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Steel hull

Elenco delle migliori vendite steel hull

Italia (Tutte le città)
De Vries Lentsch 26 meter steel hull Several years have gone by since the original conception of the design and the first welding. During the turn of the economics the project was halted due to lack of funds and stored aside. Now owner has decided it is time to part with the project and focus on the business again. This beautiful and timeless classic steel de Vries Lentsch steel hull is now for sale at fraction of replacement cost. Anyone looking for a De Vries Lentsch design project should visit this hull and discover himself how much of the project is actually already done. For more information please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Magliano in Toscana (Toscana)
Navetta in acciao costruita dai Cantieri Navali Benetti di Viareggio. Scafo in acciao, ponte coperta in acciao rivestito in teak, sovrastrutture in alluminio, pontatura completa, 4 paratie stagne, plancetta poppiera con piano di calpestio in teak. Nel 1997 eseguiti notevoli lavori di restyling e rinnovo di di impianti ed attrezzature. Nel 2003 sostituzione di parti e inserti di lamiera a scafo, nel 2004 sono stati eseguiti lavori di miglioria. Eseguiti Lavori di pitturazione scafo ed opera morta nel 2007 Impianto di aria condizionata sostituito nel Giugno 2008 Imbarcazione dotata d'impianto elettrico 220V e 24V presa da terra, nel 2008 sostituito una caricabatterie con uno nuovo Matervolt 24V, 100A. Impianto organizzato in modo che tutte le pompe possano funzionare da pompe di sentina e nel 2008 sono state revisionate le pompe di sentina e sostituita la pompa delle acque grigie. Il salpaancora di pruora è stato sostituito nel 2008 Gru di movimentazione del tender, posizionata sul ponte Fly, è stata revisionata nel 2008. All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and / or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for any inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. English Steel shuttle built by Benetti Shipyard in Viareggio. Steel hull, main deck in steel covered with teak, aluminium superstructure, full deck, 4 watertight bulkheads, Stern platform with teak decking. In 1997 performed considerable restyling and refurbishment of plant and equipment. In 2003 replacing parts and sheet metal inserts to hull, home improvement work has been carried out in 2004. Run paint Jobs hull and topsides in 2007 Air conditioning replaced in June 2008 Boat equipped with 220V electrical and 24V taken from the ground, in 2008 replaced a charger with a new Matervolt 24V, 100A. Plant organized so that all pumps can operate from bilge and bilge pumps were overhauled in 2008 and replaced the pump gray water. The windlass by pruora was replaced in 2008 Tender handling crane, placed on flybridge has also been revised in 2008. All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and/or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. Française Navette en acier construit par le chantier Benetti Viareggio. Coque acier, pont principal en acier recouvert de teck, superstructure en aluminium, pont complet, 4 cloisons étanches, plate-forme arrière avec terrasse en teck. En 1997, jouée restyling considérable et remise en état des installations et du matériel. Dans les pièces de remplacement de 2003 et d’inserts de tôle à hull, travaux d’amélioration de l’habitat a été réalisée en 2004. Exécution de peinture emplois coque et superstructure en 2007 Air conditionné, remplacé en juin 2008 Bateau équipé électrique 220V et 24V prise en 2008, du sol, a remplacé un chargeur avec un nouveau Matervolt 24V, 100 a. Plante a organisé afin que toutes les pompes peuvent fonctionner à fond de cale et les pompes d’assèchement ont été révisés en 2008 et remplacé l’eau pompe gris. Le guindeau de pruora a été remplacé en 2008 Grue de manutention tendre, placé sur le flybridge a également été révisé en 2008. Toutes les informations sur ce site concernant les yachts sont uniquement à des fins d’information. Condition de yachts et/ou l’exactitude des informations fournies n’est pas garanti, et il n’y a aucune responsabilité pour les inexactitudes. Toutes les dimensions, capacité, vitesse, etc.. ne sont pas techniquement vérifiés. Doit être clair que toutes les informations concernant l’état des yachts sont soumis à la dégradation commune en raison de l’usure. Nous conseillons donc les clients de soigneusement vérifier et inspecter les yachts, les spécifications et les informations permettant de vérifier leur exactitude à l’aide d’un expert maritime qualifié indépendant avant l’achat qu’il est soumis à des contrôles satisfaisants et essais en mer. Yachts publiées sont proposés à la vente. Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier les spécifications, les prix etc. sans préavis. Nous ne sommes pas responsables pour le résultat de nos publications et les activités qui suivent. Deutsch Stahl-Shuttle von Benetti Werft in Viareggio gebaut. Stahlrumpf, Hauptdeck aus Stahl mit Aluminium Überbau, Volldeck, 4 wasserdichten Schotte, Teak, Heck-Plattform mit Teakholz bedeckt. Im Jahr 1997 durchgeführt erhebliche Neugestaltung und Sanierung von Anlagen und Maschinen. In 2003 ersetzte Teile und Laken-Metall-Einsätze an Rumpf wurde im Jahr 2004 Hauptverbesserung Arbeit durchgeführt. Geführtes malen Jobs Rumpf und Topsides im Jahr 2007 Eine Klimaanlage ersetzt im Juni 2008 Boot mit 220V elektrische ausgestattet und 24V genommen vom Boden, im Jahr 2008 eine Ladegerät mit einer neuen Matervolt 24V, 100A ersetzt. Anlage so organisiert, dass alle Pumpen können aus Bilge und Lenzpumpen wurden im Jahr 2008 überarbeitet und ersetzt die Pumpe grauen Wasser. Im 2008 wurde die Ankerwinde durch Pruora ersetzt. Zärtliche Umgang mit Kran, platziert auf Flybridge wurde auch im Jahr 2008 überarbeitet. Alle Informationen auf dieser Website im Zusammenhang mit Yachten dient nur zu Informationszwecken. Zustand der Yachten und/oder Richtigkeit der zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen kann nicht garantiert werden und es wird keine Verantwortung für Ungenauigkeiten. Alle Abmessungen, Kapazität, Geschwindigkeit, etc.. sind nicht technisch überprüft. Soll klar sein, dass alle Informationen in Bezug auf den Zustand der Yachten die gemeinsame Degradation durch Verschleiß unterliegen. Daher empfehlen wir Kunden, sorgfältig prüfen und überprüfen Sie Yachten, Spezifikationen und Informationen, um ihre Genauigkeit mit Hilfe einer unabhängigen qualifizierten marine Surveyor vor dem Kauf zu überprüfen, die es zufriedenstellende Kontrollen und Probefahrten unterliegt. Veröffentlichten Yachten werden angeboten, verkauft werden. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Spezifikationen, Preisen etc. ohne vorherige Ankündigung. Wir sind nicht verantwortlich für das Ergebnis unserer Publikationen und Aktivitäten, die Folgen. Español Transporte de acero construido por el astillero Benetti en Viareggio. Casco de acero, cubierta principal de acero cubierto con teca, superestructura de aluminio, cubierta completa, 4 mamparos estancos, plataforma de popa con plataforma de teca. En 1997 realizó considerables restyling y remodelación de planta y equipo. En 2003 reemplazando piezas y partes movibles del metal de hoja casco, se ha realizado trabajo de mejoramiento del hogar en 2004. Ejecución de pintura trabajos casco y obra muerta en 2007 Aire acondicionado sustituido en junio de 2008 Barco equipado con electricidad de 220V y 24V extraída del suelo, en el año 2008 sustituye un cargador con un nuevo Matervolt 24V, 100. Planta organizada de modo que pueden operar todas las bombas de sentina y bombas de achique fueron revisadas en 2008 y reemplazado el agua gris de la bomba. El molinete por pruora fue substituido en 2008 Oferta manejo grúa, a Fly también ha sido revisada en 2008. Toda la información en este sitio relacionados con yates es sólo con fines informativos. Condición de yates o corrección de información no es garantizado y no hay ninguna responsabilidad por inexactitud. Dimensiones, capacidad, velocidad, etcetera. técnicamente no son verificados. Es claro que toda la información relativa al estado de los barcos están sujetos a la degradación común debido al desgaste. Por lo tanto, asesoramos a clientes cuidadosamente comprobar e inspeccionar barcos, especificaciones e información para verificar su exactitud con la ayuda de un topógrafo marino calificado independiente antes de la compra que está sujeto a controles satisfactorios y pruebas de mar. Barcos publicados se ofrecen para ser vendidos. Nos reservamos el derecho a modificar las especificaciones, precios etc. sin previo aviso. No somos responsables por el resultado de nuestras publicaciones y las actividades que siguen. Россию Стальной трансфер, построен на верфи Benetti в Виареджо. Стальной корпус, главной палубе в стали, покрытые тик, алюминиевые конструкции, полная колода, 4 водонепроницаемыми переборками, кормовой платформы с тикового настила. В 1997 году осуществляется значительный рестайлинг и ремонт машин и оборудования. В 2003 году замены деталей и вставки листового металла корпуса домашнего улучшения работы были проведены в 2004 году. Выполнения краска работу Халл и верхнее строение в 2007 году Кондиционер, заменил в июне 2008 года Лодка оснащена 220В электрические и 24V, взяты из земли, в 2008 году заменил зарядное устройство с новой Matervolt 24V, 100А. Завод организован так, что все насосы могут работать от льяльных и водооткачивающие насосы были отремонтированы в 2008 году и заменил серый насос воды. В 2008 году был заменен лебедка, pruora Нежная обработки крана, на флайбридже также был пересмотрен в 2008 году. Вся информация на этом сайте, касающиеся яхты является только для информационных целей. Яхты условие и/или правильность предоставленной информации не гарантируется, и есть не несет ответственности за неточность. Все размеры, мощность, скорость и т.д. технически не проверена. Должно быть ясно, что вся информация, касающаяся состояния яхты являются предметом общей деградации вследствие износа. Поэтому мы рекомендуем клиентам тщательно проверить и проверить яхт, спецификации и информацию для проверки их точности с помощью независимых квалифицированных морской сюрвейер перед покупкой, это при условии удовлетворительной проверки и ходовые испытания. Опубликованные яхты предлагаются для продажи. Мы оставляем за собой право изменять технические характеристики, цены и т.