visibility, making it easier to navigate even in challenging conditions. The flybridge also includes seating and a small sunbathing area, providing a great vantage point to enjoy the surroundings and entertain guests.
Interior Layout and Comfort
Step inside the Cranchi Endurance 2008, and you’ll find a thoughtfully designed interior with an emphasis on comfort, luxury, and functionality. The main saloon features a spacious lounge area with a large sofa and a fully integrated entertainment system, including a flat-screen TV and surround sound, creating a perfect space to unwind. The large windows let in natural light and provide spectacular views of the surrounding waters, giving the saloon a bright and airy feel.
Galley: The galley on the Endurance 2008 is fully equipped with modern appliances, including a stove, refrigerator, microwave, and sink. It is designed to allow easy meal preparation while keeping the living areas separate and free from cooking odors. The galley is compact yet functional, with ample storage space for all essentials.
Cabins and Berths: The Cranchi Endurance 2008 offers two spacious cabins: a master cabin and a guest cabin. The master cabin is located at the bow and features a large double berth, wardrobes for storage, and en-suite facilities with a shower. The guest cabin is equally well-appointed, with two single beds that can be converted into a double, perfect for family or friends. Both cabins are designed to offer maximum comfort, ensuring a restful stay on board.
Head and Bathroom: The yacht features a well-equipped head with a marine toilet, sink, and shower, designed for convenience and privacy. The use of high-quality materials and finishes throughout the interior enhances the luxurious feel, making it a welcoming space for everyone on board.
Performance and Handling
The Cranchi Endurance 2008 is powered by twin inboard engines, usually Volvo Penta D6 330 HP engines or similar configurations, providing a combined power of around 660 horsepower. This allows the yacht to reach top speeds of around 35 knots, making it a fast and agile vessel for those who enjoy thrilling rides on the water. At cruising speeds of around 22-25 knots, the Endurance 2008 provides excellent fuel efficiency, making it a great option for longer journeys as well.
The yacht’s deep-V hull and dual engine configuration contribute to excellent handling and stability. It offers smooth, precise steering and is easy to maneuver, even in tight marinas or during docking procedures. The hydraulic steering system further improves the yacht’s responsiveness, ensuring a smooth driving experience for both seasoned sailors and less experienced skippers.
Whether you are cruising at high speeds or enjoying a leisurely day at sea, the Cranchi Endurance 2008 delivers a stable, comfortable, and enjoyable ride. The yacht is also equipped with a bow thruster, making docking even easier and more convenient.
Technology and Amenities
The Cranchi Endurance 2008 is equipped with modern technology and amenities to enhance both the comfort and safety of the onboard experience. Some key features include:
Navigation Equipment: A high-end GPS system, radar, and autopilot provide precise navigation, whether you’re exploring the coastline or venturing into unfamiliar waters.
Sound System: The yacht’s stereo system offers great sound quality, perfect for entertaining or relaxing in the saloon or cockpit.
Air Conditioning: The Endurance 2008 comes equipped with air conditioning to ensure a comfortable indoor environment, even on hot summer days.
Generator: The onboard generator ensures a consistent power supply for appliances and electronics, whether at anchor or underway.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Alfamarine 60' offers the pleasure of top level sportsmanship. High speed which can get up to 50 knots united with extreme care in details. The monohedric hull with deep “V/" up to the stern guarantees optimum sea-holding even at high speeds. The Arneson transmission facilitate the intermediate speeds and manoeuvrability in intermediate speeds and manoeuvrability in port.
The stem garage can house a tender of up to 3.50 m, with electric launching system. The gangway and the bathing ladder are hideaway. Besides having a comfy sofa the ample cockpit also has a multipurpose cupboard which can be equipped with various accessories (BBQ, ice maker, etc.) upon request. The bridge which is higher than the cockpit, allows for perfect visibility. The awning, made of a special fabric, can be used during navigation even in rough sea conditions.
The hull, designed for high speed navigation, does not interfere with head room. As on deck, everything inside is designed for maximum space: the dining table can be extended to seat 10 and the hideaway TV are just two of the many solutions available. The Master cabin is a real and comfortable suite: a large double door closet, a bathroom with separate shower.
Full refit in 2016
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Royal Falcon One was fully designed by Studio F.A. Porsche and built in conjunction with Royal Falcon Fleet and Kockums shipyard with naval architecture by Incat Crowther. She is MCA compliant, built to Lloyds classifications and Cayman Flagged as a commercial vessel.
With a LOA of 135ft (41m) and a beam of 41ft (12.5m) she has an impressive volume of 499GRT typically found on mono-hull yachts with a much longer length overall. Both hull & superstructure are certified marine grade aluminum and her high speed round bilge catamaran hull form allows peak performance at high speeds and is extremely fuel efficient at cruising speeds.
Royal Falcon One sleeps 10 guests in 5 cabins + crew accommodations for 10. Her guest accommodations consist of a large owner's suite & VIP cabin on the upper deck with 3 additional guest cabins located forward on the main deck.
She is powered by twin MTU 16V4000 M93L engines powering MJP 850 water jets giving her a top speed of 37 knots yet she is also able to achieve a 2,250nm range at economical speeds.
A tender garage back aft houses a substantial RIB and when closed up she maintains her sleek exterior lines one would expect from Porsche Design Studio.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
/"MIZAR/" is a trimaran from NEEL. The Neel 45 Evolution is the moderate development of the legendary firstNeel trimaran of the 45 type.The outstanding feature of the Neel 45 Evolution is its unique hull and deck construction. Thesandwich construction is very light on the one hand (actual displacement 8.5 tons) and on the other hand very stable andtorsion resistant. Cleanly laminated bulkheads, beams and stringers clearly set this type apart from the successor types. Inaddition, the Neel 45 Evolution is unsinkable thanks to the complete sandwich construction.The sailing characteristics arecorrespondingly agile. Boat speeds in the range of the wind speed or just above can be achieved from wind strengths ofjust 2. In stronger winds, things really get going until the limit is reached at around 20 knots. Cruising speeds of 10 13 knotscan be sailed almost any time and with ease. The retractable daggerboard (rare optional extra) further increases theupwind performance considerably
MIZAR has been optimized and supplemented in numerous areas compared to the shipyard standard- Stainless steel bow fitting with anchor bracket (and fixation) and fixed support of the bowsprit- Installation of 6 additional mooring cleats- Installation of a gas bottle box with remote switch in accordance with GOK- Optimized line routing for the retractable dagge r board- Optimized sheet routing and routing of the furling lines- Permanently installed electric bilge pumps in the outer hulls- Warm air routing and ventilation in the outer hulls, lining these with Gisatex fleece in 2024- Insulation of the engine compartment- Improved gangway bracket- New cockpit tent in 2022
technical dataLength overall 14.22 m, length waterline 13.80 m, beam 8.50 m, draft 1.20 / 2.20, mast height over WL 19.40 m- Fully battend mainsail, 2 reefing rows, lazy bag, 60 m²- furling genoa 46 m²- self tacking jib 20 m²- genacker opt.160m²- Displacement approx. 8.500 kg- engine Volvo Penta D2 60 with 40 KW (55 HP) and folding propellers- 2 fresh water tanks with a total of 500 L- 2 holding tanks for the toilets- diesel tank with 300 liters
Cabin layout- Salon with navigation corner- Pantry with 2 burner stove and oven- 2 refrigerators 144L, 1 freezer 53L- 2 bathrooms with shower and electric toilet- 2 double cabins and 1 double cabin in the foreship of the main hull- 2 single berths each in theouter hulls- Heating in the superstructure and in the foreship- Fans in the cabins- 230V and USB in the cabins- Fusion audio system with BT- LED lighting
Equipment- Powerful bow thruster with separate battery in the foreship of the main hull- Fixed bowsprit with anchor holder and attachment point for gennaker- electric anchor winch 1000W- Complete LED navigation lighting with deck light- VHF radio with DSC controller- Raymarine Axiom 9/" chartplotter, radar, current. AIS, depth gauge, log, set of maps, port guide- Life raft for 10 people- 10 life jackets- lifebuoys with rope and light- radar reflector- emergency tiller- Fixed bimini above the cockpit- bimini above the steering position- cockpit cushions- Marco sound signal system with microphone- 480 Ah service battery- 70AH engine battery- shore powernconnection with on board charger- solar panels 480W- inverter 2KW- small rigid dinghy with 3HP outboard- motor hanging in davits- Locked gas bottle box with 2 aluminum camping gas bottles 3 kg- Foldable swimming ladder- mooring lines- fenders- gangway- Approval and safety certificate from BG Verkehr
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Italia (Tutte le città)
BELLA RONA, a 2012 98’ Princess motor yacht, is one of the finest vessels built by the British luxury yacht builder. With meticulous attention to detail and craftsmanship, there's no question that BELLA RONA is one of the nicest offerings of this size range in today's market.
