Top conditions
Elenco delle migliori vendite top conditions

Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione Quella che fu “solo” una super utilitaria FIAT diventa icona e, con il tempo, si trasforma magicamente in auto da collezione e di tendenza. È il destino di un vero simbolo degli anni ’80: la Fiat Panda. Questo esemplare di panda Fiat Panda CLX ha avuto un solo anziano proprietario, che le ha garantito una vita tranquilla preservando l'originalità percorrendo solo 83.000 km. La carrozzeria colore Verde Malta metalizzato e gli interni in tessuto sono originali e ben conservati e non ci sono segni di corrosione. Il motore da 770 cc fire funziona correttamente e recentemente ha ricevuto una manutenzione che comprende sostituzione filtri e liquidi e nuova distribuzione. Auto completa di tutti I manuali originali e garanzia di consegna.
4.500 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione Lancia Beta Montecarlo, disegnata da Pininfarina, era definita la "Piccola Ferrari", per le sue linee aerodinamiche e la sua grinta con un passato storico sportivo, vincitrice di diverse gare, come la 6 ore di Silverstone... Vettura proveniente dalla assolata Puglia, dove �� stata tenuta con molta cura �� una rara e apprezzata seconda serie del 1982. Ancora oggi �� molto divertente con motore da 2.000 cc. molto grintoso, capace di regalare forti emozioni nella guida e un sound da vera sportiva. Gli interni, in tessuto, sono originali e conservati e si presentano in buone condizioni. La carrozzeria, grigio metallizzato cod. 678, si presenta ancora in belle condizioni, ed �� presente manuale uso e manutenzione e trousse attrezzi originale. Tutta la vettura ha un alto grado di conservazione, da notare che ha ancora le etichette originali nel vano motore. Un auto da collezionare le cui quotazioni sono destinate a salire in futuro.
20.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
L’Axopar 37 Sun Top 2022 est un modèle performant, motorisé avec deux moteurs Mercury Verado V8 de 300 CV, totalisant 210 heures de navigation. Cette motorisation permet une grande souplesse de manœuvre, une bonne accélération et une consommation optimisée, idéale pour les sorties en Méditerranée.
Ce bateau est équipé de l'Edition Méditerranée, qui inclut plusieurs options pratiques pour les conditions ensoleillées: toit solaire coulissant couvrant le cockpit, idéal pour moduler l’ombre et réduire la chaleur à bord. Le cockpit comprend une table ajustable qui peut être abaissée pour se transformer en bain de soleil, offrant un espace multifonctionnel pour les moments de détente.
À l’arrière, on retrouve un compartiment de rangement spacieux sur le pont, parfait pour stocker du matériel ou des équipements de sport nautique. Ce modèle est également équipé de rangements sous les sièges, de multiples prises USB, d’un système audio intégré, d’un GPS de dernière génération, ainsi que d'un système de flaps et de propulseur d’étrave pour un contrôle optimal.
Le bateau est visible dans notre chantier à Grimaud. Contactez-nous pour plus de détails ou pour organiser une visite.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
TOP CONDITIONS. Stabilized, day toilet on main deck, each head (4) down in lower deck with bidet. All the softs new 2020.
Note sul prezzo: + IVA se dovuta
English TOP CONDITIONS. Stabilized, day toilet on main deck, each head (4) down in lower deck with bidet. All the softs new 2020.
Française CONDITIONS OPTIMALES. Stabilisées, toilettes de jour sur le pont principal, chaque tête (4) vers le bas dans le pont inférieur avec bidet. Tous les softs nouveau 2020.
Deutsch TOP KONDITIONEN. Stabilisierte Tagestoilette auf dem Hauptdeck, jeder Kopf (4) unten im Unterdeck mit Bidet. Alle Softs neu 2020.
Español CONDICIONES SUPERIORES. Estabilizado, inodoro de día en la cubierta principal, cada cabeza (4) hacia abajo en la cubierta inferior con bidé. Todos los softs nuevos 2020.
Россию ЛУЧШИЕ УСЛОВИЯ. Стабилизированный, дневной туалет на главной палубе, каждая голова (4) вниз на нижней палубе с биде. Все софты новые 2020.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
TOP CONDITIONS. Truly unique unit of the mighty Riva Opera 85 serie. Very few engine hrs. Up/down hydraulic platform at transom realized as a work of art for a more spacey flybridge free from crane astern. Spectacular master cabin amidship out of a 3 guests cabin layout (from origin): the stbd guest cabin area has been split partly as loundry utility room (with washer and dryer with separate units) and partly for master cabin's office. Day toilet on main deck. New teak 2021. New navigation equipment 2023. Privately used from new only, Eu vat paid. Free from lease. Williams 445 jet, on separate negotiation.
English TOP CONDITIONS. Truly unique unit of the mighty Riva Opera 85 series. Very few engine hrs. Up/down hydraulic platform at transom realized as a work of art for a more spacey flybridge free from crane astern. Spectacular master cabin amidship out of a 3 guests cabin layout (from origin): the stbd guest cabin area has been split partly as loundry utility room (with washer and dryer with separate units) and partly for master cabin's office. Day toilet on main deck. New teak 2021. New navigation equipment 2023. Privately used from new only, Eu vat paid. Free from lease. Williams 445 jet, on separate negotiation.
Française CONDITIONS OPTIMALES. Unité vraiment unique de la puissante série Riva Opera 85. Très peu d’heures de moteur. Plate-forme hydraulique montante / descendante au tableau arrière réalisée comme une œuvre d’art pour un flybridge plus spatial sans grue arrière. Spectaculaire cabine principale au milieu d’une disposition de cabine 3 invités (d’origine): la zone de cabine invité stbd a été divisée en partie en buanderie (avec laveuse et sécheuse avec unités séparées) et en partie pour le bureau de la cabine principale. Toilette de jour sur le pont principal. Nouveau teck 2021. Nouvel équipement de navigation 2023. Utilisé à titre privé à partir de neuf uniquement, TVA européenne payée. Libre de location. Jet Williams 445, en négociation séparée.
