The interior of the vessel has been
Elenco delle migliori vendite the interior of the vessel has been

Italia (Tutte le città)
Bateau phare (Light Vessel LV94 de 1939 - initialement au Port d’Amsterdam), transformé en ERP (Etablissement recevant du public - de 4eme cat (300 pax) et en standby sur le Port de SETE (France) Le bateau a été entièrement restauré en 2018 – 2020 (conformité sécurité publique) et a déjà participé au centenaire Georges BRASSENS en 2021 sur la ville de SETE / France. Le dernier sondage coque a été réalisé en Décembre 2016 par la COMEX nucléaire. Les aménagements du bateaux sont neufs. Un restaurant 70 places intérieures + surpont bar évènementiel et restauration 80 pers + Salle de concert 150 places debouts et un bar, terrasse avant bar desserte. Le Bateau RAZZLE est vendu hors équipement cuisine, lumières et son (en loc). Phare, mâts et superstructure terrasse pont démontable Les papiers de conformité sont Français (européen); le bateau phare est visitable sur le Port de SETE, mais en cas d’acquisition, devra quitter le Port. Le bateau a déjà été remorqué d’Amsterdam à Marseille en 2017. Le bateau est toujours sous immatriculation des pays bas et possède tous les papiers règlementaires français pour recevoir du public.
English Lightship (Light Vessel LV94 of 1939 - initially at the Port of Amsterdam), transformed into ERP (Establishment receiving the public - 4th cat (300 pax) and standby on the Port of SETE (France) The boat was completely restored in 2018 – 2020 (public safety compliance) and has already participated in the centenary Georges BRASSENS in 2021 on the city of SETE / France. The last hull sounding was carried out in December 2016 by the nuclear COMEX. The facilities of the boat are new. A restaurant 70 seats inside + overdeck event bar and catering 80 people + Concert hall 150 standing places and a bar, Terrace before bar served. The RAZZLE boat is sold excluding kitchen, lights and sound equipment (in loc). Lighthouse, masts and removable deck terrace superstructure The conformity papers are French (European); the lightship can be visited on the Port of SETE, but in case of acquisition, will have to leave the Port. The boat has already been towed from Amsterdam to Marseille in 2017. The boat is still under registration of the Netherlands and has all the French regulatory papers to receive the public.
Italiano Lightship (Light Vessel LV94 del 1939 - inizialmente al porto di Amsterdam), trasformata in ERP (Stabilimento che riceve il pubblico - 4 ° gatto (300 pax) e standby sul porto di SETE (Francia) La barca è stata completamente restaurata nel 2018 – 2020 (conformità alla sicurezza pubblica) e ha già partecipato al centenario Georges BRASSENS nel 2021 sulla città di SETE / Francia. L'ultimo sondaggio dello scafo è stato effettuato nel dicembre 2016 dal COMEX nucleare. Le strutture della barca sono nuove. Un ristorante 70 posti all'interno + bar per eventi sul ponte e catering 80 persone + sala concerti 150 posti in piedi e un bar, Terrazza prima del bar servito. La barca RAZZLE è venduta esclusa cucina, luci e apparecchiature audio (in loc). Faro, alberi e sovrastruttura della terrazza del ponte rimovibile I documenti di conformità sono francesi (europei); la nave faro può essere visitata sul Porto di SETE, ma in caso di acquisizione, dovrà lasciare il Porto. La barca è già stata rimorchiata da Amsterdam a Marsiglia nel 2017. La barca è ancora in fase di registrazione dei Paesi Bassi e ha tutti i documenti normativi francesi per ricevere il pubblico.
