Steel pumps
Elenco delle migliori vendite steel pumps

Magliano in Toscana (Toscana)
Navetta in acciao costruita dai Cantieri Navali Benetti di Viareggio. Scafo in acciao, ponte coperta in acciao rivestito in teak, sovrastrutture in alluminio, pontatura completa, 4 paratie stagne, plancetta poppiera con piano di calpestio in teak. Nel 1997 eseguiti notevoli lavori di restyling e rinnovo di di impianti ed attrezzature. Nel 2003 sostituzione di parti e inserti di lamiera a scafo, nel 2004 sono stati eseguiti lavori di miglioria. Eseguiti Lavori di pitturazione scafo ed opera morta nel 2007 Impianto di aria condizionata sostituito nel Giugno 2008 Imbarcazione dotata d'impianto elettrico 220V e 24V presa da terra, nel 2008 sostituito una caricabatterie con uno nuovo Matervolt 24V, 100A. Impianto organizzato in modo che tutte le pompe possano funzionare da pompe di sentina e nel 2008 sono state revisionate le pompe di sentina e sostituita la pompa delle acque grigie. Il salpaancora di pruora è stato sostituito nel 2008 Gru di movimentazione del tender, posizionata sul ponte Fly, è stata revisionata nel 2008. All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and / or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for any inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. English Steel shuttle built by Benetti Shipyard in Viareggio. Steel hull, main deck in steel covered with teak, aluminium superstructure, full deck, 4 watertight bulkheads, Stern platform with teak decking. In 1997 performed considerable restyling and refurbishment of plant and equipment. In 2003 replacing parts and sheet metal inserts to hull, home improvement work has been carried out in 2004. Run paint Jobs hull and topsides in 2007 Air conditioning replaced in June 2008 Boat equipped with 220V electrical and 24V taken from the ground, in 2008 replaced a charger with a new Matervolt 24V, 100A. Plant organized so that all pumps can operate from bilge and bilge pumps were overhauled in 2008 and replaced the pump gray water. The windlass by pruora was replaced in 2008 Tender handling crane, placed on flybridge has also been revised in 2008. All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and/or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. Française Navette en acier construit par le chantier Benetti Viareggio. Coque acier, pont principal en acier recouvert de teck, superstructure en aluminium, pont complet, 4 cloisons étanches, plate-forme arrière avec terrasse en teck. En 1997, jouée restyling considérable et remise en état des installations et du matériel. Dans les pièces de remplacement de 2003 et d’inserts de tôle à hull, travaux d’amélioration de l’habitat a été réalisée en 2004. Exécution de peinture emplois coque et superstructure en 2007 Air conditionné, remplacé en juin 2008 Bateau équipé électrique 220V et 24V prise en 2008, du sol, a remplacé un chargeur avec un nouveau Matervolt 24V, 100 a. Plante a organisé afin que toutes les pompes peuvent fonctionner à fond de cale et les pompes d’assèchement ont été révisés en 2008 et remplacé l’eau pompe gris. Le guindeau de pruora a été remplacé en 2008 Grue de manutention tendre, placé sur le flybridge a également été révisé en 2008. Toutes les informations sur ce site concernant les yachts sont uniquement à des fins d’information. Condition de yachts et/ou l’exactitude des informations fournies n’est pas garanti, et il n’y a aucune responsabilité pour les inexactitudes. Toutes les dimensions, capacité, vitesse, etc.. ne sont pas techniquement vérifiés. Doit être clair que toutes les informations concernant l’état des yachts sont soumis à la dégradation commune en raison de l’usure. Nous conseillons donc les clients de soigneusement vérifier et inspecter les yachts, les spécifications et les informations permettant de vérifier leur exactitude à l’aide d’un expert maritime qualifié indépendant avant l’achat qu’il est soumis à des contrôles satisfaisants et essais en mer. Yachts publiées sont proposés à la vente. Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier les spécifications, les prix etc. sans préavis. Nous ne sommes pas responsables pour le résultat de nos publications et les activités qui suivent. Deutsch Stahl-Shuttle von Benetti Werft in Viareggio gebaut. Stahlrumpf, Hauptdeck aus Stahl mit Aluminium Überbau, Volldeck, 4 wasserdichten Schotte, Teak, Heck-Plattform mit Teakholz bedeckt. Im Jahr 1997 durchgeführt erhebliche Neugestaltung und Sanierung von Anlagen und Maschinen. In 2003 ersetzte Teile und Laken-Metall-Einsätze an Rumpf wurde im Jahr 2004 Hauptverbesserung Arbeit durchgeführt. Geführtes malen Jobs Rumpf und Topsides im Jahr 2007 Eine Klimaanlage ersetzt im Juni 2008 Boot mit 220V elektrische ausgestattet und 24V genommen vom Boden, im Jahr 2008 eine Ladegerät mit einer neuen Matervolt 24V, 100A ersetzt. Anlage so organisiert, dass alle Pumpen können aus Bilge und Lenzpumpen wurden im Jahr 2008 überarbeitet und ersetzt die Pumpe grauen Wasser. Im 2008 wurde die Ankerwinde durch Pruora ersetzt. Zärtliche Umgang mit Kran, platziert auf Flybridge wurde auch im Jahr 2008 überarbeitet. Alle Informationen auf dieser Website im Zusammenhang mit Yachten dient nur zu Informationszwecken. Zustand der Yachten und/oder Richtigkeit der zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen kann nicht garantiert werden und es wird keine Verantwortung für Ungenauigkeiten. Alle Abmessungen, Kapazität, Geschwindigkeit, etc.. sind nicht technisch überprüft. Soll klar sein, dass alle Informationen in Bezug auf den Zustand der Yachten die gemeinsame Degradation durch Verschleiß unterliegen. Daher empfehlen wir Kunden, sorgfältig prüfen und überprüfen Sie Yachten, Spezifikationen und Informationen, um ihre Genauigkeit mit Hilfe einer unabhängigen qualifizierten marine Surveyor vor dem Kauf zu überprüfen, die es zufriedenstellende Kontrollen und Probefahrten unterliegt. Veröffentlichten Yachten werden angeboten, verkauft werden. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Spezifikationen, Preisen etc. ohne vorherige Ankündigung. Wir sind nicht verantwortlich für das Ergebnis unserer Publikationen und Aktivitäten, die Folgen. Español Transporte de acero construido por el astillero Benetti en Viareggio. Casco de acero, cubierta principal de acero cubierto con teca, superestructura de aluminio, cubierta completa, 4 mamparos estancos, plataforma de popa con plataforma de teca. En 1997 realizó considerables restyling y remodelación de planta y equipo. En 2003 reemplazando piezas y partes movibles del metal de hoja casco, se ha realizado trabajo de mejoramiento del hogar en 2004. Ejecución de pintura trabajos casco y obra muerta en 2007 Aire acondicionado sustituido en junio de 2008 Barco equipado con electricidad de 220V y 24V extraída del suelo, en el año 2008 sustituye un cargador con un nuevo Matervolt 24V, 100. Planta organizada de modo que pueden operar todas las bombas de sentina y bombas de achique fueron revisadas en 2008 y reemplazado el agua gris de la bomba. El molinete por pruora fue substituido en 2008 Oferta manejo grúa, a Fly también ha sido revisada en 2008. Toda la información en este sitio relacionados con yates es sólo con fines informativos. Condición de yates o corrección de información no es garantizado y no hay ninguna responsabilidad por inexactitud. Dimensiones, capacidad, velocidad, etcetera. técnicamente no son verificados. Es claro que toda la información relativa al estado de los barcos están sujetos a la degradación común debido al desgaste. Por lo tanto, asesoramos a clientes cuidadosamente comprobar e inspeccionar barcos, especificaciones e información para verificar su exactitud con la ayuda de un topógrafo marino calificado independiente antes de la compra que está sujeto a controles satisfactorios y pruebas de mar. Barcos publicados se ofrecen para ser vendidos. Nos reservamos el derecho a modificar