Solo con l'immagine

The result

Elenco delle migliori vendite the result

Italia (Tutte le città)
  The Solaris 72 Deck House has been specifically designed and built to navigate from the poles to the equator. This Doug Peterson design combines excellent performance with the comfort of 4 en suite cabins. The deep and safe guest cockpit separates the guest from the action area.  This sloop was selected as the most reliable and comfortable option to explore the world by an experienced off shore sailor who has rounded Cap Horn multiple times. The equipment and set up on this blue water sailing yacht is the result of years of experience exploring the planet’s most remote oceans.  This proven passage maker as illustrated by the location pictures is all set up and ready for new adventures from the tropics to high latitudes.  
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
The design of Tribale 115, characterized by an interplay of full and empty areas, was created to harmoniously balance muscularity with the transparency's lightness. The particular attention dedicated to this concept and so having maximum visibility and brightness from inside to outside, has given rise to two unique salons equipped with full-height glazed windows that can slide in and out of view. The generous volumes, as well as allowing a comfortable division of flows between guests and crew, represent a top-of-line thanks to the ability to use spaces in a functional and balanced way. The contamination of typically Explorer and military concepts makes the style of Tribale 115 well defined and particularly dynamic, despite the presence of a complex game of edges and taut surfaces: the result is a special crossover with highly recognisable features.
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
The design of Tribale 80, characterised by an interplay of full and empty areas, was created to harmoniously balance muscularity with the transparency's lightness. The particular attention dedicated to this concept and so having maximum visibility and brightness from inside to outside, has given rise to two unique salons equipped with full-height glazed windows that can slide in and out of view. The generous volumes, as well as allowing a comfortable division of flows between guests and crew, represent a top-of-line thanks to the ability to use spaces in a functional and balanced way. The contamination of typically Explorer and military concepts makes the style of Tribale 80 well defined and particularly dynamic, despite the presence of a complex game of edges and taut surfaces: the result is a special crossover with highly recognisable features.
Vista prodotto
Magliano in Toscana (Toscana)
Navetta in acciao costruita dai Cantieri Navali Benetti di Viareggio. Scafo in acciao, ponte coperta in acciao rivestito in teak, sovrastrutture in alluminio, pontatura completa, 4 paratie stagne, plancetta poppiera con piano di calpestio in teak. Nel 1997 eseguiti notevoli lavori di restyling e rinnovo di di impianti ed attrezzature. Nel 2003 sostituzione di parti e inserti di lamiera a scafo, nel 2004 sono stati eseguiti lavori di miglioria. Eseguiti Lavori di pitturazione scafo ed opera morta nel 2007 Impianto di aria condizionata sostituito nel Giugno 2008 Imbarcazione dotata d'impianto elettrico 220V e 24V presa da terra, nel 2008 sostituito una caricabatterie con uno nuovo Matervolt 24V, 100A. Impianto organizzato in modo che tutte le pompe possano funzionare da pompe di sentina e nel 2008 sono state revisionate le pompe di sentina e sostituita la pompa delle acque grigie. Il salpaancora di pruora è stato sostituito nel 2008 Gru di movimentazione del tender, posizionata sul ponte Fly, è stata revisionata nel 2008. All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and / or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for any inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. English Steel shuttle built by Benetti Shipyard in Viareggio. Steel hull, main deck in steel covered with teak, aluminium superstructure, full deck, 4 watertight bulkheads, Stern platform with teak decking. In 1997 performed considerable restyling and refurbishment of plant and equipment. In 2003 replacing parts and sheet metal inserts to hull, home improvement work has been carried out in 2004. Run paint Jobs hull and topsides in 2007 Air conditioning replaced in June 2008 Boat equipped with 220V electrical and 24V taken from the ground, in 2008 replaced a charger with a new Matervolt 24V, 100A. Plant organized so that all pumps can operate from bilge and bilge pumps were overhauled in 2008 and replaced the pump gray water. The windlass by pruora was replaced in 2008 Tender handling crane, placed on flybridge has also been revised in 2008. All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and/or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. Française Navette en acier construit par le chantier Benetti Viareggio. Coque acier, pont principal en acier recouvert de teck, superstructure en aluminium, pont complet, 4 cloisons étanches, plate-forme arrière avec terrasse en teck. En 1997, jouée restyling considérable et remise en état des installations et du matériel. Dans les pièces de remplacement de 2003 et d’inserts de tôle à hull, travaux d’amélioration de l’habitat a été réalisée en 2004. Exécution de peinture emplois coque et superstructure en 2007 Air conditionné, remplacé en juin 2008 Bateau équipé électrique 220V et 24V prise en 2008, du sol, a remplacé un chargeur avec un nouveau Matervolt 24V, 100 a. Plante a organisé afin que toutes les pompes peuvent fonctionner à fond de cale et les pompes d’assèchement ont été révisés en 2008 et remplacé l’eau pompe gris. Le guindeau de pruora a été remplacé en 2008 Grue de manutention tendre, placé sur le flybridge a également été révisé en 2008. Toutes les informations sur ce site concernant les yachts sont uniquement à des fins d’information. Condition de yachts et/ou l’exactitude des informations fournies n’est pas garanti, et il n’y a aucune responsabilité pour les inexactitudes. Toutes les dimensions, capacité, vitesse, etc.. ne sont pas techniquement vérifiés. Doit être clair que toutes les informations concernant l’état des yachts sont soumis à la dégradation commune en raison de l’usure. Nous conseillons donc les clients de soigneusement vérifier et inspecter les yachts, les spécifications et les informations permettant de vérifier leur exactitude à l’aide d’un expert maritime qualifié indépendant avant l’achat qu’il est soumis à des contrôles satisfaisants et essais en mer. Yachts publiées sont proposés à la vente. Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier les spécifications, les prix etc. sans préavis. Nous ne sommes pas responsables pour le résultat de nos publications et les activités qui suivent. Deutsch Stahl-Shuttle von Benetti Werft in Viareggio gebaut. Stahlrumpf, Hauptdeck aus Stahl mit Aluminium Überbau, Volldeck, 4 wasserdichten Schotte, Teak, Heck-Plattform mit Teakholz bedeckt. Im Jahr 1997 durchgeführt erhebliche Neugestaltung und Sanierung von Anlagen und Maschinen. In 2003 ersetzte Teile und Laken-Metall-Einsätze an Rumpf wurde im Jahr 2004 Hauptverbesserung Arbeit durchgeführt. Geführtes malen Jobs Rumpf und Topsides im Jahr 2007 Eine Klimaanlage ersetzt im Juni 2008 Boot mit 220V elektrische ausgestattet und 24V genommen vom Boden, im Jahr 2008 eine Ladegerät mit einer neuen Matervolt 24V, 100A ersetzt. Anlage so organisiert, dass alle Pumpen können aus Bilge und Lenzpumpen wurden im Jahr 2008 überarbeitet und ersetzt die Pumpe grauen Wasser. Im 2008 wurde die Ankerwinde durch Pruora ersetzt. Zärtliche Umgang mit Kran, platziert auf Flybridge wurde auch im Jahr 2008 überarbeitet. Alle Informationen auf dieser Website im Zusammenhang mit Yachten dient nur zu Informationszwecken. Zustand der Yachten und/oder Richtigkeit der zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen kann nicht garantiert werden und es wird keine Verantwortung für Ungenauigkeiten. Alle Abmessungen, Kapazität, Geschwindigkeit, etc.. sind nicht technisch überprüft. Soll klar sein, dass alle Informationen in Bezug auf den Zustand der Yachten die gemeinsame Degradation durch Verschleiß unterliegen. Daher empfehlen wir Kunden, sorgfältig prüfen und überprüfen Sie Yachten, Spezifikationen und Informationen, um ihre Genauigkeit mit Hilfe einer unabhängigen qualifizierten marine Surveyor vor dem Kauf zu überprüfen, die es zufriedenstellende Kontrollen und Probefahrten unterliegt. Veröffentlichten Yachten werden angeboten, verkauft werden. