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Stanley ld

Elenco delle migliori vendite stanley ld

  • DINNER FOR TWO: Enjoy delicious hot food straight from the campfire or camp stove. The Stanley stainless steel 6-piece cook set is perfect to cook a tasty meal for two in a 1.0L stainless steel pot. When it's time to eat, 2 bowls and 2 sporks allow for sharing. It can hold a small canister of fuel and it nests for easy carry-in and carry-out.
  • DURABLE AND SAFE: This Stanley camping cook set is built to last with 18/8 high-quality food-grade stainless steel construction that’s rugged, rust-proof and multi-scratch resistant. It’s also made with BPA-free materials, keeping its contents safe to consume.
  • VERSATILE HANDLE: Stanley designed the handle to provide maximum comfort and stability while it's on the stove. The locking pot handle extends for stable cooking. When packing up, the handle folds over the lid to lock your cook set and save space.
  • EASY TO CLEAN: This outdoor cook set is designed to clean easily. Every piece of this stainless steel cook set is dishwasher safe, top rack only.
  • LIFETIME WARRANTY: Stanley has stood the test of time because it's built to. That's the Stanley Promise. ‘Built for life’ is a motto Stanley stood by since 1913 with their promise to provide rugged, capable gear for food and drinks, built to last a lifetime. It’s a promise they still keep. Stanley products come with a lifetime guarantee against manufacturing defects. If your Stanley doesn't live up to its legendary reputation they will do what it takes to make it right. It's that simple.
  • DINNER FOR TWO: Enjoy delicious hot food straight from the campfire or camp stove. The Stanley stainless steel 6-piece cook set is perfect to cook a tasty meal for two in a 1.0L stainless steel pot. When it's time to eat, 2 bowls and 2 sporks allow for sharing. It can hold a small canister of fuel and it nests for easy carry-in and carry-out
  • DURABLE AND SAFE: This Stanley camping cook set is built to last with 18/8 high-quality food-grade stainless steel construction that's rugged, rust-proof and multi-scratch resistant. It's also made with BPA-free materials, keeping its contents safe to consume
  • VERSATILE HANDLE: Stanley designed the handle to provide maximum comfort and stability while it's on the stove. The locking pot handle extends for stable cooking. When packing up, the handle folds over the lid to lock your cook set and save space
  • EASY TO CLEAN: This outdoor cook set is designed to clean easily. Every piece of this stainless steel cook set is dishwasher safe, top rack only
  • LIFETIME WARRANTY: Stanley has stood the test of time because it's built to. That's the Stanley Promise. ‘Built for life' is a motto Stanley stood by since 1913 with their promise to provide rugged, capable gear for food and drinks, built to last a lifetime. It's a promise they still keep. Stanley products come with a lifetime guarantee against manufacturing defects. If your Stanley doesn't live up to its legendary reputation they will do what it takes to make it right. It's that simple
  • Nome dipartimento: Unisex adulto
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  • HOT AND COLD FOR 24 HOURS GUARANTEED. The Legendary Stanley brand is the NUMBER 1 thermos since 1913. Fill it with WATER, COFFEE, tea, milk, juice or other drinks. If you're at home, work, office, outdoor, camping, travelling, climbing, enjoy our ABSOLUTE BESTSELLER
  • BUILT LIKE a BATTLESHIP and marked by our CLASSIC hammertone green finish and LEGENDARY THERMAL INSULATION, the Classic Series is the cornerstone of the Stanley brand. From job site to campsite, to kitchen - this is the Stanley collection that has BEEN AROUND FOR GENERATIONS.
  • OUR PRODUCTS ARE FDA APPROVED and all contact surfaces are guaranteed to be safe and BPA-FREE. The steel we use is 18/8, or grade 304, otherwise known as food-grade stainless steel. 100% BPA phthalate-free, non-toxic, 100% leak safe, no sweat or condensation, no metallic taste or odd taste, use it and drink safe and clean
  • USING ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE MANUFACTURING methods, materials and human interactions, Stanley strives to SUSTAIN NATURAL resources, eliminate waste and reduce its carbon footprint
  • 100% SATISFIED OR YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK - Your satisfaction is guaranteed STANLEY provides a LIFETIME WARRANTY and stands for outstanding CUSTOMER SERVICE with thousands of HAPPY CUSTOMERS. Just click "Add to Basket" NOW.
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  • HOT AND COLD FOR 24 HOURS GUARANTEED. The Legendary Stanley brand is the NUMBER 1 thermos since 1913. Fill it with FOOD, SOUP, WATER, COFFEE, tea, milk, juice or other drinks. If you're at home, work, office, outdoor, camping, travelling, climbing, enjoy our ABSOLUTE BESTSELLER
  • BUILT LIKE a BATTLESHIP and marked by our CLASSIC hammertone green finish and LEGENDARY THERMAL INSULATION, the Classic Series is the cornerstone of the Stanley brand. From job site to campsite, to kitchen - this is the Stanley collection that has BEEN AROUND FOR GENERATIONS.
  • OUR PRODUCTS ARE FDA APPROVED and all contact surfaces are guaranteed to be safe and BPA-FREE. The steel we use is 18/8, or grade 304, otherwise known as food-grade stainless steel. 100% BPA & phthalate-free, non-toxic, 100% leak safe, no sweat or condensation, no metallic taste or odd taste, use it and drink safe and clean!
  • USING ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE MANUFACTURING methods, materials and human interactions, Stanley strives to SUSTAIN NATURAL resources, eliminate waste and reduce its carbon footprint
  • 100% SATISFIED OR YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK - Your satisfaction is guaranteed STANLEY provides a LIFETIME WARRANTY and stands for outstanding CUSTOMER SERVICE with thousands of HAPPY CUSTOMERS. Just click "Add to Basket" NOW.
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Roma (Lazio)
Sono un ottimo installatore di climatizzatori inverter a pompa di calore inverter. Mi occupo del montaggio e smontaggio di qualsiasi climatizzatore nella tua casa. Eseguo lo smontaggio di condizionatori con recupero del gas con 110 euro. Mi muovo su tutto il litorale Romano. Contattami tranquillamente su whatsapp per ogni tua domanda o richiesta preventivi. Se bene vuoi stare.......è me che devi chiamare!!!! Massimo Stecconi tecnico climatizzatori
110,0 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
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480,0 €
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Abano Terme (Veneto)
LA DOCENTE UNIVERSITARIA UTENTE DI QUESTO ANNUNCIO, PER TESI TESINE ELABORATI SCRITTI RECUPERO ESAMI RECUPERO MATERIE STESURA TESI DI DOTTORATO, TESINE INTER CORSO PREPARAZIONE MATURANDI PER ESAMI DI MATURITA L'ANNUNCIO E VALIDO IN TUTTA ITALIA.SI ASSICURA IL SERVIZIO ANCHE DURANTE TUTTO IL PERIODO ESTIVO IN TUTTA ITALIA. LE TESI verranno redatte ad alti livelli professionali senza alcuna operazione di copia incolla telefonare senza impegno al 3391367937, la docente risponderà personalmente a tutte le telefonate o le mail ALL'INDIRIZZO PIERA.PIERI64@GMAIL.COM e le consulenze saranno totalmente gratuite. Fonti e bibliografie reperite fra le pubblicazioni più nuove e all'avanguardia sull'argomento Max serietà e professionalità le tesi verranno redatte ad alti livelli professionali senza operazioni di copia e incolla da internet e le fonti e la bibliografia saranno reperite tra le pubblicazioni Universitarie più nuove e all'avanguardia. Annuncio valido in TUTTE LE CITTA ITALIANE non inviare sms perché sarebbero cestinati grazie cell 3391367937 astenersi perditempo non inviare sms grazie 3391367937 https://www.linkedin.com/in/piera-pieri-59ab68171/ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082485708761
0,0 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
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3.500,0 €
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1.950,0 €
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7 foto

