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The garage

Elenco delle migliori vendite the garage

Milano (Lombardia)
Garage for sale located in Robecco sul Naviglio (MI), via Corte dell’Arsenale 4. The context is central with regular traffic. The area is urbanized, equipped with every service, characterized by historic buildings, public parks, shops and homes, well connected to the nearby urban centers and to Milan by the infrastructure network. The unit is part of an underground garage built in 2007 as an integral part of the "Borgo Archinto Area" recovery plan. The complex is located near the Naviglio Grande river. The garage has a reinforced concrete structure, served by a partly uncovered vehicle ramp, closed on the street front by an automatic gate. Cover used as a public park and connected to the garage by safety stairs. The garage (inside A1) is single, without windows and equipped with a concrete floor, concrete block walls, overhead door in sheet metal, light point and outlet point. Fire-fighting system and lighting of the corsello. Fit for use released. Free property. Good condition.Commercial area: 16.00 square metersBASEMENTSingle car garageHeight: 2.40 metersShare 1/1 full ownership of:Garage (CF): Sheet 9 - Particle 662 - Subaltern 13 - C / 6 Superficie: 16 mq Agenzia: NEPRIX S.r.l. Telefono: 0289741561
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Rieti (Lazio)
Garage in vendita a Rieti, viale Alberto Fassini, centro città. Il garage dispone di comoda rampa di accesso e due serrande carrabili. Per maggiori informazioni Abaco Grandi Immobili 0746/270180 - P. zza Marconi, 5 Garage for sale in Rieti, Alberto Fassini boulevard, city centre. The garage has a comfortable access ramp and two driveway shutters. For more information Abaco Grandi Immobili 0746/270180 - P. zza Marconi, 5.
35.000 €
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Vicenza (Veneto)
Subject of this sale is a garage. The property is located in Arzignano (VI), at Restena, with vehicular and pedestrian access place on Via Seneca 5. The environment is quiet, with little traffic and provided the primary urban standards. The area is characterized by residential buildings and agricultural land. The main services are in the center of the country, that is 3-4 km. The garage is located in the basement of a residential apartment building, part of the "Residence complex to Gelsi". The garage is served by two ramps and bay and mountains. The building dates back to 2005. The structure of the basement is reinforced concrete slab with type plates predalles prestressed, and mixed in elevation. The compartment has an internal height of 2.70 meters and an area of ??about 25 m. The floor is tiled and the shower is equipped with gripping point and spot light with predisposition for ceiling fixture. Access is from sheet metal overhead door and through a back door on the back of the room. The property is in good state of maintenance and conservation.They are included in the sale atre two buildings. The first is represented by an area of ??185 square meters more and located in Arzignano, in the locality Tezze, with access via Roma. The area is used as a common parking lot by the apartment buildings of the adjacent residential building (1/30 share full ownership). The second is a small room used as a warehouse located in the basement of a residential building located in Zermeghedo (VI), with access via Puccini 4. The venue has an area of ??2.40 square meters, is complete and fit for use. Visita l'immobile: www.realestatediscount.it/aste-immobili/garage-1187/
4.103 €
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Palermo (Sicilia)
For sale 1/2 share of garage on the ground floor int. 6, located in Palermo (PA), access from viale Giuseppe di Vittorio. The unit is part of a building located in the eleventh district of Palermo "Settecannoli", located in the south-eastern area of ??the city, characterized by the presence of mixed residential and commercial buildings, more precisely in a complex of buildings, falling within the inside the block between Viale Giuseppe Di Vittorio and Largo Bruno Buozzi (ex Largo S. Cammareri Scurti) and Via Sperone. The building is spread over 7 floors above ground, where the garages are located on the ground floor and the apartments on the upper floors.The garage located on the ground floor, consists of a single room, the finishes are characterized by walls and ceilings without coating with civil plaster and concrete flooring, double iron swing door. It also features an exposed electrical system.Overall, the property is in a fairly good state of conservation and is occupied by the debtor.The movable property inside is not part of this sale.Commercial area: 20 sq.m.Cadastral area: 17 square meters1/2 share owned by:Garage (CF): Sheet 89 - Particle 1894 - Subaltern 53 - Cat. C / 6 Visita l'immobile: www.realestatediscount.it/aste-immobili/quota-di-1-2-di-garage-al-piano-terra-11623/