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Spezifikationen, Preisen etc. ohne vorherige Ankündigung. Wir sind nicht verantwortlich für das Ergebnis unserer Publikationen und Aktivitäten, die Folgen. Español Transporte de acero construido por el astillero Benetti en Viareggio. Casco de acero, cubierta principal de acero cubierto con teca, superestructura de aluminio, cubierta completa, 4 mamparos estancos, plataforma de popa con plataforma de teca. En 1997 realizó considerables restyling y remodelación de planta y equipo. En 2003 reemplazando piezas y partes movibles del metal de hoja casco, se ha realizado trabajo de mejoramiento del hogar en 2004. Ejecución de pintura trabajos casco y obra muerta en 2007 Aire acondicionado sustituido en junio de 2008 Barco equipado con electricidad de 220V y 24V extraída del suelo, en el año 2008 sustituye un cargador con un nuevo Matervolt 24V, 100. Planta organizada de modo que pueden operar todas las bombas de sentina y bombas de achique fueron revisadas en 2008 y reemplazado el agua gris de la bomba. El molinete por pruora fue substituido en 2008 Oferta manejo grúa, a Fly también ha sido revisada en 2008. Toda la información en este sitio relacionados con yates es sólo con fines informativos. Condición de yates o corrección de información no es garantizado y no hay ninguna responsabilidad por inexactitud. Dimensiones, capacidad, velocidad, etcetera. técnicamente no son verificados. Es claro que toda la información relativa al estado de los barcos están sujetos a la degradación común debido al desgaste. Por lo tanto, asesoramos a clientes cuidadosamente comprobar e inspeccionar barcos, especificaciones e información para verificar su exactitud con la ayuda de un topógrafo marino calificado independiente antes de la compra que está sujeto a controles satisfactorios y pruebas de mar. Barcos publicados se ofrecen para ser vendidos. Nos reservamos el derecho a modificar las especificaciones, precios etc. sin previo aviso. No somos responsables por el resultado de nuestras publicaciones y las actividades que siguen. Россию Стальной трансфер, построен на верфи Benetti в Виареджо. Стальной корпус, главной палубе в стали, покрытые тик, алюминиевые конструкции, полная колода, 4 водонепроницаемыми переборками, кормовой платформы с тикового настила. В 1997 году осуществляется значительный рестайлинг и ремонт машин и оборудования. В 2003 году замены деталей и вставки листового металла корпуса домашнего улучшения работы были проведены в 2004 году. Выполнения краска работу Халл и верхнее строение в 2007 году Кондиционер, заменил в июне 2008 года Лодка оснащена 220В электрические и 24V, взяты из земли, в 2008 году заменил зарядное устройство с новой Matervolt 24V, 100А. Завод организован так, что все насосы могут работать от льяльных и водооткачивающие насосы были отремонтированы в 2008 году и заменил серый насос воды. В 2008 году был заменен лебедка, pruora Нежная обработки крана, на флайбридже также был пересмотрен в 2008 году. Вся информация на этом сайте, касающиеся яхты является только для информационных целей. Яхты условие и/или правильность предоставленной информации не гарантируется, и есть не несет ответственности за неточность. Все размеры, мощность, скорость и т.д. технически не проверена. Должно быть ясно, что вся информация, касающаяся состояния яхты являются предметом общей деградации вследствие износа. Поэтому мы рекомендуем клиентам тщательно проверить и проверить яхт, спецификации и информацию для проверки их точности с помощью независимых квалифицированных морской сюрвейер перед покупкой, это при условии удовлетворительной проверки и ходовые испытания. Опубликованные яхты предлагаются для продажи. Мы оставляем за собой право изменять технические характеристики, цены и т.д. без предварительного уведомления. Мы не несем ответственность за результат наших публикаций и мероприятий, которые следуют. Categoria di navigazione Senza limiti Accessori aggiuntivi Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione Angolo barra, Antenna radar, 2 Bussola (Sperry + Azimut 1000), Display, Ecoscandaglio (Furuno Ls 6100), Fax, 2 GPS (Furuno GP50 + Lorenz 11''), MeteoFax (Furuno 208), Pilota automatico (Furuno Fap 330), 2 Radio VHF (Icom IC-M127 + Sailor Rt146), SSB (Skanti). Allestimento tecnico e di coperta Allarme motore, Allarme sentina, Ancora, 2 Autoclave, Batterie, Doppia timoneria, Faro orientabile, Gruette per tender su fly, Impianto antincendio, Lavaggio catena, Luci di cortesia, Passerella (Gandola), Piattaforma, Pompa di sentina automatica, Presa 220V banchina, Presa acqua banchina, Tromba. Dotazioni domestiche di bordo Boiler, Dissalatore (Idromar), Impianto acque nere, Prese interne 220v, 4 WC marino elettrico. Intrattenimento Altoparlanti, Stereo. Cucina ed elettrodomestici Cucina, ICE Maker. Tappezzerie Cuscineria completa. Note accessori refittata nel 2004, è stato rifatto l’impianto elettrico nel 2009 ed è stata ripitturata nel 2007 Disclaimer La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione....Read full description
Vista prodotto
Fiumefreddo di Sicilia (Sicilia)
All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and / or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for any inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. English All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and/or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. Française Toutes les informations sur ce site concernant les yachts sont uniquement à des fins d’information. Condition de yachts et/ou l’exactitude des informations fournies n’est pas garanti, et il n’y a aucune responsabilité pour les inexactitudes. Toutes les dimensions, capacité, vitesse, etc.. ne sont pas techniquement vérifiés. Doit être clair que toutes les informations concernant l’état des yachts sont soumis à la dégradation commune en raison de l’usure. Nous conseillons donc les clients de soigneusement vérifier et inspecter les yachts, les spécifications et les informations permettant de vérifier leur exactitude à l’aide d’un expert maritime qualifié indépendant avant l’achat qu’il est soumis à des contrôles satisfaisants et essais en mer. Yachts publiées sont proposés à la vente. Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier les spécifications, les prix etc. sans préavis. Nous ne sommes pas responsables pour le résultat de nos publications et les activités qui suivent. Deutsch Alle Informationen auf dieser Website im Zusammenhang mit Yachten dient nur zu Informationszwecken. Zustand der Yachten und/oder Richtigkeit der zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen kann nicht garantiert werden und es wird keine Verantwortung für Ungenauigkeiten. Alle Abmessungen, Kapazität, Geschwindigkeit, etc.. sind nicht technisch überprüft. Soll klar sein, dass alle Informationen in Bezug auf den Zustand der Yachten die gemeinsame Degradation durch Verschleiß unterliegen. Daher empfehlen wir Kunden, sorgfältig prüfen und überprüfen Sie Yachten, Spezifikationen und Informationen, um ihre Genauigkeit mit Hilfe einer unabhängigen qualifizierten marine Surveyor vor dem Kauf zu überprüfen, die es zufriedenstellende Kontrollen und Probefahrten unterliegt. Veröffentlichten Yachten werden angeboten, verkauft werden. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Spezifikationen, Preisen etc. ohne vorherige Ankündigung. Wir sind nicht verantwortlich für das Ergebnis unserer Publikationen und Aktivitäten, die Folgen. Español Toda la información en este sitio relacionados con yates es sólo con fines informativos. Condición de yates o corrección de información no es garantizado y no hay ninguna responsabilidad por inexactitud. Dimensiones, capacidad, velocidad, etcetera. técnicamente no son verificados. Es claro que toda la información relativa al estado de los barcos están sujetos a la degradación común debido al desgaste. Por lo tanto, asesoramos a clientes cuidadosamente comprobar e inspeccionar barcos, especificaciones e información para verificar su exactitud con la ayuda de un topógrafo marino calificado independiente antes de la compra que está sujeto a controles satisfactorios y pruebas de mar. Barcos publicados se ofrecen para ser vendidos. Nos reservamos el derecho a modificar las especificaciones, precios etc. sin previo aviso. No somos responsables por el resultado de nuestras publicaciones y las actividades que siguen. Россию Вся информация на этом сайте, касающиеся яхты является только для информационных целей. Яхты условие и/или правильность предоставленной информации не гарантируется, и есть не несет ответственности за неточность. Все размеры, мощность, скорость и т.