BELLA RONA accommodates eight guests in four beautifully appointed cabins below deck. The master cabin has a king berth and a large en suite with a double vanity, walk-in shower, and tub. The forward VIP cabin provides an oversized queen berth and en suite. To starboard, the third guest cabin offers side-by-side twin berths, and adjacent to port, the fourth guest cabin offers a queen birth–both with en suites and walk-in showers. The crew quarters can accommodate four crew members.
BELLA RONA is powered with the desirable MTU 16v 2000s, giving her speeds upwards of 24 knots and comfortable cruising speeds of 11 to 13 knots. Two Onan 40kW generators power her while she’s at anchor. She’s stabilized with ABT/TRAC hydraulic stabilizers while at anchor or underway.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
PRINTEMPS with her pedigree construction from Heesen and her sleek silhouette has remained a very popular yacht. Ideal for stylish cruising, she has proven to be a very successful charter yacht.Exterior by Mulder Design, interior by Art Line and H2.
Can be seen on Instagram: printemps_superyacht
Built/Refit: 1987/2009/2021Length: 34.14 mBeam: 7.01 mDraft: 3.56 mHull material: AluminumGross Tonnage: 204 TonsNet Tonnage: 61 TonsEngines: 2 x 1.305 hp DeutzRange: 2.400 nautical milesHome port: Helsingborg, Sweden
Cabins: 5Guests: 10Crew cabins: 4Crew: 7
Fuel: 36.000 LWater: 6.500 LWatermaker: 4.080 LGrey water: 5.000 LBlack water: 2.000 L
MAIN DECKMain deck, midship, lobby with access to the owner stateroom, day head, galley, bridge deck and dining room/saloon.Owner´s state room with king-size bed and forward His and Her bathroom ensuite with Jacuzzi. Saloon and Dining area are linked to aft deck and stair case leading to two twin guests cabins low deck aft.
LOWER DECKTwo twin guest´s cabins ensuite aft of the engine room. Forward to the engine room two double queen-size bed guest´s cabins ensuite. Crew area with crew mess and four upper and lower bunks double crew cabins.
UPPER DECKFlybridge: upper steering position, observer/helmsman seette, L shaped seethe with table and Chairs for 10 pax, sun bathing area and sun loungers, and Bimini cover. Bar with sink, Ice maker (Bar-line 24 kg p/d new 2021) and 2 x Guests drink fridges. Boat deck with Aqua Crane (800 Kg SWL).
COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTThrane & Thrane Mini M, connected to PABXGSM with mast mounted Antenna, connected to PABXGMDSS VHF Furuno FM 8500Thrane & Thrane Sat CFuruno NX 500 Nav Tex receiver 2 x GMDSS VHF Simrad4 x Icom general use VHF`s (IC-M71)
NAVIGATION EQUIPMENTFuruno GPS GP 37B&G Hydra 2000 Log/wind intsruments/depth sounderHiglo Electronic Barometer and weather stationNavi-Radar, MultiFunctionDisplay, 2 x screensSestrel Magnetic compassRitchie Flux gate compass connected to autopilotC Plath Navigat X Mk I gyro compassC Plath Navipilot V autopilot
ELECTRICAL SYSTEMStb generator 55 kW John Deere/Northern Lights in sound shieldPort generator 33 kW John Deere/Northern Lights in sound shield1 x 6.5 kW Onan in sound shield220 V AC, 3 phase, 50 Hz & 24 V/12V DC Electrical system380 V AC, 3 phases, 50 Hz, 75/25 Amp Shore powerWeseman 35 kW power transformer 220 3 ph to 24 v AC
BATTERIES, NEW 20192 x 24 V DC1 x 24 V DC Port Gen start1 x 24 V DC Stb Gen start1 x 24 V DC Port ME start1 x 24 V DC Stb ME start1 x 24 V Battery Charger Blessing Breda
MECHANICAL AND ENGINE EQUIPMENT2 x 1,305 Hp (1,800 rmp) Deutz diesels type MWM TBD 604 BV82 x ZF type BW 450-1 reduction gear2 x Schaffen propellers with water lubricated shafts
Speeds and fuel consumptions:Cruising speed about 15 knots (at 1600 rpm) for a fuel consumption of about 380/400 L/HEconomical speed about 10 knots for a fuel consumption of about 110 L/HMaximum speed about 17 knots (at 1,780 rpm) for a fuel consumption of about 450 L/H
Hydraulic steering system with 2 pumpsHydraulic 75Hp (driven off port main engine) bow thrusterNaiad hydraulic stabilisers (driven off sub main engineWestfalia type OTB-2-00-066 fuel water separator (capacity 500 L/H)7 x Racor type 2040 in-line filters (generators and main engines - 2 each)Fire/Bilge pump Gianneschi & Ramacciotti 220 V AC, 200 L per min24 V DC Fire/Bilge pump Gianneschi & Ramacciotti, 200 L per min6 x Bilge compartments with alarms in each and connected via manifold to the engine roomHot water boilers2 x regent 3 kW 250 L, 1 x Gianneschi & Ramacciotti 3 kW 100 LFresh water pumps 2 x Capelda, 4.8 L/H, 220 3 phFuel oil transfer pumps 1 x SIHI maters, Holland, 220 V AC, 3800L/H1 x SIHI maters, Holland, 24 V DCLube oil transfer and ME Primming pump, 220 V AC, 380 L/HAir compressors2 x Guernet Villeneuve Loubet 220 V AC, 1,5 kW, 10 bar
Hamann type W-6061 sewage treatment system (capacity 24,000 L/day)(2009, 2 x 250 L + 1 x 150 L, Jacuzzi)Evac fresh water system for WCCondaria air conditioning system with 120,000BTU capacity, air-handling units throughout, separate boiler for heating and Honeywell thermostats in each compartment1 x HEM type 25 E reverse osmosis watermaker producing about 4,000L/day1 x INDOMAR about 4.080L/dayHeating system NIBE air/water pump
AUDIO AND VISUAL EQUIPMENTSaloon:Samsung SmartBose Lifestyle 48 media player with Bose 5.1 surround speakers
Twin cabins Fore and Aft Guest cabins:Philips Smart TV`s
Sun deck:Alpine iDA-X305, digital media receiver with iPod/USB slot
Crew area:Samsung Smart 65”
GALLEY AND LAUNDRYMIELE oven, new 20216 hob induction stove KupperbuschCommercial grade stainless range hood1 commercial grade stainless forced air fridge, 400 L (Tera) all cooling parts replaced 2010MIELE dishwasher, new 20211 Samsung combi oven/grill/microwave1 Nespresso coffee machine2 x stainless steel sink with Insinkerator garbage disposal unitElectric kettleMagimix 4200 kitchen robot2 x MIELE washing machine, new 20212 x MIELE dryer, new 2021Cocktails and smoothies mixer
DECK AND SAFETY EQUIPMENTSteen electric 220c AC anchor windlass with 2 x cable gypsies and 2 x capstans ABS 5 years)2 x Maxwell electric220 V AC type 2000 aft warping capstans2 x 105 kg anchors2 x 6 schackles 165m by 13mm chainsAqua crane /hydraulic) with 800kg Safe working Load (SWL) (220V/24V)Sanguinetti electro/hydraulic passerelle2.0m swimming platform added at Heesen shipyard1 x Sanshin Den type RCB-F16x with ACR type RCL-100 remote control (flybridge)Bimini over sundeckSun loungers, tables, folding chairsLife raft 2 x RFD 20 pax 2 x Life rings with lightsEPIRB 406 MHz25 Life jacketsFirst Aid kits (MCA)FM 200 fixed fire fighting installation in the engine room with remote activation2 x fire hydrants with hoses on the main deckCO2, foam and powder portable fire extinguishers throughout Fire and smoke detectors throughout General machinery alarms in wheelhouse and engine roomNavigation lights, fire, bilges etcCCTV system with 4 cameras, (2 x side decks, aft deck and engine room), monitor (crew mess) new 2021Proline CCTV monitor wheelhouse
LATEST UPGRADEABS 20 years special survey New caulking Fly BridgeNew teak swim platformUnderwater paint 2019New bearing shaftsNew stuffing shaftsAll valves replaced 2019Rudder bearings (ok, new spare on board)Tender crane, overhaul new hydraulic pipesGangway overhaulBatteries (upgrade)Crew quarter - complete rebuild + one extra cabinCrew quarter - new wiringCrew quarter - new plumingCrew quarter - new AC vewntilationCrew quarter - smoke detectorBilge alarm system (PLC) newMain engine cooling water injection exhaustCopper gasket exhaustHull thickness surveyShaft straightenedTeak slightly sandedAll tank inspected, treated & painted water tankMegger testNew fresh water system