5.625 €
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Roma (Lazio)
Questo immobile viene venduto tramite asta online. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO CARRY OUT SURVEYS BECAUSE THE PROPERTY IS INACCESSIBLEFor sale share of 1/2 of usufruct of cellar and 1 garage and share of 1/2 of surface right of 1 garage, located in the Municipality of Rome (RM), viale Igino Giordani 2. Assets located in a built building from 13 floors above ground, including the ground floor intended for entrance hall, cellars of homes, shops, and basement used as a garage and store warehouses.Cellar located on the ground floor distinguished with the number 34.Car garage located in the garage having access from via Verdinois, distinguished with nos. 30 (sub 133) and 39 (sub 142).Busy.The movable property inside is not the subject of this sale.Assets described in the appraisal as Lot B.1Commercial areas:Cellar 4 sqmCar garage sub 13 sqmCar garage sub 22 sqm1/2 share of usufruct of:Cellar (CF): Sheet 607 - Particle 550 - Subaltern 34 - Cat C / 2Garage (CF): Sheet 607 - Particle 550 - Subordinate 133 - Cat C / 61/2 share of surface right of:Garage (CF): Sheet 607 - Particle 550 - Subordinate 142 - Cat C / 6 Visita l'immobile: www.realestatediscount.it/aste-immobili/lotto-c-14969/
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Venezia (Veneto)
VENEZIA - Proponiamo GARAGE in zona Tronchetto, con manovra comoda essendo il primo scendendo la rampa e con saracinesca elettrica.Si trova a pochi passi dalla fermata del vaporetto. Il garage e' doppio in altezza con presenza di montacarichi per permettere il deposito della seconda macchina. Per ulteriori informazioni contattatre il seguente recapito: +39 351.139.08.36VENICE - We offer GARAGE in the Tronchetto area, with a comfortable maneuver being the first one going down the ramp and with an electric Contatta l'Agenzia con il servizio "Invia Richiesta" is just a few steps from the vaporetto stop. The garage is double in height with the presence of freight elevators to allow the deposit of the second machine.
95.000 €
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Vicenza (Veneto)
Subject of this sale is the share of two garages. The real estate unit is located in Arzignano (VI), with access on Via Francesco Baracca. The context is semi-central, with regular traffic. The area is urbanized, equipped with every service and characterized by residential and commercial facilities, well connected to the town center. The units are part of a multi-purpose complex built in 1995 that includes a supermarket on the ground floor. The garages are located in the garage in the basement, served by an uncovered vehicle ramp. The boxes are single, side by side, separated, equipped with concrete flooring and closed by overhead doors. The cadastral identification is incorrect as the two garages are currently described as urban areas. It will be necessary to regularize the discrepancy by updating the land register with the presentation of new plans. The buildings are free and are in a good state of maintenance and conservation.Commercial area: 52.00 square meters (two boxes)BASEMENT2 independent car boxesCommunal garageRamp accessUrban area (CF): Sheet 9 - Particle 2044 - Subordinate 88 - F / 1The cadastral identification does not correspond to the real state of the placesUnit identified in expert report as PROPERTY "E" (Lot 027) Visita l'immobile: www.realestatediscount.it/aste-immobili/quota-4-5-di-due-box-auto-al-piano-interrato-8320/
21.299 €
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Roma (Lazio)
Subject of this sale is the ½ FEE of full ownership of a car garage located in Rome (RM), with access to Via Festo Avieno 202. The building unit, marked with the interior 6 is located in the basement of a residential building reachable by vehicle ramp. Access to the garage is protected by a metal shutter. Internally it is presented with a single environment that allows the stationing of two cars. From the main room is accessed through a door directly to a bathroom with a window and through a ladder to a loft that covers only modestly the surface of the box. The state of conservation of the property is good with an electrical and water system.Commercial area: 110 square metersMezzanine surface: 32 sqmMaximum height: 4.15 mMinimum height: 2.14m Visita l'immobile: www.realestatediscount.it/aste-immobili/quota-di-ampia-autorimessa-6439/