д. технически не проверена. Должно быть ясно, что вся информация, касающаяся состояния яхты являются предметом общей деградации вследствие износа. Поэтому мы рекомендуем клиентам тщательно проверить и проверить яхт, спецификации и информацию для проверки их точности с помощью независимых квалифицированных морской сюрвейер перед покупкой, это при условии удовлетворительной проверки и ходовые испытания. Опубликованные яхты предлагаются для продажи. Мы оставляем за собой право изменять технические характеристики, цены и т.д. без предварительного уведомления. Мы не несем ответственность за результат наших публикаций и мероприятий, которые следуют. Categoria di navigazione Senza limiti Accessori aggiuntivi Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione Angolo barra, Antenna radar, Comando motori elettronico, Display. Allestimento tecnico e di coperta Allarme motore, Allarme sentina, Ancora, Autoclave, Autogonfiabile, Batterie, Colorazione speciale (Blu Navy 2011), Flap idraulici, Garage per tender, Hard top, Impianto antincendio, Lavaggio catena, Luci di cortesia, Passerella (Idraulica), Piattaforma (Idraulica affondabile), Pompa di sentina automatica, Presa 220V banchina, Presa acqua banchina, Raddrizzatore, 2 Winch tonneggio di poppa, Winch tonneggio di prua. Dotazioni domestiche di bordo BBQ/ Grill, Boiler, Impianto acque nere, Prese interne 220v, 3 WC marino elettrico. Intrattenimento Altoparlanti, Decoder satellite, Stereo. Cucina ed elettrodomestici Cucina, Frigorifero esterno, ICE Maker, Piastra in vetroceramica. Tappezzerie Cuscineria completa. Disclaimer La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione....Read full description
Vista prodotto
Magliano in Toscana (Toscana)
All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and / or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for any inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. English All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and/or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. Française Toutes les informations sur ce site concernant les yachts sont uniquement à des fins d’information. Condition de yachts et/ou l’exactitude des informations fournies n’est pas garanti, et il n’y a aucune responsabilité pour les inexactitudes. Toutes les dimensions, capacité, vitesse, etc.. ne sont pas techniquement vérifiés. Doit être clair que toutes les informations concernant l’état des yachts sont soumis à la dégradation commune en raison de l’usure. Nous conseillons donc les clients de soigneusement vérifier et inspecter les yachts, les spécifications et les informations permettant de vérifier leur exactitude à l’aide d’un expert maritime qualifié indépendant avant l’achat qu’il est soumis à des contrôles satisfaisants et essais en mer. Yachts publiées sont proposés à la vente. Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier les spécifications, les prix etc. sans préavis. Nous ne sommes pas responsables pour le résultat de nos publications et les activités qui suivent. Deutsch Alle Informationen auf dieser Website im Zusammenhang mit Yachten dient nur zu Informationszwecken. Zustand der Yachten und/oder Richtigkeit der zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen kann nicht garantiert werden und es wird keine Verantwortung für Ungenauigkeiten. Alle Abmessungen, Kapazität, Geschwindigkeit, etc.. sind nicht technisch überprüft. Soll klar sein, dass alle Informationen in Bezug auf den Zustand der Yachten die gemeinsame Degradation durch Verschleiß unterliegen. Daher empfehlen wir Kunden, sorgfältig prüfen und überprüfen Sie Yachten, Spezifikationen und Informationen, um ihre Genauigkeit mit Hilfe einer unabhängigen qualifizierten marine Surveyor vor dem Kauf zu überprüfen, die es zufriedenstellende Kontrollen und Probefahrten unterliegt. Veröffentlichten Yachten werden angeboten, verkauft werden. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Spezifikationen, Preisen etc. ohne vorherige Ankündigung. Wir sind nicht verantwortlich für das Ergebnis unserer Publikationen und Aktivitäten, die Folgen. Español Toda la información en este sitio relacionados con yates es sólo con fines informativos. Condición de yates o corrección de información no es garantizado y no hay ninguna responsabilidad por inexactitud. Dimensiones, capacidad, velocidad, etcetera. técnicamente no son verificados. Es claro que toda la información relativa al estado de los barcos están sujetos a la degradación común debido al desgaste. Por lo tanto, asesoramos a clientes cuidadosamente comprobar e inspeccionar barcos, especificaciones e información para verificar su exactitud con la ayuda de un topógrafo marino calificado independiente antes de la compra que está sujeto a controles satisfactorios y pruebas de mar. Barcos publicados se ofrecen para ser vendidos. Nos reservamos el derecho a modificar las especificaciones, precios etc. sin previo aviso. No somos responsables por el resultado de nuestras publicaciones y las actividades que siguen. Россию Вся информация на этом сайте, касающиеся яхты является только для информационных целей. Яхты условие и/или правильность предоставленной информации не гарантируется, и есть не несет ответственности за неточность. Все размеры, мощность, скорость и т.д. технически не проверена. Должно быть ясно, что вся информация, касающаяся состояния яхты являются предметом общей деградации вследствие износа. Поэтому мы рекомендуем клиентам тщательно проверить и проверить яхт, спецификации и информацию для проверки их точности с помощью независимых квалифицированных морской сюрвейер перед покупкой, это при условии удовлетворительной проверки и ходовые испытания. Опубликованные яхты предлагаются для продажи. Мы оставляем за собой право изменять технические характеристики, цены и т.д. без предварительного уведомления. Мы не несем ответственность за результат наших публикаций и мероприятий, которые следуют. Accessori aggiuntivi Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione Angolo barra, Antenna radar, 2 Display, Pilota automatico (ST 6001 Plus). Allestimento tecnico e di coperta Allarme motore, Autoclave, Autogonfiabile, Batterie, Colorazione speciale (Blu Navy), 2 Flap idraulici, Hard top, Impianto antincendio, Lavaggio catena, Piattaforma, Pompa di sentina automatica, Presa 220V banchina, Raddrizzatore (2/220), Tromba, Winch tonneggio di prua. Dotazioni domestiche di bordo Boiler, Impianto acque nere, Prese interne 220v. Intrattenimento Decoder satellite, Stereo. Cucina ed elettrodomestici Cucina, Ghiacciaia, Piastra in vetroceramica. Tappezzerie Tendalino. Disclaimer La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione....Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Rarely offered Danish one-owner Najad 505 CC NEXT GENERATION with everything in equipment! Here you have a Najad 505 CC NEXT GENERATION with a large number of updates and improvements everywhere on the yacht. The Najad shipyard is known for building top quality yachts, and this Najad 505 CC NEXT GENERATION is no exception. A new teak deck will be installed on the boat - early 2025 in Sweden. Price 500,000/700,000 DKK. The yacht is based on Najad's core principles; quality, performance, safety, comfort and excellent sailing. The result is a fantastic long-distance cruiser that offers comfort and sailing performance combined with modern style. The safe and well-protected center cockpit layout continues to be one of the characteristics of the Najad 505 CC NEXT GENERATION. This one-owner yacht has two cabins and two baths and WC - hence there is plenty of space everywhere on this beautiful ship. It is also worth mentioning that the carbon mast alone costs at least 200,000 EUR, and the furlerboom costs at least 40,000 EUR. Updates in 2023-2024: - New sails 2024 - All interior upholstery has been changed to light gray alcantara 2024 - A new wind instrument and new autopilot 2024 have been installed - Likewise, all interior lighting has been changed to LED, and a new radar has been purchased - Minor repairs of minor damage to the freeboard and the deck have been continuously carried out- It was most recently primed in the spring of 2023- The cockpit has been painted at the end of 2023- Winter cover is renovated in February 2024 The boat has been Danish-owned from new. VAT paid documentation is included. Please contact Yachtbasen for further information on this Najad 505 CC NEXT GENERATION.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