д. без предварительного уведомления. Мы не несем ответственность за результат наших публикаций и мероприятий, которые следуют. Categoria di navigazione Senza limiti Accessori aggiuntivi Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione Angolo barra, Antenna radar, 2 Bussola (Sperry + Azimut 1000), Display, Ecoscandaglio (Furuno Ls 6100), Fax, 2 GPS (Furuno GP50 + Lorenz 11''), MeteoFax (Furuno 208), Pilota automatico (Furuno Fap 330), 2 Radio VHF (Icom IC-M127 + Sailor Rt146), SSB (Skanti). Allestimento tecnico e di coperta Allarme motore, Allarme sentina, Ancora, 2 Autoclave, Batterie, Doppia timoneria, Faro orientabile, Gruette per tender su fly, Impianto antincendio, Lavaggio catena, Luci di cortesia, Passerella (Gandola), Piattaforma, Pompa di sentina automatica, Presa 220V banchina, Presa acqua banchina, Tromba. Dotazioni domestiche di bordo Boiler, Dissalatore (Idromar), Impianto acque nere, Prese interne 220v, 4 WC marino elettrico. Intrattenimento Altoparlanti, Stereo. Cucina ed elettrodomestici Cucina, ICE Maker. Tappezzerie Cuscineria completa. Note accessori refittata nel 2004, è stato rifatto l’impianto elettrico nel 2009 ed è stata ripitturata nel 2007 Disclaimer La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione....Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The SARP Yachts 62m new build 'PROJECT NACRE' can be completed in 24-26 months time and features a fast displacement steel hull designed by Van Oossanen Naval Architects out of Holland with exterior styling by Milan based Hot Lab design studio.The hull & superstructure are completed and ready to be outfitted.Built to ABS, MCA LY3 - 1,150 GRT - 6,500nm range @ 12 knots -  full displacement steel hull with aluminum superstructure  She is a large volume 62 meter with a gross tonnage of 1,150GRT with one of the most impressive design elements being the elongated exterior deck spaces and her ground breaking hull design. The streamline design gives her an aggressive fluid feel and with an impressive range of 6,500nm she not only looks gorgeous but is a true global cruiser.  Regarding the Fast Displacement Hull by Van Oossanen, this is a revolutionary design that has been featured on notable yachts like Heesen Galactica Star. The design allows for slender, sharp waterlines but it also allows for the same interior as a traditional hull form yet with increased performance & fuel efficiency. Van Oossanen is credited with the creation of one of the most efficient pieces of engineering the industry has seen in recent decades and SARP is proud to have him play a major role in the design of PROJECT NACRE 62. Combine the exterior design of well respected Hot Lab and you have a truly inspirational project that is waiting to be customized and delivered in a relatively short time line.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
LLC OWNED Built 1967. Extensive Retrofit from 1998 to 2019. Like New Condition.  Steel Motorsailer yachts used to be popular vessels for world sailors until the 70s. The arrival of production yachts in the 60s and the explosion of the charter industry in the following years changed the public perception of yachting. Today only a few builders offer customized options at a premium price.  Iolair Mara is a unique yacht built-in CA in the late sixties. Her ¼ inch steel hull, her tri keels design, her 5’6”’ draft, and her 3000 nm range under power will sail expeditions all around the globe or entertain charter clients in the Bahamas, HI, or Alaska.  In 1998 she was hauled out for a $ 2.5 M retrofit that was 60 % completed in 2005. A series of dramatic events follow. She was sized. Stayed 6 years on the hard shrink-wrapped. The actual owner got her out of the yard in 2012, completed the 40% remaining refit to get her to her original glory. She was lucky to have found John. It has been a perfect match for both of them. John loves a strong, well-powered world cruiser. He is now proud to offer this showcase vessel for a portion of the price it would cost to build her today. The Owner will be available to train the buyer and going through the vessel equipment, systems, structure, detailing the yacht maintenance and running procedure.  She is a working vessel in luxurious yachts clothing. Stunning true teak inside and out, (not teak ply) state of the art power plant, new engine in 1998 by Harbor Diesel in Long Beach CA (172 hours at the odometer in 2012 then sailed to Ensenada and hasn’t docked the dock since). New electrical panel & wiring between 1998 & 2004, new plumbing 2003. New massive Ideal windlass anchoring with 440 ft of 7/16 J4 chain in 2016, 175 lbs Mantus anchor 2016, 60 lbs CQR stern anchor on a GHK Fabrication hydraulic massive horizontal windlass (commercial fishing grade windlass) 2012 new rigging system. New sails from 2005 were installed on the vessel in 2012. They were never sailed until we shot this video. 2001 sandblasted to bare metal ultra-sonic testing in 2012. 12 zincs bar new in 2001 replaced every 3 years. A set of zincs is available on the vessel. She is well balanced and comfortable in strong weather thanks to her ketch rig. Keels cooled engine and generator for dry exhausts. The 2 side keel is filled with antifreeze. Only 3 though hull on the boat; intake for the head and the intake sea chest. Another through-hull in the side for the water maker. She is a dock queen American-built hull that could be a successful charter in the US territory thanks to her beautiful interior. 