Deutsch Feuerschiff (Leichtes Schiff LV94 von 1939 - zunächst im Hafen von Amsterdam), umgewandelt in ERP (Einrichtung für die Öffentlichkeit - 4. Kat (300 Personen) und Standby im Hafen von SETE (Frankreich) Das Boot wurde in den Jahren 2018 – 2020 komplett restauriert (Einhaltung der öffentlichen Sicherheit) und hat bereits 2021 am hundertjährigen Jubiläum von Georges BRASSENS auf der Stadt SETE / Frankreich teilgenommen. Die letzte Rumpfsondierung wurde im Dezember 2016 von der nuklearen COMEX durchgeführt. Die Einrichtungen des Bootes sind neu. Ein Restaurant mit 70 Sitzplätzen im Inneren + Eventbar und Catering über dem Deck 80 Personen + Konzertsaal mit 150 Stehplätzen und einer Bar, Terrasse vor Bar serviert. Das RAZZLE-Boot wird ohne Küche, Licht und Tontechnik (vor Ort) verkauft. Leuchtturm, Masten und abnehmbarer Deckterrassenaufbau Die Konformitätspapiere sind französisch (europäisch); Das Feuerschiff kann im Hafen von SETE besichtigt werden, muss aber im Falle eines Erwerbs den Hafen verlassen. Das Boot wurde bereits 2017 von Amsterdam nach Marseille geschleppt. Das Boot ist immer noch in den Niederlanden registriert und verfügt über alle französischen Zulassungspapiere, um die Öffentlichkeit zu empfangen.
Español Lightship (Light Vessel LV94 de 1939 - inicialmente en el Puerto de Amsterdam), transformado en ERP (Establecimiento de recepción del público - 4º cat (300 pax) y standby en el Puerto de SETE (Francia) El barco fue completamente restaurado en 2018 – 2020 (cumplimiento de seguridad pública) y ya ha participado en el centenario Georges BRASSENS en 2021 en la ciudad de SETE / Francia. El último sondeo del casco se llevó a cabo en diciembre de 2016 por el COMEX nuclear. Las instalaciones del barco son nuevas. Un restaurante 70 asientos en el interior + bar de eventos sobre cubierta y catering para 80 personas + sala de conciertos 150 lugares de pie y un bar, Terraza antes de bar servida. El barco RAZZLE se vende excluyendo cocina, luces y equipos de sonido (in loc). Faro, mástiles y cubierta desmontable superestructura de terraza Los documentos de conformidad son franceses (europeos); el faro se puede visitar en el Puerto de SETE, pero en caso de adquisición, tendrá que abandonar el Puerto. El barco ya ha sido remolcado de Ámsterdam a Marsella en 2017. El barco todavía está bajo registro de los Países Bajos y tiene todos los documentos regulatorios franceses para recibir al público.
Россию Lightship (легкое судно LV94 1939 года - первоначально в порту Амстердама), преобразованный в ERP (Учреждение, принимающее публику - 4-й кат (300 человек) и резервный в порту SETE (Франция) Лодка была полностью отреставрирована в 2018–2020 годах (соответствие требованиям общественной безопасности) и уже участвовала в столетнем юбилее Жоржа БРАССЕНСА в 2021 году на городе SETE/Франция. Последнее зондирование корпуса было проведено в декабре 2016 года атомным COMEX. Оснащение лодки новое. Ресторан на 70 мест внутри + бар на выезде и кейтеринг на 80 человек + концертный зал на 150 стоячих мест и бар, Терраса перед баром обслуживается. Лодка RAZZLE продается без учета кухонного, светового и звукового оборудования (in loc). Маяк, мачты и съемная надстройка палубной террасы Документы о соответствии являются французскими (европейскими); Маяк можно посетить в порту SETE, но в случае приобретения, придется покинуть порт. Лодка уже была отбуксирована из Амстердама в Марсель в 2017 году. Лодка все еще находится на регистрации в Нидерландах и имеет все французские нормативные документы для приема публики.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
/"SEA CZAR/" will be featured in the 2022 Palm Beach Boat Show Mar. 24-27. Please come to E-Dock to see her! This De Vries Lentsch 95’ Custom Motor Yacht “Sea Czar” was built at Nieuwendam in the Netherlands. “Sea Czar’s” luxury, timeless, and sophisticated exterior design and engineering is the work of the De Vries Letch team who is additionally responsible for the entire engineering package. The interior configuration of this vessel has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 6 guests with 3 staterooms comprising of: a master suite and two twin berths. This De Vries Lentsch 95’ is also capable of carrying up to 4 crew members onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience. “Sea Czar” features a full displacement steel hull and aluminum superstructure with teak decks that offers an elegant and sleek look to the vessel.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
“Grietje” is a wonderfully looked after original sailing Dutch Tjalk that has been converted into a two/three bedroom liveaboard. Built in 1898 by DREWS HOOGEZAND as a working vessel, she is an originally riveted iron hull that has been fully over platted with 6mm steel. The vessel has been drydocked in 2021, with a full 35,000 PSI blast/strip back to a WJ2 standard. She then went through a full ultrasonic underwater survey, steel welding repairs completed, full suite of 14 new anodes and finally coated with a 10 year 2pac epoxy International paint system meaning she does not need to be re slipped until 2031. The bilges have also been cleaned and resealed from the interior. She is sold with a complete 2021 boat survey (as well as survey/service history dating back to 2004) and also the option to take on the mooring at the Embankment Marina, Gravesend.