las especificaciones, precios etc. sin previo aviso. No somos responsables por el resultado de nuestras publicaciones y las actividades que siguen. Россию Стальной трансфер, построен на верфи Benetti в Виареджо. Стальной корпус, главной палубе в стали, покрытые тик, алюминиевые конструкции, полная колода, 4 водонепроницаемыми переборками, кормовой платформы с тикового настила. В 1997 году осуществляется значительный рестайлинг и ремонт машин и оборудования. В 2003 году замены деталей и вставки листового металла корпуса домашнего улучшения работы были проведены в 2004 году. Выполнения краска работу Халл и верхнее строение в 2007 году Кондиционер, заменил в июне 2008 года Лодка оснащена 220В электрические и 24V, взяты из земли, в 2008 году заменил зарядное устройство с новой Matervolt 24V, 100А. Завод организован так, что все насосы могут работать от льяльных и водооткачивающие насосы были отремонтированы в 2008 году и заменил серый насос воды. В 2008 году был заменен лебедка, pruora Нежная обработки крана, на флайбридже также был пересмотрен в 2008 году. Вся информация на этом сайте, касающиеся яхты является только для информационных целей. Яхты условие и/или правильность предоставленной информации не гарантируется, и есть не несет ответственности за неточность. Все размеры, мощность, скорость и т.д. технически не проверена. Должно быть ясно, что вся информация, касающаяся состояния яхты являются предметом общей деградации вследствие износа. Поэтому мы рекомендуем клиентам тщательно проверить и проверить яхт, спецификации и информацию для проверки их точности с помощью независимых квалифицированных морской сюрвейер перед покупкой, это при условии удовлетворительной проверки и ходовые испытания. Опубликованные яхты предлагаются для продажи. Мы оставляем за собой право изменять технические характеристики, цены и т.д. без предварительного уведомления. Мы не несем ответственность за результат наших публикаций и мероприятий, которые следуют. Categoria di navigazione Senza limiti Accessori aggiuntivi Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione Angolo barra, Antenna radar, 2 Bussola (Sperry + Azimut 1000), Display, Ecoscandaglio (Furuno Ls 6100), Fax, 2 GPS (Furuno GP50 + Lorenz 11''), MeteoFax (Furuno 208), Pilota automatico (Furuno Fap 330), 2 Radio VHF (Icom IC-M127 + Sailor Rt146), SSB (Skanti). Allestimento tecnico e di coperta Allarme motore, Allarme sentina, Ancora, 2 Autoclave, Batterie, Doppia timoneria, Faro orientabile, Gruette per tender su fly, Impianto antincendio, Lavaggio catena, Luci di cortesia, Passerella (Gandola), Piattaforma, Pompa di sentina automatica, Presa 220V banchina, Presa acqua banchina, Tromba. Dotazioni domestiche di bordo Boiler, Dissalatore (Idromar), Impianto acque nere, Prese interne 220v, 4 WC marino elettrico. Intrattenimento Altoparlanti, Stereo. Cucina ed elettrodomestici Cucina, ICE Maker. Tappezzerie Cuscineria completa. Note accessori refittata nel 2004, è stato rifatto l’impianto elettrico nel 2009 ed è stata ripitturata nel 2007 Disclaimer La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione....Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The boat was built in 2007 and launched in 2008. She has had two owners who have done cruises and regattas in the Mediterranean. It is a versatile boat which is very maneuverable and comfortable for cruising for 6 and very efficient in regattas with a crew of 10-11 people. In regattas it can be used in both Inshore races and Offshore races. The boat has always been methodically and professionally maintained to keep it in perfect working order. All spare equipment is packaged and stored in a garage protected from bad weather. The boat has been extensively refitted and optimized in recent years and the main works were redone in 2022 with sandblasting, sanding, smoothing and regatta antifouling. The boat is visible in St Maxime until December and then in Port Pin Rolland, where it will be put dry for winter storage. It is ready to sail since everything necessary is on board and in perfect working order. The boat is for sale for two major reasons: change of regatta program and decision to invest in a round-the-world boat in 2024. The boat is performing well in his class and has reached very good results in many regattas in different racing fields.Hull and deck Polyester and GRP fiberglass, polyester fiberglass sandwich with galvanized steel structure Keel: cast iron sail and lead bulb, bulb weight 2,730kg Saffron: carbon wick, infused resin, carbon steering wheel Self-guiding lower bearing replaced 2023, as well as all the steering wheel bearings. Pickling and anodizing of all aluminum parts. Steering wheel stripped and repainted March 2023.
Volvo Penta 40hp engine overhauled 2020, 189kg, Engine hours to be confirmedZDriveRetractable two-blade propellerDiesel tank capacity 100L
Berths: 8
Cabins: 3
Cabin height:
Shower: YES
Heating: YES
Accommodations notes: 3 double cabins with wardrobes 2 square beds with saloon table Bathroom, WC Card table Kitchen with 2 burners, oven, sink, storage, fridge Cabin cushions and mattresses redone in 2023, and saloon in very good condition. Interior layout with anti-roll canvases for the regatta
Hot water: YES
Refrigerator: YES
Water system: YES
Galley notes: Kitchen with 2 burners, oven, sink, cupboards, fridge.
Automatic pilot: NEW NAC3 with remote control from Bb'&'G.
Radar: YES
Navigation instruments notes: New equipment installed in March 2023Bb'&'G - 20/20 HV display Qty 3 at the base of the mastBb'&'G - DST810 Depth/Speed/Temp Probe PlasticBb'&'G - ZEUS 3S 9-inch multifunction display at chart table with C-MAP - 4DMAX+ Zone Wide mappingBb'&'G - Triton 2 Color multifunction display in cockpit.Original material.Bb'&'G remote control for autopilot, Remote vision with wireless portMagnetic compassRadar deflectorVHFNEW AUTOPILOT: type NAC3 with remote control from Bb'&'G.WIFI miniplex 3 internal AIS repeater and instrumentation.Radio and internal and external speakers.
Batteries: 3
Battery charger: YES
Electrical notes: 3 65/75Ah service batteries 1 65/75Ah engine battery LED lights cabins, saloon, chart table, kitchen, bathroom 12V/230V inverter 230V/12V charger + adapters Master volt BTMIII
Sails (approximate surface area: Mainsail 55m2, Genoa 44m2, SPI 150M2)1 lightweight Carbon/Kevlar battened genoa – delivered in 2023 – Quantum – New1 medium Carbon/Kevlar latte genoa – 2020 – Quantum – Good condition1 heavy Carbon/Kevlar battened genoa – delivered in 2023 – Quantum – New1 GV Carbon/Taffeta - 2020 – Quantum – very good condition1 heavy symmetrical spinnaker 1.5 OZ – 2015 – Quantum – very good condition1 medium symmetrical spinnaker superkote 75 – 2021 – Quantum – very good condition1 light symmetrical spinnaker 0.5OZ – 2015 – Quantum – very good condition1 conveyor mainsail – contender super cruise 9.4 - Quantum 2021 - New, never used1 furling genoa – 3DI North 20181 medium asymmetric spinnaker - 20152 genoas, 1 light, 1 medium quantum for spare regatta 2015 good condition1 GV Carbon/Kevlar for spare regatta 2015 good condition.
Rigging: Navtec Rod.800 series
Spinnaker pole: CARBON
Running rigging: ROD
Standing riggingNavtec Rod, 800 series (stay, shrouds, diagonals and backstays) complete refit 2020Harken “Tuff Luff” hollow prop for regatta (double throat)Genoa furler for cruising
Running rigging (All rigging is spectra/dynema, Tylaska carabiners)All halyards and sheets replaced in 20212 12mm spinnaker halyards1 12mm capping halyard1 12mm genoa halyard1 8mm swing2 12mm genoa sheets
2 spinnaker sheets 8mm2 spinnaker arms 12mmI mainsheet 10mm2 8mm spinnaker barbers1 “short sheet” of 10mm genoa(spare listening)
- Mast, Spreaders, Boom and Outrigger- Carbon mast and boom from Nordic Mast- Mast installed on the keel, crossing the saloon- 2 stages of pushing spreaders- Carbon pole and aluminum “spare” pole- Adjustable aluminum vang- Hydraulic MastJack revised 2022.