Deutsch TOP KONDITIONEN. Wirklich einzigartiges Gerät der mächtigen Riva Opera 85 Serie. Sehr wenige Motorstunden. Up/Down hydraulische Plattform am Heckspiegel realisiert als Kunstwerk für eine geräumigere Flybridge ohne Kran achtern. Spektakuläre Masterkabine mittschiffs aus einem 3-Gäste-Kabinenlayout (vom Ursprung): Der STBD-Gästekabinenbereich wurde teilweise als Waschraum (mit Waschmaschine und Trockner mit separaten Einheiten) und teilweise für das Büro der Masterkabine aufgeteilt. Tagestoilette auf dem Hauptdeck. Neues Teakholz 2021. Neue Navigationsausrüstung 2023. Privat genutzt nur neu, EU-Mehrwertsteuer bezahlt. Frei von Leasing. Williams 445 Jet, auf separaten Verhandlungen.
Español MEJORES CONDICIONES. Unidad verdaderamente única de la poderosa serie Riva Opera 85. Muy pocas horas de motor. Plataforma hidráulica arriba/abajo en el espejo de popa realizada como una obra de arte para un flybridge más espacial libre de popa de grúa. Espectacular cabina principal en el centro del barco de un diseño de cabina para 3 huéspedes (desde el origen): el área de la cabina de invitados stbd se ha dividido en parte como lavadero de lavandería (con lavadora y secadora con unidades separadas) y en parte para la oficina de la cabina principal. Aseo de día en cubierta principal. Teca nueva 2021. Nuevo equipo de navegación 2023. De uso privado desde nuevo solamente, IVA de la UE pagado. Libre de arrendamiento. Williams 445 jet, en negociación separada.
Россию ЛУЧШИЕ УСЛОВИЯ. Поистине уникальный агрегат могучей серии Riva Opera 85. Очень мало часов двигателя. Вверх / вниз гидравлическая платформа на транце реализована как произведение искусства для более космического флайбриджа, свободного от крана на корме. Впечатляющая мастер-каюта на миделе из компоновки каюты для 3 гостей (от начала): зона гостевой каюты stbd была разделена частично как подсобное помещение (со стиральной машиной и сушилкой с отдельными блоками) и частично для офиса мастер-каюты. Дневной туалет на главной палубе. Новый тик 2021. Новое навигационное оборудование 2023. В частном порядке используется только из нового, ЕС НДС оплачивается. Без аренды. Самолет Williams 445, на отдельных переговорах.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Stunning unit from the AB 116 series, Kevlar built and triple Mtu + Kamewa jets powered. Sole Owner from new and sole Captain on duty from the day she was ordered. RINA Charter class en course, tip top conditions. In water 4 months the year only, 8 months in shed. Ready for visits and inspections. 5 guests cabins, sleeps 6 crew.
English Stunning unit from the AB 116 series, Kevlar built and triple Mtu + Kamewa jets powered. Sole Owner from new and sole Captain on duty from the day she was ordered. RINA Charter class en course, tip top conditions. In water 4 months the year only, 8 months in shed. Ready for visits and inspections. 5 guests cabins, sleeps 6 crew.
Française Superbe unité de la série AB 116, construite en Kevlar et triple jets Mtu + Kamewa alimentés. Propriétaire unique du nouveau et unique capitaine en service à partir du jour où elle a été commandée. RINA Charter cours en cours, tip top conditions. Dans l’eau 4 mois l’année seulement, 8 mois dans le hangar. Prêt pour les visites et les inspections. Cabines de 5 personnes, 6 personnes d’équipage.
Deutsch Atemberaubende Einheit aus der AB 116 Serie, Kevlar gebaut und dreifach Mtu + Kamewa Jets angetrieben. Alleineigentümerin von neuem und alleiniger Kapitän im Dienst ab dem Tag, an dem sie bestellt wurde. RINA Charter Klasse auf Kurs, Tipp Top Konditionen. Im Wasser 4 Monate nur das Jahr, 8 Monate im Schuppen. Bereit für Besuche und Inspektionen. 5 Gäste Kabinen, für 6 Crew.
Español Impresionante unidad de la serie AB 116, construida con Kevlar y triple Mtu + Kamewa jets. Único propietario de nuevo y único capitán de servicio desde el día en que se le ordenó. Clase RINA Charter en curso, propina mejores condiciones. En agua 4 meses al año solamente, 8 meses en cobertizo. Listo para visitas e inspecciones. Cabinas de 5 personas, capacidad para 6 tripulantes.
Россию Потрясающий агрегат из серии AB 116, построенный из кевлара и тройной реактивный самолет Mtu + Kamewa. Единственный владелец от нового и единственного капитана на дежурстве со дня ее заказа. RINA Чартерный класс в курсе, чаевые лучшие условия. В воде только 4 месяца в году, 8 месяцев в сарае. Готов к посещениям и проверкам. 5 гостевых кают, спальных мест 6 членов экипажа.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Sole Owner from new, tip top conditions. Stabilized underway + zero speed.
Note sul prezzo: + IVA se dovuta
English Sole Owner from new, tip top conditions. Stabilized underway + zero speed.
Française Propriétaire unique de nouvelles conditions tip top. Stabilisé en cours + vitesse zéro.
Deutsch Alleineigentümer aus neuen, spitze Top-Bedingungen. Stabilisiert im Gange + Null-Geschwindigkeit.
Español Propietario único de nuevas condiciones de punta. Estabilizado en marcha + velocidad cero.
Россию Одинокий владелец из новых, наконечник верхних условиях. Стабилизировалась в настоящее время - нулевая скорость.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Sole Owner from new, Captain mainteined and ready to go.Top conditions.