The information provided is expected to be correct but not guaranteed
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Beautifully craftfted, elegantly designed and highly engineered, the MIRAGE 401 harnesses theadventurous spirit of the sea whilst offering the comfort and luxury of a second home.Designedand lovingly custom built in Italy, this unique 38.5 metre, wide-body aluminium displacementhull yacht seamlessly fuses pioneering technology and engineering with a contemporary design.Designed to comfortably sleep 10 passengers with 3 generous decks, the unique design offers a luxurious sense of space. The hull and propulsion have been optimized for the full range of most frequently used speeds of 10-14 knots and cruising speeds in semi-displacement mode. The MIRAGE 401 is near completion and could be ready to sail the high seas by 2022 yet can still be tailored to suit the needs and demands of any discerning client.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Beautifully crafted, elegantly designed and highly engineered, Project Mirage 401 was designed and custom built in Italy. A unique 38.5m, wide-body aluminium displacement hull yacht that seamlessly fuses pioneering technology and engineering with a contemporary design.
Designed to comfortably sleep 10 guests with three generous decks, the unique design offers a luxurious sense of space. The hull and propulsion have been optimised for the full range of most frequently used speeds (10-14 knots) and cruising speeds in semi-displacement mode. Project Mirage 401 is near completion, yet can still be tailored to suit the needs and demands of any discerning client.
Sleeping 10 guests comfortably in 5 staterooms and served by a crew of 7, she will offer true luxury living and cruising.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Technohull Sea DNA 999 is a used power boat for sale in Greece, a best-selling high performance RIB for adventure seekers that will not compromise comfort.
With a length of 11.4 meters and a beam of 2.8 she can take you anywhere you wish around Greece. With her inboard Volvo Penta 230 hp she performs excellent due to the overall design of Sea DNA.
The RIB comes on plane just at 2600 rpm, at speeds that vary in a range from 15 to 43 knots just at 3500 rpm, despite the heavy loads of the rib.
This is an excellent performance that every rib would envy and every pilot would want, especially in long journeys. At these speeds indeed there is the lower fuel consumption, thus increasing the autonomy.
The design of the ergonomic console allows the comfortable passageway from both sides giving easy access fore ‘n’ aft, while its interior houses the marine toilet.
The helm seats offer good lateral support and efficient holding of the body in all driving positions. At the stern behind the helm seats there is a sofa seating comfortably any passenger. The inboard engine, gives an extra-large sun-bathing area above the engine room. A classic solution whose strength is its convenience.
This boat is perfect for traveling around the Greek Islands and will enable you to live the thrill of cruising. The quality of construction and attention to details are clearly part of the package Technohull put together and should provide years of fun for any purchaser.Additional Equipment
- Fresh water shower
- Usb -AuxDeck Equipment
- Anchor(s)
- Anchor Chain
- Winch(es)
- ShowerEntertainment Equipment
- Stereo Sound SpeakersGalley & Laundry Equipment
- Refrigerator(s)Mechanical & Electrical Equipment
- Engines: 1 x 230 HP Volvo Penta
- Shore Power
- Trim TabsNavigational Equipment
- 1 x VHF
- 1 x GPS Chart Plotter
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Il Fashion 68 fa parte della nuova serie di imbarcazioni la cui la carena è stata pensata per una navigazione grintosa, per raggiungere elevate velocità, garantendo, al contempo, comfort e sicurezza. Ciò lo si deve anche grazie alla sua larghezza, pari a 5,62 metri, la più larga a raffronto di altre imbarcazioni della sua categoria. Andature in linea con l'aspetto del 68 con le sue linee slanciate e sportive, da vero coupè del mare. Charme, classe, raffinatezza ed eleganza……ecco che cosa si prova a salire a bordo di un'imbarcazione della FASHION! BUONE CONDIZIONI GENERALI, + COMMISSIONI DI AGENZIA INTERNI 3 cabine, 3 bagni, 1 cabina equipaggio con bagno Cabina di prua con letto matrimoniale, bagno con wc e lavello e locale doccia separato. Cabina a sinistra con letto matrimoniale alla francese, dotata di bagno con wc, lavello e doccia separata Cabina di poppa a tutto baglio con letto matrimoniale, beauty, bagno con wc, lavello, bidet e doccia Cucina al piano notte dotata di forno tradizionale, frigorifero interno, lavastoviglie, piastra elettrica a induzione con 4 fuochi Tende Elettriche nelle cabine Ampio salone con divano a C e tavolo da pranzo, TV a scomparsa e lussuose poltrone guida in pelle. STRUMENTAZIONE Bussola GPS Ecoscandaglio Radar Furuno Nav net Pilota automatico Flaps idraulici Indicatori Flaps Salpancora Elettrico Winch tonneggio di prua 2 Winch tonneggio di poppa VHF Computer di bordo MTU Comando motori elettronico ZF Elica di poppa - stern thruster Elica di prua - bow thruster Presa 220V da banchina Caricabatterie Batterie Nuove nel 2021 Prese interne 12v Prese interne 220v Radio AM/FM e Stereo in tutte le camere da letto Altoparlanti TV in salone Aria condizionata Clima reversibile Autoclave Boiler per l'acqua calda 2 generatori YANMAR 12KW Passerella Idraulica a scomparsa Opacmare Nuova 2020 Garage per tender Piattaforma con funzione tender lift idraulica in teak ARMAMENTO Ancora Cuscineria completa Cuscineria di poppa Cuscineria di prua Tendalino Pozzetto Teak Tavolo pozzetto a scomparsa Camminamenti laterali in teak Colorazione speciale Bi color Porta ingresso Porta laterale Scaletta da bagno Doccia esterna
English The Fashion 68 is part of the new series of boats whose hull has been designed for gritty navigation, to achieve high speeds, while ensuring comfort and safety. This is also due to its width of 5.62 metres, which is the widest compared to other vessels in its class. Gaits in line with the appearance of the 68 with its slender and sporty lines, as a true coupe of the sea. Charm, class, refinement and elegance...... that's what it's like to board a FASHION boat! GOOD GENERAL CONDITIONS, + AGENCY COMMISSIONS interiors 3 cabins, 3 bathrooms, 1 crew cabin with bathroom Bow cabin with double bed, bathroom with toilet and sink and separate shower room. Cabin on the left with double bed at French, equipped with bathroom with toilet, sink and separate shower Full-glare aft cabin with double bed, beauty, bathroom with toilet, sink, bidet and shower Kitchen on the sleeping floor equipped with traditional oven, internal refrigerator, dishwasher, electric induction plate with 4 fires Electric curtains in cabins Spacious lounge with C-sofa and dining table, retractable TV and luxurious leather guide armchairs. instrumentation compass gps sonar Furuno Nav net Radar Autopilot Hydraulic flaps Flaps indicators Electric Salpancora Winch bow tonneggio 2 Winch aft tonne Vhf MTU on-board computer ZF Electronic Motors Command Stern thruster Bow Thruster 220V dock socket charger New batteries in 2021 Internal sockets 12v Internal sockets 220v AM/FM and Stereo radios in all bedrooms Speakers TV in the salon air conditioning Reversible climate autoclave Hot water boiler 2 YANMAR 12KW generators Opacmare New 2020 Retractable Hydraulic Walkway Garage for tender Platform with teak hydraulic tender lift function armament still Complete cushioning Aft cushioning Bow cushions awning Teak Cockpit Retractable cockpit table Teak side walkways Special coloring Bi color Entrance door Side door Bathroom ladder Outdoor shower
