Teak decking
Elenco delle migliori vendite teak decking

Magliano in Toscana (Toscana)
Navetta in acciao costruita dai Cantieri Navali Benetti di Viareggio. Scafo in acciao, ponte coperta in acciao rivestito in teak, sovrastrutture in alluminio, pontatura completa, 4 paratie stagne, plancetta poppiera con piano di calpestio in teak. Nel 1997 eseguiti notevoli lavori di restyling e rinnovo di di impianti ed attrezzature. Nel 2003 sostituzione di parti e inserti di lamiera a scafo, nel 2004 sono stati eseguiti lavori di miglioria. Eseguiti Lavori di pitturazione scafo ed opera morta nel 2007 Impianto di aria condizionata sostituito nel Giugno 2008 Imbarcazione dotata d'impianto elettrico 220V e 24V presa da terra, nel 2008 sostituito una caricabatterie con uno nuovo Matervolt 24V, 100A. Impianto organizzato in modo che tutte le pompe possano funzionare da pompe di sentina e nel 2008 sono state revisionate le pompe di sentina e sostituita la pompa delle acque grigie. Il salpaancora di pruora è stato sostituito nel 2008 Gru di movimentazione del tender, posizionata sul ponte Fly, è stata revisionata nel 2008. All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and / or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for any inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. English Steel shuttle built by Benetti Shipyard in Viareggio. Steel hull, main deck in steel covered with teak, aluminium superstructure, full deck, 4 watertight bulkheads, Stern platform with teak decking. In 1997 performed considerable restyling and refurbishment of plant and equipment. In 2003 replacing parts and sheet metal inserts to hull, home improvement work has been carried out in 2004. Run paint Jobs hull and topsides in 2007 Air conditioning replaced in June 2008 Boat equipped with 220V electrical and 24V taken from the ground, in 2008 replaced a charger with a new Matervolt 24V, 100A. Plant organized so that all pumps can operate from bilge and bilge pumps were overhauled in 2008 and replaced the pump gray water. The windlass by pruora was replaced in 2008 Tender handling crane, placed on flybridge has also been revised in 2008. All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and/or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. Française Navette en acier construit par le chantier Benetti Viareggio. Coque acier, pont principal en acier recouvert de teck, superstructure en aluminium, pont complet, 4 cloisons étanches, plate-forme arrière avec terrasse en teck. En 1997, jouée restyling considérable et remise en état des installations et du matériel. Dans les pièces de remplacement de 2003 et d’inserts de tôle à hull, travaux d’amélioration de l’habitat a été réalisée en 2004. Exécution de peinture emplois coque et superstructure en 2007 Air conditionné, remplacé en juin 2008 Bateau équipé électrique 220V et 24V prise en 2008, du sol, a remplacé un chargeur avec un nouveau Matervolt 24V, 100 a. Plante a organisé afin que toutes les pompes peuvent fonctionner à fond de cale et les pompes d’assèchement ont été révisés en 2008 et remplacé l’eau pompe gris. Le guindeau de pruora a été remplacé en 2008 Grue de manutention tendre, placé sur le flybridge a également été révisé en 2008. Toutes les informations sur ce site concernant les yachts sont uniquement à des fins d’information. Condition de yachts et/ou l’exactitude des informations fournies n’est pas garanti, et il n’y a aucune responsabilité pour les inexactitudes. Toutes les dimensions, capacité, vitesse, etc.. ne sont pas techniquement vérifiés. Doit être clair que toutes les informations concernant l’état des yachts sont soumis à la dégradation commune en raison de l’usure. Nous conseillons donc les clients de soigneusement vérifier et inspecter les yachts, les spécifications et les informations permettant de vérifier leur exactitude à l’aide d’un expert maritime qualifié indépendant avant l’achat qu’il est soumis à des contrôles satisfaisants et essais en mer. Yachts publiées sont proposés à la vente. Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier les spécifications, les prix etc. sans préavis. Nous ne sommes pas responsables pour le résultat de nos publications et les activités qui suivent. Deutsch Stahl-Shuttle von Benetti Werft in Viareggio gebaut. Stahlrumpf, Hauptdeck aus Stahl mit Aluminium Überbau, Volldeck, 4 wasserdichten Schotte, Teak, Heck-Plattform mit Teakholz bedeckt. Im Jahr 1997 durchgeführt erhebliche Neugestaltung und Sanierung von Anlagen und Maschinen. In 2003 ersetzte Teile und Laken-Metall-Einsätze an Rumpf wurde im Jahr 2004 Hauptverbesserung Arbeit durchgeführt. Geführtes malen Jobs Rumpf und Topsides im Jahr 2007 Eine Klimaanlage ersetzt im Juni 2008 Boot mit 220V elektrische ausgestattet und 24V genommen vom Boden, im Jahr 2008 eine Ladegerät mit einer neuen Matervolt 24V, 100A ersetzt. Anlage so organisiert, dass alle Pumpen können aus Bilge und Lenzpumpen wurden im Jahr 2008 überarbeitet und ersetzt die Pumpe grauen Wasser. Im 2008 wurde die Ankerwinde durch Pruora ersetzt. Zärtliche Umgang mit Kran, platziert auf Flybridge wurde auch im Jahr 2008 überarbeitet. Alle Informationen auf dieser Website im Zusammenhang mit Yachten dient nur zu Informationszwecken. Zustand der Yachten und/oder Richtigkeit der zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen kann nicht garantiert werden und es wird keine Verantwortung für Ungenauigkeiten. Alle Abmessungen, Kapazität, Geschwindigkeit, etc.. sind nicht technisch überprüft. Soll klar sein, dass alle Informationen in Bezug auf den Zustand der Yachten die gemeinsame Degradation durch Verschleiß unterliegen. Daher empfehlen wir Kunden, sorgfältig prüfen und überprüfen Sie Yachten, Spezifikationen und Informationen, um ihre Genauigkeit mit Hilfe einer unabhängigen qualifizierten marine Surveyor vor dem Kauf zu überprüfen, die es zufriedenstellende Kontrollen und Probefahrten unterliegt. Veröffentlichten Yachten werden angeboten, verkauft werden. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Spezifikationen, Preisen etc. ohne vorherige Ankündigung. Wir sind nicht verantwortlich für das Ergebnis unserer Publikationen und Aktivitäten, die Folgen. Español Transporte de acero construido por el astillero Benetti en Viareggio. Casco de acero, cubierta principal de acero cubierto con teca, superestructura de aluminio, cubierta completa, 4 mamparos estancos, plataforma de popa con plataforma de teca. En 1997 realizó considerables restyling y remodelación de planta y equipo. En 2003 reemplazando piezas y partes movibles del metal de hoja casco, se ha realizado trabajo de mejoramiento del hogar en 2004. Ejecución de pintura trabajos casco y obra muerta en 2007 Aire acondicionado sustituido en junio de 2008 Barco equipado con electricidad de 220V y 24V extraída del suelo, en el año 2008 sustituye un cargador con un nuevo Matervolt 24V, 100. Planta organizada de modo que pueden operar todas las bombas de sentina y bombas de achique fueron revisadas en 2008 y reemplazado el agua gris de la bomba. El molinete por pruora fue substituido en 2008 Oferta manejo grúa, a Fly también ha sido revisada en 2008. Toda la información en este sitio relacionados con yates es sólo con fines informativos. Condición de yates o corrección de información no es garantizado y no hay ninguna responsabilidad por inexactitud. Dimensiones, capacidad, velocidad, etcetera. técnicamente no son verificados. Es claro que toda la información relativa al estado de los barcos están sujetos a la degradación común debido al desgaste. Por lo tanto, asesoramos a clientes cuidadosamente comprobar e inspeccionar barcos, especificaciones e información para verificar su exactitud con la ayuda de un topógrafo marino calificado independiente antes de la compra que está sujeto a controles satisfactorios y pruebas de mar. Barcos publicados se ofrecen para ser vendidos. Nos reservamos el derecho a modificar las especificaciones, precios etc. sin previo aviso. No somos responsables por el resultado de nuestras publicaciones y las actividades que siguen. Россию Стальной трансфер, построен на верфи Benetti в Виареджо. Стальной корпус, главной палубе в стали, покрытые тик, алюминиевые конструкции, полная