Hatches: YES
Winches: YES
Deck equipment notes:
Hardware2 Harken GV self-tailing crank winches2 Harken Génois self-tailing crank winches2 Harken self-tailing crank winches and halyards including one electric for cruisingHarken Spinlock for SPI Tb'&'B, Genoa, Capelage, Balancine, Mainsail halyards
lifelines, 10 life jackets 2019, EPIRB beacon, pharmacy redone 2022, safety kit (lights), manual pump, 2 electric pumps, including 1 automatic, crown buoy, MOB system on VHF, 2 kg fire extinguisher in each cabin and square.Survival 6 people revised 2022.Anchors and 40ml chain 8MM + Orin 20ML
Hull and deckPolyester and GRP fiberglass, polyester fiberglass sandwich with galvanized steel structure
Keel: cast iron sail and lead bulb, bulb weight 2,730kgSaffron: carbon wick, infused resin, carbon steering wheelSelf-guiding lower bearing replaced 2023, as well as all the steering wheel bearings.Pickling and anodizing of all aluminum parts.Steering wheel stripped and repainted March 2023.
Electric windlass engine replaced 2021, with remote controlCabin heatingWatermaker brand Dessalator Like new installation 2021.
End locks (4X), crank location (4X) replaced 2023.MooringsMainsail awning (light and heavy), Sun awningBar Cover
IRC 2023, ORC 2022 certificate
RADAR: deflector Navigation instruments notes:New equipment installed in March 2023 Bb'&'G - 20/20 HV display Qty 3 at the base of the mast Bb'&'G - DST810 Depth/Speed/Temp Probe Plastic Bb'&'G - ZEUS 3S 9-inch multifunction display at chart table with C-MAP - 4DMAX+ Zone Wide mapping Bb'&'G - Triton 2 Color multifunction display in cockpit. Original material. Bb'&'G remote control for autopilot, Remote vision with wireless port Magnetic compass Radar deflector VHF H2000 Autopilot WIFI miniplex 3 internal AIS repeater and instrumentation. Radio and internal and external speakers. ELECTRICAL: Batteries:3 65/75Ah service batteries 1 65/75Ah engine battery LED lights cabins, saloon, chart table, kitchen, bathroom 12V/230V inverter 230V/12V charger + adapters Master volt BTMIII
SAILS:Sails (approximate surface area: Mainsail 55m2, Genoa 44m2, SPI 150M2) 1 lightweight Carbon/Kevlar battened genoa – delivered in 2023 – Quantum – New 1 medium Carbon/Kevlar latte genoa – 2020 – Quantum – Good condition 1 heavy Carbon/Kevlar battened genoa – delivered in 2023 – Quantum – New 1 GV Carbon/Taffeta - 2020 – Quantum – very good condition 1 heavy symmetrical spinnaker 1.5 OZ – 2015 – Quantum – very good condition 1 medium symmetrical spinnaker superkote 75 – 2021 – Quantum – very good condition 1 light symmetrical spinnaker 0.5OZ – 2015 – Quantum – very good condition 1 conveyor mainsail – contender super cruise 9.4 - Quantum 2021 - New, never used 1 furling genoa – 3DI North 2018 1 medium asymmetric spinnaker - 2015 2 genoas, 1 light, 1 medium quantum for spare regatta 2015 good condition 1 GV Carbon/Kevlar for spare regatta 2015 good condition.
Rigging:Navtec Rod.800 series. Mast:Carbon. Boom:Carbon. Vang:Aluminium. Spinnaker pole:carbon. Running rigging:Rod. Spars and rigging notes: Standing rigging Navtec Rod, 800 series (stay, shrouds, diagonals and backstays) complete refit 2020 Harken “Tuff Luff” hollow prop for regatta (double throat) Genoa furler for cruising Running rigging (All rigging is spectra/dynema, Tylaska carabiners) All halyards and sheets replaced in 2021 2 12mm spinnaker halyards 1 12mm capping halyard 1 12mm genoa halyard 1 8mm swing 2 12mm genoa sheets 2 spinnaker sheets 8mm 2 spinnaker arms 12mm I mainsheet 10mm 2 8mm spinnaker barbers 1 “short sheet” of 10mm genoa (spare listening) - Mast, Spreaders, Boom and Outrigger - Carbon mast and boom from Nordic Mast - Mast installed on the keel, crossing the saloon - 2 stages of pushing spreaders - Carbon pole and aluminum “spare” pole - Adjustable aluminum vang - Hydraulic MastJack revised 2022 / DECK EQUIPMENT: Hatches:yes. Winches:Harken. Deck equipment notes:Hardware 2 Harken GV self-tailing crank winches 2 Harken Génois self-tailing crank winches 2 Harken self-tailing crank winches and halyards including one electric for cruising Harken Spinlock for SPI Tb'&'B, Genoa, Capelage, Balancine, Mainsail halyards / SAFETY EQUIPMENT CE Registration:yes. Fire-extinguishers:yes / Safety equipment notes:lifelines, 10 life jackets 2019, EPIRB beacon, pharmacy redone 2022, safety kit (lights), manual pump, 2 electric pumps, including 1 automatic, crown buoy, MOB system on VHF, 2 kg fire extinguisher in each cabin and square. Survival 6 people revised 2022. Anchors and 40ml chain 8MM + Orin 20ML.
CONSTRUCTION: Keel:cast iron sail / Construction notes:Hull and deck Polyester and GRP fiberglass, polyester fiberglass sandwich with galvanized steel structure Keel: cast iron sail and lead bulb, bulb weight 2,730kg Saffron: carbon wick, infused resin, carbon steering wheel Self-guiding lower bearing replaced 2023, as well as all the steering wheel bearings. Pickling and anodizing of all aluminum parts. Steering wheel stripped and repainted March 2023. SPEAKERS: YES / NOTES: Electric windlass engine replaced 2021, with remote control Cabin heating Watermaker brand Dessalator Like new installation 2021. Fenders End locks (4X), crank location (4X) replaced 2023. Moorings Mainsail awning (light and heavy), Sun awning Bar Cover IRC 2023, ORC 2022 certificate.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Sunseeker Manhattan 66
1. Interior
Salon and cabins:
Installation of crew cabin equipment.
Dimmable interior overhead lighting.
Interior wood finish - black American walnut matt.
Additional double AC 220v outlet mounted in main cabin.
Kitchen and storage:
Vitrifrigo IM Classic Hydro ice maker in cockpit
Interior technical equipment:
Additional double AC 220v socket installed in the engine room.
Inverter for multimedia system.
Miele 220v Slimline G4680SCV dishwasher.
Siemens IQ500 WD14H421-GB washer/dryer
Preparation for future water maker installation.
2. Exterior
Teak deck on Flybridge and teak galleries.
Teak coffee table with solid top mounted on polished stainless steel legs.
Canvas roof with stainless steel structure on flybridge.
Liferaft 10 Man Canister (Ocean ISO9650 RAF0800 24hr) in stainless steel frame on starboard flybridge at rear.
Waeco Coldmachine CS-NC top loading cooler on Flybridge.
LED illuminated sign and side walkways.
Cockpit and other outdoor areas:
Teak cockpit table with folding top mounted on polished stainless steel legs.
Besenzoni hydraulic telescopic 3.9 metre stainless steel telescopic passarella with teak ART 380.39SS.
Fresh water deck washing system with forward and reverse outlets including hose set, including upgraded domestic water pump.
Anchoring system and maintenance:
Galvanised delta anchor, 90 metres of galvanised 9.5mm Lewmar anchor chain, 12/" spring and anchor ties.
Aft docking winches - Lewmar C3.
Underwater lights
3. Electronics and technology:
Navigation and controls:
Compass calibration and adjustment using correction card.
2x SIMRAD navigation main console
2x SIMRAD navigation installed on the flybridge
Propulsion system and pumps:
Sleipner Side-Power SEP210/250T-24V IP, 13.5 hp.
Aft auxiliary motor Sleipner Side-Power SEP170/250T-24V IP, 10.7hp.