Française La Fashion 68 fait partie de la nouvelle série de bateaux dont la coque a été conçue pour une navigation graveleuse, pour atteindre des vitesses élevées, tout en assurant confort et sécurité. Cela est également dû à sa largeur de 5,62 mètres, qui est la plus large par rapport à d’autres navires de sa catégorie. Démarches en ligne avec l’apparence de la 68 avec ses lignes minces et sportives, comme un véritable coupé de la mer. Charme, classe, raffinement et élégance...... c’est ce que c’est que de monter à bord d’un bateau FASHION! BONNES CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES, + COMMISSIONS D’AGENCE Intérieurs 3 cabines, 3 salles de bains, 1 cabine d’équipage avec salle de bains Cabine d’arc avec lit double, salle de bains avec toilettes et évier et salle de douche séparée. Cabine sur la gauche avec lit double à Français, équipée de salle de bains avec toilettes, évier et douche séparée Cabine arrière pleine d’éblouissement avec lit double, beauté, salle de bains avec toilettes, évier, bidet et douche Cuisine sur le plancher de couchage équipée du four traditionnel, réfrigérateur interne, lave-vaisselle, plaque d’induction électrique avec 4 feux Rideaux électriques dans des cabines Salon spacieux avec canapé C et table à manger, télévision rétractable et fauteuils guide en cuir luxueux. instrumentation boussole GPS sonar Furuno Nav net Radar pilote automatique Volets hydrauliques Indicateurs des volets Salpancora électrique Tonneggio d’arc de treuil 2 Treuil à l’arrière de la tonne Vhf Ordinateur de bord MTU Commande ZF Electronic Motors Propulseur arrière Propulseur d’arc Prise de quai 220V chargeur Nouvelles batteries en 2021 Prises internes 12v Prises internes 220v Radios AM/FM et Stereo dans toutes les chambres Haut-parleurs TV dans le salon climatisation Climat réversible autoclave Chaudière à eau chaude 2 générateurs YANMAR 12KW Opacmare Nouvelle passerelle hydraulique rétractable 2020 Garage pour appel d’offres Plate-forme avec fonction hydraulique hydraulique de levage de teck armement encore Amorti complet Amorti arrière Coussins d’arc auvent Cockpit en teck Table de cockpit rétractable Passerelles latérales en teck Coloriage spécial Bi couleur Porte d’entrée Porte latérale Échelle de salle de bains Douche extérieure
Deutsch Die Fashion 68 ist Teil der neuen Bootsserie, deren Rumpf für die düstere Navigation entwickelt wurde, um hohe Geschwindigkeiten zu erreichen und gleichzeitig Komfort und Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Das liegt auch an der Breite von 5,62 Metern, die im Vergleich zu anderen Schiffen seiner Klasse am weitesten ist. Gaits im Einklang mit dem Aussehen der 68 mit seinen schlanken und sportlichen Linien, als ein wahres Coupé des Meeres. Charme, Klasse, Raffinesse und Eleganz...... So ist es, in ein FASHION-Boot zu steigen! GUTE ALLGEMEINE BEDINGUNGEN, + AGENCY PROVISIONEn Innenräume 3 Kabinen, 3 Badezimmer, 1 Crew-Kabine mit Bad Bugkabine mit Doppelbett, Badezimmer mit WC und Waschbecken und separatem Duschraum. Kabine auf der linken Seite mit Doppelbett auf Französisch, ausgestattet mit Bad mit WC, Waschbecken und separateR Dusche Vollblende Achterkabine mit Doppelbett, Schönheit, Badezimmer mit WC, Waschbecken, Bidet und Dusche Küche auf dem Schlafboden mit traditionellem Backofen, Innenkühlschrank, Geschirrspüler, elektrischer Induktionsplatte mit 4 Bränden Elektrische Vorhänge in Kabinen Geräumige Lounge mit C-Sofa und Esstisch, einziehbarem TV und luxuriösen Lederführungssesseln. Instrumentation Kompass Gps Sonar Furuno Nav netz Radar Autopilot Hydraulische Klappen Klappen-Indikatoren Elektrische Salpancora Winde Bogen Tonneggio 2 Winch Achter Tonne Vhf MTU Bordcomputer ZF Electronic Motors Command Stern-Schubser Bow Thruster 220V Dock-Buchse Ladegerät Neue Batterien im Jahr 2021 Interne Buchsen 12v Interne Buchsen 220v AM/FM- und Stereoradios in allen Schlafzimmern Lautsprecher TV im Salon Klimaanlage Reversibles Klima Autoklaven Warmwasserkessel 2 YANMAR 12KW Generatoren Opacmare Neue 2020 Einziehbarer hydraulischer Gehweg Garage zur Ausschreibung Plattform mit Teak-Hydraulik-Tenderliftfunktion Bewaffnung Noch Komplette Dämpfung Achter-Dämpfung Bogenkissen Markise Teak-Cockpit Einziehbarer Cockpittisch Teak-Seitenstege Spezielle Färbung Bi Farbe Eingangstür Seitentür Badezimmerleiter Außendusche
Español El Fashion 68 forma parte de la nueva serie de barcos cuyo casco ha sido diseñado para la navegación arenosa, para lograr altas velocidades, garantizando al mismo tiempo comodidad y seguridad. Esto también se debe a su anchura de 5,62 metros, que es la más ancha en comparación con otros buques de su clase. Marchas en línea con la aparición del 68 con sus líneas esbeltas y deportivas, como un verdadero coupé del mar. Encanto, clase, refinamiento y elegancia...... eso es lo que es abordar un barco fashion! BUENAS CONDICIONES GENERALES, + COMISIONES DE AGENCIA Interiores 3 cabinas, 3 baños, 1 cabina de tripulación con baño Cama de proa con cama doble, baño con aseo y lavabo y cuarto de ducha independiente. Cabina a la izquierda con cama doble en francés, equipada con baño con aseo, lavabo y ducha separada Cabina de popa con visión completa con cama doble, belleza, baño con aseo, lavabo, bidé y ducha Cocina en el dormitorio equipada con horno tradicional, nevera interna, lavavajillas, placa de inducción eléctrica con 4 fuegos Cortinas eléctricas en cabinas Amplio salón con sofá C y mesa de comedor, TV retráctil y lujosos sillones guía de cuero. instrumentación brújula GPS sonar Radar de red Furuno Nav piloto automático Aletas hidráulicas Indicadores flaps Salpancora eléctrica Tonneggio de arco de cabrestante 2 Cabrestante tonelada popa Vhf Ordenador a bordo de la MTU Comando ZF Electronic Motors Propulsor de popa Propulsor de arco Zócalo de 220V cargador Nuevas baterías en 2021 Zócalos internos 12v Zócalos internos 220v Radios AM/FM y Stereo en todos los dormitorios Altavoces Televisión en el salón climatización Clima reversible autoclave Caldera de agua caliente 2 Generadores YANMAR 12KW Opacmare nueva pasarela hidráulica retráctil 2020 Garaje en licitación Plataforma con función de elevación de licitación hidráulica de teca armamento todavía Amortiguación completa Amortiguación de popa Cojines de proa toldo Cabina de teca Mesa de cabina retráctil Pasarelas laterales de teca Coloración especial Bi color Puerta de entrada Puerta lateral Escalera de baño Ducha al aire libre