36.635 €
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Roma (Lazio)
Subject of this sale is the ½ FEE of full ownership of a car garage located in Rome (RM), with access to Via Festo Avieno 202. The building unit, marked with the interior 6 is located in the basement of a residential building reachable by vehicle ramp. Access to the garage is protected by a metal shutter. Internally it is presented with a single environment that allows the stationing of two cars. From the main room is accessed through a door directly to a bathroom with a window and through a ladder to a loft that covers only modestly the surface of the box. The state of conservation of the property is good with an electrical and water system. Commercial area: 110 square metersMezzanine surface: 32 sqmMaximum height: 4.15 mMinimum height: 2.14m Visita l'immobile:.
32.972 €
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Roma (Lazio)
Questo immobile viene venduto tramite asta online. Subject of this sale is the ½ FEE of full ownership of a car garage located in Rome (RM), with access to Via Festo Avieno 202. The building unit, marked with the interior 6 is located in the basement of a residential building reachable by vehicle ramp. Access to the garage is protected by a metal shutter. Internally it is presented with a single environment that allows the stationing of two cars. From the main room is accessed through a door directly to a bathroom with a window and through a ladder to a loft that covers only modestly the surface of the box. The state of conservation of the property is good with an electrical and water system.Commercial area: 110 square metersMezzanine surface: 32 sqmMaximum height: 4.15 mMinimum height: 2.14m Visita l'immobile: www.realestatediscount.it/aste-immobili/quota-di-ampia-autorimessa-6439/
29.674 €
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Bari (Puglia)
In una zona servita e facilmente raggiungibile sia se provenienti da fuori che dal centro della città si aggiunge alla nostra ricca proposta di locali box/garage questo elemento immobiliare di tutto rispetto in quanto oltre ad essere di notevole metratura, è stato di recente ristrutturato e dispone di tutta una serie di plus indispensabili se si vuole tutelare il contenuto ad esso destinato: merci pregiate e delicate, veicoli da collezione quali auto o moto d'epoca, antiquariato … insomma qualsiasi siano gli oggetti per voi importanti, ma ovviamente anche solo per un uso normale, sono presenti infatti per questo tutta una serie di elementi a protezione imprescindibili, quali: allarme anti intrusione volumetrico e perimetrico, doppia porta blindata di ampia apertura, finestre dotate di zanzariere che garantiscono riciclo di aria e tanta luce anch'esse dotate di protezioni anti effrazione, impianto elettrico a norma e quindi senza i rischi che ne possono scaturire, il garage/deposito è dotato inoltre di una porzione di esso soppalcata, vi si accede a mezzo di una rampa con una minima pendenza e praticabile anche per i meno esperti … Non vi resta che approfondire con quanto da noi pubblicato in termini di immagini, o ancor meglio fissando una visita grazie alla quale ancor meglio quanto detto diventa tangibile ed apprezzabile, quindi sii curioso chiedi una visita siamo sempre disponibili. In an area served and easily accessible both from outside and from the city centre it adds to our rich proposal of box/garage premises this very respectable real estate element as in addition to being of considerable size, has recently been renovated and has a whole host of indispensable pluses if you want to protect the content intended for it: precious and delicate goods, collectible vehicles such as vintage cars or motorcycles, antiques... In short, whatever objects are important to you, but of course also just for normal use, There are, in fact, a whole range of essential protection elements, such as: volumetric and perimetric intrusion alarm, double wide-opening armored door, windows equipped with mosquito nets that guarantee air recycling and a lot of light also equipped with break-in protections, electrical system to standard and therefore without the risks that can result, the garage/deposit is also equipped with a portion of it lofted, accessed there by means of a ramp with a minimum slope and practicable... You just have to delve into what we post in terms of images, or even better fixing a visit thanks to which even better what said becomes tangible and appreciable, so be curious ask a visit we are always available.