2018 INSURANCE SURVEY AVAILABLE. FEATURING.  -       Detroit Diesel 671 6 cylinders. 250 HP new 1998. -       Fuel Tanks 1470 g. Water Tank 1000 g. -       CQR 156 lbs. Bow Anchor. Manta 125 lbs Stern Anchor. -       18 x 6 V Lifeline AMG Batteries (12 x 6V batteries connected in serial in the engine room, 3 x 12V batteries dedicated to the electric winches). Replaced 2016. -       Northern Lights 10 KW Generator (128 hours) dry exhaust. -       Magnum MS 2812 Inverter / Charger. -       Shore Power 120 V 50 Amp. -       Solar Panel Charger (Charge Master 2420-3). - new upholstery Ultraleather Brisa Sand (2020) - Interior varnish (2019) - Sole Varnish (2021) - Ocean Aire sky screen (2020) - Weems and Plath clock/ barometer rebuild (2020) - New Curtains  (2013) - Lazarette and freezer paint (2021) -       All new Sails in 2005. Got out of their bags in 2012. Were sailed once for the video shoot. -       Diesel Heating System. MORE SPECS ARE IN THE DESCRIPTION SECTION.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
SEE further details on our homepage: www.danae-yacht.dk Former German 23 meter customs cruiser / rescue vessel which in 2015 was completely renovated and furnished for habitation. Double sink-free steel hull and aluminum superstructure. Fantastically beautiful, spacious and seaworthy ship with oceans of space everywhere on board. Impressive large command bridge with newer instrumentation. Giant flybridge, huge covered aft deck with seating area and outdoor kitchen. Garage for small accompanying speedboat in the transom. On the shelter there is a large salon, large pantry with dining area, bathroom and wheelhouse with impressive instrumentation. Under deck there are in the foreship 3 x double berths, bathroom and cold storage room. Under the deck in the stern there is the master bedroom with attached bathroom. In the stern there is also the impressive engine room and workshop with full standing height. Water borne central heating. A fabulous ship you have to experience to get the right impression. Længde / length mtr: 23,20 Brændstof / Fuel ltr: 14.000 Bredde / Beam mtr: 5,18 Vand / Water ltr: 1.400 Dybgang / Draft mtr: 1,42 Holding Tank ltr: 500 Deplacement kg: 55.000 Skrog / Hull: stål / steel Superstruckture and deck: aluminium Overbygning og dæk: aluminium Motor / Engine: 2 x 240 HP Mercedes OM355 Marine diesel, fresh water cooling with shafts Onboard Instruments: Radar, Simrad Halo-4 Chartplotter, Simrad Autopilot, Simrad NAC-2 Fishfinder Speedometer VHF Radio Depth sounder Compass Rudder indicator Simrad NSS16 EVO 16’ muliti display WIFI Transponder Technical Equipment: 3 x Generator (7, 11 and 37 KW) Bowthruster Elec. Anchorwinch + anchor + chain Signalhorn Searchlights Windscreen wipers Central Heating system Warm water system Preassurized water system Shorepower system Battery chargers Batteries Stereo TV + receiver Fireext. Workshop, fully equipped Divers compressor, Bauer Cold storage room Washing machine Dryer “Serving elevator” for command bridge Galley: Stove, Ceran Oven Refrigerator Freezer Extractor hood On Deck: Decks Crane Guard rail, Aluminium Stern garage with elec. Winch for dinghy Dinghi with 75 HP Mariner outboarder Full camper canvas for command bridge Windbreaker for flybridge Side-cover for aft deck Water cannon (not mounted) Outdoor kitchen / Barbeque gas grill Life raft Fenders and Moorings Etc. Etc. Etc.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
ASKING PRICE is referred to a complete project. PRICE AS IS = 3,500,000 Euros (May 2024) There is an option to buy the yacht, Price will be defined according to the project stage at the date of purchase. Explorer Yacht Built by Picchiotti shipyard, Italy in 1982 / Steel Hull and Aluminum Superstructure. She is now going through a major refit in a shipyard in Turkey. Available for sale AS IS or as a completed project. WATCH THE FULL VIDEO TOUR ON THIS PAGE Good opportunity for a buyer to step in at this early stage of the refit and create his own personalized yacht. She has 6 cabins for 12 guests and accommodation for 9 crew. Can be a Perfect yacht for charter. Powered by 2 X 900 Hp heavy duty economical Caterpillar Engines and with 60,000 liter of fuel she has enough Range to make long ocean passages. Built by: Picchiotti shipyard, Italy (1982) Refit: On going refit 2024 LOA (Length Overall): 46.02m (150'12/") Hull Steel / Superstructure Aluminium Cruising Speed: 10 knots (Max 13 Knots) Beam (Maximum Width): 8.29 m (27'2/") Draft: 2.6m (8'6/") GRT: 361 Class: Built to Lloyds 100A1 Yacht + LMC (Not in class) Flag: Cook Islands Contact us for the full spec list and commercial info
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Italia (Tutte le città)
