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The marine toilet

Elenco delle migliori vendite the marine toilet

Italia (Tutte le città)
The MV Marine Mito 31 (by Pischel) is made by Italian brand MV Marine. This 2021 Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) is the fastest ever built, with two Mercury 450 V8 Racing engines. It is a sporty and stylish boat suitable for recreational use on both inland and coastal waters. The RIB has a modern and streamlined design with clean lines, a T-top and a stepped V-hull, allowing the boat to cut through the water more efficiently and achieve higher speeds with less drag and fuel consumption. The draft is 0.40 meters, making the boat suitable for shallow water as well. In the spacious, open cockpit with seating and a table, you can relax and enjoy boating. There is a 2-burner gas stove and a sink. On the bow there is a sun deck, ideal for a bit of sunbathing when at anchor. Below deck there is a cabin with sleeping accommodation for two and a small toilet. The boat is equipped with several features, including a steering console with navigation equipment, an audio system, a swim platform with swim ladder and several storage compartments for belongings and equipment. Italiano La MV Marine Mito 31 (di Pischel) è prodotta dal marchio italiano MV Marine. Questo gommone rigido (RIB) del 2021 è il più veloce mai costruito, con due motori Mercury 450 V8 Racing. Si tratta di un'imbarcazione sportiva ed elegante adatta all'uso ricreativo sia in acque interne che costiere. Il gommone ha un design moderno e aerodinamico con linee pulite, un T-top e uno scafo a V a gradini, che consentono alla barca di tagliare l'acqua in modo più efficiente e raggiungere velocità più elevate con meno resistenza e consumo di carburante. Il pescaggio è di 0,40 metri, il che rende la barca adatta anche ad acque poco profonde. Nell'ampio pozzetto aperto con posti a sedere e tavolo, potrete rilassarvi e godervi la navigazione. C'è un fornello a gas a 2 fuochi e un lavandino. A prua c'è un prendisole, ideale per prendere un po' di sole quando si è all'ancora. Sottocoperta c'è una cabina con posti letto per due persone e un piccolo bagno. La barca è dotata di diverse caratteristiche, tra cui una console di guida con apparecchiature di navigazione, un sistema audio, una piattaforma da bagno con scaletta da bagno e diversi vani portaoggetti per effetti personali e attrezzature. Française Le MV Marine Mito 31 (par Pischel) est fabriqué par la marque italienne MV Marine. Ce bateau pneumatique rigide (RIB) 2021 est le plus rapide jamais construit, avec deux moteurs Mercury 450 V8 Racing. C’est un bateau sportif et élégant adapté à un usage récréatif sur les eaux intérieures et côtières. Le semi-rigide a un design moderne et épuré avec des lignes épurées, un toit en T et une coque en V étagée, permettant au bateau de fendre l’eau plus efficacement et d’atteindre des vitesses plus élevées avec moins de traînée et de consommation de carburant. Le tirant d’eau est de 0,40 mètre, ce qui rend le bateau adapté aux eaux peu profondes également. Dans le cockpit spacieux et ouvert avec des sièges et une table, vous pourrez vous détendre et profiter de la navigation de plaisance. Il y a une cuisinière à gaz 2 feux et un évier. À l’avant, il y a un pont soleil, idéal pour prendre un peu de soleil au mouillage. Sous le pont, il y a une cabine avec des couchages pour deux et de petites toilettes. Le bateau est équipé de plusieurs fonctionnalités, notamment d’une console de pilotage avec équipement de navigation, d’un système audio, d’une plate-forme de bain avec échelle de bain et de plusieurs compartiments de rangement pour les affaires et l’équipement. Deutsch Die MV Marine Mito 31 (von Pischel) wird von der italienischen Marke MV Marine hergestellt. Dieses Festrumpfschlauchboot (RIB) des Jahres 2021 ist das schnellste, das jemals gebaut wurde, mit zwei Mercury 450 V8 Racing-Motoren. Es ist ein sportliches und stilvolles Boot, das sowohl für den Freizeitgebrauch auf Binnen- als auch auf Küstengewässern geeignet ist. Das RIB hat ein modernes und stromlinienförmiges Design mit klaren Linien, einem T-Top und einem abgestuften V-Rumpf, der es dem Boot ermöglicht, effizienter durch das Wasser zu schneiden und höhere Geschwindigkeiten mit weniger