Aft docking winches - Lewmar C3.
Onan Marine generator 17.5kW.
Remote yacht control.
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
PRINTEMPS with her pedigree construction from Heesen and her sleek silhouette has remained a very popular yacht. Ideal for stylish cruising, she has proven to be a very successful charter yacht.Exterior by Mulder Design, interior by Art Line and H2.
Can be seen on Instagram: printemps_superyacht
Built/Refit: 1987/2009/2021Length: 34.14 mBeam: 7.01 mDraft: 3.56 mHull material: AluminumGross Tonnage: 204 TonsNet Tonnage: 61 TonsEngines: 2 x 1.305 hp DeutzRange: 2.400 nautical milesHome port: Helsingborg, Sweden
Cabins: 5Guests: 10Crew cabins: 4Crew: 7
Fuel: 36.000 LWater: 6.500 LWatermaker: 4.080 LGrey water: 5.000 LBlack water: 2.000 L
MAIN DECKMain deck, midship, lobby with access to the owner stateroom, day head, galley, bridge deck and dining room/saloon.Owner´s state room with king-size bed and forward His and Her bathroom ensuite with Jacuzzi. Saloon and Dining area are linked to aft deck and stair case leading to two twin guests cabins low deck aft.
LOWER DECKTwo twin guest´s cabins ensuite aft of the engine room. Forward to the engine room two double queen-size bed guest´s cabins ensuite. Crew area with crew mess and four upper and lower bunks double crew cabins.
UPPER DECKFlybridge: upper steering position, observer/helmsman seette, L shaped seethe with table and Chairs for 10 pax, sun bathing area and sun loungers, and Bimini cover. Bar with sink, Ice maker (Bar-line 24 kg p/d new 2021) and 2 x Guests drink fridges. Boat deck with Aqua Crane (800 Kg SWL).
COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTThrane & Thrane Mini M, connected to PABXGSM with mast mounted Antenna, connected to PABXGMDSS VHF Furuno FM 8500Thrane & Thrane Sat CFuruno NX 500 Nav Tex receiver 2 x GMDSS VHF Simrad4 x Icom general use VHF`s (IC-M71)
NAVIGATION EQUIPMENTFuruno GPS GP 37B&G Hydra 2000 Log/wind intsruments/depth sounderHiglo Electronic Barometer and weather stationNavi-Radar, MultiFunctionDisplay, 2 x screensSestrel Magnetic compassRitchie Flux gate compass connected to autopilotC Plath Navigat X Mk I gyro compassC Plath Navipilot V autopilot
ELECTRICAL SYSTEMStb generator 55 kW John Deere/Northern Lights in sound shieldPort generator 33 kW John Deere/Northern Lights in sound shield1 x 6.5 kW Onan in sound shield220 V AC, 3 phase, 50 Hz & 24 V/12V DC Electrical system380 V AC, 3 phases, 50 Hz, 75/25 Amp Shore powerWeseman 35 kW power transformer 220 3 ph to 24 v AC
BATTERIES, NEW 20192 x 24 V DC1 x 24 V DC Port Gen start1 x 24 V DC Stb Gen start1 x 24 V DC Port ME start1 x 24 V DC Stb ME start1 x 24 V Battery Charger Blessing Breda
MECHANICAL AND ENGINE EQUIPMENT2 x 1,305 Hp (1,800 rmp) Deutz diesels type MWM TBD 604 BV82 x ZF type BW 450-1 reduction gear2 x Schaffen propellers with water lubricated shafts
Speeds and fuel consumptions:Cruising speed about 15 knots (at 1600 rpm) for a fuel consumption of about 380/400 L/HEconomical speed about 10 knots for a fuel consumption of about 110 L/HMaximum speed about 17 knots (at 1,780 rpm) for a fuel consumption of about 450 L/H
Hydraulic steering system with 2 pumpsHydraulic 75Hp (driven off port main engine) bow thrusterNaiad hydraulic stabilisers (driven off sub main engineWestfalia type OTB-2-00-066 fuel water separator (capacity 500 L/H)7 x Racor type 2040 in-line filters (generators and main engines - 2 each)Fire/Bilge pump Gianneschi & Ramacciotti 220 V AC, 200 L per min24 V DC Fire/Bilge pump Gianneschi & Ramacciotti, 200 L per min6 x Bilge compartments with alarms in each and connected via manifold to the engine roomHot water boilers2 x regent 3 kW 250 L, 1 x Gianneschi & Ramacciotti 3 kW 100 LFresh water pumps 2 x Capelda, 4.8 L/H, 220 3 phFuel oil transfer pumps 1 x SIHI maters, Holland, 220 V AC, 3800L/H1 x SIHI maters, Holland, 24 V DCLube oil transfer and ME Primming pump, 220 V AC, 380 L/HAir compressors2 x Guernet Villeneuve Loubet 220 V AC, 1,5 kW, 10 bar
Hamann type W-6061 sewage treatment system (capacity 24,000 L/day)(2009, 2 x 250 L + 1 x 150 L, Jacuzzi)Evac fresh water system for WCCondaria air conditioning system with 120,000BTU capacity, air-handling units throughout, separate boiler for heating and Honeywell thermostats in each compartment1 x HEM type 25 E reverse osmosis watermaker producing about 4,000L/day1 x INDOMAR about 4.080L/dayHeating system NIBE air/water pump
AUDIO AND VISUAL EQUIPMENTSaloon:Samsung SmartBose Lifestyle 48 media player with Bose 5.1 surround speakers
Twin cabins Fore and Aft Guest cabins:Philips Smart TV`s
Sun deck:Alpine iDA-X305, digital media receiver with iPod/USB slot
Crew area:Samsung Smart 65”
GALLEY AND LAUNDRYMIELE oven, new 20216 hob induction stove KupperbuschCommercial grade stainless range hood1 commercial grade stainless forced air fridge, 400 L (Tera) all cooling parts replaced 2010MIELE dishwasher, new 20211 Samsung combi oven/grill/microwave1 Nespresso coffee machine2 x stainless steel sink with Insinkerator garbage disposal unitElectric kettleMagimix 4200 kitchen robot2 x MIELE washing machine, new 20212 x MIELE dryer, new 2021Cocktails and smoothies mixer
DECK AND SAFETY EQUIPMENTSteen electric 220c AC anchor windlass with 2 x cable gypsies and 2 x capstans ABS 5 years)2 x Maxwell electric220 V AC type 2000 aft warping capstans2 x 105 kg anchors2 x 6 schackles 165m by 13mm chainsAqua crane /hydraulic) with 800kg Safe working Load (SWL) (220V/24V)Sanguinetti electro/hydraulic passerelle2.0m swimming platform added at Heesen shipyard1 x Sanshin Den type RCB-F16x with ACR type RCL-100 remote control (flybridge)Bimini over sundeckSun loungers, tables, folding chairsLife raft 2 x RFD 20 pax 2 x Life rings with lightsEPIRB 406 MHz25 Life jacketsFirst Aid kits (MCA)FM 200 fixed fire fighting installation in the engine room with remote activation2 x fire hydrants with hoses on the main deckCO2, foam and powder portable fire extinguishers throughout Fire and smoke detectors throughout General machinery alarms in wheelhouse and engine roomNavigation lights, fire, bilges etcCCTV system with 4 cameras, (2 x side decks, aft deck and engine room), monitor (crew mess) new 2021Proline CCTV monitor wheelhouse
LATEST UPGRADEABS 20 years special survey New caulking Fly BridgeNew teak swim platformUnderwater paint 2019New bearing shaftsNew stuffing shaftsAll valves replaced 2019Rudder bearings (ok, new spare on board)Tender crane, overhaul new hydraulic pipesGangway overhaulBatteries (upgrade)Crew quarter - complete rebuild + one extra cabinCrew quarter - new wiringCrew quarter - new plumingCrew quarter - new AC vewntilationCrew quarter - smoke detectorBilge alarm system (PLC) newMain engine cooling water injection exhaustCopper gasket exhaustHull thickness surveyShaft straightenedTeak slightly sandedAll tank inspected, treated & painted water tankMegger testNew fresh water system
The information provided is expected to be correct but not guaranteed
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Porto Viro (Veneto)