55.000 €
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Roma (Lazio)
Box auto in affitto non lontano dal Tribunale di Piazzale Clodio. Si trova all'interno di un garage multipiano a cui si accede da piazzale Maresciallo Giardino. Il box - collegato al livello strada da un ascensore e da una scala - si trova al secondo livello interrato. La superficie è ampia e adatta ad un'auto di grande cilindrata o a un'utilitaria e una moto, l'apertura della saracinesca è elettrica e le manovre sono agili per lo spazio circostante. Prezzo di locazione: € 300, Car garage of 15 sqm at Piazzale Maresciallo Giardino in Prati district. It is just nearby Circonvallazione Clodia, Viale Angelico and the Law Court of Piazzale Clodio. The garage is located in the basement, inside an underground parking, accessible by stairs or lifts. The space is large enough to accommodate a large-displacement car or a small car and a motorcycle. Easy access and maneuvers. Price: € 300 monthly.
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Roma (Lazio)
Via Gasperina in contesto residenziale box auto di 90mq c.a in garage con accesso diretto anche dal palazzo cancello automatico e serranda elettrica blindata fornito di acqua ampia rampa d'accesso e ottima manovrabilità adatto anche uso magazzino tel 06/72677391 Via Gasperina in a residential context car garage of 90sqm in the garage with direct access also from the building automatic gate and armored electric shutter equipped with water large access ramp and excellent maneuverability also suitable for warehouse use tel 06/72677391 Via Gasperina dans un contexte résidentiel garage de 90m2 dans le garage avec accès direct également depuis le portail automatique du bâtiment et volet électrique blindé équipé d'une grande rampe d'accès à l'eau et d'une excellente maniabilité également adapté pour une utilisation en entrepôt tel 06/72677391 Via Gasperina en un garaje residencial de 90 metros cuadrados en el garaje con acceso directo también desde la puerta automática del edificio y persiana eléctrica blindada equipada con rampa de acceso grande de agua y excelente maniobrabilidad también adecuada para uso en almacén tel 06/72677391
73.000 €
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Firenze (Toscana)
Affitto garage di 15mq a Novoli, zona parco di san Donato. Il garage è fornito di apertura automatica con telecomando e di corrente elettrica. La richiesta è di 120€ non trattabile, con regolare contratto. L'affitto è da privato, quindi senza spese di agenzia. Per informazioni, contattare Alessandra +393208511647 Rental of 15sqm garage in Novoli, San Donato area. The garage is equipped with automatic gate by remote control and electricity. The request is 120 € not negotiable, with a regular rental contract. There is no agency fees. For information, contact Alessandra +393208511647
120 €
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Rieti (Lazio)
Rieti- Via Douprè Theiser 119Box auto in Affitto. Il garage in affitto con accesso da Giardino condominale. Rieti-Via Douprè Theiser 119- Garage for rent The garage has the access from common garden.