Luftwiderstand und Kraftstoffverbrauch zu erreichen. Der Tiefgang beträgt 0,40 Meter, wodurch das Boot auch für flaches Wasser geeignet ist. Im geräumigen, offenen Cockpit mit Sitzgelegenheiten und Tisch können Sie sich entspannen und das Bootfahren genießen. Es gibt einen 2-Flammen-Gasherd und eine Spüle. Am Bug befindet sich ein Sonnendeck, ideal zum Sonnenbaden vor Anker. Unter Deck befindet sich eine Kabine mit Schlafgelegenheit für zwei Personen und einer kleinen Toilette. Das Boot ist mit mehreren Funktionen ausgestattet, darunter eine Steuerkonsole mit Navigationsgerät, ein Audiosystem, eine Badeplattform mit Badeleiter und mehrere Staufächer für Habseligkeiten und Ausrüstung. Español El MV Marine Mito 31 (de Pischel) está fabricado por la marca italiana MV Marine. Este bote inflable rígido (RIB) 2021 es el más rápido jamás construido, con dos motores Mercury 450 V8 Racing. Es una embarcación deportiva y elegante apta para el uso recreativo tanto en aguas interiores como costeras. La semirrígida tiene un diseño moderno y aerodinámico con líneas limpias, un T-top y un casco en V escalonado, lo que permite que el barco atraviese el agua de manera más eficiente y alcance velocidades más altas con menos resistencia y consumo de combustible. El calado es de 0,40 metros, lo que hace que el barco también sea adecuado para aguas poco profundas. En la cabina espaciosa y abierta con asientos y una mesa, puede relajarse y disfrutar de la navegación. Hay una estufa de gas de 2 quemadores y un fregadero. En la proa hay un solárium, ideal para tomar un poco de sol cuando se está fondeado. Debajo de la cubierta hay un camarote con capacidad para dos personas y un pequeño aseo. El barco está equipado con varias características, que incluyen una consola de gobierno con equipo de navegación, un sistema de audio, una plataforma de baño con escalera de baño y varios compartimentos de almacenamiento para pertenencias y equipos. Nederlands De MV Marine Mito 31 (van Pischel) is gemaakt door het Italiaanse merk MV Marine. Deze 2021 Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) is de snelste ooit gebouwd, met twee Mercury 450 V8 Racing-motoren. Het is een sportieve en stijlvolle boot die geschikt is voor recreatief gebruik op zowel binnen- als kustwateren. De RIB heeft een modern en gestroomlijnd ontwerp met strakke lijnen, een T-top en een getrapte V-romp, waardoor de boot efficiënter door het water kan snijden en hogere snelheden kan bereiken met minder weerstand en brandstofverbruik. De diepgang is 0,40 meter, waardoor de boot ook geschikt is voor ondiep water. In de ruime, open kuip met zitje en een tafel kunt u heerlijk ontspannen en genieten van het varen. Er is een 2-pits gasfornuis en een spoelbak. Op de boeg is er een zonnedek, ideaal om een beetje te zonnebaden als je voor anker ligt. Benedendeks is er een hut met slaapgelegenheid voor twee personen en een klein toilet. De boot is voorzien van diverse features, waaronder een stuurconsole met navigatieapparatuur, een audiosysteem, een zwemplateau met zwemtrap en meerdere opbergvakken voor spullen en uitrusting. Русский MV Marine Mito 31 (от Pischel) производится итальянским брендом MV Marine. Эта жесткая надувная лодка (RIB) 2021 года является самой быстрой из когда-либо построенных, с двумя двигателями Mercury 450 V8 Racing. Это спортивная и стильная лодка, подходящая для рекреационного использования как во внутренних, так и в прибрежных водах. RIB имеет современный и обтекаемый дизайн с четкими линиями, Т-образным верхом и ступенчатым V-образным корпусом, что позволяет лодке более эффективно рассекать воду и достигать более высоких скоростей с меньшим сопротивлением и расходом топлива. Осадка составляет 0,40 метра, что делает лодку пригодной и для мелководья. В просторном открытом кокпите с креслами и столом вы можете расслабиться и насладиться катанием на лодке. Есть газовая плита с 2 конфорками и раковина. В носовой части есть солнечная палуба, идеально подходящая для принятия солнечных ванн во время стоянки на якоре. Под палубой расположена каюта со спальными местами на двоих и небольшим туалетом. Лодка оснащена несколькими функциями, включая рулевую консоль с навигационным оборудованием, аудиосистему, плавательную платформу с лестницей для купания и несколько отсеков для хранения вещей и оборудования.