Malu’ is a rare and excellent example of a vintage yacht in perfect conditions. She was designed by Sparkman& Stephens and built at the highest standards under the direct survey of the RINA director of Livorno harbor. After a life as cruiser racer Malu’ received the most accurate and respectfull restoration and she is better than ever. Sailing Malu’ is just like diving in the past and her elegant lines and details are highlighted by new rigging, new sails, new engine and systems, new closets and interior furniture and new tapestry.The hull was completely emptied to provide a general refit and to protect her from the risk of osmosis (she had no osmosis anyway) the hull was treated with epoxy resin. The restoration was surveyed by one of the best known Italian expert, and in our experience of hundreds classic yachts to offer to demanding customers we have been amazed reading his survey. Every analized matter and item on board is rated at the top. Survey available. Original drawings available. ACCOMMODATIONS: Malù is a very comfortable boat with elegant and functional accommodations. 3 cabins one of which with double bed,saloon, one bathroom, galley,chart table. Sleeps 5 guests in the cabin and 2 in the saloon. Description: From the entrance to the left a cabin with single, comfortable bunk and the wide chart table. On the right the L shaped galley. After the half bulkhead there is the saloon with L shaped settee on the left side and a lifting table.A wide settee/ bunk on the right. Half bulkhead ahead there is a well type fridge with wide pantry storage and oil skins closet. The bathroom in front on the right side. You enter now in the double cabin with separate beds with wide storage space, and the owners cabin with V shaped double bed. The anchor chain storage is ahead and reachable trough a watertight opening RESTORATION: The boat was purchased in 2009 by the actual owner and moved by truck to the shipyard Cantieri Pier 12 in Marina di Ravenna. The plan was to make her perfect and beutifull. No energy was spared. Between 2010-13 The boat was emptied completely to bare hull and treated with epoxy resin outside and inside. The deck was relaminated with void technology before fitting a new teak deck. New beams set under the deck and cabin. The accommodations and furniture completely restored or rebuilt where some imperfection was found. New closets, drawers, and storage spaces. New systems, new tapestry,new winches, new sails. Perkins engine 50 HP completely overhauled 250 hours New propeller shaft Albero motore e baderna 2013 + cuffia Volvo New exhaust and muffler system and + sifon break 2013 All Harken deck fittings 2013 (bozzelli, golfari, trasto) New haluards and sheets Gottifredi brand in Dyneema old fashion Deck stainless steel Winches 2013 Andersen Mast Winches Lewmar 45 Genoa furler Bamar 2013 Staysail stay in spectra 2015 c New mast and rigging 2016 New stanchions 2016 Original Goiot deck opening with double opening with new anodyzation and new plexiglass Mainsail One sail dacron full batten 2013 with Antal track – 2 reefs Genoa One sail dacron 130% 2013 Staysail One sail 2017 Teack deck 2013 10mm thick vacuum glued. Never sanded yet Custom made Sprayhood e Bimini 2016 Led lights in cockpit and on the mast Full owning 2016 Tender Silver Quick 2019 Outboard tender motor Yamaha malta 3cv Licenced over 50 miles from coastlines Webasto heating system everywhere 2013 Electric system and panel 2013 Water system 2013 Boiler Quick 25 liters 2013 Ready to fit radar, generator and watermaker Battery charger Quick 2013 2 bilge pumps 2013 Sea water pump for water in the galley and deck Water tanks stainless steel 500 lt 2013 Well type fridge with double opening 2013 Malu' a top class Sparkman& Stephens sloop Malu’ is a rare and excellent example of a vintage yacht in perfect conditions. She was designed by Sparkman& Stephens and built at the highest standards under the direct survey of the RINA director of Livorno harbor. After a life as cruiser racer Malu’ received the most accurate and respectfull restoration and she is better than ever. Sailing Malu’ is just like diving in the past and her elegant lines and details are highlighted by new rigging, new sails, new engine and systems, new closets and interior furniture and new tapestry.The hull was completely emptied to provide a general refit and to protect her from the risk of osmosis (she had no osmosis anyway) the hull was treated with epoxy resin. The restoration was surveyed by one of the best known Italian expert, and in our experience of hundreds classic yachts to offer to demanding customers we have been amazed reading his survey. Every analized matter and item on board is rated at the top. Survey available. Original drawings available. Declinazione di responsabilità La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione...Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Hydrolift C-27
1. Interior:
Salon and cabins:
Both interior and exterior use Alcantara Niroxx materials.
Sleeping capacity for up to four people.
Stainless steel sports seats for the driver and passenger with options for sitting, standing, and flipping into the opposite direction.
The interior is like new.
Kitchen and storage:
Refrigerator included in the cabin.
Sink: Interior sink.
Technical equipment in the interior:
Electric toilet with a separate waste tank.
Water heater for hot water.
Sound package 1 for onboard audio entertainment.
220V shore power connection with built-in charger, outlet, and cable.
Raymarine C120 navigation system, including card and trip computer.
Mechanical compass and kill switch for high-speed driving.
Separate fuse box for additional safety.
Fire extinguisher for onboard safety.
2. Exterior:
Cockpit and other outdoor spaces:
Hydraulic cabrio roof with full closure option.
Teak flooring in the cockpit and cabin.
Dining table in the cockpit.
Stainless steel swimming steps for water access.
Outdoor shower with a separate water tank.
Maximum speed of 54 knots, depending on sea conditions.
Fuel consumption is about 1L/NM at cruising speeds around 40 knots, with a minimum planing speed of 15 knots.
Power steering for enhanced control.
Trim tabs (QL) for improved stability.
Bow thruster for easy maneuverability.
Metallic paint on the sides of the boat.
Anchoring system and maintenance:
Anchor package.
Anti-fouling applied.
Complete service, including new antifouling and zinc anodes, as part of the sale.
3. Electronics and technology:
Navigation and control:
Raymarine C120 navigation system with card and trip computer.
Mechanical compass for navigation.
Power steering for ease of control.
Kill switch for high-speed safety.
Propulsion system and pumps:
Equipped with a Volvo D6 370 engine and a reinforced Z-drive with an enlarged control surface.
Separate racing controls for throttle and shifting.
The boat features bow thrusters and trim tabs (QL) for superior handling.
The boat's hull is constructed using a sandwich structure with reinforced ribs for increased durability and wave resistance.
All installations have separate safety wiring similar to larger vessels.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Discover the Perfect Day Boat for Mallorca
Looking for a reliable, stylish, and fun yacht? This FIM 340 Regina is theperfect companion for your coastal adventures! Designed for stability,performance, and comfort, it’s an ideal runabout or tender for effortlesstrips on the water.
Sleek and Functional Exterior
The FIM 340 Regina is a stunning blend of Italian craftsmanship, modernelegance, and high-performance design. Its sleek, aerodynamic linescreate a sporty yet sophisticated profile, making it a true head-turner onthe water. The premium hull finish, combined with a luxurious soft foamdeck, adds a timeless touch of refinement, while the spacious sunbathingareas offer the perfect place to relax and soak up the Mediterranean sun.
Designed with both aesthetics and functionality in mind, the ergonomiccockpit layout ensures seamless movement and maximum comfort forguests. The integrated swim platform provides effortless access to the sea,making every moment on board an indulgence in style and convenience.
Elegant b'&' Functional Interior
Designed for comfort and sophistication, the interior offers a spaciouscabin, stylish salon, and fully equipped galley with a cooktop, microwave,fridge, and icemaker. The modern head compartment ensuresconvenience, while high-quality materials, smart storage, and natural lightenhance the ambiance.
Efficient b'&' Well-Designed Engine Room
Built for performance and reliability, the engine room is spacious,well-organized, and easily accessible for maintenance. Housing twinMercruiser 6.2 DTS Bravo engines (2 x 350 HP), with only 20 running hours,it ensures powerful propulsion with smooth and efficient operation.Designed with optimal ventilation, soundproofing, and strategic layout, itmaximizes safety, cooling, and noise reduction. Key components, includingbilge pumps, fire suppression system, and electrical systems, are neatlyarranged for quick access. A high-performance engine room built fordurability and ease of operation.