With a keenness to keep the original lines of such a beautiful vessel, the only detraction from the original specification of the build is the fully collapsible wheel house at the stern. Outside of this, the original rigging, sails, deck equipment, mast, lee boards are all accounted for and in working order. The deck coaming has also been raised slightly to allow generous head room in the living area, but not so much it detracts from the lines. She also comes fitted with a DAF 6 cylinder 195 HP engine that was serviced at the beginning of 2021 and was used to transport her from Gravesend to Hoo to be slipped and back again without missing a beat. The external topsides and coach roof have also benefited from full repaint recently so she is looking extremely pretty!
Internally, the barge has received a full renovation using proper insulation covered over with painted marine moisture resistant ply. Coming down from the wheel house you come into an area affectionally known as the skippers cabin that could be used as an utility space or a home office or children’s play room. A new bathroom with full height stand up shower is on your right as you move through the boat and a toilet with a heated seat! Moving further on, a fully renovated kitchen sold with all white goods including a washing machine, full size gas double oven and hobs, plenty of storage space leading into a wide open plan saloon living area. The saloon benefits from beautiful brass port holes and authentic brass skylights leaving the saloon area flooded with natural light. Forward of the mast step there is option of fitting in another bedroom before finally coming to the master cabin with has a built in queen size bed.
The barge is warmed by an oil based boiler that takes it’s feed from the fuel tank, and with 11 radiators in the system leaves the living space toasty warm even in the coldest winter months. It also benefits from a beautifully ornate log burner in the main saloon.
Grietje has been in our family since 2006, and took part in the 2012 Queen’s River Thames Pageant as one of the oldest boats on the river Thames. She has been very well looked after and cared for, and is ready to be moved onto straight away we look forward to passing over this fantastic piece of history.
More photos can be seen, please check links for a full video walkthrough and to the interactive 3d walkthrough.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
A classic Princess 20 Metre from 2000. This boat was 15 years in its previous ownership and maintained to a very high standard. The interior is all original and shows little signs of wear and in extremely good condition.
During 2018-2019 this vessel has been ashore and had the whole of the top side professionally repainted to an extremely high standard. The hull band is original and in extremely good condition, not needing painting or repair. The top side repairs were due to sun damage and overcleaning but now presents better that new. The teak side decks and platform have been removed and replaced with 9mm Burmese teak, not the quick turn farmed teak which tends to be soft. During this time, the two deck cranes have new motors, dyneema lines and have been fully refurbished. Notwithstanding this there have been lots of electrical items replaced and all systems checked and put back into working order, including 15 new batteries and two battery chargers. Engines and generator have been fully serviced and new Strong shaft seals fitted. 50 meters of new anchor chain calibrated and stainless bow protectors.
On the outside the boat benefits from all new sunbrella upholstery to helm seats, bow cushions and flybridge seating. Not to mention a new Bimini and aft closing kit.