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
The Ocean Craft Marine AMP 7.1 Amphibious Rib is a premier vessel tailored for those who seek the thrill of the sea and the versatility of amphibious capabilities. With a mere 40 engine hours, the Ocean Craft Marine AMP 7.1 Amphibious Rib is boasting recent valeting and tube polishing. It features twin Scott KPM Marine Suspension Seats for unparalleled comfort during navigation, a depth transducer for exploring marine depths, GRP grip deck flooring for durability, and a suite of electronics including Garmin VHF, a Fusion sound system, and a Garmin GPS plotter and fish finder for seamless connectivity and fish tracking. The Ocean Craft Marine AMP 7.1 Amphibious Rib is the ideal choice for offering a blend of performance and luxury on the waves.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Toy 68 NOI TOY presents a unique design by Nauta Yachts, highlighting the attention to detail in every Toy Marine custom yacht. With the low freeboard typical of the Lobster concept, these yachts create a sense of openness and connection to the sea, while providing ample space for an active cruising lifestyle. Notable features include an oversized garage under the aft deck with a tender lift for towing and launching the tender and a convenient aft platform for access to the sea.The interior design of NOI TOY is practical and well thought out. The saloon is bright and welcoming, with natural light enhancing the warm atmosphere, complemented by the tones of the teak joinery. A retractable sliding window connects the interior to the exterior, emphasising the Lobster's natural affinity with outdoor living. NOI TOY comes in a three cabin version. The guest accommodation is forward of the saloon and the crew cabin, engine room and galley are in a separate area. Powered by twin 1050hp CAT engines, the Toy 68 has a cruising speed of 22 knots and a top speed of 25-27 knots. NOI TOY is based in Savona and ready for any customisation and refit at the Toy Marine shipyard.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The CK 64 is a light and fast catamaran.Claude Kermoal has taken advantage of 30 years of experience in the construction and operation of large catamarans to design a very reliable boat capable of tackling a circumnavigation of the globe in remarkable conditions of safety and comfort.The use of Sealium (high-performance aluminum alloy) and honeycomb for the fittings makes it possible to respect a tight weight estimate, despite the very complete equipment of this unit, the interior design of which has been reported to the firm. French-Argentinian Naço.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The SUR 370 Prestige,weighing only 136kgs; a comfortable, high performance inflatable boat with everything you require. Able to pull a nautical ski with the powerful 25 or 30 HP engine, easy to use lifting points, wide trunks for all onboard equipment, lasting and quality finishing, and … a fantastic look.  All Packages include fuel tanks, battery, isolator switches, gear cables, & steering cables.  Trailers can be added at extra cost.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
General Information Type Mano' Marine 32 Sport Length overall32' (10m) natante Year of manufacture 2005 Price SOLD 75mila euro refitting 2020 Review Boat has a spacious living accommodation consisting of two separate lock up sleeping cabins, lock up toilet, kitchen and saloon. The outside dining area can also be turned into double sleeping bed. The interior is finished with cherry wood. The galley is equipped with fridge/freezer, hob and plenty of storage. Nothing like it at this price. Mechanical 2 x Kad 43 Volvo Diesel Engines 230bhp with only 500 hours Completely serviced in June 2014 Very economical engines! Cruising Speed: 25 knots Max Speed: 34 knots Tankage Fuel: 400 litre Water: 200 litre Extras and accessories Interior and exterior fridges/freezer Interior and exterior cooking stations (4 x hob gas burners) Electric Toilet including holding tank Life Raft for 8 persons Fenders Two TVs with special antenna GPS/Depth Finder CD player Trim tabs Teak Flooring etc.. visibile italy formia 039 3476104928
74.999 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