Specifications and equipment:● Garmin GPSMAP 8410xsv 9/" display with transducer● VOLVO D3 DPS 2X220 HP DIESEL with only 20 hrs● Rudder angle indicator● Garmin VHF Radio 115 I● Sport T-Top● Aft sunbed bimini with steel posts● SeaDek decking● Stainless steel in black Total Diablo● Gelcoat deck coloring● Bow thruster● 2000W inverter● Upgraded audio system with aft speakers● /"Classic/" bow sunbed cushion● Large aft sunbed mechanism● Refrigerator with freezer and icemaker● Water heater (20l)● TV with digital system● 8 fenders with covers and mooring lines● Wireless mobile charger
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Endurance 45 is renowned for its proven capabilities in long-distance bluewater cruising. With her classic schooner rig, presents an excellent opportunity to own a generously sized yacht perfectly suited for extended living aboard and exploring the Mediterranean.
Her distinctive poop-deck design provides ample space aft, making it ideal for efficient sail handling, enjoying alfresco dining, and relaxing under the sun.
Boat Overview
Design: Peter Ibold
Hull: Ferro cement, professionally made by Windboats (Angelsey) to Lloyds AA standard
Length: 13.7 m waterline
Build: Fitted out by Culfore Marine (professional build, not backyard)
Condition: Full exterior paint job (Awlgrip two-part epoxy) in 2021-22
Teak Deck: Re-caulked and treated in March 2024 (epoxy laminated)
Rig Type: Brigantine (yard arms included) or schooner without yard arms
Sails: Full set of sails, well-used, including square sails (original)
Propulsion and Steering
Engine: Perkins 4236 naturally aspirated diesel, 82 HP (serviced July 2024)
Fuel Tank: 200 liters (onboard) + additional 500-liter stainless steel tank (to be picked up in England)
Spares: Multiple spares from donor engines (heat exchanger, HP pumps, etc.)
Steering: Manual hydraulic steering with two positions
Autopilot: Sea Trek hydraulic autopilot (functional, needs reconnection)
Electrical Systems
Batteries: New deep-cycle bank with 1500 amp hours
Distribution Boards: Newly installed AC and DC boards
Windlass: Fully rebuilt gears and DC motor (needs connections)
Charger: Mastervolt 24/60-3 battery charger
Inverter: Sinergex 1500-watt inverter
Navigation and Communication
Radar: Raymarine (working but needs reconnection)
Navigation Lights: Installed and functional
Onboard Features and Comforts
Plumbing: New Jabsco toilet and shower
New fridge
Double camping gas burner
Gas bottle and piping installed for a new oven
Living Amenities:
Plates, cups, and cutlery
Oil heater
2 fans
Cabin lights
USB charging port
Workshop: Equipped with a vice
Safety Equipment
Liferaft: Needs servicing
Lifejacket and lifeline
Inflatable horseshoe buoy
Emergency Rudder
New Automatic Bilge Pump
Deck and Mooring Equipment
Boarding Ladder
Mooring Lines
Anchor: Included but requires a chain
Spare Materials and Parts
Through-hull fittings (brass)
Electrical spares, blocks, cleats
Materials for aft deck rail refit (onboard)
Stainless steel for sprayhood
Additional Notes
All original fittings, catches, and details retained for restoration potential
Hatches have been refitted and are leak-free
Could serve as a liveaboard, charter boat, or ocean-crossing vessel
British flag with full service history and original drawings
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Milano (Lombardia)
That Offshorer Montecarlo 30 was totally and maniacally refurbished in 2015, restyling by specialized and noted shipyard; overhauled engines, new upholstery, dismantled-checked-refitted in every single part, new chrome, completely repainted in metallic gray and blue, cabriolet capote; a modern-minimal design of this unmistakable and mimic speedboat. Really well done, better than new, to be seen. Work and equipment list and further info on request. Questo Offshorer Montecarlo 30 è stato totalmente e maniacalmente restaurato nel 2015, restyling eseguito da cantiere specializzato e rinomato; motori revisionati, tappezzerie nuove, smontato-controllato-ricondizionato in ogni sua singola parte, nuove cromature, completamente riverniciato in grigio e blu metallizzato, capote cabriolet; una interpretazione in chiave moderna e minimal di questo inconfondibile e mitico motoscafo. Veramente ben fatto, meglio del nuovo, da vedere. Utilizzato solo per alcuni test. Lista lavori e accessori e ulteriori informazioni su richiesta. Interior disposal The cockpit of the speedboat is classic, with large sundeck aft and central seat pilot "stand up", at the bow cabin with two bunks, all finished with great attention to detail, new design and new colors. Il pozzetto del motoscafo è di tipo classico, con grande prendisole poppiero e sedile di pilotaggio centrale ed avvolgente “stand up”, a prua una cabina con due cuccette, il tutto rifinito con una grandissima attenzione ai particolari, nuovo design e nuovi colori. Instruments All engine instrument is new, Compass, Navigation Lights, Kenwood Hi-Fi Stereo with cockpit control. Tutta la strumentazione dei motori è nuova, Bussola, Luci di navigazione, Stereo Hi-Fi Kenwood con controllo dal pozzetto. Equipment Complete new cushions. Cabin lights. Folding ladder. Shower. Autoclave. Electric bilge pumps. Blowers. Switch batteries. Steel exhaust-propellers-rudders. Retractable cabriolet capote. Cockpit cover. Flagpole. Anchor. Complete safety equipment. Fenders. Wooden cradle. Cuscineria completa nuova. Luci cabina. Scaletta ribaltabile a scomparsa. Doccetta. Autoclave. Pompe sentina elettriche. Blowers. Stacca batterie. Scarichi-eliche-timoni in acciaio. Capote cabriolet a scomparsa. Telo copertura pozzetto. Asta bandiera. Ancora. Dotazioni sicurezza complete. Parabordi. Invaso in legno. Declinazione di responsabilità standard La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione customContactInformation Gabriele Morosini professional broker phone: - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - fax: - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - e-mail: - Clicca per contattare - web: skype: operating site: San Michele di Pagana Rapallo 16035 (Ge) Italy Do you already follow lycam_gabriele_morosini on Instagram? LYCAM s.r.l. partita iva n. - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - ea n. MI-2118582 sede legale: Piazza della Repubblica, 30 20124 Milano Italy...Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
ribsforsale and Ballistic RIBs are proud to introduce the 7.8 RIB with twin Yamaha engines. This is the ultimate 7.8 and offers you the very best in performance and also long-range cruising comfort. This Ballistic 7.8 twin rig RIB is made for spending extensive time out on the water and also for longer trips at higher cruising speeds. She is extremely comfortable at cruising above thirty knots and will go on to fifty if required, when the conditions are right of course. The layout of the Ballistic 7.8 RIB comprises of an open foredeck, a double console seat, four single jockey seats and a three-person rear bench. Each seat provides storage beneath and there is further space in the bow seating area for lines and fenders. The 7.8 RIB has plenty of hand-holds throughout the vessel ensuring that you can move around as safely as possible when under way. As with all RIBs in the Ballistic family, the 7.8 twin rig has a comprehensive specification that includes range leading equipment from Garmin and Fusion electronics. The addition of the Seastar power steering system over the single engine version of the 7.8 makes driving the twin rig both easy and rewarding. It has never been easier to extract the awesome performance from this amazing hull as it is with the twin-engine version. A must drive for any RIB nut! Other smart features have been incorporated into the Ballistic 7.8 twin rig RIB include the top of the range Yamaha digital screens which work alongside the Garmin screen to ensure that you get all engine, navigation and depth information that you need. Having two engines means having two stainless-steel fuel tanks and with two separators and two isolators. The total fuel capacity onboard the boat is 450 litres (2 x 225) and that can get you a long way! The are some opportunities to customise the twin rig to fit your style of boating so please get in touch if you have a concept and would like our help to realise it. We have many happy Ballistic owners who have taken advantage of this process so do not hesitate to get in touch with us via email: or call us on 02392 397000. • Grey and Charcoal Hypalon Tubes with Grab Handles (Optional Charcoal). • White Gel Coated GRP Hull (Two Optional Grey). • Unique, three-piece ladder chassis construction. • “V” Shape forward seating area with storage beneath. • Double front Console seat with access to further storage and Picnic table. • Two single jockey seats with storage within and stainless-steel handrails. • Triple Rear Bench Seat with storage within. • Anchor Locker with Anchor, Chain & Rope. • Premium Weatherproof Silvertex Upholstery. • 2 x 225 Litre Fuel Tank. • Triple battery system (Port engine, Starboard engine and house engine) with isolator and low voltage cut off. • Twin Bilge pumps with auto function. • Yamaha Digital Engine Screen. • Steering Compass. • Garmin Touchscreen GPSmap. • Garmin 115i VHF / DSC Radio. • Fusion BB100 Marine Stereo System. • LED Deck Lights. • Picnic Table. • Stainless steel cup holders with drains. • Seastar Electro-Hydraulic Steering. • Double Stainless-Steel A-Frame with Tow-eye, Navigation Lights and LED Driving lamps. • Fishing rod holders on port and starboard of the A-Frame. • Yamaha F250HP Outboard Engine. (Optional Yamaha F300 Upgrade) • Console Cover. • Full Boat Cover. • Flexi Teak Effect Decking. #yourribforlife
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The 54.4m Spirit, built as part of the successful Amels 177 Limited Edition Series, was delivered in 2011 and recently refitted in 2020. Spirit's exterior, designed by Tim Heywood Design Ltd, features vast outdoor areas ideal for entertainment. The light, bright interior design by Dôme Project Interiors can accommodate up to 11 guests across 5 cabins (Master suite, 2 VIP cabins, 1 king double cabin, and 1 massage room that can be converted into a 6th cabin, all ensuite) and 14 crew members including the captain.