Note sul prezzo: + IVA se dovuta
English Sole Owner from new, Captain mainteined and ready to go. Top conditions.
Française Propriétaire de Sole de nouveau, capitaine mainteined et prêt à partir. Conditions supérieures.
Deutsch Sole Owner von neu, Captain mainteined und bereit zu gehen. Top-Bedingungen.
Español Único propietario de nuevo, Capitán mantenido y listo para comenzar. Condiciones superiores.
Россию Единственный владелец из нового, капитан веходин и готов к работе. Лучшие условия.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
refit 2016: modern interiors, up/down extended platform astern, new teak. ARG gyro stabilizer, EU vat paid. Tip top conditions throughout.
English refit 2016: modern interiors, up/down extended platform astern, new teak. ARG gyro stabilizer, EU vat paid. Tip top conditions throughout.
Française refit 2016: intérieurs modernes, plate-forme étendue haut / bas à l’arrière, nouveau teck. Stabilisateur gyroscopique ARG, TVA européenne payée. Des conditions optimales tout au long.
Deutsch refit 2016: modernes Interieur, nach oben/unten verlängerte Plattform achtern, neues Teakholz. ARG Kreiselstabilisator, EU-Mehrwertsteuer bezahlt. Tip Top-Bedingungen überall.
Español refit 2016: interiores modernos, plataforma extendida hacia arriba / abajo astern, teca nueva. Estabilizador giroscópico ARG, IVA de la UE pagado. Propina las mejores condiciones en todo.
Россию refit 2016: современные интерьеры, вверх/вниз удлиненная платформа кормой, новый тик. Гироскопический стабилизатор ARG, НДС ЕС оплачен. Опрокидывайте лучшие условия во всем.
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Pian di Sc (Toscana)
MONTEREY 268 SC, motore Volvo Penta 5.7 V8 GXI 325 CV con 242 ore, piede DUO PROP con eliche on acciaio, tutto anno 2006, barca in ottime condizioni, sempre tagliandata pronta per la stagione 2020, sempre tenuta al coperto nei mesi invernali, sempre lucidata, strumentazione completa, 2 pompe di sentina, doccetta, radio, verricello elettrico, telo sole e telo copri pozzetto, tutto originale in perfette condizioni, visibile LAGO DI GARDA, TEL 3396435002 and WHATSAPP MONTEREY 268 SC, engine Volvo Penta 5.7 GXI 325CV with 242 hours, stern drive Volvo Penta DUP PROP with props in steel, service engine and stern drive made ready for season 2020, boat on top conditions top zustand, always in garage during the winter, radio, electric anchor, 2 bilge pomp,..... GARDA LAKE TEL 339 6435002 and WHATSAPP...Read full description
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Misano Adriatico (Emilia Romagna)
Sole Owner from new. Tip top conditions: teak, coverning, cushions all great.. New blue paint in 2019. Just nothing to do but turnkey and go.. Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione: Angolo barra, Comando motori elettronico, Contametri catena, DSC vhf. Allestimento tecnico e di coperta: Allarme motore, Autoclave, Doccia esterna, Faro orientabile, 2 Flap idraulici, Hard top, Indicatori Flaps, Luci subacquee, Passerella (idraulica), Piattaforma, Pompa di sentina automatica, Pompa di sentina manuale, Pozzetto Teak, Presa 220V banchina, Presa acqua banchina, Salpa Ancore Elettrico, Tavolo pozzetto, Tender (Arimar 2.3 mt + 5hp outboard), Tromba, 2 Winch tonneggio di poppa, Winch tonneggio di prua. Dotazioni domestiche di bordo: BBQ/ Grill (cockpit cooktop), Boiler, Clima reversibile, Impianto acque nere, Prese interne 12v, Prese interne 220v, 2 WC marino elettrico. Intrattenimento: Altoparlanti (cockpit: nr 4 JL AUDIO), Home Theater, Radio AM/FM, Stereo. Cucina ed elettrodomestici: Frigorifero esterno, Piastra in vetroceramica. Tappezzerie: Cuscineria completa, Cuscineria di poppa, Cuscineria di prua, Cuscineria Pozzetto....Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Stunning conditions az70, newly paint, with hard top in fly and the brilliant honey oak interiors combined with white leathers. Few hrs on the bigger v12 MAN version, 1.400hp each. 4 cabins 4 heads + Crew compartment with separate entrances both from cockpit and stern transom. Ready for immediate delivery, will evaluate trades. Possible export deal with no Vat.
Note sul prezzo: + IVA se dovuta
English Stunning conditions az70, newly paint, with hard top in fly and the brilliant honey oak interiors combined with white leathers. Few hrs on the bigger v12 MAN version, 1,400hp each. 4 cabins 4 heads - Crew compartment with separate entrances both from cockpit and stern transom. Ready for immediate delivery, will evaluate trades. Possible export deal with no Vat.
Française Conditions étonnantes az70, peinture nouvellement, avec le dessus dur à la mouche et les intérieurs brillants de chêne de miel combinés avec des cuirs blancs. Peu d’heures sur la version plus grande v12 MAN, 1,400hp chacun. 4 cabines 4 têtes - Compartiment d’équipage avec entrées séparées à la fois du poste de pilotage et transom arrière. Prêt pour la livraison immédiate, évaluera les métiers. Possible accord d’exportation sans Vat.
Deutsch Atemberaubende Bedingungen az70, neu lackiert, mit hartem Top in Fliege und den brillanten Honig-Eiche-Interieur kombiniert mit weißen Ledern. Wenige Stunden auf der größeren v12 MAN-Version, je 1.400 PS. 4 Kabinen 4 Köpfe - Crew-Abteil mit separaten Eingängen sowohl vom Cockpit als auch vom Heck-Transom. Bereit für die sofortige Lieferung, wird Trades bewerten. Möglicher Exportdeal ohne MwSt.