OVERMARINE MANGUSTA 130 YEAR 2009 This superyacht designed with racy, determined lines is the clear example of the ability of Overmarine shipyard of building a yacht able reach high performance with a top speed 41 knots, keeping absolute comfort onboard for all guests. BEACHOUSE, hull no. 15 of the Mangusta 130 production series, is the first unit built with the latest upgraded hull which, with new keel, giving it a much more comfortable and direct steering line through the sea compared to previous Mangusta 130. The cruise speed of the boat is 34-35 knots at 1850 rpm. Performances are also improved by new editions MTU 4000 engines installed which enable the boat being faster compared to others of the same series. What is even more important is that BEACHOUSE is the result of mixing seaworthiness and speed together with accurate interior design, high level of comfort with great development of volumes. This truly one-of-a-kind luxury yacht features numerous spaces, an enormous saloon and dining area in the upper deck, with a front pilot station. A media room equipped with the latest technology audio/video equipment is located on the lower deck, together with accommodation which can host up to 9 guests in luxurious cabins – master astern, front VIP and two double cabins, one of which has a third Pullman bed.        
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Details: The 46.10m 2009 yacht NADAN from the Burger Boat Company is offered for sale and despite transporting all who set foot aboard her back to the Art Deco era, she is a thoroughly modern yacht. With naval architecture by Bruce King Yacht Design and interior design by Ken Freivokh Design, NADAN yacht draws admiring glances everywhere she goes thanks to her elegant blue hull and white and teak deck spaces. Inside, Ken Freivokh’s timeless interiors are reminiscent of the 1920s and include showstopping features such as Madrona Burl raised wall panels inlaid with Macassar ebony. The main salon with its curved leather sit-up bar with custom-built stainless-steel stools, large sofas, and separate dining area with Lalique glass doors, opens onto a veranda and is a beautiful backdrop to glamorous gatherings. There is a second salon in the new sky lounge, the result of an extensive 2019 refit, which comes with its own bathroom, large windows so guests need never miss a view, and beautiful detailing, including mahogany panels, tongue-and-groove panelling and teak and holly flooring. NADAN yacht can accommodate a total of nine guests across four cabins, including a main deck Owner’s suite, and a VIP suite, double cabin and a twin cabin on the lower deck. Out on deck, the seven-person hot tub on the sun deck becomes a social hub, and this area also offers an outdoor bar, alfresco dining, plus lots of sunpads forward. On the main deck aft there’s a large lounge area with two U-shaped sofas facing each other beneath the bulwark, plus some fantail seating on the stern. NADAN yacht cruises at 12 knots and her shallow draft of just 6ft means she can cruise in both the Bahamas and the inland waterways. She comes with a Novurania tender (new for 2019), plus two dive tanks.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
A beautiful Hanse 460 with a 5 cabin layout and a long list of options, including Airconditioning. This yacht is fully equipped for charter including Airconditioning and available for handover. Meet the new Hanse 460 - the latest chapter in the Hanse success story. She is the first Hanse yacht designed by the French yacht designers Berret-Racoupeau. This modern beauty combines maximum innovation and traditional Hanse values, such as fast cruising and easy sailing concept- all with a consistently modern sporty look. The result is a yacht that provides adrenaline for skippers and an individual stylish home at sea for families. Some of the innovations included in this radically redefined yacht are the super hydrodynamic hull shape, tall rig for the maximised sail plan and standard bowsprit with integrated anchor arm. This new Hanse 460 offers from eight to ten berths, 4 heads and a navigation table. With the new Hanse 460 – the journey is the destination. Price comment: Fully equipped and ready for charter. The listed price is valid if the yacht stays in our Hanse Yachting World charter management program, otherwise a 6% surcharge applies. List of options and packages added to the standard equipment: Engine: Yanmar 4JH57, saildrive,fixed prop. LAYOUT b'&' INTERIOR5 cabins, 3 heads layoutA3: 2 fwd cabins with double berth, storage space and separate headsB3: Saloon with full functional L-galley on stb and dining area with bar on port C4: Head with separate shower stall and dayhead door on port and cabin with double bunkbed on stb WOOD (FURNITURE, FLOORBOARD)Furniture - Canadian ChestnutFloorboard - Noce Nero UPHOLSTERY, CARPETS b'&' CURTAINSUpholstery - Sorrento (Stone) Bb'&'G Navigation Package2 instrument pods (1 per helm station)2 Bb'&'G Triton² multifunction displays, 1 per helm station, incl. transducer (wind/depth/speed/temperature)Bb'&'G VHF V60 at chart table, incl. wireless remote handset H60 Bb'&'G Zeus³S 9/" chart plotter at helm station, stbBb'&'G Autopilot with Triton² control unit with WR10 remote control and Precision 9 compassWireless charging at helm station (waterproof)VHF preparation with antenna and splitter for FM and AIS Cruising PackageTeak on cockpit bottomTeak on cockpit benchesTeak on bathing platformHelmsman footrests (free mountable)2 additional cleats, midship (1 each side)Anchor windlass, electrical, 1000 W, automatic fuse, remote controlDelta-anchor 20 kg, galvanized with 60 m galvanized chainCockpit portlight, aft cabinsBattery set, capacity: 1x 90 Ah + 2x 160 Ah AGMDeep charge protection for service batteriesShower unit in cockpit, warm-/coldwaterWater akku for pressure equalizationWind indicatorFlagpole6 fenders4 mooring linesAdd. winch handleMast stepsHanse maintenance kit Comfort PackageCourtesy lights in cockpitCourtesy lights at companionway2 vents for coach roof hatchesCourtesy lights in saloonIndirect lights in saloon and cabinsLED overhead lights in saloon and cabins, dimmableSLS - Scenario light system - touch screen controller and dimmer in saloon and fwd cabinCockpit cushions (colour selection)Blind set with flyscreens for deck hatchesBlinds for hull windowsBlinds for side coach roof windows DECK b'&' OUTSIDE EQUIPMENTTeak on helmsman seats (only with XC9060)Cockpit table with teak top, electrically lowerable into sunbed incl. upholstery and cockpit bench extention, on stbCockpit table with teak top, electrically lowerable into sunbed incl. upholstery, on ps2 LEWMAR 45 ST EVO manual secondary winches2 helmsman seats, foldable Composite bowsprit with integrated anchor and forestay fitting with double mooring roll incl. 2nd forestay and gennaker eye NAVIGATION b'&' INSTRUMENTSMyHanse Safety Cloud hardware with 30 days free trial subscription and an interior light, switchable by APP PROPULSIONBowthruster, 24 V, retractable, incl. battery EQUIPMENTAir conditioning, 28.000 BTU, 3 units: saloon, fwd cabin, aft cabin, incl. 2nd shore power Additional components: Airconditioning 28.000 BTUBimini top, stainlees steel frameSprayhood, stainless steel frame, 3 windowsInverter (12V-220) 350 WUpgraded charger 75 A b'&' battery pack Radio CD (MP3/USB) player with saloon and cockpit speakersCharter equipment (deck, safety, navigational, galley, bedlinen…)Charter make-ready pack
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Italia (Tutte le città)
With its generous layout, this 74ft Sunreef catamaran ‘BLUE DEER’ was designed to meet the needs of those who value the highest standards while living on board. The open saloon boasts a panoramic view and an interior navigation helm spanning over 35 sq. m. The saloon's lounging area features an exceptionally comfortable U-shaped sofa made from natural grey fabrics, a foldable table, and a TV that slides directly from the kitchen countertop. Every space on board is adorned with carefully selected, elegant fabrics and materials of the highest quality for upholstery and furniture, striving for the utmost perfection. In the cabins, all decorative elements are crafted from 100% pure Italian linen, inspired by the colors of the Mediterranean and the Caribbean Sea, as well as the blue sky. The result is a perfect array of high-quality fabric shades in blue, aquamarine, and white, achieving a superior level of luxury, complemented by shimmering silver headboards.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