Maintained to high standards by her captain and crew, Spirit has completed in 2021 Lloyd's 10-years survey, undergone a full repaint of the steel hull and aluminium superstructure, and had servicing of her mechanical/electrical components, including engines, stabilisers, generators, and pumps. The full report is available upon request.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Length overall: 48.5m (159' 1/")
Beam: 7.80m (25' 6/")
Draught: 2.80m (9' 2/")
Gross tonnage: 366 tons
Hull/Superstructure: Steel / Aluminium
Deck material: Teak
Classification Society:
Without classification
Maximum Speed: 12.0 knots
Cruising Speed: 9.0 knots
Fuel consumption at cruising speed: 110.00 (L/HR)
Fuel consumption: Range: 8,000 NM (Approx 110 litres/hour)
Range (nm): 8000nm
Fuel: 100,000 l
Dirty lube oil: 400 l
Fresh water: 80,000 l
Engines: 1 x 750HP 6 Cyl. Daihatsu 6PS MTCM-26E
Engine hours: 20108 hrs Total Overhauled 2019 approx 675 hrs since then (27.03.2024)
Generators: 2 x 170KW Tri Power
Generator hours: No1. 3827 Hrs No2. 3624 hrs (27.03.2024)
Single CPP Kanome Variable Pitch Propeller Toyo Keiki Pilot and Steering
Air Conditioning: Cruisair throughout
Heating: Reverse cycle A/C
Bilge System: Manual pumps
Waste: Headhunter System throughout, 13 toilets
Deck Wash: On port side deck
Bow Thruster: Quantum 150HP 100KW Electrohydraulic Bow Thruster with counter rotating twin
Power: 110V + 220V Aseapower converter for shore power 1 x Xantrex inverter
Please email for further description and details
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Lagoon 450 Fly (2019) Preowned Lagoon 450 Fly, Modelyear 2019 well equiped for sale. The yacht is available immediately. Visit upon agreement of a date. Catamaran Lagoon 450 F, regularly maintained by the charter and service team at the Marina Baotić.
Further extras:
Standard interior wood - /"Alpi/" walnut with /"Asburgo/" floor
Comfort equipment configuration:
Pair of s/steel davits and manual winch
Electric mooring winch - starboard side
Flag halyards on spreaders
Deck courtesy lights in cockpit, transom and flybridge
Helm seat cushions /"Dark grey/"
Electrical circuit with 40-amp battery charger
3 additional service batteries (140A) + second (40A) battery charger
Battery controller
Extra freshwater tanks port b'&' stbd (2x175l)
Aft portholes in aft cabins with curtains
Porthole in galley
Leather bulkhead organizers in the cabins
Indirect lighting in the cabins and saloon
Additional 130l refrigerator
Waterproof loudspeakers in cockpit and flybridge with remote
Fusion CD/USB player + 2 loudspeakers in the salon
Navigation package bb'&'g 2019
Pulpit with wooden seats
Sea and freshwater foot pumps
Freshwater dock inlet
Deck wash pump (sea water/fresh water)
Bathroom floor with wooden slats
Interior upholstery in leather
Curtains for saloon door and aft window
Lazy bag with cover
12V refrigerator in the cockpit 80l
2 sunlounger pads for foredeck / trampoline
Aft cockpit cushions - colour /"Dark grey/"
Cockpit sides and aft sun canvas
Forward cockpit cushions – colour “Dark grey”
Sunlounging area cushions on flybridge – colour “Dark grey”
USB sockets in cabins (x4)
Quiet flush electric toilet - 4 cabin version
2 additional leather stools in the living room
Double berth in the saloon
Fans in saloon b'&' cabins
Under bed slats - 4 cabin version
Bb'&'G ZEUS3 12 /"display at the helm station
Bb'&'G ZEUS3 12 /"display at nav. station
Bb'&'G VHF V50
BOSE 2.1 loudspeakers in the salon
2nd handset H50 at the helm station for VHF Bb'&'G
Bb'&'G autopilot remote control
Generator Paguro 9000 (8 kW)
Air condition in cabins b'&' saloon (4 x 6.000 BTU, 1 x 16.000 BTU)
2 x crew cabin
Bimini top
Errors and changes excepted.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
27 m Steel hull motor yacht. Built in 2002 by BUGARI Italy.
In 2020 – 2022 Went through major refit job. SEE LIST BELOW.
Designed for lang range with heavy duty Caterpillar main engines, Trac Stabilizers and Lots of Fuel.
She has 4 cabins for 8 guests with two additional pullman beds she will sleep 10 guests.
Accommodation for 4 crew in two cabins.
Main Features
Length overall (LOA) 27 m /
Beam 6.40 m /
Draft 2.0 m /
Shipyard BUGARI, Italy.
Year 2002
Construction Hull -Steel FE 430 / Superstructure – Aluminum 5083 H111
Main Engine 2 x 925 hp Caterpillar 3421E
Max Speed 14 knots
Cruising Speed 12 knots
Classification Hull was built to RINA rules
Refit 2020 – 2020 / Main Features
New Teak Decks
New Hull and Superstructure Paint
All windows has been removed. Checked and re installed.
New Hard Top on the flybridge
New Crane installed in the aft Garage / Beach Club
Garage converted to Beach club.
New SIMRAD Chartplotter and GPS
New 2 X 100-liter Boilers
Main Exhaust piles has been changed to under water discharge.
All Pumps been serviced.
All tanks Opened cleaned and serviced.
All Piping system has been taken out, checked clean and painted.
New water maker
New Charges and Inverters
*Additional Information Available.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Hydrolift C-31
1. Interior:
Salon and cabins:
Both the exterior and interior use Alcantara Niroxx materials.
The cabin has sleeping capacity for 2 + 1.
Sport seats for the driver and passenger with options for sitting, standing, and flipping into the opposite direction.
The cockpit design allows for quick conversion from an intimate dinner for two into a social setting for seven.
Toilet: Electric toilet with a separate waste tank.
Sink: Interior sink.
Refrigerator included in the cabin.
Water heater for onboard comfort.
Technical equipment in the interior:
Sound package 1 for audio entertainment.
220V port connection with a built-in charger, outlet, and cable.