A2 was originally launched in 1983 and then entirely rebuilt in 2012 with the goal of transforming the vessel into one reflective of modern design and technology. The yacht arrived at Pendennis in the spring of 2011 with the initial task being the complete removal of the vessel’s interior and systems leaving the base steel hull and aluminium superstructure. The owner appointed New York based Peter Marino Architect to design the contemporary and luxurious Owner and Guest areas. Naval Architects BMT Nigel Gee worked alongside the technical team at Pendennis which has extensive experience of stern extensions on vessels. A2’s hull was extended by almost 5 meters to 47m across all three decks, and the superstructure modified to incorporate an impressive full beam master cabin. This exterior transformation was complemented by her striking blue hull making her completely unrecognizable. A2 left the yard in July 2012 with not only her appearance enhanced but her performance significantly upgraded. She has always been enjoyed privately and maintained in absolutely first class order with long standing crew since her rebuild. In 2021, A2 began her 10-year survey and she re-launched in January 2022 with the latest navigation equipment, a major engine room systems service, guest and crew interior upgrades, air conditioning upgrades and an exterior refurbishment including full deck re-caulk and a re-paint of the hull. A new Ribeye RIB tender was also added to complement the previously added 2018 custom Hodgdon Limousine tender. She is presently having two new generators installed to ensure she is in a ready to go anywhere condition for the foreseeable future. Above all, A2 is a timeless, classic, elegant Feadship that has been very tastefully rebuilt that will age very well
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Italia (Tutte le città)
27 m Steel hull motor yacht. Built in 2002 by BUGARI Italy. FULL WALKTHROUGH VIDEO AVAILABLE ON THIS PAGE In 2020 – 2022 Went through major refit job. SEE LIST BELOW. Designed for lang range with heavy duty Caterpillar main engines, Trac Stabilizers and Lots of Fuel. She has 4 cabins for 8 guests with two additional pullman beds she will sleep 10 guests. Accommodation for 4 crew in two cabins. Main Features Length overall (LOA) 27 m / Beam 6.40 m / Draft 2.0 m / Shipyard BUGARI, Italy. Year 2002 Construction Hull -Steel FE 430 / Superstructure – Aluminum 5083 H111 Main Engine 2 x 925 hp Caterpillar 3421E Max Speed 14 knots Cruising Speed 12 knots Classification Hull was built to RINA rules Refit 2020 – 2020 / Main Features New Teak Decks New Hull and Superstructure Paint All windows has been removed. Checked and re installed. New Hard Top on the flybridge New Crane installed in the aft Garage / Beach Club Garage converted to Beach club. New SIMRAD Chartplotter and GPS New 2 X 100-liter Boilers Main Exhaust piles has been changed to under water discharge. All Pumps been serviced. All tanks Opened cleaned and serviced. All Piping system has been taken out, checked clean and painted. New water maker New Charges and Inverters *Additional Information Available.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Benetti 105 Sail Division a steel hull and aluminium superstructure. Completely refit in 2018 - 2019. A total renovation of the hull and machinery was carried out (one year). Totally repainted with Awl Grip paint. Total renovation of the interiors, equipment and electronics.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
M/Y DON CIRO HAS BEEN COMPLETELY REFITTED from 2018 to 2022. The BENETTI 105 SAIL DIVISION a steel hull and aluminium superstructure. A total renovation of the hull and machinery was carried out. Totally repainted with Awl Grip paint. Total renovation of the interiors, equipment and electronics. IMPORTANT NOTES Jacuzzi on the foredeck. Master stateroom on the main deck. Speed Stabilizers. Crew accommodation for five. Valletta Commercial Yacht flag.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This unfinished schooner is a huge opportunity to obtain a spectacular sailing yacht at a fraction of the price of a comparable new yacht. The hull was built under BV supervision starting from a Gilles Vaton design, then transferred to the ATB Shipyard for completion; when the yard bankrupted the project was mothballed and only in 2018 the current owner succeded in purchasing and towing it to Italy. Present situation: steel hull and aluminium superstructure assembled, engine and generator installed, interiors and plants almost completed.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This unfinished schooner is a huge opportunity to obtain a spectacular sailing yacht at a fraction of the price of a comparable new yacht. The hull was built under BV supervision starting from a Gilles Vaton design, then transferred to the ATB Shipyard for completion; when the yard bankrupted the project was mothballed and only in 2018 the current owner succeded in purchasing and towing it to Italy. Present situation: steel hull and aluminium superstructure assembled, engine and generator installed, interiors and plants almost completed. Plese note that a 5% commission Will be added
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Italia (Tutte le città)