колода, 4 водонепроницаемыми переборками, кормовой платформы с тикового настила. В 1997 году осуществляется значительный рестайлинг и ремонт машин и оборудования. В 2003 году замены деталей и вставки листового металла корпуса домашнего улучшения работы были проведены в 2004 году. Выполнения краска работу Халл и верхнее строение в 2007 году Кондиционер, заменил в июне 2008 года Лодка оснащена 220В электрические и 24V, взяты из земли, в 2008 году заменил зарядное устройство с новой Matervolt 24V, 100А. Завод организован так, что все насосы могут работать от льяльных и водооткачивающие насосы были отремонтированы в 2008 году и заменил серый насос воды. В 2008 году был заменен лебедка, pruora Нежная обработки крана, на флайбридже также был пересмотрен в 2008 году. Вся информация на этом сайте, касающиеся яхты является только для информационных целей. Яхты условие и/или правильность предоставленной информации не гарантируется, и есть не несет ответственности за неточность. Все размеры, мощность, скорость и т.д. технически не проверена. Должно быть ясно, что вся информация, касающаяся состояния яхты являются предметом общей деградации вследствие износа. Поэтому мы рекомендуем клиентам тщательно проверить и проверить яхт, спецификации и информацию для проверки их точности с помощью независимых квалифицированных морской сюрвейер перед покупкой, это при условии удовлетворительной проверки и ходовые испытания. Опубликованные яхты предлагаются для продажи. Мы оставляем за собой право изменять технические характеристики, цены и т.д. без предварительного уведомления. Мы не несем ответственность за результат наших публикаций и мероприятий, которые следуют. Categoria di navigazione Senza limiti Accessori aggiuntivi Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione Angolo barra, Antenna radar, 2 Bussola (Sperry + Azimut 1000), Display, Ecoscandaglio (Furuno Ls 6100), Fax, 2 GPS (Furuno GP50 + Lorenz 11''), MeteoFax (Furuno 208), Pilota automatico (Furuno Fap 330), 2 Radio VHF (Icom IC-M127 + Sailor Rt146), SSB (Skanti). Allestimento tecnico e di coperta Allarme motore, Allarme sentina, Ancora, 2 Autoclave, Batterie, Doppia timoneria, Faro orientabile, Gruette per tender su fly, Impianto antincendio, Lavaggio catena, Luci di cortesia, Passerella (Gandola), Piattaforma, Pompa di sentina automatica, Presa 220V banchina, Presa acqua banchina, Tromba. Dotazioni domestiche di bordo Boiler, Dissalatore (Idromar), Impianto acque nere, Prese interne 220v, 4 WC marino elettrico. Intrattenimento Altoparlanti, Stereo. Cucina ed elettrodomestici Cucina, ICE Maker. Tappezzerie Cuscineria completa. Note accessori refittata nel 2004, è stato rifatto l’impianto elettrico nel 2009 ed è stata ripitturata nel 2007 Disclaimer La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione....Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
It is rare that we come across a pre - owned Sunseeker in this condition, but this yacht is truly stunning in every way. 1 owner from new, with the same conscientious captain from day 1, this low hour vessel has only cruised locally with the family on board, and never chartered. We sold this well specified yacht new to an existing Sunseeker client who chose the interior wood and furnishings with great taste, creating a beautiful interior with many upgraded fabrics and carpet (which in fact is still in pristine condition). Due to the high standards of the owner he decided to replace the entire teak decking in 2019 (although it was not strictly necessary at that time), and now this 12mm teak presents very well throughout with no signs of abnormal wear. The teak on this yacht is now to a higher specification than when she left the factory.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Gyro stabilization system available – Increased comfort not only due to the long list of extra equipment, such as the 17.5 kVa generator, air conditioning in all cabins (three), including the fully equipped crew cabin (one) at the stern, the fresh water maker, the cable master or the underwater lights, but also due to the stabilization system from SeaKeeper.