Россию Мода 68 является частью новой серии лодок, корпус которых был разработан для песчаной навигации, для достижения высоких скоростей, обеспечивая при этом комфорт и безопасность. Это также связано с его шириной 5,62 метра, что является самым широким по сравнению с другими судами в своем классе. Походы в соответствии с появлением 68 с его тонкими и спортивными линиями, как истинное морское купе. Очарование, класс, изысканность и элегантность...... это то, что он хотел сесть на лодку FASHION! ХОРОШИЕ ОБЩИЕ УСЛОВИЯ, КОМИССИИ АГЕНТСТВА Интерьеры 3 каюты, 3 ванные комнаты, 1 кабина экипажа с ванной комнатой Боу-кабина с двуспальная кровать, ванная комната с туалетом и раковиной и отдельная душевая комната. Кабина слева с двуспальная кровать на французском языке, оборудованная ванной комнатой с туалетом, раковиной и отдельным душем Полноспийная афта кабины с двуспальная кровать, красота, ванная комната с туалетом, раковина, биде и душ Кухня на спальном этаже оборудована традиционной духовкой, внутренним холодильником, посудомоечной машиной, электрической индукционной пластиной с 4 пожарами Электрические шторы в каютах Просторный лаундж с C-sofa и обеденным столом, выдвижным телевизором и роскошными кожаными креслами-гидами. инструментовка компас GPS гидролокатор Фуруно Нав чистый радар автопилот Гидравлические закрылки Индикаторы закрылков Электрический Салпанкора Винч лук tonneggio 2 Винч афт тонна овч МТУ на борту компьютера Командование электронных моторов Штерн двигатель Боу Хустер 220V док-розетка обвинитель Новые батареи в 2021 году Внутренние розетки 12v Внутренние розетки 220v AM/FM и стерео радио во всех спальнях Динамики Телевизор в салоне кондиционирование Реверсивный климат автоклав Котел с горячей водой 2 генератора YANMAR 12KW Opacmare Новый 2020 Выдвижной гидравлический проход Гараж на тендер Платформа с функцией гидравлического тендерного лифта тик вооружение ещё Полная амортизация Афт амортизация Лук подушки тент Тик Кокпит Выдвижной стол кабины Чайные боковые дорожки Специальная окраска Би цвета Входная дверь Боковая дверь Лестница ванной комнаты Открытый душ
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Italia (Tutte le città)
ribsforsale and Ballistic RIBs are proud to introduce the 7.8 RIB with twin Yamaha engines. This is the ultimate 7.8 and offers you the very best in performance and also long-range cruising comfort. This Ballistic 7.8 twin rig RIB is made for spending extensive time out on the water and also for longer trips at higher cruising speeds. She is extremely comfortable at cruising above thirty knots and will go on to fifty if required, when the conditions are right of course. The layout of the Ballistic 7.8 RIB comprises of an open foredeck, a double console seat, four single jockey seats and a three-person rear bench. Each seat provides storage beneath and there is further space in the bow seating area for lines and fenders. The 7.8 RIB has plenty of hand-holds throughout the vessel ensuring that you can move around as safely as possible when under way. As with all RIBs in the Ballistic family, the 7.8 twin rig has a comprehensive specification that includes range leading equipment from Garmin and Fusion electronics. The addition of the Seastar power steering system over the single engine version of the 7.8 makes driving the twin rig both easy and rewarding. It has never been easier to extract the awesome performance from this amazing hull as it is with the twin-engine version. A must drive for any RIB nut! Other smart features have been incorporated into the Ballistic 7.8 twin rig RIB include the top of the range Yamaha digital screens which work alongside the Garmin screen to ensure that you get all engine, navigation and depth information that you need. Having two engines means having two stainless-steel fuel tanks and with two separators and two isolators. The total fuel capacity onboard the boat is 450 litres (2 x 225) and that can get you a long way! The are some opportunities to customise the twin rig to fit your style of boating so please get in touch if you have a concept and would like our help to realise it. We have many happy Ballistic owners who have taken advantage of this process so do not hesitate to get in touch with us via email: info@ribsforsale.com or call us on 02392 397000. • Grey and Charcoal Hypalon Tubes with Grab Handles (Optional Charcoal). • White Gel Coated GRP Hull (Two Optional Grey). • Unique, three-piece ladder chassis construction. • “V” Shape forward seating area with storage beneath. • Double front Console seat with access to further storage and Picnic table. • Two single jockey seats with storage within and stainless-steel handrails. • Triple Rear Bench Seat with storage within. • Anchor Locker with Anchor, Chain & Rope. • Premium Weatherproof Silvertex Upholstery. • 2 x 225 Litre Fuel Tank. • Triple battery system (Port engine, Starboard engine and house engine) with isolator and low voltage cut off. • Twin Bilge pumps with auto function. • Yamaha Digital Engine Screen. • Steering Compass. • Garmin Touchscreen GPSmap. • Garmin 115i VHF / DSC Radio. • Fusion BB100 Marine Stereo System. • LED Deck Lights. • Picnic Table. • Stainless steel cup holders with drains. • Seastar Electro-Hydraulic Steering. • Double Stainless-Steel A-Frame with Tow-eye, Navigation Lights and LED Driving lamps. • Fishing rod holders on port and starboard of the A-Frame. • Yamaha F250HP Outboard Engine. (Optional Yamaha F300 Upgrade) • Console Cover. • Full Boat Cover. • Flexi Teak Effect Decking. #yourribforlife
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Italia (Tutte le città)
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. The Sunseeker 76 Yacht lifts expectations to another level thanks to an all-new hull and superstructure boasting a vast expanse of glass. The influence of the owners interior design with the wonderful gloss Black American Walnut Wood Finish Interior throughout increasing the luxurious feel. Also she benefits from the larger engine option with tops speeds of 34 knots. Along with an extensive selection of optional extras this is a fantastic example of a 76 Yacht.
From the pier through the gangway, you will reach the large Cockpit area with a seating area on the Port side at the back. Looking into the salon, you'll see the spacious layout with low-level furniture on either side. The open-plan galley is on the starboard side, across from an elegant round dining table. A step up leads to the helm deck, featuring a cozy corner sofa. On the Port side of the salon, a 55/" TV is available alongside a comfortable lounge area for family evenings. Large windows on both sides provide views of the sea and fill the space with natural light, creating a spectacular environment with a nearly 360-degree perspective. The combination of ‘antique brown’ and ‘white’ granite work surfaces and plush carpet adds to the spacious feel. Descending to the lower deck via the wide staircase, you turn right to the owner's cabin and find the VIP and Guest cabins on the left. The entire lower area is fully carpeted, showcasing discreet, minimalist furnishings. The owner's cabin has a lounge, dressing area, large wardrobes, and an en suite bathroom at the back, along with a 55/" TV by the king-size bed. Moving forward, there's a generous Double Guest Cabin with en suite on the port side and a stylish Twin Guest Cabin convertible to a double on the starboard side, also with en suite. At the bow is the Forward VIP Guest Cabin with en suite, designed for spacious simplicity. All cabins feature large windows that bring in plenty of natural light, creating a welcoming atmosphere. She is ready to go for her next owner. Viewing is highly recommended.*PLEASE NOT THE TENDER ISN'T INCLUDED*
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2017 Jeanneau Cap Camarat 7.5 WA Series 2 – Powered by a Yamaha F300 outboard engine.
Supplied with the largest engine available, the 4.2 litre V6 Yamaha F300 with electronic controls.