This vessel is in first class order and I believe the best 20 metre afloat today. It has all the cut glass, Villroy and Boch crockery and Princess cutlery, bedding for each cabin and matching quilt covers, plus all the other usual benefits of a boat in this class. Virtually turn key and ready to go for the season.
This is a very solid well built family cruiser, ready to go for a fraction of what it might cost today for a new equivalent. I believe that if you are genuinely looking for this sort of boat, the first to see would buy. There has been in excess of 150,000.00 euros spent on her in the last 18 months and it is being sold due to a change in circumstances.
The asking price of £375,000.00 is a lot less than the boat owes me and the hassle and cost of the work undertaken must not be underestimated in time and lack of use of your vessel, which has now covered a mere 1050 hours.
A berth in Alcudia may also be available to anyone purchasing this vessel.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
//banchero costa yachts new listing//
The RMK Marine 120, available from May 2024, epitomizes quality and attention to detail in the luxury yacht industry. Crafted with premium materials and meticulous attention to detail, this yacht offers an unparalleled experience in the world of yachting.
The interior of the vessel has been designed according to the best practices in luxury yacht design, with direct collaboration between the interior designer and RMK Marine shipyard. The material selection has been executed with extreme care, ensuring the use of high-quality materials in every detail. The finishes are semi-gloss, with accents on wall panels and the use of natural and fresh-colored fabrics.
The contemporary styling of the interior is reflected in the use of standard veneers and semi-gloss finishes, while tabletops feature marquetry of standard veneers. Marble floors and countertops have been implemented in the bathrooms, offering a touch of elegance and sophistication.
Thanks to direct contact with the RMK Marine shipyard, we are able to provide all detailed information about the RMK Marine 120, ensuring potential buyers have a comprehensive understanding of the features and performance of this extraordinary vessel.
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Nuoro (Sardegna)
This Princess 38 Fly "Blue II" is in extremely good condition for her age, he interior design and engineering based owners have together carried out a great deal of work with passion to refresh the interior with new wood veneers and the machiner is well maintained. She sleeps 4 and is powered by twin Volvo Penta 430Hp engines. Maintenance work has recently been carried out with new turbo's, new throttle cables, new exhaust elbow's, new grey pump, new thru-hull fittings and new flybridge awning. The harmonious and elegant design, of classic inspiration, the careful attention to detail and the constant maintenance, make Blue II unique. The hull lines proceed from the comfortable and wide deck towards the stern. The feeling of space and comfort of the external areas are reflected internally in the bright and welcoming environments. This Princess 38 Fly "Blue II" has elegant wood finishes and is equipped with a master double cabin with wardrobes and en-suite bathroom with shower, toilet and sink. A twin cabin with wardrobe and chest of drawers with large en-suite with shower, toilet and sink. The saloon has a blue Alcantara sofa and a dining table for 6 people. On deck there is a large aft cockpit with teak floor and bow with sundeck. British Registered for secure transfer of Title. Deck Equipment Passerelle Lofrans Tigress Windlass 20Kg Bruce anchor Galley Equipment Whirlpool Chef Plus Microwave oven (2020) Two burner gas hob Fridge Sink Ample storage Electronics Depth sounder Compass VHF Radio Cockpit speakers GPS Chart plotter Covers Rigid awning Cockpit awning Fly awning Disclaimer Nicolle Associates offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice. * This vessel is VAT paid. * As always photographs do not do justice so a viewing is highly recommended. * This boat is lying in Nuoro, Sardinia, Italy. * © 2020 Nicolle Associates...Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