Very well maintained Sessa F54 from 2019, second owner since new, spanish flag, VAT not paid (net sale possible) and with impeccable ship documentation and maintenance history. This MY is equipped with the Volvo Penta D11-IPS950 diesel engines, each with 725hp, as well as a side power bow thruster making maneuvering a breeze. With a cruising speed of around 23kn, the engines run at 1,900 rpm and a combined consumption of approximately 190l/h, the maximum speed is an impressive 34kn at 2,500 rpm.
This yacht was completely fitted with teak decking and counts with full extras. In addition to the seating area with a teak table and the (air-conditioned) crew cabin at the stern, which is also ideal as storage space for all kind of boat accessories, the spacious cockpit area is also equipped with an electro-hydraulic bathing platform providing space for the yacht’s tender as well as with an electric, 2.5m, teak-laid gangway. This F54 offers on a total of 3 decks
Below deck 2 cabins with a large double bed and each with an en-suite bathroom as well as a third cabin with bunk beds, accommodating up to six guest. In the companionway / lower galley a large, stainless steel fridge b'&' freezer as well as additional storage compartments are found
On deck level towards the cockpit there is a bright and spacious saloon with a fully-equipped kitchen to port side, allowing for easy serving when seated outside. Opposite the helm station there is a separate seating area with Smart-TV and electrically-operated windows to facilitate natural ventilation
On the flybridge - generously designed and equipped with a folding bimini - there is a large sun pad to the left side of the helm station, a seating b'&' dining area with a foldable teak table as well as a BBQ furniture with grill, sink, fridge as well as icemaker.
“Flying Dori” was last fully serviced in May 2024, she awaits her new owner in turn-key condition. Don’t miss this opportunity and send us your request for our promotional video as well as the full specification.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Engines: 2 x Twin Cummins QSB 6.7 (550hp) diesel engines - Approx 320 engine hours
Stunningly beautiful, exceptionally comfortable, and customizable with two distinct interior design moods, the Ferretti Yachts 500 marks a new chapter for the brand. This fresh addition to their line-up merges the thrill of nautical adventure with the comfort typically found on larger vessels. The result is a warm, family-oriented atmosphere that envelops guests in a sense of complete wellbeing. Whether enjoying time alone or with loved ones, this yacht invites you to experience it as an exclusive, authentic, multi-sensory retreat.
Equipment Hull Colour
White hull
Deck Equipment
Teak decking in cockpit, side-decks and foredeck
Seating around high/low fold-out teak cockpit table
Hydraulic high/low transom platform
Gate and steps leading to transom platform
Letterbox passarelle
Flybridge wetbar
Foredeck sunbeds
Navigation Equipment
2 x Simrad navigation screens at flybridge helm
3 x Simrad navigation screens at the main helm
Simrad radar
Simrad autopilot
Ship's Systems
Joystick control at lower and upper helm
Seakeeper Gyro stabiliser
Bow thruster
Humphree interceptors
Air-conditioning with outlets in all cabins, inc. crew cabin
Interior Fitout
3 cabins accommodating 6 guests
Crew cabin
Saloon with seating around dining table plus additional sofa
Sliding doors from saloon to cockpit
Master cabin with large double bed, sofa, sideboard and ensuite bathroom
VIP cabin with double bed and ensuite bathroom
Guest cabin with bunk beds
Interior Equipment
TV’s in saloon, master cabin and forward cabin
Induction hob
Broker's Comments
Priced to sell
Fresh antifouling, zinc anodes and engine service (March 2024)
2023 October – mechanical servicing
2023 February – hull antifouling and anodes
1 owner from new, maintained to a very good standard by an experienced motor boat owner
Joystick manoeuvrability for close quarter docking
Seakeeper Gyroscopic stabiliser
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Italia (Tutte le città)
One of the few V70 with a hydraulic bathing platform, Caterpillar C32s, bow and stern thrusters.