PACIFIC ALLURE 180 WHEELHOUSE Splendid is new to the market and presented in very well-maintained condition. Built in 2007 by Pacific Shipyard in The Netherlands for an experienced owner who instructed the yard to build his yacht to even higher quality standards than the yard’s existing high-end standards. The result is this stunning and elegant gentleman’s motor yacht with all the features for comfortable sailing and live-aboard. Her interior is breathing tranquillity with her spacious and light saloon area, and accommodates six guests in three comfortable cabins. The combination of her silent twin VOLVO PENTA D6-310hp engines, bow-/stern thruster and her remote-control docking system turns manoeuvring in harbours and locks into a real joy. With her CE category-B certification and ROTOSWING stabilizers she is ideal for longer distance passages as well as cruising the inland rivers. Her navy-blue hull and white topsides have been professionally repainted in 2023 in Alexseal. The teak decks have been re-caulked and lightly sanded in 2023. A short summary of features includes: Double glazing – KABOLA central interior heating – CRUISAIR air-conditioning. Dishwasher, 8kg washing machine and 8kg dryer. Generator and inverter system. Stabilizers – Bow-/stern thruster – Remote docking control Electric folding navigation arch for lower bridge clearance Splendid is ready for viewing in the boathouse in Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands, and a must see to appreciate her elegance, style and quality!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For sale: Algro 68 Swng keel Keel Bluewater yacht. The requirements from the first and only owners to designer and yard were a quality yacht capable for world cruising combining good sailing performance with a maximum of comfort for a crew of maximum 7, while equipped to be run shorthanded. The result is still fully satisfactory for her current and first owner who praise the advantages of the swing keel allowing a variable draft of 1.90 m to a maximum of 4.00m, the deck saloon creating a spacious and light filled interior, the dinghy garage and the sophisticated dinghy crane allowing easy launch of the dinghy, among many other features. ELOWYN was regularly serviced, maintained, and upgraded and is offered VAT paid and German registered. For further information and viewing arrangements please contact Hanne Niederbracht at the Palma office or call +34 616 04 68 50 (English/Español/Deutsch/Français).
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Maxi catamaran OCEAN PEARL was launched by Multiplex/France as CLUB MEDITERANNEE to compete in “The Race 2000”. Skippered by Grant Dalton she not only won the famous race around the world in March after just over 62 days but also set a new world record for the distance sailed in 24 hours of 655 nm. She continued her successful racing career as “Club Med”, “Maiden II” (new record of 697 nm/24h under Tracy Edwards) and “Doha 2006” with skipper Brian Thompson. In 2017 she was relaunched as OCEAN PEARL after completing an 18-month comprehensive refit and conversion into a fast maxi cruiser catamaran with a light but comfortable interior to accommodate 8 guests and 4 crew. Only high-quality equipment was used to keep the overall weight down. The result is a maxi cruiser racer catamaran offering fast ocean crossing, blue water cruising and/or an exhilarating charter experience in the Med. Now ready to be handed over to a new owner. For further information and viewing arrangements please contact Hanne Niederbracht (English, Espan~ol, Deutsch, Franc¸ais) at the Palma office or call +34 616 04 68 50
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Italia (Tutte le città)
As powerful as it is graceful, the 68 Sport Yacht is a classic example of Sunseeker innovation. The streamlined shape and unmistakable style, they’re all Sunseeker trademarks. In fact, everything about this remarkable Sport Yacht is the result of years of dedication and an unwavering desire to produce the best, while outside her lavishness is taken to a whole new level thanks to the large sunpads both fore and aft. When first impressions count, this impeccable yacht always delivers. This is the current owners 8th Sunseeker and it shows, subtly specified from new with some excellent details and touches which the next owner will certainly appreciate. With low engine hours and skipper maintained from new, this is a must see example. Please contact us for more information on this must have Sport Yacht.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Engines: 2 x Twin Cummins QSB 6.7 (550hp) diesel engines - Approx 320 engine hours Description Stunningly beautiful, exceptionally comfortable, and customizable with two distinct interior design moods, the Ferretti Yachts 500 marks a new chapter for the brand. This fresh addition to their line-up merges the thrill of nautical adventure with the comfort typically found on larger vessels. The result is a warm, family-oriented atmosphere that envelops guests in a sense of complete wellbeing. Whether enjoying time alone or with loved ones, this yacht invites you to experience it as an exclusive, authentic, multi-sensory retreat. Equipment Hull Colour White hull Deck Equipment Teak decking in cockpit, side-decks and foredeck Seating around high/low fold-out teak cockpit table Hydraulic high/low transom platform Gate and steps leading to transom platform Letterbox passarelle Flybridge wetbar Foredeck sunbeds Navigation Equipment 2 x Simrad navigation screens at flybridge helm 3 x Simrad navigation screens at the main helm Simrad radar Simrad autopilot Ship's Systems Joystick control at lower and upper helm Seakeeper Gyro stabiliser Bow thruster Humphree interceptors Air-conditioning with outlets in all cabins, inc. crew cabin Generator Interior Fitout 3 cabins accommodating 6 guests Crew cabin Saloon with seating around dining table plus additional sofa Sliding doors from saloon to cockpit Master cabin with large double bed, sofa, sideboard and ensuite bathroom VIP cabin with double bed and ensuite bathroom Guest cabin with bunk beds Interior Equipment TV’s in saloon, master cabin and forward cabin Icemaker Microwave Dishwasher Induction hob Broker's Comments Priced to sell Fresh antifouling, zinc anodes and engine service (March 2024) 2023 October – mechanical servicing 2023 February – hull antifouling and anodes 1 owner from new, maintained to a very good standard by an experienced motor boat owner Joystick manoeuvrability for close quarter docking Seakeeper Gyroscopic stabiliser
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This stunning classic is the result of the collaboration between the renowned Cantiere Del Pardo and the great Alain Jezequel. Designed for those who love to sail. A queen of used boats, those who have one hold on to it tightly. This boat has undergone an extensive refit in 2021 including full engine reconditioning, new teak decking, updated rigging and new sails. The loving owners of this boat have maintained her to a great standard and you will be hard pressed to find a boat on the market with such class and condition.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
As powerful as it is graceful, the 68 Sport Yacht is a classic example of Sunseeker innovation. The streamlined shape and unmistakable style, they’re all Sunseeker trademarks. In fact, everything about this remarkable Sport Yacht is the result of years of dedication and an unwavering desire to produce the best, while outside her lavishness is taken to a whole new level thanks to the large sunpads both fore and aft. When first impressions count, this impeccable yacht always delivers.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Unique opportunity, this example of the multi award winning Grand Trawler 62 can be delivered early 2023 and represents all that is best about distance cruising or luxurious spells afloat. Range, space, quality, comfort, stability, the Grand Trawler 62 brings all of this to life. The Grand trawler 62 is the result of BENETEAU’s collaboration with Massimo Gino (Nauta Design) and Amedeo Migali (MICAD) and capitalize on the highly successful Swift Trawler range of practical, spacious boats, with a considerable cruising range, and put Groupe Beneteau’s experience in producing luxury boats to good use. Contact us to discuss trade in and delivery options