An ever-popular sportsboat, with a two berth cuddy cabin, separate heads compartment with sea toilet and holding tank, galley with sink, pressurised running water and 12v fridge. Everything required for a comfortable weekend away.
On deck is a large console, with a Lowrange GPS chartplotter, Fusion stereo system, digital Yamaha engine display, Yamaha electronic engine controls, Zipwake automatic trim tabs, two swivelling and adjustable helm seats, cockpit table, and wraparound aft cockpit seating and aft sunbed conversion.
On the bow is a large sunbed with lifting backrests and cupholders, an electric anchor windlass and sturdy pulpit rails.
The boat also features a ski frame for towing waterskiers and wakeboarders, an auxiliary engine bracket, and a nearly new overall cover. In 2019 the boat was upgraded with new Zipwake automatic trim tabs, a new anchor windlass and a new Sidepower bow thruster.
BHG Marine have carried out an annual engine service, polished the hull and topsides and reantifouled the hull, end of October 2024.
Note: Gearbox removed as the photos were taken mid-service.
Yamaha F300 outboard engineYamaha digital engine displayZipwake automatic trim tabsSidepower bow thrusterElectric anchor windlassFusion stereoLowrance GPS chartplotterCockpit tableCockpit sunbedBow sunbed with lifting backrestsCabin cushions with double berth conversionFridgeSink and pressurised water systemTransom showerSea toilet with holding tankAuxiliary outboard engine bracketSki frameOverall cover (nearly new) and original console cover
Works carried out by BHG Marine, end of October 2024:
Full annual engine service New water pump kitNew anodes Hull and topsides polish New antifouling Complete detail valet throughout
Manufacturer Provided Description
Already the reference in the 7-metre boat category, and based on the magnificent streamlined hull by M. PETERS, the CAP CAMARAT 7.5 WA Série 2 boasts a distinctly young, dynamic and sporty style.
At the helm of the all-new American-style cockpit, you will experience exhilarating speeds. The spacious saloon and cabins provide for unforgettable evenings, while the fore and aft sundecks allow you to enjoy every instant of being at sea. Unforgettable moments await you aboard this family sport boat!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Hydrolift C-27
1. Interior:
Salon and cabins:
Both interior and exterior use Alcantara Niroxx materials.
Sleeping capacity for up to four people.
Stainless steel sports seats for the driver and passenger with options for sitting, standing, and flipping into the opposite direction.
The interior is like new.
Kitchen and storage:
Refrigerator included in the cabin.
Sink: Interior sink.
Technical equipment in the interior:
Electric toilet with a separate waste tank.
Water heater for hot water.
Sound package 1 for onboard audio entertainment.
220V shore power connection with built-in charger, outlet, and cable.
Raymarine C120 navigation system, including card and trip computer.
Mechanical compass and kill switch for high-speed driving.
Separate fuse box for additional safety.
Fire extinguisher for onboard safety.
2. Exterior:
Cockpit and other outdoor spaces:
Hydraulic cabrio roof with full closure option.
Teak flooring in the cockpit and cabin.
Dining table in the cockpit.
Stainless steel swimming steps for water access.
Outdoor shower with a separate water tank.
Maximum speed of 54 knots, depending on sea conditions.
Fuel consumption is about 1L/NM at cruising speeds around 40 knots, with a minimum planing speed of 15 knots.
Power steering for enhanced control.
Trim tabs (QL) for improved stability.
Bow thruster for easy maneuverability.
Metallic paint on the sides of the boat.
Anchoring system and maintenance:
Anchor package.
Anti-fouling applied.
Complete service, including new antifouling and zinc anodes, as part of the sale.
3. Electronics and technology:
Navigation and control:
Raymarine C120 navigation system with card and trip computer.
Mechanical compass for navigation.
Power steering for ease of control.
Kill switch for high-speed safety.
Propulsion system and pumps:
Equipped with a Volvo D6 370 engine and a reinforced Z-drive with an enlarged control surface.
Separate racing controls for throttle and shifting.
The boat features bow thrusters and trim tabs (QL) for superior handling.
The boat's hull is constructed using a sandwich structure with reinforced ribs for increased durability and wave resistance.
All installations have separate safety wiring similar to larger vessels.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
MORE CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT FOR DAYS OF FAMILY FUN Discover more convenience and comfort for days of family fun with the GTI SE watercraft: Touring Seat, Boarding Ladder and Variable Trim System (VTS). DISCOVER MORE CONVENIENCE ADDITIONAL FEATURES This robust material, now in its second generation, reduces the weight of the watercraft to deliver peak performance and efficiency, and makes it easy to tow with most car. Plus, the colour-in moulding makes it more scratch-resistant than fiberglass. FUEL-EFFICIENT, FUELED BY FUN ROTAX 1630 HO ACE NEW Rotax engine offering reliability, fun performance and fuel economy, equipped with the Advanced Combustion Efficiency (ACE) technology POLYTEC MATERIAL LIGHTWEIGHT b'&' HIGH-STRENGTH This innovative material reduces the weight of the watercraft to deliver peak performance even with smaller engines and making it easy to tow with most sedans. Plus, the color-in molding makes it more scratch-resistant than fiberglass. STOP SOONER AND DOCK WITH EASE INTELLIGENT BRAKE AND REVERSE (iBR) Recognized by the U.S. Coast Guard for improving boat safety since 2009 and now in its third generation, the Sea-Doo exclusive iBR (Intelligent Brake and Reverse) system allows you to stop up to 160 feet (48 m)* sooner than watercraft not using a brake. With both hands on the handlebars, riders can engage forward, neutral, and reverse for stable, worry-free maneuvering at low speeds. * Based on BRP internal testing. STORE WHAT YOU WANT LARGER FRONT STORAGE The largest storage space in its category* (40.2 US gal. / 152.L) lets you store plenty of gear.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
MORE CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT FOR DAYS OF FAMILY FUN Discover more convenience and comfort for days of family fun with the GTI SE watercraft: Touring Seat, Boarding Ladder and Variable Trim System (VTS). DISCOVER MORE CONVENIENCE ADDITIONAL FEATURES This robust material, now in its second generation, reduces the weight of the watercraft to deliver peak performance and efficiency, and makes it easy to tow with most car. Plus, the colour-in moulding makes it more scratch-resistant than fiberglass. FUEL-EFFICIENT, FUELED BY FUN ROTAX 1630 HO ACE NEW Rotax engine offering reliability, fun performance and fuel economy, equipped with the Advanced Combustion Efficiency (ACE) technology POLYTEC MATERIAL LIGHTWEIGHT b'&' HIGH-STRENGTH This innovative material reduces the weight of the watercraft to deliver peak performance even with smaller engines and making it easy to tow with most sedans. Plus, the color-in molding makes it more scratch-resistant than fiberglass. STOP SOONER AND DOCK WITH EASE INTELLIGENT BRAKE AND REVERSE (iBR) Recognized by the U.S. Coast Guard for improving boat safety since 2009 and now in its third generation, the Sea-Doo exclusive iBR (Intelligent Brake and Reverse) system allows you to stop up to 160 feet (48 m)* sooner than watercraft not using a brake. With both hands on the handlebars, riders can engage forward, neutral, and reverse for stable, worry-free maneuvering at low speeds. * Based on BRP internal testing. STORE WHAT YOU WANT LARGER FRONT STORAGE The largest storage space in its category* (40.2 US gal. / 152.L) lets you store plenty of gear.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This BSC 100 GT RIB from 2019 (launched in 2020) built by the Italian shipyard BSC Colzani is powered by two strong 250 hp Mercury Verado V8 petrol engines with only 350 engine hours on the counter. This semi-rigid Sport Version measures 9.60m x 3.45m and is the ideal powerboat for day trips with friends and family. The generous space on board is divided into 3 parts: the ample seating area aft with electric table; the central pilot station; and the ample lounge area fore. Opposite the seating area aft is a wet bar unit with a fridge/freezer and a wash basin. There is also a large head compartment with electric toilet and wash basin. She is furthermore fitted out with: hydraulic steering, Mercury electronic engine controls, bimini, battery charger, Garmin NMEA 2000 Mercury, Sportnav VHF with GPS, electric windlass, Fusion sound system, air compressor, covers, etc. RIB’s are not only designed for a safe and comfortable ride. A RIB is all-round and versatile; whether you want to travel at high speeds, visit secluded beaches, do some fishing or just want to hang out with friends. If you are looking for a very well maintained RIB with low engine hours then this might be the one for you.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Guy Couach Flybridge Motor Yacht, a beautifully crafted 15-meter vessel, is in excellent condition with minimal usage, making it a rare find for yacht enthusiasts. Built with quality craftsmanship and designed for both performance and luxury, this motor yacht seamlessly blends functionality with comfort. It offers an outstanding opportunity for those seeking a reliable and elegant boat for coastal cruising, longer voyages, or simply enjoying life at sea.