Substantial cosmetic refit done in 2021, including ceiling panels, cabin wall linings, new sofas and exterior cushions, engine room paint, gel coat restoration and new galley fridge.
2022 yard period completed with antifouling, anodes and hull polish. Classic color schemes with white hull, full teak decking and mustard exterior cushions.Mid cherry gloss interior with light cream carpets.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Sunseeker 30m yacht is a luxurious and sleek watercraft designed for high-end ocean travel. With its stunning exterior and contemporary interior, this yacht exudes elegance and sophistication.
The exterior of the Sunseeker 30m features clean lines, a low profile, and a sporty silhouette. Its sleek and aerodynamic shape allows it to cut through the water with ease, providing a smooth and comfortable ride for all on board. The yacht's exterior is finished in high-quality materials, including polished stainless steel, fine teak decking, and ultra-modern glass features.
Inside, the Sunseeker 30m is designed with comfort and style in mind. The yacht features spacious living areas with ample natural light, including a main salon, dining area, and luxurious cabins. The yacht is equipped with state-of-the-art entertainment systems, including high-definition TVs, surround sound speakers, and advanced multimedia devices.
The cabins on the Sunseeker 30m yacht are luxurious and comfortable, featuring plush bedding, elegant furnishings, and plenty of storage space. The yacht's bathrooms are also beautifully designed, featuring high-end fixtures and premium materials.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2022 Gulf Craft, Options: 1. Twin MAN V8-1200, 1200 HP, 882 kW, 2300 rpm 2. Teak decking on flybridge 3. Night Vision Camera 4. CCTV camera monitoring system consisting if three Cameras 5. Satellite phone 6. Eight white LED underwater lights 7. Remote control maneuvering (Engine & Bow Thruster) 8. Electric fin Stabilizer 9. Tender lift with 600kg lifting capacity 10. Water maker with production capacity of 140l/h 11. Wind speed transducer 12. Satelite entertainment TV System with single dome on hard top 13. Ice Maker 14. Dishwasher in Galley
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Ribeye S785 built in 2019 - With a 300hp Yamaha outboard engine generating speeds of 50+ knots, an oversized stainless-steel 285L fuel tank, a well designed deck layout and beautiful yet solid construction, this boat not only outperforms boats of its size, but it will do so more economically, comfortably and in more style, allowing you to reach your destination faster, dryer and with a big smile on your face! This particular boat comes with the full package including the Elite helm console, bimini, A-frame, swing-back helm seat, boarding platform, teak decking, hydraulic steering, Fusion sound system, chartplotter, VHF, cockpit table, freshwater shower, trailer and more.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
We are pleased to bring you this stunning Ribeye A811. This rib exudes luxury from the quality of build to the finishing touches. She has a “no expense spared “spec with suspension bucket seats, fusion stereo system and an SBS trailer!
She is configured with the backwards facing seats along with the back bench seats makes for a really social space. Forward there is a u-shaped seating with infill cushions to make into a sun pad for those sunny days. There are some really nice details to this rib, the infill cushions are in individual bags to protect them, all cupholders are self-draining and there are stainless steel handholds throughout.
She is powered by a Yamaha 300hp outboard with low hours which will push this boat up to 52 knots! She has been well maintained and recently serviced by the owner ready for the season ahead.