Español Impresionantes condiciones az70, pintura recién, con tapa dura en la mosca y los brillantes interiores de roble miel combinados con pieles blancas. Pocas horas en la versión más grande v12 MAN, 1.400cv cada una. 4 cabinas 4 cabezas - Compartimento de tripulación con entradas separadas tanto desde la cabina como desde el travesaño de popa. Listo para la entrega inmediata, evaluará las operaciones. Posible acuerdo de exportación sin Vat.
Россию Потрясающие условия az70, недавно краска, с жестким верхом в лету и блестящие интерьеры мед дуба в сочетании с белой кожей. Несколько часов на большей версии v12 MAN, 1400hp каждый. 4 каюты 4 головки - Отсек экипажа с отдельными входами как из кабины, так и из кормового транце. Готовы к немедленной поставке, оценят сделки. Возможная экспортная сделка без Ндса.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Charded coded unit of M80, latest versio with hard top and cockpit glass door superstructure. Larger engines options and great general conditions. Sleeps 7 guests in 3 stateroom + crew. Ex vat.
Note sul prezzo: + IVA se dovuta
English Charded coded unit of M80, latest versio with hard top and cockpit glass door superstructure. Larger engines options and great general conditions. Sleeps 7 guests in 3 stateroom + crew. Ex vat.
Française Unité codée carbonisée de M80, dernière version avec toit rigide et superstructure de porte en verre de cockpit. Options de moteurs plus grands et excellentes conditions générales. Capacité d’accueil 7 personnes dans 3 cabines + équipage. Hors TVA.
Deutsch Codierte Einheit des M80, neueste Version mit Hardtop und Cockpitglastüraufbau. Größere Motoroptionen und tolle Rahmenbedingungen. Schlafmöglichkeiten für 7 Gäste in 3 Kabinen + Crew. Ohne MwSt.
Español Unidad codificada acampanada de M80, última versio con techo rígido y superestructura de puerta de vidrio de cabina. Opciones de motores más grandes y excelentes condiciones generales. Capacidad para 7 personas en 3 camarotes + tripulación. Sin IVA.
Россию Обугленный кодированный блок M80, новейший версио с жестким верхом и стеклянной надстройкой двери кабины. Большие варианты двигателей и отличные общие условия. Вмещает 7 гостей в 3 каютах + экипаж. Без НДС.
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Porto Viro (Veneto)
Malu’ is a rare and excellent example of a vintage yacht in perfect conditions. She was designed by Sparkman& Stephens and built at the highest standards under the direct survey of the RINA director of Livorno harbor. After a life as cruiser racer Malu’ received the most accurate and respectfull restoration and she is better than ever. Sailing Malu’ is just like diving in the past and her elegant lines and details are highlighted by new rigging, new sails, new engine and systems, new closets and interior furniture and new tapestry.The hull was completely emptied to provide a general refit and to protect her from the risk of osmosis (she had no osmosis anyway) the hull was treated with epoxy resin. The restoration was surveyed by one of the best known Italian expert, and in our experience of hundreds classic yachts to offer to demanding customers we have been amazed reading his survey. Every analized matter and item on board is rated at the top. Survey available. Original drawings available. ACCOMMODATIONS: Malù is a very comfortable boat with elegant and functional accommodations. 3 cabins one of which with double bed,saloon, one bathroom, galley,chart table. Sleeps 5 guests in the cabin and 2 in the saloon. Description: From the entrance to the left a cabin with single, comfortable bunk and the wide chart table. On the right the L shaped galley. After the half bulkhead there is the saloon with L shaped settee on the left side and a lifting table.A wide settee/ bunk on the right. Half bulkhead ahead there is a well type fridge with wide pantry storage and oil skins closet. The bathroom in front on the right side. You enter now in the double cabin with separate beds with wide storage space, and the owners cabin with V shaped double bed. The anchor chain storage is ahead and reachable trough a watertight opening RESTORATION: The boat was purchased in 2009 by the actual owner and moved by truck to the shipyard Cantieri Pier 12 in Marina di Ravenna. The plan was to make her perfect and beutifull. No energy was spared. Between 2010-13 The boat was emptied completely to bare hull and treated with epoxy resin outside and inside. The deck was relaminated with void technology before fitting a new teak deck. New beams set under the deck and cabin. The accommodations and furniture completely restored or rebuilt where some imperfection was found. New closets, drawers, and storage spaces. New systems, new tapestry,new winches, new sails. Perkins engine 50 HP completely overhauled 250 hours New propeller shaft Albero motore e baderna 2013 + cuffia Volvo New exhaust and muffler system and + sifon break 2013 All Harken deck fittings 2013 (bozzelli, golfari, trasto) New haluards and sheets Gottifredi brand in Dyneema old fashion Deck stainless steel Winches 2013 Andersen Mast Winches Lewmar 45 Genoa furler Bamar 2013 Staysail stay in spectra 2015 c New mast and rigging 2016 New stanchions 2016 Original Goiot deck opening with double opening with new anodyzation and new plexiglass Mainsail One sail dacron full batten 2013 with Antal track – 2 reefs Genoa One sail dacron 130% 2013 Staysail One sail 2017 Teack deck 2013 10mm thick vacuum glued. Never sanded yet Custom made Sprayhood e Bimini 2016 Led lights in cockpit and on the mast Full owning 2016 Tender Silver Quick 2019 Outboard tender motor Yamaha malta 3cv Licenced over 50 miles from coastlines Webasto heating system everywhere 2013 Electric system and panel 2013 Water system 2013 Boiler Quick 25 liters 2013 Ready to fit radar, generator and watermaker Battery charger Quick 2013 2 bilge pumps 2013 Sea water pump for water in the galley