COMMENTSLaunched in 2016 and built for adventure and comfort, AXIS is the ultimate 55-meterDamen Yacht Support vessel. Designed for the intrepid explorer, AXIS offers yachtowners unparalleled flexibility, with expansive deck space for helicopter operations,including a dedicated heli hangar, as well as the ability to carry tenders, submersibles,and an array of water toys. She features a robust steel hull and can accommodate 8guests across 3 cabins. Benefiting from a shallow draft and an impressive 5,000nmrange, she allows for extended cruising away from the mothership, enabling accessto the most secluded and shallow waters. The exterior design features a distinct axebow, ensuring maximum comfort and stability whilst underway. KEY FEATURES• Purpose-built by Damen Yachting for ultimate versatility and adventure• Modified hull for shallow water cruising specifically in the Bahamas• Expansive deck space supporting helicopter operations with a maximum take-offweight of 3,700kg• Dedicated heli hangar• Capacity to carry a Triton 3300/3 Submersible for deep-sea exploration• Impressive range for long-distance cruising• 6,000 litres/1,600 US gallons petrol fuelling station (suitable for aviation or tenderfuel)• Heila deck crane with max weight capacity of 16 tons• Dynamic positioning
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Stock #244332 - Only 80 photos shown. All 705 photos available on popyachts.com/view/244332 ********************** CERTIFIED SINGLE OWNER ********************** This 2005 Custom Built 71ft x 24ft x 6ft Houseboat is one of a kind. The seller custom-built it from the steel hull to the beautiful interior finish work that features natural cypress. It is powered by two Detroit Diesel 8V71 engines, a 2:1 gear, driving 2/" Stainless Steel shafts equipped with 30/" 4-blade bronze props. The electric plant consists of a 20 KW Delco generator driven by a Detriot Diesel 8V71 engine, a 23 KW generator driven by an Isuzu 4LE1 engine, as well as shore power.... [click /"Watch the video/" under Resource Links to visit our website for full description] Please submit any and ALL offers - your offer may be accepted! Submit your offer today! Reason for selling is no longer using. Pop Yachts is a 5-star dealership, consistently given the highest ratings in customer service. Pop Yachts sells more than 1,700 boats/year, through word of mouth, customer referrals and good customer service. Contact Pop Yachts today, describe the perfect boat for you or your family, and you'll see why they are considered the best. We have several active listings for Hatteras, Sea Ray, Custom, and Chris-Craft. If you're in the New Orleans, Metairie, Kenner, or Marrero areas, please use the form on this page to let me know what you're looking for and I'll get back with you today about any other house boat options we have locally that may meet your needs. You have questions? We have answers. Call us at (941) 914-9217 to discuss this boat. Selling your boat has never been easier. At Pop Yachts, we literally sell thousands of units every year all over the country. Call (855) 201-8801 and we'll get started selling your boat today.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For sale is the Classic 38m C.N. Nicolini M/Y CHEETAH MOON from 1986 in excellent condition CHEETAH MOON is a 38m Steel Displacement Tri-Deck Motor Yacht with Aluminum Superstructure. She is in excellent condition prooven by the 35 year Lloyds A1 100 survey completed in 2021. The yacht was constantly refitted and updated with major refits in 2012 and 2019 where e.g. the Main Engines and Generators have been replaced and CMC Zero Speed Fin Stabilizers added. The Yacht offers space for 10 guests in 5 cabins, the Owners Cabin is located on the main deck. Two twin and two double cabins are located on the lower deck. The upper deck features a bar with Al Fresco Dining area on the aft deck. In front is the Captains quarter with office and seperate day head. HIGHLIGHTS 10 guests in 5 cabins Tri-Deck Yacht Steel Hull / Alu Superstructure 293 GT 200 l/h @ 11,5 kts New CAT C32 engines in 2012 with approx. 4.300 h New 2x KOHLER 80kW Generators in 2012 CMC Zero Speed Fin Stabilizers installed 2019 Lloyds 100 A1 35 year survey passed 2021 Recent Survey Report with NO FINDINGS Williams 505 DIesel Jet Tender (2020) Jacuzzi on Flybridge EU VAT paid, Privat Yacht with Maltese Flag We have inspected and sea trialed the yacht in October 2022, 3D Virtual Reality Tour as well as  extensive picture and video gallery available. Full specification and refit history available on request. Please don´t hesitate to contact us for any further information. Your judel/vrolijk & co - brokerage team! CENTRAL AGENT
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Karadeniz Custom Build Built by builder Karadeniz from Turkey this 32m superyacht has a beam of 7.5m, a draft of 2.5m and a volume of 199 GT.The yacht features exterior design and naval architecture by Karadeniz. Up to 12 guest are accommodated on board with accommodation for 5 crew members including the captain.The yacht has a steel hull and steel superstructure. She is powered by 2 x 450HP Caterpillar Inc engines, giving her a cruising speed of 9 KN and a top speed of 12 KN.The yacht carries 12000 litres of fuel and 5000 litres of fresh water on board. Extensively refitted in 2015 This commercially coded for charter trideck superyacht has exceptional accommodation, accommodating twelve guests in six sumptuous staterooms all with en-suites. Master cabin with walk in dressing room, Captains en-suite cabin located behind bridge plus two further crew cabins with bunks. Marvelous sky lounge with bar, Burr Oak