Roma (Lazio)
Sono un bravo tecnico che effettua un servizio di smontaggio climatizzatori inverter a pompa di calore. Il mio onorario per smontare il tuo climatizzatore inverter con recupero del gas è di 110 euro. Se hai bisogno di smontare il tuo climatizzatore per trasloco o per qualsiasi motivo .......io sono a tua disposizione. Sono serio, affidabile e puntuale. Mi muovo su Roma, Ostia lido,Pomezia, Anzio e Nettuno. Contattami tranquillamente su whatsapp per qualsiasi tua domanda o conferma prezzi. Se bene vuoi fare è me che devi chiamare!!!! Massimo stecconi installatore tecnico.
110,0 €
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6 foto

Italia (Tutte le città)
3 monitor per fast-food usati, si tratta di 3 TV LCD di marca AKAI, mod. AKTV3223 T 32" - AKTV405 T 40" - AKTV406 TS 39". mancano i telecomandi dimensioni: 2 da 92X10cm h56 - una da 73X10cm h43cm una costa 60,00€, tutte 150,00€ iva e trasporto esclusi. video youtube: https://youtube.com/shorts/r--Ch8Ne2aY?si=7ysMWayCrTwUEoWZ
60,0 €
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2 foto

Italia (Tutte le città)
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60,0 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
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550,0 €
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Abbiategrasso (Lombardia)
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20,0 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
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1.300,0 €
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4 foto

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