She includes:
Ergo Console
Ergo Helm Station with bucket seats
Sculpted Rear Seat
Bow U-berth b'&' infill
60mm Mast Ski Pole
Yamaha F300 BETX
Garmin Navigation Package 9 INCH
Garmin VHF 115i
Fusion Audio System with bluetooth and 4 Speakers
Amplifier 5 Channel
Glove Box
A811 Mooring Cover
Ergo Console Cover
Teak Decking
LED Deck Lights (Blue)
Wakeboard Rack
Under Platform Ladder
SBS 2600 Series Rollerglide Trailer
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Italia (Tutte le città)
PRICE REDUCED..2008 RIBEYE 785, single Yamaha 250hp outboard with only 119 hours, stored in drystack, 4 jockey seats, 3 seater aft bench seat, faux teak decking, Garmin GPSmap 551S gps/plotter, Icom IC-M412 DSC VHF and Fusion Bluetooth stereo. Call Neil in our Poole office for more details +44(0)1202 669554. OFFERS INVITED.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This stunning classic is the result of the collaboration between the renowned Cantiere Del Pardo and the great Alain Jezequel. Designed for those who love to sail. A queen of used boats, those who have one hold on to it tightly. This boat has undergone an extensive refit in 2021 including full engine reconditioning, new teak decking, updated rigging and new sails. The loving owners of this boat have maintained her to a great standard and you will be hard pressed to find a boat on the market with such class and condition.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Exceptionally well-maintained Sanlorenzo SL82, delivered in 2009 by the prestigious Italian shipyard.
She clearly embodies elegance, style, and comfort within the finest Italian design.
Uniquely equipped with a hydraulic bathing platform, and electric Humphree fin stabilizers with lithium battery pack.
Classic white hull with teak decking throughout.
Accommodation for up to 8 guests in 4 ensuite cabins + 3 crew in bow area.
Caterpillar V12 C32 engines.
Official length 23,95m.
Lying in Palma de Mallorca.
Viewing is highly recommended!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Sturdy, comfortable coupé cruiser in contemporary Scandinavian design built by the traditional Norwegian yard Saga Boats AS. The Saga 365 is a modern, very economical semi-planing yacht with excellent rough water performance. The smooth running VOLVO PENTA 6 cylinder 435 hp common-rail diesel is comfortable and quiet to drive and provides plenty of thrust and safety even in uncomfortable conditions or critical situations. The spacious and friendly interior offers ample living space for up to five passengers in a luxurious owner's cabin with island double berth forward and a surprisingly large lateral cabin to port with double and additional single berth.
This Saga 365 is a young, little used and well maintained vessel offered by her second owner. Extensive technical specification incl. bow and stern thruster, electric bow and stern anchor windlass (with 2 x stainless steel mooring gear), diesel and engine heating, solar panels, complete RAYMARINE navigation with a large 16/" chart plotter etc. ESTHEC composite decking on running decks and swim platform and teak deck in cockpit and on saloon floor. Bright, friendly interior in Alpi teak white covered panels and light upholstery. Ample light and air in deckhouse thanks to large sliding door aft, sliding side windows and two large sliding hatches in hardtop roof.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
ribsforsale and Ballistic RIBs are proud to introduce the 7.8 RIB with twin Yamaha engines. This is the ultimate 7.8 and offers you the very best in performance and also long-range cruising comfort. This Ballistic 7.8 twin rig RIB is made for spending extensive time out on the water and also for longer trips at higher cruising speeds. She is extremely comfortable at cruising above thirty knots and will go on to fifty if required, when the conditions are right of course. The layout of the Ballistic 7.8 RIB comprises of an open foredeck, a double console seat, four single jockey seats and a three-person rear bench. Each seat provides storage beneath and there is further space in the bow seating area for lines and fenders. The 7.8 RIB has plenty of hand-holds throughout the vessel ensuring that you can move around as safely as possible when under way. As with all RIBs in the Ballistic family, the 7.8 twin rig has a comprehensive specification that includes range leading equipment from Garmin and Fusion electronics. The addition of the Seastar power steering system over the single engine version of the 7.8 makes driving the twin rig both easy and rewarding. It has never been easier to extract the awesome performance from this amazing hull as it is with the twin-engine version. A must drive for any RIB nut! Other smart features have been incorporated into the Ballistic 7.8 twin rig RIB include the top of the