fully fitted library / office. This Exceptionally fuel efficient superyacht has cruised extensively in the Mediterranean and Northern Europe. Viewings highly recommended. Key features: Electrical EquipmentShore power outlet x 2InverterGenerator x 2Hydraulic WinchElectric WinchBattery Charger ElectronicsDepthsounderLog-SpeedometerWind speed / DirectionNavigation CentrePlotter AutopilotCompassGPSVHF - SAILOR (2021)Navigator - Furuno (2021)Radar - Furuno (2021)ComputerTv - AntennaTv - set VCRDVD PlayerRadioCD PlayerCockpit Speakers Inside EquipmentStern Thruster (Vetus 2015)Bow Thruster (Vetus 2015)Electric Bilge Pump (2021)Manual Bilge Pump Air Compressor Air Conditioning Heating - Kubola (2016)Hot Water - Kubola Plus Immersion (2016)Fresh Water Maker - Horizon Seafari (2021)Sea Water / Fire PumpDish WasherWashing Machine and separate Tumble DryerOven and Electric Ceramic HobMicrowave Oven Marine Head x 9Refrigerator x 3Deep FreezerAmerican Fridge Freezer (2015) Outside EquipmentGangwayHydraulic GangwayCockpit CushionsSwimming LadderCockpit ShowerCraneTender Safety EquipmentLiferaft x 3LifebuoysSearch Light CCTVC02 Engine Room Suppression SystemFire Fighting RingFloating Lights and Smoke SignalsFlaresFoghornEmergency Pump2 x Anchors each with 170 m of Galvanized Chains
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Price reduction !  2017 REFIT Steel hull (welded steel FE420) Aluminium superstructure (#5053H321/Peralluman 450) Class R.I.Na. 100A1.1/"Y/" Cruise range 2.800 NM
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The 49m 2017 Rossinavi yacht N2H is offered for sale and is a highly customised displacement steel yacht built to the highest standards by the Italian yard During her extensive 2022 refit at Amico shipyard, N2H finished her five-year DNV special survey and Massari Design completely renovated her interior spaces. She has only ever been used privately but could easily be put on the charter market having been built to commercial standards. While keeping under the 500GT limit, N2H can accommodate 10 guests across five well-appointed cabins with marble bathrooms, including a main deck Owner’s suite with separate office and two drop-down balconies, allowing for incredible sea views. The rest of the guest accommodation is found on the lower deck and comprises two VIP cabins and two twins. For a sub-50m yacht N2H’s exterior deck spaces are seriously impressive. Her vast sun deck, built with privacy in mind, comes with a 3.5-metre pool with its own waterfall, sunpads both forward and aft, and an adjustable hardtop allowing for flexible shading options. N2H’s full-displacement steel hull allow for economic cruising, while comfort is assured by a pair of CMC Zero Speed stabilisers.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This is a Doggersbank 1300 built by Akerboom and designed by Vripack. The Doggersbank is well known and an example of Dutch steel quality build. She has a 2 cabin layout and enough space to house up to 6 people. Built more for comfort for life on board. Very solid steel hull built in 1978. She has been maintained by her owner. With A cruise consumption of 7 to 8 liters per hour makes it an ideal cruiser. Complete electronics changed in 2018. An owner's cabin offering great amenities, with its large bathroom. The second cabin is at the front of the boat, a forward V berth with access to a separate head and shower. She has a spacious airy saloon; the galley has a well equipped kitchen and dining area.New replacement batteries July 2023 Recently just out for antifoul, anodes, cleaning stern gear. Engine serviced 2021In need of some TLC.Viewing recommended.These boat details are subject to contract.Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered. Visit our website for the full specifications of this boat with up to 100 photos, videos, and virtual reality images.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Meteor has been launched in 2018 and used privately by the owner and his family. With RINA C and MCA compliant, 10 guests and great accomodation for up to 9 crew she would also make a great charteryacht. The yacht encompasses a steel hull with three decks and aluminum superstructure. Close to 400m2 exterior space! Twin Cummins provide 12 knots cruising speed, 16 knots max. Made for longrange cruising in comfort. Great value for money. Please contact us for further information. 
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Italia (Tutte le città)
WINNER OF THE 2019 WORLD SUPER YACHT AWARD Displacement Motor Yachts Between 300GT and 499GT - 30m to 47.9m: Viatoris Exterior Design by Reymond Langton Naval Architecture by Diana Yacht Design Lloyd's Register/MCA LY3 compliant VIATORIS was launched in Spring 2018 and is the flagship of Conrad Shipyard based in Gdansk, Poland.  Her exterior design is by Reymond Langton & naval architecture by Diana Yacht Design - the same team behind the 2013 40m Hakvoort APOSTROPHE.The brief behind VIATORIS was to create an elegant yet comfortable interior and extremely livable exterior spaces and I feel that was accomplished. Full displacement steel hull, aluminum superstructure, built according to and under survey of Lloyd's Register and in compliance with MCA LY3 for vessels of less than 500GT. 