General Information Type Mano' Marine 32 Sport Length overall32' (10m) natante Year of manufacture 2005 Price SOLD 75mila euro perfect refitting 2020 Review Boat has a spacious living accommodation consisting of two separate lock up sleeping cabins, lock up toilet, kitchen and saloon. The outside dining area can also be turned into double sleeping bed. The interior is finished with cherry wood. The galley is equipped with fridge/freezer, hob and plenty of storage. Nothing like it at this price. Mechanical 2 x Kad 43 Volvo Diesel Engines 230bhp with only 500 hours Completely serviced in June 2014 Very economical engines! Cruising Speed: 25 knots Max Speed: 34 knots Tankage Fuel: 400 litre Water: 200 litre Extras and accessories Interior and exterior fridges/freezer Interior and exterior cooking stations (4 x hob gas burners) Electric Toilet including holding tank Life Raft for 8 persons Fenders Two TVs with special antenna GPS/Depth Finder CD player Trim tabs Teak Flooring etc.. visibile italy formia 039 3476104928
74.999 €
Vista prodotto
Bacoli (Campania)
General Information Type Mano' Marine 32 Sport Length overall32' (10m) natante Year of manufacture 2005 Price SOLD 75mila euro perfect refitting 2020 Review Boat has a spacious living accommodation consisting of two separate lock up sleeping cabins, lock up toilet, kitchen and saloon. The outside dining area can also be turned into double sleeping bed. The interior is finished with cherry wood. The galley is equipped with fridge/freezer, hob and plenty of storage. Nothing like it at this price. Mechanical 2 x Kad 43 Volvo Diesel Engines 230bhp with only 385 hours sbarcati Completely serviced in June 2014 Very economical engines! Cruising Speed: 25 knots Max Speed: 34 knots Tankage Fuel: 400 litre Water: 200 litre Extras and accessories Interior fridges/ Interior and exterior cooking stations (gas burners) Electric Toilet including holding tank Life Raft for 8 persons Fenders Two TVs with special antenna GPS/Depth Finder CD player Trim tabs Teak Flooring etc.. visibile italy formia 039 3476104928
74.999 €
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
//banchero costa yachts new listing// The RMK Marine 120, available from May 2024, epitomizes quality and attention to detail in the luxury yacht industry. Crafted with premium materials and meticulous attention to detail, this yacht offers an unparalleled experience in the world of yachting. The interior of the vessel has been designed according to the best practices in luxury yacht design, with direct collaboration between the interior designer and RMK Marine shipyard. The material selection has been executed with extreme care, ensuring the use of high-quality materials in every detail. The finishes are semi-gloss, with accents on wall panels and the use of natural and fresh-colored fabrics. The contemporary styling of the interior is reflected in the use of standard veneers and semi-gloss finishes, while tabletops feature marquetry of standard veneers. Marble floors and countertops have been implemented in the bathrooms, offering a touch of elegance and sophistication. Thanks to direct contact with the RMK Marine shipyard, we are able to provide all detailed information about the RMK Marine 120, ensuring potential buyers have a comprehensive understanding of the features and performance of this extraordinary vessel. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR ANY FURTHER INFORMATION
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Sessa Marine C48 – Your Dream Yacht for 2024Discover top-tier elegance, performance, and comfort on the water with the new Sessa Marine C48.This prestigious yacht combines Italian design with advanced technology and is the perfect choice for those seeking a luxurious vessel for unforgettable experiences at sea. With standard equipment ensuring safe and comfortable navigation and a rich selection of additional equipment that brings even more enjoyment and functionality, the C48 is ready to impress. Additional equipment that makes a difference: Metallic hardtop for maximum protection and aesthetics Antifouling Wooden floors in the cabins, bringing a touch of nature and luxury Exterior upholstered seats in mambo – pearl white and walnut color for complete elegance Telescopic table and additional cushions for the dining area Electric hardtop offering a beautiful panorama and natural light Bow thruster for easier maneuvering