and deck Water tanks stainless steel 500 lt 2013 Well type fridge with double opening 2013 Malu' a top class Sparkman& Stephens sloop Malu’ is a rare and excellent example of a vintage yacht in perfect conditions. She was designed by Sparkman& Stephens and built at the highest standards under the direct survey of the RINA director of Livorno harbor. After a life as cruiser racer Malu’ received the most accurate and respectfull restoration and she is better than ever. Sailing Malu’ is just like diving in the past and her elegant lines and details are highlighted by new rigging, new sails, new engine and systems, new closets and interior furniture and new tapestry.The hull was completely emptied to provide a general refit and to protect her from the risk of osmosis (she had no osmosis anyway) the hull was treated with epoxy resin. The restoration was surveyed by one of the best known Italian expert, and in our experience of hundreds classic yachts to offer to demanding customers we have been amazed reading his survey. Every analized matter and item on board is rated at the top. Survey available. Original drawings available. Declinazione di responsabilità La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione...Read full description
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Al (Sardegna)
Neo-classic aluminum motor yacht AY74 was designed and built for client who wanted to make the long range cruising with family in comfort and style. AY 74 is a reliable ship to travel with the family far from civilization and closer to nature. The silhouette of the boat is very clean this gives, despite the refinement of the shapes, solidity and reliability. Custom interiors with natural light modern and minimalist styling make the feeling of "sailing yacht" and "green boat" together. Light and airy upper saloon and the aft deck is open for Mediterranean. Full specification of modern equipment will allow you to make safe navigation, run your business and relax with your family on board of your yacht in any part of the world. Equipped with stabilizers is suitable for navigation, stable, universal in all weather conditions and did not fear storms. In the stern area there is a dining area, covered by the sun by a retractable sun visor, then a bathroom and a platform for the garage opening tender 3.30 meters. On the fly bridge there is a second control station and solarium to relax with your family on board your yacht anywhere in the world. The hull form was optimized for long range motoring at economic speed with low fuel consumption. In economy mode, at a speed of 10 knots, the cruising distance is 2000 nautical miles. Thanks to a special attention given to a soundproofing, this yacht is like "soundless" boat. Professionally designed and built by Dutch specialists. Exterior paint is in almost perfect condition Antifouling – renew every season (2 coats) Teak deck: sanded only 2 times, the last time sanded in 2018, last cleaned time professional - September 2019 Freshwater pump Grundfos New Grey/blackwater pump New Airco pump Gearboxes: oil changed every 100 hours. Last time changed: September 2019. Naiad dynamics stabilization system Zero Speed Service batteries 24 V Chargers Mastervolt Hydraulic bow thruster Generators Main generator - Northern lights Gen. hours: 3900 h Second generator - Fisher panda Gen. hours: 345 h Instruments Radar and GPS Furuno Navnet 3d on and pilothouse Furuno Navnet 3d on the fly New Inmarsat mini-C 2 x Simrad autopilot AP28 2 x fixed VHF Simrad rs87 Particular Deck Equipment Cushions at bow Carbon poles at bow Arabic tent at bow (up to 8 people) New stern area with foldable table (+ accommodation for 4-6 people) Very powerful audio system JL Audio RGB lights on aft deck New spotlights New winches in stern area (2018) Anchor chain130 100 m Automatic bimini even in the aft deck Covers for windows In Stamoid Covers (top brand for exterior cover) for all cushions area, pilothouse on fly, bench Tender Williams 325 TenderJet (2016, only 10 hours) Galley, equipment Cook top and Miele hoven Frigomar Refrigerators: 2 in galley, 1 in the after deck, 1 below bench on flybridge Bollards and fairleads custom made, special designed for this boat unique! Renewed in 2017. Bilge, lockers Bilges in good conditions, well maintained Lockers and garage repainted in 2017...Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
NAVIGATION AND ELECTRONICS: Autopilot B&G Chartplotter B&G Tridata B&G Wind B&G Chaincounter Quick CHC1203 VHF radio B&G ENTERTAINMENT: Fusion MS-RA70N Media Player, Fusion speakers saloon / cockpit GALLEY AND WATER SYSTEM: Kitchen: 3burner gas stove, oven Eno, 2 x refrigerator Isotherm 100L, sink PROPULSION, POWER AND AIR-CONDITIONING: Sail drives Generator Fischer Panda 5000i NEO Battery charger Airconditiong VELAIR SAILS & RIGGING: Fully battened main sail Lazy bag Roll genoa MOORING AND ANCHORING: El. anchor windlass Quick GENERAL: Bimini top Steering wheel Goiot Tender davits Tender Waterproof loudspeakers in cockpit CHARTER BOAT, GOOD CONDITIONS Broker's commission (3,5% + VAT) excluded Don't hesitate to call us! We kindly invite you to contact us by e-mail or on our mobile phones bellow for any further information. PARLIAMO ITALIANO, WE SPEAK ENGLISH, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Aleks - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp ✔/ Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Marina - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp ✔/ Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR The visit of the boat is possible with min 3 days previous notice (subject to prior sale) Disclaimer The Company provides the information about this boat in good faith, but cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information and the condition of the boat. The offer of this boat is subject to prior sale, price change or withdrawal of the offer without prior notice.