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This 40-meter three-deck luxury superyacht certainly is one of the best products of Factoria Naval de Marin. Steel hull and aluminum superstructure gives her maximum durability and seaworthiness. The boat was delivered in 2014 and received many positive reviews at the Monaco Yacht Show that year. Exterior designed by Giorgio Vafiadis is stylish and recognizable, with pure lines and elegancy. You will get a strong feeling of being onboard of much bigger yacht. Luxury yet laconic interior was created by Askdeco. The size of the vessel allowed architects to create a spacious interior like in a magnificent modern style country house. Extensive glazing of public spaces adds a large amount of daylight. The use of mirrored ceiling panels makes interior even more individual and expands the onboard space. Spacious full-beam master stateroom is located on the Main deck and 4 other cabins are on the Lower deck, all with en-suite bathrooms. FNM 40 can accommodate up to 10 guests and 7 crew. The yacht stands out with a magnificent huge sundeck incl. Jacuzzi and two massive sun cushions. She also has covered storages for tenders on the bow. The cruising speed of this full displacement yacht Powered by two MAN diesel engines 1000hp each FNM 40 can reach a top speed in 14 knots with the cruising speed about 12 knots,. She is in perfect condition, all systems works great.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
One of the famous Pacific Class 85 series that was built at Cammenga under Lloyds in 1972 by a design of W. de Vries Lentsch. Steel hull and superstructure with teak decks. Original layout has been changed with master cabin now on the main deck with ensuite bathroom. Below deck she offers 2 guest cabins all with bathrooms ensuite and one king VIP cabin. One crew cabin for 3 persons in the front. Powered by twin Gardners engines each 172 Hp.With the tender on the bow installed many square extra meters are available as deck area resulting in an amazing al Fresco area aft on the flybridge. She is a fine example of a proven timeless solid yacht build in the Netherlands. Her volume and practical layout makes her an ideal family yacht to cruise in style and elegance. Under 24m on paper.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This Van Lent 78 can surely be called a Classic. She has a strong steel hull, and was out of the water in December 2021 for a jet wash, antifouling, new anodes and a new cutlass bearing. The interior has the high quality original finish, and is certainly very elegant. Externally the aft area is perfect for dining, and above the fly-bridge is very large and comfortable. For further information please contact the Ancasta Palma office.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Practically new live-onboard Luxe Motor with lots of amenities, luxurious comfort, style and character. A perfect marriage of modern industrial and vintage styling. Double glazing, floor heating and AC for creature comfort when living onboard. The nicely shaped roundbilged steel hull and wooden pilothouse in mahogany thoroughly deserves the yachts name /"Schoonheid/" (/"Beauty/"). Below decks the open layout gives you all the space (living and stowage). Why purchase real estate when you can choose your preferred living area and views? Ready for French Canals and CVO EU waterways approved.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This Van der Heijden Superior Fly 2000 is really something to behold. First owner, full service history documented, meticulously maintained and pretty much every option imaginable. She offers very spacious accomodations and sleeps 7 in 4 cabins. The master cabin and en suite are bigger than in most houses! The saloon, aft deck, flybridge and foredeck offer plenty of room for entertaining your guests. She was custom built with a steel hull and aluminum superstructure and she can run 25 knots if needed. The Van der Heijden Superior 2000 Fly is now available for viewing!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
/"SEA CZAR/" will be featured in the 2022 Palm Beach Boat Show Mar. 24-27. Please come to E-Dock to see her! This De Vries Lentsch 95’ Custom Motor Yacht “Sea Czar” was built at Nieuwendam in the Netherlands. “Sea Czar’s” luxury, timeless, and sophisticated exterior design and engineering is the work of the De Vries Letch team who is additionally responsible for the entire engineering package. The interior configuration of this vessel has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 6 guests with 3 staterooms comprising of: a master suite and two twin berths. This De Vries Lentsch 95’ is also capable of carrying up to 4 crew members onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience. “Sea Czar” features a full displacement steel hull and aluminum superstructure with teak decks that offers an elegant and sleek look to the vessel.  
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Type of vessel: ex training ship,today commercial motor yachtBuilt: 1953  Gdansk,PolandMaterial: Steel hull,aluminium superstructureLenght: 32m,Breadth  6,7m,Draft 3,1mTonnage: 182 GRTMain engine: SKL   315 KwAux.engine:1 xPerkins,1x JanmarBunkers: Fuel -16000 l,Fresh water - 8000 lClassification: PRS as a motor yacht,class till 2024Equipment: full navigation,radio and rescue eqipm.General arrangement: total 25 berths in 10 cabins with WC and showers,very big messroom,galley,5 cabins for the crew + small mess,sun deck Ideal for houseboatPosition: Kolobrzeg, Poland
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Italia (Tutte le città)
/"Nereus/" built-in 1969 by Feadship at Royal Van Lent yard and Designed by De Voogt Naval Architects underwent a complete rebuild that began in 2014 and was completed in 2021. The now Nereus was completely stripped down to a steel hull and every wire to every piece of machinery was replaced with the latest and greatest the yachting industry has to offer. Completed at a cost of nearly 20 million dollars, the scope of the work needs to be personally inspected to be fully appreciated.  Nereus has been awarded a membership in the Feadship Heritage Fleet and voted Spectator's Choice at the 2021 Vintage Weekend at Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo FL.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The 36.6 meter designed by A. Vallicelli & C Yacht Design has a steel hull and an aluminum superstructure and is constructed RINA Commercial Unrestricted classification, enabling her to have great potential on the charter market. With an 8.25m beam, a volume of 299GT, she incorporates a substantial dive center carrying a 6m dive boat, a good galley and crew mess, as well as five comfortable cabins accommodating 10 guests in a master cabin on the upper deck, two VIP cabins, and two additional guest cabins.
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