in the harbor Hydraulic gangway (version with platform) for easy access to the shore Electro-hydraulic platform (load capacity 600 kg) Generator for uninterrupted power supply at sea Chain counter for precise anchor management Remote searchlight with wireless control for night navigation Ceramic stove in the cockpit for preparing gourmet meals in the open sea Bow comfort kit (speakers, hand shower, cup holders) 24K BTU air conditioning in the dining area and cabins + upgrade to 16K BTU air conditioning in the cockpit Manual cockpit bimini SUMBRELLA Cadet Grey, protecting you from the sun Custom bimini color SUMBRELLA, according to your preferences Bow sunpad with adjustable headrest for complete relaxation VHF Raymarine ray53 kit for reliable communication White underwater lights that create a romantic atmosphere in the evening Simulated radome and TV sat antenna kit for onboard entertainment Bow and rear camera kit with wireless connection LED TVs in the bow cabin and dining area for onboard entertainment Electronic Zipwake trim tabs for better stability and navigation
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Sessa Marine C48 – Your Dream Yacht for 2024Discover top-tier elegance, performance, and comfort on the water with the new Sessa Marine C48.QUICK CONTACT: +386 31 300 905 // WhatsApp and Viber This prestigious yacht combines Italian design with advanced technology and is the perfect choice for those seeking a luxurious vessel for unforgettable experiences at sea. With standard equipment ensuring safe and comfortable navigation and a rich selection of additional equipment that brings even more enjoyment and functionality, the C48 is ready to impress. Additional equipment that makes a difference: Metallic hardtop for maximum protection and aesthetics Antifouling Wooden floors in the cabins, bringing a touch of nature and luxury Exterior upholstered seats in mambo – pearl white and walnut color for complete elegance Telescopic table and additional cushions for the dining area Electric hardtop offering a beautiful panorama and natural light Bow thruster for easier maneuvering in the harbor Hydraulic gangway (version with platform) for easy access to the shore Electro-hydraulic platform (load capacity 600 kg) Generator for uninterrupted power supply at sea Chain counter for precise anchor management Remote searchlight with wireless control for night navigation Ceramic stove in the cockpit for preparing gourmet meals in the open sea Bow comfort kit (speakers, hand shower, cup holders) 24K BTU air conditioning in the dining area and cabins + upgrade to 16K BTU air conditioning in the cockpit Manual cockpit bimini SUMBRELLA Cadet Grey, protecting you from the sun Custom bimini color SUMBRELLA, according to your preferences Bow sunpad with adjustable headrest for complete relaxation VHF Raymarine ray53 kit for reliable communication White underwater lights that create a romantic atmosphere in the evening Simulated radome and TV sat antenna kit for onboard entertainment Bow and rear camera kit with wireless connection LED TVs in the bow cabin and dining area for onboard entertainment Electronic Zipwake trim tabs for better stability and navigation
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Italia (Tutte le città)
De snelste Mito 31 óóit gebouwd. Met twee Mercury 450 V8 Racing motoren bereikt deze RIB een topsnelheid van maar liefst 72 knopen. De MV Marine Mito 31 (by Pischel) is gemaakt door het Italiaanse merk MV Marine. Deze Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) uit 2021 is de snelste ooit gebouwd, met twee Mercury 450 V8 Racing motoren. Het is een sportieve en stijlvolle boot die geschikt is voor recreatief gebruik op zowel binnenwateren als kustwateren. De RIB heeft een modern en gestroomlijnd ontwerp met strakke lijnen, een T-top en een stepped V-romp, waardoor de boot efficiënter door het water kan snijden en hogere snelheden kan bereiken met minder weerstand en brandstofverbruik. De diepgang is 0.40 meter, waardoor de boot ook geschikt is voor ondiep water. In de ruime, open kuip met zitplaatsen en een tafel kunt u heerlijk ontspannen en genieten van het varen. Er is een 2-pits gasfornuis en een spoelbak aanwezig. Op de boeg bevindt zich een zonnedek, ideaal om even te zonnebaden wanneer u voor anker ligt. Onderdeks is er een cabine met