**Performance and Engineering**At the heart of this vessel lies a powerful propulsion system. Its **deep V-planing hull** is specifically designed for stability and smooth sailing, even in more challenging conditions. The yacht is equipped with **twin Diesel engines**, driving high-speed **three-blade propellers** through a robust **shaft system**, ensuring exceptional performance on the water. The deep V-hull not only aids in cutting through waves but also provides enhanced speed, stability, and efficiency during cruising, making it ideal for leisurely trips and more exhilarating passages.
For precise manoeuvring, the yacht utilizes **P-brackets near the rudders**, providing optimal control, especially at lower speeds, which can be crucial when docking or navigating through tight spaces. The **power trim tabs** at the helm enhance stability and comfort, particularly in rough seas, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable ride for the captain and guests. These features make this yacht capable of handling diverse sea conditions quickly and gracefully.
**Flybridge and Helm Station**One of the standout features of the **Guy Couach Flybridge Motor Yacht** is its impressive **flybridge**, which offers **360-degree visibility**. This elevated area provides an exceptional vantage point for navigation and relaxation, making it the ideal place for the captain to steer while offering guests a comfortable space to enjoy panoramic sea views. Equipped with **power steering** and precise **engine controls**, the flybridge ensures a seamless handling experience for the captain, making it easy to manoeuvre even in more challenging waters.
Additionally, the flybridge includes a GRP radar arch, which enhances the vessel’s navigational capabilities, and a sunshade, which provides much-needed protection from the sun during long days out on the water. This thoughtful design ensures that the flybridge is functional and a comfortable and enjoyable space for everyone on board.
**Aft Cockpit and Water Access**Safety and ease of access are top priorities on this motor yacht. The spacious aft cockpit is designed with safety in mind, offering a secure environment for passengers while underway or at anchor. This area is perfect for socializing, dining, or simply relaxing while enjoying the sea breeze. The swim platform at the stern provides easy access to the water, whether you want to swim, snorkel, or launch a tender.
For added convenience, the yacht is equipped with a hydraulic passerelle, which makes boarding and disembarking safe and simple, especially when stern mooring in marinas. This hydraulic passerelle also doubles as a practical aid for passengers to safely get in and out of the water, making the yacht even more user-friendly for water-based activities.
**Recent Upgrades and Maintenance**The yacht has been meticulously maintained and comes with several key **upgrades** and recent services. In **2024**, the following updates were completed:- **Engine Turbo**: The system was upgraded, ensuring improved engine efficiency and performance.- **Autopilot**: A new autopilot system was installed, making long-distance navigation more accessible and automated.- **Engine Maintenance**: Oil and filters were replaced in 2024, ensuring the engines ran at peak performance.
Additionally, the yacht was last taken out of the water for routine antifouling in July 2024. During this time, the hull was inspected, cleaned, and treated to prevent fouling, ensuring optimal performance and protection for the boat.
**Flag and Location**This stunning yacht carries a Polish flag, which can offer certain registration benefits. It is currently located in Barcelona, Spain, a vibrant hub for yachting in the Mediterranean. With its prime location, the yacht is ideally situated for easy access to some of the most beautiful cruising grounds in the world, including the Balearic Islands, the French Riviera, and Italy's Tyrrhenian Sea.
**Schedule a Viewing**If you are interested in seeing this beautiful Guy Couach Flybridge Motor Yacht in person, Network Yacht Brokers can arrange viewings at your convenience. Whether you're a seasoned yachtsman or looking to enter the world of luxury yachting, this yacht offers a unique combination of performance, elegance, and practicality.
Don’t miss the chance to own a meticulously maintained and upgraded motor yacht, perfect for unforgettable cruising experiences in the Mediterranean and beyond. Please contact us for more information or to book an appointment.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
RIVAL 41 C ‘TEXION’The Rival 41C was designed by Peter Brett and built by the Southern Boatbuilding Company (Southampton, UK) to the highest quality and safety standards, Lloyds 100A1 class.The sail area versus displacement ratio suggests that the Rivel 41C will, in the right conditions, readily approach her maximum hull speed and satisfy the sailing performance expectations of cruising sailors.The ballast versus displacement ratio means that the Rival 41C will stand up well to her canvas in a blow, helping her to power through the waves. A displacement vs length ratio tells us the Rival 41C is a heavy displacement cruising boat, you can load her down with all your cruising gear and equipment, and it will hardly affect the waterline.The comfort ratio of the Rival 41C in a seaway is excellent. Her motion through the waves is slow and predictable. The heeling is such that the decks stay dry, except for some splash water in caseof heavy seas. The capsize screening formula tells us that the Rival 41C is very safe for ocean passage sailing. The keel is incorporated in the S shaped bottom hull, which is a very safe design.To the owner’s experience, the best sailing performance of a Rival 41C is close to the wind,approx. 30°. In a blow of 7 Beaufort, with a reef in the main sail, she ploughs through the waves at the speed of 7,5 knots. Half-wind and downwind sailing with a backstay wind is very comfortable, with good speed and easy steering. Cruising downwind at 180°, she needs at least 10 knots of apparent wind to keep the course steady with the wind vane. Sailingdownwind in very light airs requires some attention, but the Code Zero sail will keep the yacht moving. It is the owner’s experience that a few degrees off course steering in this particular condition makes passage-making comfortable and easy.The present owner, for 28 years, made passages of more than 200 miles per day in a force 8-9, with speeds through the water between 6-11 knots in big waves. The steering remained very easy by hand, using the electronic autopilot or the wind vane. Despite high breaking waves, no water was coming on the deck, even not behind the aft cabin. She was not running off the rudder. There was no condition where the yacht couldn’t keep her course.Like a train on the tracks, the yacht remained on her rump line.The present owner bought the Rival 41C in 1995 from an English surgeon who maintained her meticulously. Since he acquired the yacht, he has made yearly investments in maintenance to the highest standards and upgrades: (1) new teak deck (2013), (2) new rigging and stow away mast (2013), (3) 220V generator, (4) complete set of Raymarine instruments and communication system, (5) all the electrics, wiring, switches and dashboard have been replaced, (6) a new Mitsubishi engine was installed in 2014 and again rebuilt in 2022, replacing all the gaskets and pumps, (7) an electric cooker was installed as well as (8) a 3-bladed feathering* VarioProp (9) a powerful bow thruster was installed and (10) new upholstery of the cushionsand seats.
Every winter season, the yacht has been placed out of the water on the hard. All the cushions, sails, and ropes have been stored in a dry room during winter.This Rival 41 c is now berthed in Antwerp - Belgium.
The Rival 41C Texion is very easy to sail; all the lines to manipulate the main sail and foresails are let to the cockpit. Unrolling and reducing sail area can therefore be done easily and safely.The Rival Texion sailed the Mediterranean, went around the UK, crossed the Atlantic Ocean,and sailed the last four years between the nine islands of the Azores. She was sailed back to Antwerp, without trouble from the Azores during summer 2024.The main remarkable aspects of the yacht are the safe cockpit, her beautiful shear lines, together with the quality of the gel coat of the rump, the cockpit and the deck without cracks. She looks great. When moored in a harbour, the yacht gets a lot of attention from sailors and people walking close by because of her immaculate state.