I have chosen a marine expert to oversee the sale of my boat and to provide all of the information you require. Built in 2007 but first launched in 2008. I bought this V65 in 2011 and have made many happy memories cruising around Italy. Every year I have made sure I have gone over and above on the general maintenance and servicing to make sure it remains in perfect condition. Last year I completely refurbished the interior including all the alcantara upholstery of the walls and ceilings and all of the floor carpeting and I replaced all of the exterior cushions. The engines have always been maintained by MAN and 2 years ago the axles and propellers were overhauled and balanced. 2 years ago all hydraulic pumps were overhauled as well as bow thruster and stern thruster. Last winter all the external teak was replaced with a 12mm “solid” from bow to stern including gangway and swim platform. The crew cabin has been modified which now houses 2 crew beds. Last winter the insulation of the engine room was completely redone, not only thermal but also acoustic. There is a Williams 325 tender on board with only 10 hours of use. Last year all the electronics were replaced with a complete 16-inch touchscreen Raymarine system, with 2 control cameras, a thermal camera for night navigation, radar, depth sounder and TV antenna (80 cm). To speak directly to the owner and receive clear and transparent information on this Princess v65, go to YachtSmart.comAdditional Equipment
Watermaker Hydraulic platform Reverse cycle air conditioning in all cabins Bose audio system throughout Fusion audio system 2 UHD TVs and sky system Bow and stern thrusters All new navigation al equipment All new interior and exterior upholstery Full service history from authorised MAN service technicians Williams 325 jet rib
The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
EXCLUSIVE CENTRAL AGENT: Manfred Haas + 41 792 275 942
HAAS INTERNATIONAL - The Sailing Yacht Broker
MARGHERITA is a classic Jongert 20DS, designed for very comfortable, safe cruising and built to the well-known Jongert superior standards. She is a true bluewater cruiser, strong and reliable. Thanks to her hydraulic furling system, she can be operated with ease by a very small crew.
MARGHERITA welcomes between six and eight guests. Her large seating area on the aft deck is the ideal place for al-fresco dining or a well-deserved sundowner. The cozy and spacious pilothouse with 360° view is the perfect place in harsher weather conditions.
Below deck, high quality teak paneling and white surfaces dominate the cozy atmosphere, with a large dining saloon and bar, combined with a practical kitchen with ample storage for long passages.
The spacious aft master stateroom is furnished with a large double bed and sofa. The typical Jongert stern windows provides abundant natural light and an appealing feeling. The ensuite bathroom features a shower and a bathtub.
The two identical guest cabins forward offer bunk beds and the upper berth can be enlarged to a larger berth. All cabins are en-suite.
The engine room, large and well laid out, allows easy access to all systems for maintenance.
As with every Jongert, MARGHERITA is solidly built and extremely seaworthy. Her superior build quality, her large volume and easy sail handling systems make her the perfect yacht for world cruising in maximum safety and comfort. Her future owner will make a clever choice of top quality and lasting value.
- Classic Jongert with best pedigree
- Superior quality of build
- Exceptional reliability with remarkable seaworthiness
- easy to handle by two persons
- Spacious and comfortable interior
A word about Jongert:
The Jongert Shipyard has been holding a significant place in the world of luxury yacht construction. Established in 1953 and family-operated, the shipyard has epitomized Dutch craftsmanship and innovation in this exclusive industry, boasting a legacy underscored by excellence of quality, innovation and seaworthiness.
“Passion for perfection”: Jongert’s slogan resonates throughout its history. The brand is celebrated for its impeccable craftsmanship, with each yacht built with meticulous attention to detail and quality, using the finest materials available. Bolstered by a lineage of skilled artisans deeply committed to their craft, Jongert has ensured that every element of its yachts meets the most exacting standards.
Innovation: Renowned for its innovative approach to yacht design and technology, Jongert has continually pushed boundaries. By integrating cutting-edge materials, engineering techniques, and design principles, the shipyard has been producing yachts that seamlessly blend efficiency, seaworthiness and comfort. Thoughtful designs facilitate easy access to all systems, streamlining maintenance and repair processes.
Semi-custom yachts: A hallmark of Jongert yachts is their adaptability. For every new series introduced, each vessel has been tailored to the unique desires and specifications of its owner.
Seaworthiness: Jongert yachts are esteemed for their exceptional seaworthiness. Engineered to effortlessly navigate the world's oceans, these vessels offer stability, comfort and safety even in the most demanding conditions. Whether cruising leisurely or embarking on transoceanic voyages, Jongert yachts deliver a dependable and gratifying experience. Some have crossed the Atlantic more than 45 times, a testament to their enduring reliability.