range Yamaha digital screens which work alongside the Garmin screen to ensure that you get all engine, navigation and depth information that you need. Having two engines means having two stainless-steel fuel tanks and with two separators and two isolators. The total fuel capacity onboard the boat is 450 litres (2 x 225) and that can get you a long way! The are some opportunities to customise the twin rig to fit your style of boating so please get in touch if you have a concept and would like our help to realise it. We have many happy Ballistic owners who have taken advantage of this process so do not hesitate to get in touch with us via email: info@ribsforsale.com or call us on 02392 397000. • Grey and Charcoal Hypalon Tubes with Grab Handles (Optional Charcoal). • White Gel Coated GRP Hull (Two Optional Grey). • Unique, three-piece ladder chassis construction. • “V” Shape forward seating area with storage beneath. • Double front Console seat with access to further storage and Picnic table. • Two single jockey seats with storage within and stainless-steel handrails. • Triple Rear Bench Seat with storage within. • Anchor Locker with Anchor, Chain & Rope. • Premium Weatherproof Silvertex Upholstery. • 2 x 225 Litre Fuel Tank. • Triple battery system (Port engine, Starboard engine and house engine) with isolator and low voltage cut off. • Twin Bilge pumps with auto function. • Yamaha Digital Engine Screen. • Steering Compass. • Garmin Touchscreen GPSmap. • Garmin 115i VHF / DSC Radio. • Fusion BB100 Marine Stereo System. • LED Deck Lights. • Picnic Table. • Stainless steel cup holders with drains. • Seastar Electro-Hydraulic Steering. • Double Stainless-Steel A-Frame with Tow-eye, Navigation Lights and LED Driving lamps. • Fishing rod holders on port and starboard of the A-Frame. • Yamaha F250HP Outboard Engine. (Optional Yamaha F300 Upgrade) • Console Cover. • Full Boat Cover. • Flexi Teak Effect Decking. #yourribforlife
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Nice Scanner Dillennium day RIB with 2016 Engine 340HP.
Polished and serviced for 2024 season. In really good condition.
Teak (solid) decking on platform, cockpit area and bow.
Bimini stainless steel with black top and extension to bow.
Huge Storage compartment in engine bay.
Antifouling included, Tax paid.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Launched in 2009 and crowned the Best Sailing Yacht at the World Superyacht Awards, ASAHI is one of the last of the 56-meter series built with distinguished ownership pedigree and an excellent charter history.During ASAHI’s comprehensive 2023 refit, the hull and stern was painted, teak work was completed including the renewal of the mast area decking along with the upgrade of her IT/AV equipment, a brand-new galley, new flooring in the main salon and dining area, and the installation of new LED lighting throughout. Her complete suite of Doyle sails were also replaced in 2022.She features accommodation for 12 guests across six cabins. The full-beam L-shaped master suite boasts a vanity area and sofa, a large wardrobe and an ensuite with bathtub and shower. The remainder of guests sleep across two VIPs, two twins with a Pullman berth each, and one cabin with upper-lower bunks, ideal for children or staff. There is further accommodation onboard for a crew of 10.Key features:*One of the last of the 56-metre series built with distinguished ownership pedigree*6-cabin Remi Tessier interior*Excellent charter history*Complete suite of Doyle sails replaced in 2022*Fold down beach club*Dual tender garages forward*New 12-metre Protector chase boat and incredible selection of toys
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
This 2005 Princess V70 is powered by twin MTU 1500hp engines and is in exemplary condition for her age, having been professionally maintained from new and refitted to a high standard. Large exterior relaxation spaces are balanced with comfortable interior living areas. A practical accommodation layout features a spacious full beam stateroom, a luxurious forward VIP cabin and a twin guest cabin, all en-suite. An additional aft crew cabin sleeps up to two crew. Viewing highly recommended.
Key Features:
Cherry wood interior, recently refitted with LED lighting throughout, new grey interior and exterior upholstery, new saloon coffee table and new interior carpets.
Upgraded Raymarine navigation equipment including Hybridtouch.
SIDEPOWER Bow and stern thrusters.
ONAN 22.5kW generator.
CRUISAIR 68,000 BTU air-conditioning system.
OPACMARE stainless steel passerelle.
Upgraded BOSE audiovisual package in Saloon.
New 9mm teak exterior decking installed in 2016.
Charter coded.
Mooring available in very desirable Palma marina.
Fully serviced and anti-fouled at the start of the 2024 season
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