A full specification sheet and a file with 87 photos are available upon request.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
/"WAR HORSE/" is the nicest 72 Ferretti you will find on the market--- heavily updated, well-maintained, mechanically sound.
This boat offers a very comfortable layout for entertaining guests with 4 ensuite staterooms including a full beam master and crew quarters for 3. The interior shows like that of a much newer boat with fresh soft goods and headliners, updated appliances throughout, updated A/V systems, etc.
Her twin MTU 12V183s offer a cruise speeds of 23kts and top speed over 30kts. They have been extremely well-maintained and are fully serviced. This boat is as turn-key as you will find.
The owner just moved up to a larger yacht which makes for a great opportunity. This boat will not disappoint --- contact me anytime to schedule a showing or present an offer.
Virtual Tour Link: https://www.denisonyachtsales.com/72-ferretti-yachts-2000-war-horse-virtual-yacht-tour/
Key Features Include:
21kW Kohler Generator (NEW in 2020) with under 100hrs
Second 21W Kohler Generator (New in 2014) with under 650hrs
New Blue Water Watermaker 750GPD
GOST Phantom Paradox Security System
Updated Garmin Electronics Package (Radar, Autopilot, Touch Screen MFDs for Both Helms)
Updated A/V 2019: Samsung Flat Screen TVs and JL Audio Throughout with Fusion Stereos
Updated SeaDek Flooring Throughout Exterior 2019
Windows Re-bedded/Sealed and Tinted with Low-Heat Ceramic
TracVision HD7 SAT TV Dome
2016 Avon SeaSport RIB Tender with 50HP Yamaha 4-Stroke (New Tubes 2021)
Updated Separate Bosch Washer/Dryers 2019
Besenzoni 400kG Davit
Waste Lines Replaced 2021
Spare Props
Two 4 Ton Chillers Replaced New in 2017
All Carpets Replaced in 2017
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Italia (Tutte le città)
A completely unique opportunity has presented itself on the brokerage market in the way of the astonishing 2008 Leonard 72 “BLACK DEVIL”.
“BLACK DEVIL” was originally built in 2008 but had an extensive refit completed throughout 2020 and 2021. Her already aggressive style has only been further enhanced with a completely tailored overhaul, with no-stone left un-touched and an un-rivalled attention to detail to create this incredibly unique and unmissable offering.
Her two Arneson Surface Drives are powered by Twin MAN 1550hp engines making her capable of skimming across the water at speeds upwards of 40 knots.
It is not just “BLACK DEVILS” exterior profile and performance that turn heads, her interior design and layout are equally awe-inspiring. The current owner has created a no expense spared masterpiece with the interior design, beautifully matching her exterior style, whilst maintaining the highest standards of quality, and preserving all that is expected of her incredibly luxurious Italian design. She offers an abundance of space in the lower accommodation, which hosts three cabins to sleep up to six guests, a twin guest cabin with two single beds, a beautiful VIP guest suite with a queen sized bed and a stunning full beam master suite.
This is a boat that has been designed for getting you to your destination quickly, and once there, catering for your comfort for those long care free days lounging on the water. She has a huge foredeck sun-pad (with additional bench seating), and impressively big aft cockpit, with L shaped seating, hydraulic lifting tables, an easy to use Bimini, ice maker, fridge, and even a grill.
The owner has even added a tender garage to fit a custom built 2019 Pirelli J33 jet tender so that no unnecessary space is taken up on deck. This tender, as well as a stunning 2016 Novamarine Black Shiver 100 chase boat are also available to purchase by separate negotiation. Viewings are available in Antibes at short notice, we look forward to welcoming you onboard.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Introducing the 2021 Pershing 9X MAGIC of AYR, a yacht that epitomises the perfect blend of power, performance and luxury. This miraculous yacht combines cutting-edge technology with unparalleled design, offering an exhilarating cruising experience. With her sleek lines and powerful performance, MAGIC of AYR is capable of exceding speeds over 40 knots but with every detail meticulously considered, to ensure power is beautifully entwined with both comfort and serene style. Renowned designer Italian designer Fulvio De Simoni has created bold exterior lines which magnificently complement her expansive windows that flood the interior with natural light, creating a seamless connection between the outside world and your onboard sanctuary. The spacious layout includes a vast saloon with a state-of-the-art helm, three opulent ensuite cabins and a separate aft access to the crew quarters and galley. MAGIC of AYR offers generous deck spaces that redefine outdoor living. Enjoy long days in the sun on her multiple sun loungers, relax with friends and family on her protruding foredeck, or savour al fresco dining under the stars in her immense cockpit. The yacht’s thoughtful design ensures that every inch is optimized for comfort and enjoyment. MAGIC of AYR comes to market in exceptional condition having always been maintained to the highest possible standards. She has benefitted from being run by a very experienced captain taking care of all onboard operations, and a well renowned management company offering year-round onshore assistance. She is available for immediate sale and delivery.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Ferretti 780 2023 is a masterclass in luxury and performance, featuring expansive outdoor spaces perfect for entertaining and relaxation. The flybridge is equipped with a helm station, sunbathing area, and a fully stocked bar, making it an ideal space for outdoor socializing. The aft cockpit offers additional seating and dining options, with easy access to the hydraulic swim platform, perfect for launching a tender or enjoying water sports.
Inside, the yacht boasts a spacious saloon with panoramic windows that flood the interior with natural light, offering breathtaking views. The saloon is designed for both comfort and style, with plush seating, a modern entertainment system, and a dining area for formal or casual meals. The 4-cabin layout provides luxurious accommodations for up to 8 guests, with each cabin featuring ensuite bathrooms, ensuring privacy and comfort for all onboard.
Equipped with cutting-edge navigation systems, including GPS, radar, and autopilot, the Ferretti 780 ensures a smooth and safe journey. The bow and stern thrusters provide easy maneuverability, while hydraulic stabilizers ensure comfort at anchor or during rough seas. Whether cruising at high speeds or enjoying a quiet day at anchor, the Ferretti 780 2023 delivers the ultimate yachting experience.
For more details or to schedule a viewing, please contact to us!
Key Features
Length Overall: 24.01 meters
Beam: 6.35 meters
Draft: 1.9 meters
Engines: Twin MAN 1550HP
Max Speed: 31 knots
Cruising Speed: 27 knots
Fuel Capacity: 5000 liters
Fresh Water Capacity: 1000 liters
Cabins: 4
Heads: 4
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Experience unparalleled luxury and performance on the water with the Wallytender 48X ‘TT Maverick’, now available through Bristow-Holmes. This stunning vessel represents the pinnacle of innovative marine design, combining cutting-edge technology with exquisite craftsmanship.
‘TT Maverick’ was built for a discerning yacht owner as a chase boat to the mother ship. As such, she was specified with every conceivable option and benefitted from a full engine replacement in June 2024 with 4 x NEW Mercury Verado 450 Racing engines being fitted. ‘TT Maverick’ boats a gyro stabiliser, generator, full audio upgrade and fold down bulwarks to extend the aft cockpit and effectively double the vessels beam whilst at anchor.
Key Features:
Sophisticated Design: The Wallytender 48X TT Maverick boasts sleek lines and a striking profile, crafted for those who demand both style and substance.
Powerful Performance: Equipped with advanced propulsion systems, this yacht delivers a thrilling ride with exceptional stability and maneuverability reaching speeds of up to 50 Knots*
Luxurious Interiors: Step inside to discover a spacious, meticulously designed cabin that offers the utmost comfort and elegance. High-end finishes and customizable options ensure a personalized touch.
Innovative Technology: Enjoy the latest in marine technology with integrated navigation systems, smart controls, and top-of-the-line entertainment features.
Versatile Utility: Whether you’re planning serene cruises or exciting adventures, the Wallytender 48X TT Maverick is designed to adapt to your every need.
Don’t miss this opportunity to own a Wallytender 48X TT Maverick, a masterpiece that defines luxury on the water.
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