150 €
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Milano (Lombardia)
Garage for sale located in Milan (MI), Segnano district, via Padre Reginaldo Giuliani 12, corner via Padre Antonio Maraschi. The context is semi central with sustained traffic. The area is urbanized and equipped with every service, characterized by large residential buildings, well connected to the metropolitan center and to the infrastructural network. The unit is part of a residential complex built in 2001 between two railway arteries. The building is spread over seven floors, two of which are underground.The car garage junior, unit 78) is located on the second basement floor of the condominium garage. It served as a maneuvering lane connected to a vehicle ramp towards the external courtyard closed by a gate. There is also a pedestrian stairwell. Single garage equipped with overhead metal door, industrial concrete floor and electrical system with lighting. Garage equipped with fire extinguishing system. Fit for use released. Free property. Good conditionProperty described in the report attached hereto as LOT 2Commercial area: 16 sq.m.SECOND UNDERGROUND FLOORSingle car garageConsistency: 14 sqmInternal height: 2.50 mtGarage (CF): Sheet 194 - Particle 336 - Subordinate 88 - C / 6Thousandths of the condominium of the box: 4.15 Superficie: 16 mq Agenzia: NEPRIX S.r.l. Telefono: 0289741561
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Brindisi (Puglia)
Garage di circa mq 50, composto da un ampio locale di ingresso ed uno più piccolo adiacente allo stesso. L'immobile è ubicato in zona servita e nelle immediate vicinanze del centro storico. Garage of about 50 square meters, consisting of a large entrance hall and a smaller one adjacent to it. The property is located in the area served and in the immediate vicinity of the historic center.
50.000 €
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Roma (Lazio)
The object of this sale is an uncovered car park of 19 sqm on the ground floor. The real estate unit is located in Bassignana street in Rome and borders Via Solero, in a residential area. The main access is via Bassignana. The pavement is paved. Visita l'immobile:.
3.347 €
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Ancona (Marche)
For sale 1/4 share of a garage located in Sassoferrato (AN), in via San Facondino n.5. This is a garage in the basement of a two-family residential building with two floors above ground plus an attic and a basement, located in a rural area near the industrial area of the Municipality, about 2 km from the center.Vehicle access to the property is via a sectional shutter with ceiling guides and with an opening for pedestrian entrance, the property is not physically divided from the other rooms in the basement. The general conditions of the room are fair, with some damp spots on the walls due to steam condensation.The movable assets present are not part of this sale.Gross commercial area: 50 sqmProperties 1/4 of:Garage (CF): Sheet 101 - Particle 210 - Subaltern 2 - Cat. C / 6 Visita l'immobile: www.realestatediscount.it/aste-immobili/quota-1-4-di-autorimessa-in-fabbricato-bifamiliare-11185/
4.000 €
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Brindisi (Puglia)
L'agenzia immobiliare DIMORE di OSTUNI - MELISSANO REAL ESTATE Propone in Vendita ad Ostuni nelle immediate vicinanze di Viale Pola, ampio box auto di superficie pari a 170mq servito di comoda rampa di accesso. Posto al piano seminterrato e dotato di finestre che consente il ricircolo di aria/luce all'interno dei locali, considerata la notevole ampiezza permette di sfruttare lo spazio ottenendo un garage capiente e organizzato. La corsia di manovra consente uno spazio molto agevole, di notevole rilevanza la posizione dell'immobile ubicato in pieno Centro. Ci trovate su Facebook con: Immobiliari Riunite di Melissano - Real Estate Agency Clicca MI PIACE per restare aggiornato sulle nostre proposte immobiliari! _________________________________________________________________________________________ English: DIMORE di OSTUNI - MELISSANO REAL ESTATE It offers for sale in Ostuni in the immediate vicinity of Viale Pola, a large car garage with an area of 170 square meters served by a convenient access ramp. Located in the basement and equipped with windows that allows the recirculation of air / light inside the premises, given the considerable size it allows to exploit the space obtaining a large and organized garage. The maneuvering lane allows a very easy space, of considerable importance the position of the property located in the center. Find us on Facebook with: Real Estate Riunite di Melissano - Real Estate Agency Click LIKE to stay updated on our real estate proposals!