Price notes: Broker's commission excluded
Italiano FOTO NAVE GEMELLA Imbarcazione in charter fino 02.10.2021 NAVIGATION AND ELECTRONICS: Autopilot B&G Chartplotter B&G Tridata B&G Wind B&G Chaincounter Quick CHC1203 VHF radio B&G ENTERTAINMENT: Fusion MS-RA70N Media Player, Fusion speakers saloon / cockpit GALLEY AND WATER SYSTEM: Kitchen: 3burner gas stove, oven Eno, 2 x refrigerator Isotherm 85L, sink PROPULSION, POWER AND AIR-CONDITIONING: Sail drives Generator Fischer Panda 5000i NEO Battery charger Airconditiong VELAIR SAILS & RIGGING: Fully battened main sail Lazy bag Roll genoa MOORING AND ANCHORING: El. anchor windlass Quick GENERAL: Bimini top Steering wheel Goiot Tender davits Tender Commissione mediatore (3,5% + IVA) esclusa NEW SERVICE @ ADS marine POSSIBLE ARRANGEMENT OF VIDEO CALL WITH OUR BROKERS TO SHOW YOU THE BOAT IN REAL TIME. ONLY ON APPOINTMENT. Don't hesitate to call us! La invitiamo a contattarci via e-mail o telefonicamente ai numeri sotto riportati per ulteriori informazioni in merito: PARLIAMO ITALIANO, WE SPEAK ENGLISH, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Aleks - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp ✔/ Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Marina - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp ✔/ Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR La visita dell'imbarcazione è possibile con almeno 3gg di preavviso (salvo venduto). Disconoscimento La Società fornisce le informazioni su questa imbarcazione in buona fede, ma non può garantire l'accuratezza di queste informazioni e le condizioni dell’imbarcazione. L'offerta dell’imbarcazione e’ valida salvo venduto ed è soggetta a modifiche del prezzo o ritiro dell'offerta senza preavviso.
Française NAVIGATION ET ÉLECTRONIQUE: Pilote automatique B&G Traceur de cartes B&G Tridata B&G Vent B&G Compteur de chaînes Rapide CHC1203 VHF radio B&G DIVERTISSEMENT: Fusion MS-RA70N Media Player, haut-parleurs Fusion salon / cockpit CUISINE ET SYSTÈME D’EAU: Cuisine: cuisinière à gaz 3burner, four Eno, 2 x réfrigérateur Isotherm 100L, évier PROPULSION, PUISSANCE ET CLIMATISATION: Entraînements à voile Générateur Fischer Panda 5000i NEO Chargeur Climatisation VELAIR VOILES & GRÉEMENT: Voile principale entièrement battue Sac paresseux Rouler gênes AMARRAGE ET ANCRAGE: El. guirdoss d’ancre Quick GÉNÉRALITÉS: Bimini haut Volant Goiot Davits d’appel d’offres Tendre Haut-parleurs étanches dans le cockpit BATEAU CHARTER, BONNES CONDITIONS Commission de courtage (3,5% + TVA) exclue N’hésitez pas à nous appeler! Nous vous invitons à nous contacter par e-mail ou sur nos téléphones portables ci-dessous pour toute information complémentaire. PARLIAMO ITALIANO, NOUS PARLONS ANGLAIS, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Aleks - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Marina - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp ✔/ Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR La visite du bateau est possible avec un préavis de min 3 jours (sous réserve de vente préalable) Démenti La Société fournit les informations sur ce bateau de bonne foi, mais ne peut garantir l’exactitude de ces informations et l’état du bateau. L’offre de ce bateau est sujette à la vente préalable, à la modification du prix ou au retrait de l’offre sans préavis.
Deutsch NAVIGATION UND ELEKTRONIK: Autopilot B&G Kartenplotter B&G Tridata B&G Wind B&G Kettenzähler Quick CHC1203 UKW-Funk B&G UNTERHALTUNG: Fusion MS-RA70N Media Player, Fusion Lautsprecher Limousine / Cockpit KOMBÜSE UND WASSERSYSTEM: Küche: 3-brenner-Gasherd, Backofen Eno, 2 x Kühlschrank Isotherm 100L, Spüle ANTRIEB, STROM UND KLIMAANLAGE: Segelantriebe Generator Fischer Panda 5000i NEO Batterieladegerät Klimaanlage VELAIR SEGEL & TAKELAGE: Vollständig gelattetes Hauptsegel Faule Tasche Roll Genua ANLEGEN UND ANKERN: El. Ankerwinde Quick ALLGEMEIN: Bimini Oberteil Lenkrad Goiot Tender davits Zart Wasserdichte Lautsprecher im Cockpit CHARTERBOOT, GUTE KONDITIONEN Maklerprovision (3,5% + MwSt.) exkl. Zögern Sie nicht, uns anzurufen! Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, uns per E-Mail oder auf unseren Mobiltelefonen unten für weitere Informationen zu kontaktieren. PARLIAMO ITALIANO, WE SPEAK ENGLISH, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Aleks - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp ✔/ Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Marina - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp ✔/ Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR Der Besuch des Bootes ist mit mindestens 3 Tagen Vorankündigung möglich (vorbehaltlich Vorverkauf) Verzichtserklärung Das Unternehmen stellt die Informationen über dieses Boot in gutem Glauben zur Verfügung, kann jedoch die Richtigkeit dieser Informationen und den Zustand des Bootes nicht garantieren. Das Angebot dieses Bootes unterliegt dem vorherigen Verkauf, der Preisänderung oder dem Rücktritt des Angebots ohne vorherige Ankündigung.
Español NAVEGACIÓN Y ELECTRÓNICA: Piloto automático B&G Chartplotter B&G Tridata B&G Viento B&G Chaincounter Rápido CHC1203 VHF radio B&G DIVERSIÓN: Fusion MS-RA70N Media Player, altavoces Fusion berlina / cabina COCINA Y SISTEMA DE AGUA: Cocina: estufa de gas de 3 quemadores, horno Eno, 2 x refrigerador Isotherm 100L, fregadero PROPULSIÓN, POTENCIA Y AIRE ACONDICIONADO: Accionamientos de vela Generador Fischer Panda 5000i NEO Cargador de batería Aire acondicionado VELAIR VELAS Y APAREJOS: Vela principal totalmente batida Bolsa perezosa Rollo génova AMARRE Y FONDEO: El. molinete de anclaje Rápido GENERAL: Bimini superior Volante Goiot Pescantes tiernos Tierno Altavoces impermeables en cabina BARCO DE ALQUILER, BUENAS CONDICIONES Comisión del bróker (3,5% + IVA) excluida ¡No dudes en llamarnos! Le invitamos a ponerse en contacto con nosotros por correo electrónico o en nuestros teléfonos móviles a continuación para cualquier información adicional. PARLIAMO ITALIANO, HABLAMOS INGLÉS, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Aleks - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp ✔/ Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Marina - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp ✔/ Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR La visita del barco es posible con un mínimo de 3 días de antelación (sujeto a venta previa) Renuncia La Compañía proporciona la información sobre este barco de buena fe, pero no puede garantizar la exactitud de esta información y el estado del barco. La oferta de este barco está sujeta a venta previa, cambio de precio o retirada de la oferta sin previo aviso.