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Built in 2005, this Couach 3500 FLY accommodates 10 guests in 5 en suite staterooms, and is ideal for owners seeking a yacht that offers a luxurious setting adapted for cruising. She benefits from all the care and savoir-faire of the Couach shipyard. Her hull is the result of studies carried out on commerciall boats used in high seas by marines and coastguards around the world. Her well appointed and practical layout offers great living areas. With her top speed of 30 knots and range of up to 1000 NM, she really does offer the perfect blend of comfort and performance.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
A truly stunning design by this renowned shipyard, that will not fail to turn heads. With her 6.3m beam and drawn-out curves, the result is a contemporary masterpiece.  Tri-Hull Technology and triple IPS drives give a smooth and fuel-efficient ride at up to 33 knots. A beautiful cockpit layout with huge entertaining area, twin aft sunbeds and a practical but stylish hard top. The interior is simplistic elegance with 2 staterooms, immaculately finished in neutral tones.  Full metallic paint, glass cockpit navigation and screens, joystick manoeuvering, Bang & Olufsen sound system and more...  Only 54 hours on main engines and ready to enjoy the season. 
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Husaria 570 BR offers a unique design, attention to detail and, above all, precision craftsmanship. As a result of long thinking, an exclusive product was created. The company's goal is not mass production, but the creation of versatile vessels for those looking for new experiences, including aesthetic ones. All Husaria vessels are fully personalized. It is the customer who decides on every detail of the vessel, which ensures a sense of uniqueness and originality. The only thing that is mandatorily imposed by the manufacturer is the construction of the hull and the strong frame, which ensures an unparalleled and customized sailing quality. Every smallest element of the vessel's construction has been meticulously designed and then manufactured with the utmost care and high standard, resulting in a perfect product. We have achieved this through a precise and long-term production process and without compromises in the use of the highest quality materials and the quality of manufacturing of individual components. STANDARD EQUIPMENT: Hull and deck in white. Set of stainless steel railings 4 stainless steel pin mooring points on the bow 7 lockers with Kandahar type flaps and locks Floor locker with socket Anchor chamber cover with mortise lock Two-piece smoked plexiglass armor Automatic bilge pump 2 swivel and removable Silvertex diamond seats Silvertex mattresses, diamonds Water drains from cockpits Ladder mounted under platform Rear stowage ventilation Engine compartment water drains Complete mechanical control system
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Italia (Tutte le città)
THE REBIRTH OF A CLASSIC AN INCREDIBLE EVOLUTION IN ONE OF FEADSHIP MOST ICONIC MOTOR YACHTS Incredible Opportunity To Own One Of The Most Unique Feadship On The Market Today!  Originally built by one of the most respected yachtsman as “Excellence,” together with Feadship created one of the Top Motor Yachts of its time.  Well aware that necessary modifications and upgrades were needed, the current owner carefully planned and strategically executed a complete and extensive refit that spanned almost 9 years and over $13m USD. With the focus on the ability to Relax and Socialize in Heightened Comfort, Style and Sophistication.  No detail was overlooked during its re-design and construction.  The end result is flawless, like new everywhere you look and touch, with almost everything onboard either modified new, replaced or rebuilt.  Don't Miss The Rare Opportunity To Own One Of The Most Unique and Versatile Motor Yachts In Its Size Range.  /"Miss “Iloilo/" is truly a Work Of Art and in Ready To Go Condition for her new owner. ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS MOVE YOUR LUGGAGE ONBOARD AND GO... NOTABLE HIGHLIGHTS:  REFIT TO RINA PLEASURE CLASSIFICATION NEW CAT C32 660HP ENGINES AND TRANSMISSIONS NEW ABT TRAC ZERO SPEED STABILIZERS NEW SERVOWATCH MONITORING AND FIRE SYSTEM COMPLETELY GUTTED RE-DESIGNED AND RE-BUILT VIRTUALLY EVERYTHING ONBOARD IS NEW OR CHECKED OFF AS IN TOP CONDITION CAPTAIN REFIT REPORT AVAILABLE TO INTERESTED BUYERS COMPLETE PHOTO BROCHURE AND SPECIFICATION AVAILABLE TO INTERESTED BUYERS  CONTACT LISTING BROKER FOR ACCURATE DETAILS ABOUT THIS INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY!!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 powered by a Yamaha F150 mechanical control outboard engine. First launched in 2018. Presented in good condition throughout. Well configured with the following specification: * 2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795.* Yamaha F150 DETX – mechanical control outboard engine (473 hours).* Premiere Pack. (opening roof hatch, aft cockpit cushions, two windscreen wipers, screen wash, sliding side windows, cockpit shower).* Garmin echoMap UHD 95 sv GPS chartplotter and fishfinder* Electric anchor windlass.* Anchor and mooring kit.* U-shaped cockpit saloon with table and sundeck conversion.* Swim platforms with teak.* Bow thruster.* Shore power and battery charger.* Luxury galley with gas hob and gas bottle.* Fridge.* Twin batteries.* Curtains.* Sea toilet.* Antifouling. Further details and photos to follow. * National or international delivery available. * Trade in available - valuations on request. The Merry Fisher 795 adopts a dynamic and rewarding design, both inside and out. All the innovations of the recent Merry Fisher 695 can be found onboard, plus many more! With a lot of light, the Merry Fisher 795 combines a new dynamic profile with a large number of innovations to improve on-board comfort and to ensure that it remains the market reference. Designed with family cruising in mind, the Merry Fisher 795 features a large aft cockpit with plenty of seating arranged in a sociable U-shape with a large central table. Inside the sliding doors there is a wide and accessible walkway down the centre, a dinette with seating for four to the portside and the well-appointed galley to the starboard side. The helm is well designed with lots of space for the array of electronics and control. The steering is hydraulic and the engine controls are electronic, for simple operation. Included is a 9/" Garmin touchscreen GPS chartplotter and fishfinder, and a Garmin VHF radio with DSC and AIS. To hand are the bow thruster controls, engine display and all other control switches. In the bow is a good sized heads compartment with a door, sea toilet and sink, forward is a double berth. MERRY FISHER 795: THE MOST CHIC WEEKENDER ABOUT US: BHG Marine are part of the Berthon Boat Company group. Situated within Berthon Lymington Marina on the Lymington River, we have a wealth of services and facilities within our 20-acre site. Visit our sales office and showroom to see a wide range of new and used powerboats and yacht tenders. Specialising in Jeanneau powerboats, Zodiac and AB RIBs, inflatables and yacht tenders, Linder aluminium boats, Yamaha outboard engines, davit systems, Propguards and much more. With such a large boatyard and a 300 deep water berth marina, we are well facilitated to not only help you buy your boat, but also find it a home with the best facilities to make ownership simple. BHG Marine was originally founded in 1947 and has a long-standing, and leading, presence in the outboard-powered powerboat market. Berthon has been synonymous with yacht services and yacht building since 1877, and as a result, we have a combined wealth of knowledge and experience that is rivaled by no other. With 100 skilled craftsmen, at modern boatyard facilities in Lymington, Hampshire, BHG Marine and Berthon have the ability to deal with all aspects of yacht and motor boat repairs, refits, maintenance and servicing. We also project manage yacht and boat construction or fit-out projects of the highest quality. At our Lymington boatyard, the dedication to providing the best marine services is key to the yard’s success; we constantly invest in new equipment and carry out very regular lean management exercise to ensure the utmost efficiency as well as operating an award-winning apprenticeship scheme which embraces modern technology whilst allowing many of our craftsmen who have been with us throughout their working life to pass on their skills and best practices. We pride ourselves on our very comprehensive handovers and training with our own technically skilled boat handlers. We ensure you are confident in handling the boat, as well as using all systems onboard and the correct maintenance. BHG Marine can also arrange for your boat to be delivered anywhere in the UK and Europe, making sure it's shrinkwrapped and carefully prepared for the journey.