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Bari (Puglia)
Aaahh finalmente una proposta rara... !!! Un grande locale, sito al piano meno uno di stabile in zona residenziale con destinazione garage o deposito, perfetto per lo stivaggio di merci anche pregiate o di auto da preservare per esempio da collezione delle quali addirittura in quel caso anche tre è possibile stiparne, per non dire di moto o bici sarebbero decine... Il locale è soppalcabile in quanto di notevole altezza alla volta, dotato di finestra per areazione sia sul fondo che sulla grande porta blindata e tagliafuoco grazie alle quali è garamtita una areazione indispensabile al mantenimento del perfetto grado di umidità, è stato ristrutturato completamente e quindi dotato di certificazioni per effetto del rifacimento dell'impianto elettrico ora a norma, le plafoniere a luci led garantiscono luce artificiale quando necessaria a basso costo e di ottima qualità, si accede da una rampa ed un corridoio di manovra che mai e nessuno metteranno in difficolà nella fase di entrata e di uscita anche con mezzi di stazza importante, insomma una rara opportunità al giusto prezzo, libero subito. Aaahh finally... !!! A large room, located on the floor minus one of stable in residential area with destination garage or storage, perfect for the stowage of even valuable goods or cars to be preserved for example collectible of which even in that case even three you can cramme, not to say motorcycle or bike would be dozens... The room is sipping as it is of considerable height at a time, equipped with a window for ventilation both on the bottom and on the large armored and fire-cutting door thanks to which is guaranteed an area indispensable to maintain the perfect degree of humidity, has been completely renovated and therefore equipped with certifications due to the refurbishment of the electrical system now in compliance, the LED light lights guarantee artificial light when necessary at low cost and high quality, it is accessed by a ramp and a corridor of manoeuvre that never and no one will put in difficulty in the phase of entry and exit even with important means of mass, in short a rare opportunity at the right price, free immediately.
33.000 €
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Brindisi (Puglia)
L'agenzia immobiliare DIMORE di OSTUNI - MELISSANO REAL ESTATE Propone in Vendita ad Ostuni nelle immediate vicinanze di Viale Pola, ampio box auto di superficie pari a 108mq servito di comoda rampa di accesso. Posto al piano seminterrato e dotato di finestre che consente il ricircolo di aria/luce all'interno dei locali, considerata la notevole ampiezza permette di sfruttare lo spazio ottenendo un garage più capiente e organizzato. La corsia di manovra consente uno spazio molto agevole, dotato di cancello d'accesso automatizzato. Di notevole rilevanza la posizione dell'immobile ubicato in pieno Centro. Ci trovate su Facebook con: Immobiliari Riunite di Melissano - Real Estate Agency Clicca MI PIACE per restare aggiornato sulle nostre proposte immobiliari! _________________________________________________________________________________________ English: DIMORE di OSTUNI - MELISSANO REAL ESTATE Offers for sale in Ostuni in the immediate vicinity of Viale Pola, a large car garage with an area of ??108sqm served by a convenient access ramp. Located in the basement and equipped with windows that allows air / light to circulate inside the premises, given the considerable size it allows you to exploit the space obtaining a more spacious and organized garage. The maneuvering lane allows a very easy space, equipped with an automated access gate. Of great importance is the position of the property located in the center. Find us on Facebook with: Real Estate Riunite di Melissano - Real Estate Agency Click LIKE to stay updated on our real estate proposals!
40.000 €
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Bologna (Emilia Romagna)
CONSULENTE DI RIFERIMENTO: SARA M. - Tel. 3934151678 COMPOSIZIONE: disponibile posto auto DOPPIO all'interno di autorimessa coperta CARATTERISTICHE: in condominio signorile e ben curato, con area box ristrutturata integralmente e dotata di doppio cancello di accesso automatico. CONTESTO: lo stabile in cui sono ubicati i posti auto si trova IN ZONA ZTL, dentro le mura, adiacenze via Borgo di San Pietro, a due passi dalla maggioranza delle sedi universitarie, da via indipendenza e da importanti attività commerciali ed uffici. COMMENTO: Documenti e planimetrie in Agenzia. Per info e appuntamenti: ARBITRIUM IMMOBILIARE UFFICIO CENTRO - 051.3549843 - 351.2069135 - Contatta l'Agenzia con il servizio "Invia Richiesta" CONSULTANT: SARA M. - Tel. 3934151678 COMPOSITION: DOUBLE parking space available inside covered garage CHARACTERISTICS: in an elegant and well-kept condominium, with a completely renovated garage area with a double automatic access gate. CONTEXT: the building where the parking spaces are located is IN THE ZTL AREA, inside the walls, adjacent to via Borgo di San Pietro, a stone's throw from the majority of the university offices, via independence and important commercial activities and offices. COMMENT: Documents and plans in the Agency.