Россию НАВИГАЦИЯ И ЭЛЕКТРОНИКА: Автопилот B&G Картплоттер B&G Тридата Б&Г Ветер B&G Счетчик цепей Быстрый CHC1203 УКВ радио B&G РАЗВЛЕЧЕНИЕ: Fusion MS-RA70N Медиаплеер, Фьюжн динамики седан / кабина КАМБУЗ И СИСТЕМА ВОДОСНАБЖЕНИЯ: Кухня: газовая плита на 3 кожга, духовка Eno, 2 холодильника Isotherm 100L, мойка СИЛОВЫЕ УСТАНОВКИ, СИЛОВЫЕ УСТАНОВКИ И КОНДИЦИОНЕРЫ: Приводы парусов Генератор Фишер Панда 5000i NEO Зарядное устройство Кондиционер VELAIR ПАРУСА И ТАКЕЛАЖ: Полностью обрешеченный основной парус Ленивая сумка Ролл генуэзский ШВАРТОВКА И ЯКОРЬ: Эль. якорный брашпиль Быстрый ОБЩЕЕ: Бимини топ Рулевое колесо Goiot Тендерные шкутные шкавиты Нежный Водонепроницаемые громкоговорители в кабине ЧАРТЕРНАЯ ЛОДКА, ХОРОШИЕ УСЛОВИЯ Комиссия брокера (3,5% + НДС) без НДС Не стесняйтесь звонить нам! Мы приглашаем Вас связаться с нами по электронной почте или по нашим мобильным телефонам ниже для получения любой дополнительной информации. PARLIAMO ITALIANO, МЫ ГОВОРИМ ПО-АНГЛИЙСКИ, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Aleks - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Марина - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR Посещение лодки возможно с предварительным уведомлением за 3 дня (при условии предварительной продажи) Отказ Компания добросовестно предоставляет информацию об этой лодке, но не может гарантировать точность этой информации и состояние лодки. Предложение этой лодки подлежит предварительной продаже, изменению цены или отзыву предложения без предварительного уведомления.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione City Motors automobili d'epoca dal 1987 - Oltre 100 veicoli sempre disponibili, visita il nostro sito per vedere tutte le nostre novità: City Motors classic cars from 1987 - Over 100 vehicles always available, visit our website to see all our news: Mercedes-benz 500 SEL W126 - 1985 Italiano: Vettura in buone condizioni generali, Top di gamma negli anni '80, interni in velluto originali ottimamente conservati, motore V8 5.0 cc, buona meccanica, cambio automatico, tetto apribile, full optional, gancio traino omologato, ASI, documenti in regola English: Car in good general conditions, top of the range in the 80s, original velvet interior in excellent conditions, 5.0 cc V8 engine, good mechanics, automatic gearbox, sunroof, full options, approved tow hook, ASI, Italian document ready for export Deutsch: Auto in gutem Allgemeinzustand, Spitzenmodell aus den 80er Jahren, originale samtige Innenausstattung in hervorragendem Zustand, 5,0-ccm-V8-Motor, gute Mechanik, Automatikgetriebe, Schiebedach, volle Ausstattung, zugelassener Anhängerkupplung, ASI, italienisches Papier bereit für den Export Français: Voiture en bon état général, haut de gamme des années 80, intérieur en velours d'origine en excellent état, moteur V8 de 5,0 cm3, bonne mécanique, boîte de vitesses automatique, toit ouvrant, toutes options, crochet de remorquage homologué, ASI, document italien prêt pour l'exportation Español: Coche en buen estado general, tope de gama de los años 80, interior de terciopelo original en excelentes condiciones, motor V8 de 5,0 cc, buena mecánica, caja de cambios automática, techo corredizo, opciones completas, gancho de remolque homologado, ASI, documentación italiana lista para exportar Per qualsiasi informazione Vi preghiamo di contattarci via mail o telefonicamente al MOSTRA NUMERO oppure MOSTRA NUMERO For any information, please contact us by email or by phone on MOSTRA NUMERO or MOSTRA NUMERO I dati relativi al veicolo, documentazione, e chilometraggio possono contenere errori e/o imprecisioni. Quanto indicato non ha quindi valore contrattuale ma solo informativo. Vehicle data, documentation, and mileage may contain errors and / or inaccuracies. Therefore, what is indicated has no contractual value but only information
13.500 €
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Fara in Sabina (Lazio)
GREEN DRAGON is the most perfect Volvo 70 Class boat to combine serious racing, race charter, cruising and conversion project. There are several features making her preferable to other Volvo 70s, such as: · contemporary Carbon C6 Rigging not having any expiry date like Kevlar or PBO · large spare rigging inventory · engine Saildrive transmission fitted (reliable and safe - no further hassle with retractable shaft) · no hydraulics for trimming · extremely weel built hull, no structural problems during the Volvo Ocean Race and since · very little use and almost no serious racing after the Volvo Ocean Race · thanks to her interior layout and original structure, she is very well suited for an interior conversion project General Builder: MC CONAGHYS Naval architect: REICHEL PUGH Type: VOLVO 70 Year: 2007 – some new interior accommodation in 2015/2016 Flag: Austria Displacement: 14.50 tons Construction hull: Carbon composite superstructure: Carbon composite deck: Carbon composite Keel: canting keel with hydraulic rams Dagger boards: 2 (+ 2 spares) Engines 75 HP VOLVO PENTA D2-75 - approx. 