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 powered by a Yamaha F150 mechanical control outboard engine. First launched in 2018. Presented in good condition throughout. Well configured with the following specification: * 2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795.* Yamaha F150 DETX – mechanical control outboard engine (473 hours).* Premiere Pack. (opening roof hatch, aft cockpit cushions, two windscreen wipers, screen wash, sliding side windows, cockpit shower).* Garmin echoMap UHD 95 sv GPS chartplotter and fishfinder* Electric anchor windlass.* Anchor and mooring kit.* U-shaped cockpit saloon with table and sundeck conversion.* Swim platforms with teak.* Bow thruster.* Shore power and battery charger.* Luxury galley with gas hob and gas bottle.* Fridge.* Twin batteries.* Curtains.* Sea toilet.* Antifouling. Further details and photos to follow. * National or international delivery available. * Trade in available - valuations on request. The Merry Fisher 795 adopts a dynamic and rewarding design, both inside and out. All the innovations of the recent Merry Fisher 695 can be found onboard, plus many more! With a lot of light, the Merry Fisher 795 combines a new dynamic profile with a large number of innovations to improve on-board comfort and to ensure that it remains the market reference. Designed with family cruising in mind, the Merry Fisher 795 features a large aft cockpit with plenty of seating arranged in a sociable U-shape with a large central table. Inside the sliding doors there is a wide and accessible walkway down the centre, a dinette with seating for four to the portside and the well-appointed galley to the starboard side. The helm is well designed with lots of space for the array of electronics and control. The steering is hydraulic and the engine controls are electronic, for simple operation. Included is a 9/" Garmin touchscreen GPS chartplotter and fishfinder. To hand are the bow thruster controls, engine display and all other control switches. In the bow is a good sized heads compartment with a door, sea toilet and sink, forward is a double berth. MERRY FISHER 795: THE MOST CHIC WEEKENDER ABOUT US: BHG Marine are part of the Berthon Boat Company group. Situated within Berthon Lymington Marina on the Lymington River, we have a wealth of services and facilities within our 20-acre site. Visit our sales office and showroom to see a wide range of new and used powerboats and yacht tenders. Specialising in Jeanneau powerboats, Zodiac and AB RIBs, inflatables and yacht tenders, Linder aluminium boats, Yamaha outboard engines, davit systems, Propguards and much more. With such a large boatyard and a 300 deep water berth marina, we are well facilitated to not only help you buy your boat, but also find it a home with the best facilities to make ownership simple. BHG Marine was originally founded in 1947 and has a long-standing, and leading, presence in the outboard-powered powerboat market. Berthon has been synonymous with yacht services and yacht building since 1877, and as a result, we have a combined wealth of knowledge and experience that is rivaled by no other. With 100 skilled craftsmen, at modern boatyard facilities in Lymington, Hampshire, BHG Marine and Berthon have the ability to deal with all aspects of yacht and motor boat repairs, refits, maintenance and servicing. We also project manage yacht and boat construction or fit-out projects of the highest quality. At our Lymington boatyard, the dedication to providing the best marine services is key to the yard’s success; we constantly invest in new equipment and carry out very regular lean management exercise to ensure the utmost efficiency as well as operating an award-winning apprenticeship scheme which embraces modern technology whilst allowing many of our craftsmen who have been with us throughout their working life to pass on their skills and best practices. We pride ourselves on our very comprehensive handovers and training with our own technically skilled boat handlers. We ensure you are confident in handling the boat, as well as using all systems onboard and the correct maintenance. BHG Marine can also arrange for your boat to be delivered anywhere in the UK and Europe, making sure it's shrinkwrapped and carefully prepared for the journey.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This Lagoon 46 is available with Yacht-Match tailored yacht ownership - in Greece, Croatia, Italy, Spain or the Caribbean. ***Tailored Yacht ownership opportunities*** Charter Ownership grants you the luxury of owning your own favourite yacht without the hassle of traditional boat ownership. Enjoy your yacht without worrying about the costs of the insurance, mooring, spare parts, and maintenance, and receive an annual kick-back or finance for the yacht from the charter income. Available opportunities: Instant Charter Ownership, allows you can enjoy worry-free yacht ownership as we handle all aspects of operation, chartering, and management throughout the program's duration. From insurance and berthing to maintenance, winterization, and charter management, your operational partner covers every requirement and cost. By chartering your yacht to third parties, we ensure it’s maintained to the highest standards, safeguarding its value and giving you complete peace of mind. Smart Charter Ownership Flatrate, lets you pay just 15% upfront and the balance upon delivery. Yacht-Match supports you with a tailored charter business plan and financing assistance. We handle all operational and management responsibilities, ensuring a guaranteed annual charter income of 6-7%. Smart Charter Ownership – Flexible, enables you to enjoy a fully tailored solution with maximum freedom. Yacht-Match provides financing assistance through a custom charter business plan and handles all operations, ensuring transparency. Charter income covers all costs while maintaining your yacht to the highest standards, preserving its value and ensuring reliability. Owners benefit from full access to financial records, with an annual ROI of 9–12%. *** Financing available *** We can support you in finding the matching finance. Starting with only a 35% downpayment. The leasing duration and payment structure will be tailored to your situation. Conditions depend on the type of yacht, country, and personal or business situation. We are committed to providing you with the best possible yachting experience by offering unique purchase opportunities and tailored ownership solutions. Our brokers speak: Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch, English, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, or Croatian Why Yacht-Match? With the professional support of Yacht-Match, you can choose any brand sailing yacht, multihull or motor yacht. Your consultant will tailor to optimal yacht management with your preferences in mind. What can you expect? Unlock the Market – You will access real deals you usually wouldn't find and become equipped with the best comparison tools and financing options. We guide you through the entire purchasing process and open the market for you. As a result, you will get a broader perspective and be fully informed about the ownership solutions. What makes Yacht-Match unique? Yacht-Match forms an exclusive network of selected service providers in the world's most sought-after sailing areas with +62 marinas and +700 yachts in management. The unbiased and professional consultancy will enlighten you and unveil the true potential of tailor-made yacht ownership.