48.000 €
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Brindisi (Puglia)
L'agenzia immobiliare DIMORE di OSTUNI - MELISSANO REAL ESTATE Propone in Vendita ad Ostuni nel cuore della Zona Ottocentesca, locale garage/deposito di superficie pari a 42mq circa con accesso indipendente al piano terra da strada. Esso è composto da un unico ampio vano con portone carrabile; considerata l'altezza della volta risulta utile realizzare un soppalco per raddoppiare la superficie di utilizzo. Ci trovate su Facebook e Instagram con: Dimore di Ostuni - Melissano Real Estate Clicca MI PIACE per restare aggiornato sulle nostre proposte immobiliari! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ English: DIMORE di OSTUNI - MELISSANO REAL ESTATE offers for sale in Ostuni in the heart of the nineteenth-century area, garage / storage room with a surface area of ??approximately 42sqm with independent access to the ground floor from the street. It consists of a single large room with a driveway door; considering the height of the vault it is useful to build a mezzanine to double the surface of use. You can find us on Facebook and Instagram with: Dimore di Ostuni - Melissano Real Estate Click LIKE to stay updated on our real estate proposals!
50.000 €
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Roma (Lazio)
Subject of this sale is the ½ FEE of full ownership of a car garage located in Rome (RM), with access to Via Lardaria 36. The real estate unit is located in the basement of a residential building consisting of 4 floors above ground and a basement reachable by condominium driveway ramp. The good consists of a single environment with a small air intake on the bottom and two glazed skylights. The flooring is in gress tiles while the walls and ceiling are finished plastered and painted. Access is via metallic overhead. The state of conservation is generally mediocre.Commercial area: 65 square metersThe movable assets present inside are not the subject of this sale. Visita l'immobile: www.realestatediscount.it/aste-immobili/quota-di-box-auto-6441/
19.035 €
Vista prodotto
Roma (Lazio)
Subject of this sale is the ½ FEE of full ownership of a car garage located in Rome (RM), with access to Via Lardaria 36. The real estate unit is located in the basement of a residential building consisting of 4 floors above ground and a basement reachable by condominium driveway ramp. The good consists of a single environment with a small air intake on the bottom and two glazed skylights. The flooring is in gress tiles while the walls and ceiling are finished plastered and painted. Access is via metallic overhead. The state of conservation is generally mediocre. Commercial area: 65 square metersThe movable assets present inside are not the subject of this sale. Visita l'immobile:.