slaapgelegenheid voor twee personen en een klein toilet. De boot is uitgerust met verschillende functies, zoals een stuurconsole met navigatieapparatuur, een audiosysteem, een zwemplatform met zwemtrap en diverse opbergvakken voor spullen en uitrusting. Algemeen Overig: De MV Marine Mito 31 (by Pischel) heeft een extra versterkte romp, speciaal ontworpen om achter een (mega)jacht te slepen over lange afstanden. Deze versterkte romp zorgt voor extra duurzaamheid en stabiliteit tijdens het slepen. Daarnaast zijn er twee extra sleepogen toegevoegd aan de boot, zodat deze veilig kan worden vastgemaakt aan het jacht tijdens het slepen. Navigatie en electronica Overig: De Mito 31 is uitgerust met Furuno navigatieapparatuur, wat zorgt voor betrouwbare en nauwkeurige navigatie tijdens het varen. Furuno is een gerenommeerd merk op het gebied van maritieme elektronica en staat bekend om zijn hoogwaardige navigatie- en communicatieapparatuur. Met de Furuno navigatieapparatuur aan boord kunt u onder andere gebruik maken van GPS-positiebepaling, kaartplotting, dieptemeting, marifooncommunicatie en andere handige navigatiefuncties. Uitrusting Ankerlier: Quick Overig: De cockpit is voorzien van Flexi teak. Dit synthetische teakdek is bestand tegen weersinvloeden, UV-straling, zout water en slijtage, waardoor het een langdurige en praktische keuze is. Type interieur: Modern, light;
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Trendy, aggressive and stylish - these are the attributes that best describe RMK Marine's new yacht concept. The Turkish shipyard, located in Tuzla/Istanbul, once again cooperates with Hot Lab from Milan, this time for the so-called RMK65. Previously, the two companies had already succesfully received a Neptune Award in 2014 and developed the RMK58 together. /"It can be said that the RMK65 is based on the RMK58,/" says Antonio Romano, one of Hot Lab's partners. /"We have, however, extended the forebody considerably, given the yacht a sportier look and a vertical bow. In addition, almost all the features that owners in this category simply expect today are integrated/". On the lower deck, the RMK65 accommodates two nine-meter long tenders in her garage and even five large jet skis in between. The tenders and toys are launched through hull openings and integrated cranes. Two reliable 3516B Caterpillar diesel engines are in service in the engine room behind the garage. Their combined output of almost 2250 kilowatts brings the displacement yacht to a maximum speed of 17 knots. Due to 150,000 litres of fuel and an efficient hull design, the RMK65 achieves a range of 6,000 nautical miles at a cruising speed of 14 knots. In addition to the technical facilities, the lower deck also accommodates three VIP cabins, the galley, the crew mess and seven crew cabins, which are 50 percent larger than required by class. /"Only with a satisfied crew the owner will be able to enjoy his time on board. We have been hearing this for years and have consistently implemented it on the RMK65/
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Stock #271628 - If you are in the market for a crabber boat, look no further than this 1977 Marine Mart 77 X 22 X 9, priced right at $240,000 (offers encouraged). This vessel is located in Bayou La Batre, Alabama and is in need of some work. She is also equipped with a Caterpillar engine. Please submit any and ALL offers - your offer may be accepted! Submit your offer today! Reason for selling is plans changed. Pop Yachts is a 5-star dealership, consistently given the highest ratings in customer service. Pop Yachts sells more than 1,700 boats/year, through word of mouth, customer referrals and good customer service. Contact Pop Yachts today, describe the perfect boat for you or your family, and you'll see why they are considered the best. If you're in the Mobile, Gulfport, Biloxi, or Bellview areas, please use the form on this page to let me know what you're looking for and I'll get back with you today about any other crabbing boat options we have locally that may meet your needs. You have questions? We have answers. Call us at (941) 914-9217 to discuss this boat. Selling your boat has never been easier. At Pop Yachts, we literally sell thousands of units every year all over the country. Call (855) 201-8801 and we'll get started selling your boat today.