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This Excess 11 is available with Yacht-Match tailored yacht ownership - in Greece, Croatia, Italy, Spain or the Caribbean. ***Tailored Yacht ownership opportunities*** Charter Ownership grants you the luxury of owning your own favourite yacht without the hassle of traditional boat ownership. Enjoy your yacht without worrying about the costs of the insurance, mooring, spare parts, and maintenance, and receive an annual kick-back or finance for the yacht from the charter income. Available opportunities: Instant Charter Ownership, allows you can enjoy worry-free yacht ownership as we handle all aspects of operation, chartering, and management throughout the program's duration. From insurance and berthing to maintenance, winterization, and charter management, your operational partner covers every requirement and cost. By chartering your yacht to third parties, we ensure it’s maintained to the highest standards, safeguarding its value and giving you complete peace of mind. Smart Charter Ownership Flatrate, lets you pay just 15% upfront and the balance upon delivery. Yacht-Match supports you with a tailored charter business plan and financing assistance. We handle all operational and management responsibilities, ensuring a guaranteed annual charter income of 6-7%. Smart Charter Ownership – Flexible, enables you to enjoy a fully tailored solution with maximum freedom. Yacht-Match provides financing assistance through a custom charter business plan and handles all operations, ensuring transparency. Charter income covers all costs while maintaining your yacht to the highest standards, preserving its value and ensuring reliability. Owners benefit from full access to financial records, with an annual ROI of 9–12%. *** Financing available *** We can support you in finding the matching finance. Starting with only a 35% downpayment. The leasing duration and payment structure will be tailored to your situation. Conditions depend on the type of yacht, country, and personal or business situation. We are committed to providing you with the best possible yachting experience by offering unique purchase opportunities and tailored ownership solutions. Our brokers speak: Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch, English, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, or Croatian Why Yacht-Match? With the professional support of Yacht-Match, you can choose any brand sailing yacht, multihull or motor yacht. Your consultant will tailor to optimal yacht management with your preferences in mind. What can you expect? Unlock the Market – You will access real deals you usually wouldn't find and become equipped with the best comparison tools and financing options. We guide you through the entire purchasing process and open the market for you. As a result, you will get a broader perspective and be fully informed about the ownership solutions. What makes Yacht-Match unique? Yacht-Match forms an exclusive network of selected service providers in the world's most sought-after sailing areas with +62 marinas and +700 yachts in management. The unbiased and professional consultancy will enlighten you and unveil the true potential of tailor-made yacht ownership.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Sunreef Supreme 68' Power -  Built 2017 - Boat in Good Condition - Fully Equipped - Sunreef Supreme 68 'Power - Baujahr 2017 - Boot in gutem Zustand - Voll ausgestattet -  Sunreef Supreme 68 'Power - Construido en 2017 - Barco en buen estado - Full Equipment    SUNREEF SUPREME 68 POWER: The Sunreef Supreme Range embodies a very specific philosophy of yacht creation. It is an audacious line of yachts and superyachts designed to become the world’s most comfortable and spacious range of lifestyle-oriented boats. The Sunreef Supreme 68 Power is a 68 ft power catamaran with a total living space of 302 sqm offering the surface of a superyacht on a unit below 24 m. The Sunreef Supreme’s architecture revisits the way catamarans have been so far designed. A new, radical concept of the superstructure allows keeping the saloon and exterior deck on the same level. As a result, the Sunreef Supreme 68 Power boasts an enormous main room surrounded with floor to ceiling glass - a smooth, seamless space opening onto the cockpit and giving direct access to the deck through sliding doors on both sides of the yacht. The exterior and interior surfaces of the boat merge into one panoramic lounging and dining area. The design of the main deck and hulls offers a total versatility in the possibilities for a smart, individually tailored layout matching every single Owner’s lifestyle. With an infinite choice of materials for the décor of the saloon, cabins, and bathrooms, each Sunreef Supreme 68 Power reflects her Owner’s style and personality. The Sunreef Supreme 68 is equipped with an aft garage - a truly revolutionary feature on a catamaran under 70 feet. This voluminous space allows us to conveniently store a 5m tender, up to two jet-skis, diving gear, and numerous water toys. The garage door, when lowered, creates a large aft platform that is perfect for water sports.
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Torino (Piemonte)
Accessori During hard braking, ESS causes the brake light to flash, calling attention to the bike’s quick deceleration. When the system determines that continuing at the current speed may result in a collision with the vehicle in front, it warns the rider. Kawasaki’s new smartphone-based infotainment app enables various third-party applications to be downloaded and displayed on the cockpit’s TFT display. Activated when the rider has stopped and firmly applies the brake(s), VHA engages the rear brake to allow the rider to relax their brake hand/foot. A more advanced version of Electronic Cruise Control, ACC maintains the speed set by the rider, but adjusts the vehicle speed to maintain a suitable following distance from the vehicle in front. KIPASS (Kawasaki’s Intelligent Proximity Activation Start System) master key system allows remote activation of the bike’s main switch and steering lock. Lean-activated lights built into the fairings help illuminate the road when cornering. TPMS continuously monitors tyre air pressure while riding, adding to rider reassurance on long tours. Tipo offerta In pronta consegna. Da immatricolare. Spese di immatricolazione a carico dell'acquirente. Norma antinquinamento Euro 4 Altre condizioni Si valuta la permuta con usato Cilindrata 998 cc Colore VERDE Depotenziata No Solo uso pista No ABS Si Special No Elettrica No
25,88 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
1998 Colvin 85 | Meta IV It is rare to find such great examples of Thomas Colvin’s well-thought out and quick ketches on the brokerage market. Meta IV was built by one of Phuket’s legendary shipwrights many years ago using the local Takin Tong hardwood, which is a renowned wood impervious to 99% of life’s bugs. The builder warrants the wood with a 99-year life when correctly maintained – that’s many decades more than the modern materials used in other builds. The fact that builder is still in business shows how well his yachts last and is a testament to his build quality. Built with love and attention to detail, Meta IV boasts six spacious cabins with superb headroom in each and ensuites in most. The crew are also well catered for forward, and a full-beam master suite just behind the helm delivers optimal comfort at sea for the owner. Her fine hull lines along a decent acreage of sails translate into a very rapid and comfortable motion under way. An entry, for instance in any of the local regattas such as Kings Cup, would do her owner designer and builder credit with a likely podium result. Currently lying in one of the world’s best cruising areas with most systems in reasonable condition, Meta IV is ready with just minor work needed (eg. galley to complete) to set sail with family or other guests. The Yacht Sales Co can assist with relocation of this vessel to your port of choice, including providing various quotations for shipping or delivery crew and managing the process. Visit the Multihull Solutions website for full inventory and further information, and contact the team to arrange an inspection.
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