17.132 €
Vista prodotto
Roma (Lazio)
Questo immobile viene venduto tramite asta online. Subject of this sale is the ½ FEE of full ownership of a car garage located in Rome (RM), with access to Via Lardaria 36. The real estate unit is located in the basement of a residential building consisting of 4 floors above ground and a basement reachable by condominium driveway ramp. The good consists of a single environment with a small air intake on the bottom and two glazed skylights. The flooring is in gress tiles while the walls and ceiling are finished plastered and painted. Access is via metallic overhead. The state of conservation is generally mediocre.Commercial area: 65 square metersThe movable assets present inside are not the subject of this sale. Visita l'immobile: www.realestatediscount.it/aste-immobili/quota-di-box-auto-6441/
15.418 €
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Bologna (Emilia Romagna)
CONSULENTE DI RIFERIMENTO: ANTONIO 331.5849356 COMPOSIZIONE: garage di 56 mq capiente per il parcheggio di due auto e con area ideale per essere adibita ad eventuale deposito, magazzino o utilizzabile come cantina ciclabile. CARATTERISTICHE: l'autorimessa ha accesso agevole e comodo spazio di manovra ed è dotato dei servizi luce e acqua. CONTESTO: posizione strategica per gli abitanti della zona residenziale, con ingresso indipendente da quello condominiale di via Cellini adiacente a via Giuseppe Massarenti. COMMENTO: ottimo investimento, prezzo di acquisto vantaggioso. Per info e appuntamenti: ARBITRIUM IMMOBILIARE UFFICIO MAZZINI - 051.0365010 - 327.1116827 - Contatta l'Agenzia con il servizio "Invia Richiesta" CONSULTANT: ANTONIO 331.5849356 COMPOSITION: garage of 56 square meters large for the parking of two cars and with an ideal area to be used as a possible deposit, warehouse or usable as a bicycle cellar. CHARACTERISTICS: the author has easy access and comfortable maneuvering space and is equipped with light and water services. CONTEXT: excellent position for the inhabitants of the residential area, with independent entrance from the entrance of the building in via Cellini adjacent to via Giuseppe Massarenti. COMMENT: excellent investment, advantageous purchase price.
42.000 €
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Brindisi (Puglia)
L'agenzia immobiliare DIMORE di OSTUNI - MELISSANO REAL ESTATE Propone in Vendita ad Ostuni nelle immediate vicinanze di Viale Pola, ampio box auto di superficie pari a 40mq servito di comoda rampa di accesso. Esso è posto al piano seminterrato e dotato di finestre che consentono il ricircolo di aria/luce all'interno dei locali; inoltre la corsia di manovra consente uno spazio molto agevole, dotato di cancello d'accesso automatizzato. Di notevole rilevanza la posizione dell'immobile ubicato in pieno Centro. Ci trovate su Facebook con: Immobiliari Riunite di Melissano - Real Estate Agency Clicca MI PIACE per restare aggiornato sulle nostre proposte immobiliari! _________________________________________________________________________________________ English: DIMORE di OSTUNI - MELISSANO REAL ESTATE offers for sale in Ostuni in the immediate vicinity of Viale Pola, a large 40sqm garage with a convenient access ramp. It is located in the basement and equipped with windows that allow the recirculation of air / light inside the premises; furthermore, the maneuvering lane allows a very easy space, equipped with an automated access gate. The position of the remarkable property in the center is of importance. You can find us on Facebook with: Immobiliari Riunite di Melissano - Real Estate Agency Click LIKE to stay updated on our real estate proposals!
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Brindisi (Puglia)
L'agenzia immobiliare DIMORE di OSTUNI - MELISSANO REAL ESTATE Propone in vendita ad Ostuni Box auto doppio di superficie pari a 40mq, dotato di comoda rampa di accesso. L'immobile è ubicato in un complesso residenziale nei pressi dello stadio comunale. Posto al piano interrato presenta un' altezza utile per realizzare una struttura a soppalco che permetterebbe di sfruttare lo spazio, ottenendo un garage più capiente e organizzato. La corsia di manovra consente uno spazio molto agevole. Ci trovate su Facebook con: Immobiliari Riunite di Melissano - Real Estate Agency Clicca MI PIACE per restare aggiornato sulle nostre proposte immobiliari! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ English: DIMORE di OSTUNI - MELISSANO REAL ESTATE offers for sale in Ostuni a 40sqm car garage with a convenient access ramp. The property is located in a residential complex near the municipal stadium. Located in the basement, it has a useful height to create a mezzanine structure that allows you to exploit the space, obtaining a larger and more organized garage. The maneuvering lane allows a very comfortable space. You can find us on Facebook with: Immobiliari Riunite di Melissano - Real Estate Agency Click LIKE to stay updated on our real estate proposals!
25.000 €
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