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La Spezia (Liguria)
A potent combination of Marten Yachts NZ build quality coupled with Farr and Vismara design. This yacht shows them off to their best. Hull in Carbon-Nomex painted in pearl white. Sleeps six guests and two crew. Now in La Spezia where a new owner can keep the berth for a period to be negotiated, free of charge. An absolutely awesome yacht. For further information, listing broker David Routledge Ancasta Palma Inventory NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT Furuno 10.4 radar Computer for navigation systems Computer for internet VHF (one at navstation and one in cockpit) Inmarsat Sat C Iridium and GSM telephone B&G 20x20 instruments 15" nav station screen 2 Suunto compasses EXTRA INVENTORY Avon RiB 315 Yanmar 15HP outboard engine Gangway Titanium bathing ladder Cockpit cushions Sprayhood Sunshade Sharp LCD 28" TV Linn home theatre Hifi system 5 speakers in dinette 1 sub woofer 4 deck speakers 2 sea anchors (bow and stern) SAFETY EQUIPMENT Two 406 Epirbs Two Autoflug 6 person liferafts 12 avon safety belt Grab bag Bridge CONSTRUCTION The hull is in Carbon-Nomex painted in pearl white The flush deck and low coach roof of the vessel is finished with hand laid teak Steering via two custom carbon Y spoke wheels and Vectran cable system The deck is adorned with no less than 16 custom Marten Yachts carbon flush hatches, providing ample light and fresh air into the interior of the vessel The stern is equipped with a garage for the dinghy and for general storage use The teak deck highlights the typical Vismara design: smooth cabin with ample living space and coamings together with the double cockpit, the after for the helmsman with two wheels and the central one for guests. Hull and deck are built in pre-preg carbon vacuum bagged and cured at 80° with Nomex core, in order to develop an extremely rigid yet light and well insulated structure. To save weight and give the maximum strength to the boat many of the furniture elements, such as the frontals, or the horizontal shelves of the settees are in sandwich of pre-preg carbon with Nomex core. LOA 20.30m LWL 18.24m BEAM 5.00m DRAFT 4.00m DISPLACEMENT 20500kg BALLAST 9100kg Machinery YANMAR 4JH DTE 125HP DIESEL ENGINE Mastervolt Whisper 8000 generator Spectra watermaker Condaria air conditioning throughout TANKAGE WATER 1250 litre FUEL 1000 litre BLACK WATER HOLDING TANK 250 litre GREY WATER HOLDING TANK 300 litre ELECTRICS 24 volt DC system Chargers 2 x Mastervolt 100 Mastervolt 40, 2020 3500w inverter Generator Mastervolt 8000 whisper Condaria 36000BTU airconditioning GROUND TACKLE Lofrans windlass Delta inox anchor with 12mm chain Spade 15kg kedge anchor 2 floating anchors WATER SYSTEM Hot and cold pressurised water throughout 60 litre hot water boiler Spectra 70 litres Zbrain watermaker Rig SLOOP RIG Six on deck electric Harken winches Frederiksen deck gear blocks The main sail traveller is controlled with a custom under deck hydraulic system. MAST The rotating carbon wing mast can be hydraulically rotated 35º either side of centre, is fully adjustable via hydraulic headstay & inner stay tensioning system, with running backstays connected to Harken electric winches Standing rig of SS rod with full set of Carbon rods for racing SAILS All North Sails 3DL carbon/Kevlar (2203 due for replacement winter 2011/12) Full battened main sail Selection of head sails Fractional gennaker Carbon Main and Jib (2004) Set of Dacron delivery sails Staysail and Storm Jib Accommodation SLEEPS SIX GUESTS IN THREE CABINS AND TWO CREW IN ONE CABIN The layout and the general styling of “Mister A” make the boat particularly comfortable and functional. The standard of finish is SUPERB. The boat is divided into two areas: the crew mess aft and the owner/guests area from amidships forwards. This separation assures mutual privacy, but also takes in consideration the differences between the use of the boat during blue water navigation and in harbour. For this reason there are two galleys, one close to the crew mess and navigation area. The main galley is amidships close to the saloon. The owners suite is located amidships and provided with two separate single berths with desk and office in between. The saloon is very well lit superbly finished and comfortable for socialising. The two guest cabins are upper and lower berths provided and they are forward preceding the sail locker. The furniture design utilises a mix of hitech and traditional styling and materials. Cherry wood is used to face the furniture and the bulkheads. Carbon structures of items, such as the entrance ladder are left bare to remind the owner just what a special yacht this is. The entertainment system in the saloon includes a Linn home theatre Hifi system with 5 speakers and a sub woofer in the dinette and 4 speakers on deck. Sharp LCD 28" TV. Both galleys are equipped with: 4 burner cooker Fridge Oven One also has a dishwasher and freezer...Read full description
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