Resale Value: Thanks to their sterling reputation, Jongert yachts maintain their value admirably over time. Their fusion of luxury, smart layout and systems, robust safety features, and superlative craftsmanship distinguishes them in the world of yacht construction, rendering them highly coveted among discerning clientele.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Branch Cruiser 1000 AK - Lady Captress
The TAK Kruiser 1000 AK, type Lady Captress, is a classic, solidly built ship from the shipyard PJ Tak at Raamdonksveer, a fine example of Dutch craftsmanship. Despite their recognizable lines, no two TAK Kruiser are the same. This Lady Captress has been very well maintained by her owner, for example in 2021 the ship was painted 1K new and in April 2024 a new engine was installed.
Aboard this TAK Kruiser 1000 AK you have access to a spacious aft deck, a nice place to enjoy the outdoors.The living spaces below deck have a warm wooden interior, a beautiful wooden floor and neat upholstery. In the bow you will find a practically laid-out galley and a toilet room with sink. Furthermore, on board this motor yacht you will find 3 fixed berths; a single bed in the bow and 2 single beds in the stern, as well as ample closet and storage space.
In short, with this TAK Kruiser 1000 AK you can spend pleasant weekends and vacations on the water, and make carefree trips. A hot air heater ensures a comfortable stay on board on chilly days and thanks to a low air draft you have a large sailing area at your disposal.
If you have any questions about this TAK Kruiser 1000 AK or would like to make an appointment for a viewing on board, please contact White Whale Limburg at or call +31 (0) 627 091 056. White Whale Limburg can be reached from Tuesday to Saturday from 9:00 - 17:00.
Would you also like to sell your boat? White Whale Yachtbrokers has 11 offices in Europe. We sell your boat from your own berth, at a low brokerage fee. Free advertising on all relevant and leading websites including No start-up costs, always no-cure-no-pay! Feel free to ask us for a proposal for your own yacht.
We are happy to help you!
Steering system: Mechanical.
Windows: Alu Frames.
Vertical clearance: Vertical clearance normal: 470 cm / Crawl height: 225 cm.
Branch Cruiser 1000 AK - Lady Captress from 3rd owner (owner has part of history with vessel).
Painted (1K), 2021 Installation new engine, 2024.
Curtains: New 2018.
Berths: owner's cabin: 2x 80 x 195 cm / bow: 1x 65/80 x 200 cm.
Television: Akai.
Cooker b'&' fuel: New 2018.
Engine, electrics, water
Engine hours: According to owner's statement.
Propulsion: 3 Blade propeller / Grease lubricated propeller shaft.
Solar panel: New 2024.
Hot water: Boiler 17 Liter via 220 Volt, (New 2018).
Water tank gauge: via Puncture Glass.
New engine, installed 2024, Incl. invoice.
Last antifouling and check anodes 2024.
Teak on aft deck.
The specifications of this vessel are according to owner and/or manufacturer's statement, no rights can be derived from this.
Type interieur: Classic, warm;
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Te Streep was built for the Belgian government for hydrographic survey services. Being a government vessel she has always been well maintained. The present owner bought her in 2021 with the intention to convert her into an expeditionary cruiser that could be used to explore the Red Sea coastline. In 2022 Te Streep underwent an extensive refit in Belgium. The interiors were modernized and the cabins upgraded with air-conditioning and new furniture. 6 new ensuite bathrooms were installed in the passenger area and more for the crew who had no bathroom on the lower deck. Various TVs also for the crew were installed. A laundry was added, and the navigation equipment was upgraded to the required standards. Unnecessary equipment has been removed from the aft deck which is now very variable and can be used for a variety of activities, incl. storage of a submarine, ROVs with their LARS systems, air diving, etc. The various tenders and toys make the vessel attractive also for leisure activities. Te Streep has not only the 2 original survey launches but also a large RIB with 300hp, 2 Jet skis, a smaller RIB with 50hp, a giant water slide, an aft boarding platform of 8m x 4m, and various other toys. Te Streep is a unique, true Explorer ready for new adventures on all oceans.
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