Raymarine G165 navigation system including card and trip computer.
Mechanical compass and kill switch for high-speed driving.
Separate fuse box for safety.
All installations have separate safety wiring, similar to large ships.
Fire extinguisher included for safety.
2. Exterior
Cockpit and other outdoor spaces:
Power steering and bow thruster for easy maneuverability.
Stainless steel swimming steps for easy water access.
Outdoor shower with a separate tank.
Maximum speed at sea is approximately 50 knots, depending on conditions.
Fuel consumption at cruising speed (40 knots) is about 1.6L/NM, and the minimum planing speed is around 15 knots.
Equipped with a Mercruiser 502HO engine and a reinforced Z-drive for high performance.
Separate racing controls for shifting and throttle.
Anchoring system and maintenance:
Anchor package included.
Anti-fouling protection on the hull.
3. Electronics and technology:
Navigation and control:
Raymarine G165 navigation system with card and trip computer.
Mechanical compass for navigation.
Power steering for ease of control.
Propulsion system and pumps:
Bow thruster for easy docking and maneuverability.
The hull is certified for up to 1200 hp in GFK construction and up to 1750 hp in carbon construction.
Separate safety wiring for installations.
Equipped with Mercruiser 502HO engine with a reinforced Z-drive and enlarged control surface.
Kill switch for safety during high-speed driving.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Sealine 360 Ambassador is an extremely spacious sports cruiser that offers great accommodation both inside and out. The 360's quality, reliability and performance endows it with exceptional sea-keeping abilities. It is equally at home short port-hopping or over long passages. This example is powered by a pair of Mercruiser petrol engines, bow thruster and diesel fired cabin heating to name a few. Further specification includes:
Construction: GRP
Hull Colour: White
Drive Type: Z out drive
Maximum Speed: 31 knots (approx.)
Cruising Speed: 25 knots (approx.)
Hull: Planing
2 x MerCruiser 5.7L V8 - 260hp petrol engines with approx 825hrs
Port engine new carb and fuel uplift pump - August 2024
Last out of the water for anti-foul, anode and hull polish - April 2024
Quicksilver throttles
Hydraulic steering
Engines and transom shields removed and transom rebuilt 2022
2 x Windscreen wipers
Side power bow thruster
Eltim trim tabs with gauge
Shore power b'&' cable
Battery charger
Eberspacher diesel fired cabin heating throughout with separate diesel tank
Glomex TV aerial
Large flatscreen TV fitted in saloon
Alpine Radio/CD player with internal and external speakers
Pressurised Hb'&'C water
Cockpit shower
Electric marine toilet to recent TekTank holding tank (with gauge) to overboard discharge or deck suck out
Raymarine RL70C Pathfinder GPS/Radar plotter
Autohlem ST30 speed b'&' depth
Simrad RD68 DSC VHF
Handheld VHF
Navigation lights
Flexi teak bathing platform
Teak effect cockpit flooring
Recent navy bimini and cockpit enclosure with mesh or black out screens
Recent navy windscreen cover
Cockpit sink b'&' storage
Cockpit sunpad conversion
S/s bathing ladder
Stern fender basket on bathing platform
Electric anchor windlass with anchor and chain
Auto b'&' manual bilge pumps
Auto fire extinguishers in engine bay
Jabsco remote searchlight
Warps b'&' fenders
Recent upholstery in saloon 'u' shaped seating
Two deep stainless steel sinks
Three burner hob
Oven and grill
Recent Waeco fridge
Electric marine head
Separate shower
Viewings available by appointment only, please contact Philip on 07766 051455.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
/"MIZAR/" is a trimaran from NEEL. The Neel 45 Evolution is the moderate development of the legendary firstNeel trimaran of the 45 type.The outstanding feature of the Neel 45 Evolution is its unique hull and deck construction. Thesandwich construction is very light on the one hand (actual displacement 8.5 tons) and on the other hand very stable andtorsion resistant. Cleanly laminated bulkheads, beams and stringers clearly set this type apart from the successor types. Inaddition, the Neel 45 Evolution is unsinkable thanks to the complete sandwich construction.The sailing characteristics arecorrespondingly agile. Boat speeds in the range of the wind speed or just above can be achieved from wind strengths ofjust 2. In stronger winds, things really get going until the limit is reached at around 20 knots. Cruising speeds of 10 13 knotscan be sailed almost any time and with ease. The retractable daggerboard (rare optional extra) further increases theupwind performance considerably
MIZAR has been optimized and supplemented in numerous areas compared to the shipyard standard- Stainless steel bow fitting with anchor bracket (and fixation) and fixed support of the bowsprit- Installation of 6 additional mooring cleats- Installation of a gas bottle box with remote switch in accordance with GOK- Optimized line routing for the retractable dagge r board- Optimized sheet routing and routing of the furling lines- Permanently installed electric bilge pumps in the outer hulls- Warm air routing and ventilation in the outer hulls, lining these with Gisatex fleece in 2024- Insulation of the engine compartment- Improved gangway bracket- New cockpit tent in 2022
technical dataLength overall 14.22 m, length waterline 13.80 m, beam 8.50 m, draft 1.20 / 2.20, mast height over WL 19.40 m- Fully battend mainsail, 2 reefing rows, lazy bag, 60 m²- furling genoa 46 m²- self tacking jib 20 m²- genacker opt.160m²- Displacement approx. 8.500 kg- engine Volvo Penta D2 60 with 40 KW (55 HP) and folding propellers- 2 fresh water tanks with a total of 500 L- 2 holding tanks for the toilets- diesel tank with 300 liters
Cabin layout- Salon with navigation corner- Pantry with 2 burner stove and oven- 2 refrigerators 144L, 1 freezer 53L- 2 bathrooms with shower and electric toilet- 2 double cabins and 1 double cabin in the foreship of the main hull- 2 single berths each in theouter hulls- Heating in the superstructure and in the foreship- Fans in the cabins- 230V and USB in the cabins- Fusion audio system with BT- LED lighting
Equipment- Powerful bow thruster with separate battery in the foreship of the main hull- Fixed bowsprit with anchor holder and attachment point for gennaker- electric anchor winch 1000W- Complete LED navigation lighting with deck light- VHF radio with DSC controller- Raymarine Axiom 9/" chartplotter, radar, current. AIS, depth gauge, log, set of maps, port guide- Life raft for 10 people- 10 life jackets- lifebuoys with rope and light- radar reflector- emergency tiller- Fixed bimini above the cockpit- bimini above the steering position- cockpit cushions- Marco sound signal system with microphone- 480 Ah service battery- 70AH engine battery- shore powernconnection with on board charger- solar panels 480W- inverter 2KW- small rigid dinghy with 3HP outboard- motor hanging in davits- Locked gas bottle box with 2 aluminum camping gas bottles 3 kg- Foldable swimming ladder- mooring lines- fenders- gangway- Approval and safety certificate from BG Verkehr
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Princess 33 MK II Flybridge - Yard Number - S2123
'High Lite' presents extremely well for her year and benefits from recent (2024) updates which include, new Dark Navy Blue Canvas covers to her flybridge, aft cockpit deck and med screen cover, new carpets throughout plus new oil and filters for both engines.
Fitted with twin Volvo TAMD40 165hp 6 cylinder shaft drive diesels, she is a joy to handle and cruise.
Accommodation consists of a V-berth forward cabin w/infill to make a double berth, starboard side cabin with twin bunk berths
Inventory includes, Eberspacher warm air heating, WC w/holding tank, stainless steel swing type davits, bathing platform w/swim ladder, electric anchor winch(requires attention or replacement) shore power w/hot and cold water, shower, battery charger, JRC 1000 Radar, w/hinging radar mast Garmin GPS Map 232, Garmin 160 Blue fishfinder, Magnetic compass x 2, 3 auto bilge pumps, rudder indicator, Cetrek auto-pilot, VHF Radio, Echo Pilot bronze Trio, (all electronics power up however their accuracy cannot be guaranteed) gas oven/grill, Stereo w/speakers, selection of ropes and fenders.
Sensibly price to to sell £29,950.
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