1,600h (March 2016) VOLVO PENTA Saildrive 150S transmission 3 blades VOLVO PENTA folding propeller Generator VOLVO PENTA D1-30 Electrics Batteries Service Batteries 14 x Optima YT S 4,2 55Ah (new in 2016) Start Battery 2 x 12V (new in Oct 2015) Tankage Fuel: 350 L plastic main tank 130 L spare plastic tank Electronics B&G WTP 2 B&G 5 x 20/20 Mast Displays, 8x MFD-Displays sounder B&G Autopilot/Smart Pilot S3G 1 x ST7002 + 2 x ST6001 controllers + Type 2 linear drive AIS Class A: AIS Transonder with own GPS Antenna Comar CSB200 computer: Beta Version of Transas Tsunamis ’99 Program with world wide maps on Board PC LAN network Netgear Serial server Moxa nPort 4 channels NMEA WiFi Comar NMEA-to-WiFi NMEA Buffer 2 units of SB1324 Fleet 500 (powers up, ready to work but without SIM Card). Satcom C (condition unknown) VHF radio: Silva S15 DSC (= Nexus NX2500) VHF/FM Antenna Splitter NAVICO Emergency VHF Antenna NAVTEX receiver Nexus NX2600 (display on VHF and/or PC) NAVTEX / VHF Silva S15 (= Nexus NX2500) NASA Meteoman Barograph GPS: FURUNO GP-90 (Furuno GP-31 in spare) RAYMARINE Raystar 130 SeaTalk / NMEA Plotter Raymarine E80 Raymarine 2kW Colour radar Epirb DECK AND COCKPIT HARKEN winches (all Carbon Series): 2 x Primary 1 Main 2 Runner 3 Halyard 2 Traveller 3 pedestals Various blocks, clutches, jammers, etc. Complete set of ropes (sheets, tack Lines, halyards, runner tails, spares, etc.) Dagger Boards: 2 fitted + 2 in spare Electric anchor windlass (new on board but not fitted yet) Bow roller for anchor (new on board but not fitted yet) Anchors: 30 kg stainless BRUCE anchor 2nd FORTRESS aluminium anchor Anchor lines: Wrap approx. 60 m Anchor Lead Rope 50m (new) ACCOMMODATION Salon with 2 upholstered benches (retractable for serious racing) 2 removable tables L-shaped Galley with 2 sinks (retractable for serious racing) One burner cocker with canting system (additional spare cocker) 2 refrigerators Electric head Electric fresh water pump Aft ballast tank of approx. 1,000 L, can used as fresh water tank TV HD LCD, connected to board PC Media Box Maxell Board- PC Mini ITX Hercules Monitor Domestic equipment (Nespresso Coffe machine, Water Heater, Toaster, etc. Galley fitted with cutlery, pots, pans, etc. Rigging SOUTHERN SPARS carbon mast: · 31 m of height · completely rebuilt in July 2015 · Hydraulic Jack System (electric pump) SOUTHERN SPARS carbon boom Carbon bowsprit Standing rigging: SOUTHERN SPARS Running rigging: SPECTRA Furlers: HARKEN & KARVER SOUTHERN SPARS C6 rigging with Titanium fittings Spare rigging (same as above) SOUTHERN SPARS C6 forestay with Titanium fittings Spare forestay (same as above) SOUTHERN SPARS C6 runners with Titanium fittings, each 1 pair Top, Frac, upper Checkstay Spare Runners (same as above, TBC weather set is complete) Luff cables for MH Code-0, FRO, J4, SJ Various Spare Luff cables Furlers: · 1 x KARVER racing, · 1 x HARKEN Sails Numerous sets of sails Sail area *upwind: 375 m² *downwind: 675 m² Main sail max.: 175m² Code-0 max.: 350m² Genoa 1 max. 200m² Gennaker max.: 500m² Sails inventory Racing set Code type of sail material hoisting type condition MN-A main 3Di cars on track excellent MH0 masthead Code 0 3Di furled very good FRO fractional Code 0 3Di furled excellent G1 Genoa 1 3DL hanks on forestay very good G2 Genoa 2 3Di hanks on forestay excellent G4 Genoa 4 3Di furled excellent G5 Genoa 5 3DL hanks on J5 stay very good SJ Storm Jib Spectra hanks on J5 stay good TS Trysail Spectra cars on track dood A1 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A2 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A3 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled very good A4 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A9 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled excellent Training, cruising, delivery, spare MN-2 main 3Di cars on tack good MH0 masthead Code 0 3DL furled fair FRO fractional Code 0 3DL furled good G1 Genoa 1 3DL hanks on forestay good G4 Genoa 4 3Di furled fair SJ Storm Jib Spectra hanks on J5 stay good TS Trysail Spectra cars on track good A3 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled very good Further there are many additional unchecked sails in various conditions partly like new. ELECTRICITY VOLVO PENTA D1-30 Auxiliary Engine Service Batteries 14 x Optima YT S 4,2 55Ah (new in 2016) Start Battery 2 x 12V (new in Oct 2015) Additional 24V/140A Alternator on Main Engine with Balmar Charger Controller Sinus Inverter 2kW Charger 24V 30A Sterling Power Monitoring Systems for Batteries SAFETY AND SECURITY 2 Life Rafts 16 persons each (serviced in October 2015, next service in October 2018) 20 Life Jackets with lifelines (new in 2015) 2 Jon buoys (serviced in Jan 2016), one of them includes AIS Jackstays (new) 2 Floating Flash lights EPIRB (new) Flares (Parachute, Hand Flares, Orange Smoke Pots) Anchor Ball Motor Cone 2 Fog Horns plus Spare Can 3 Fire Extinguishers (new) Fire Blanket Search light Emergency Nav. Lights MISCELLANEAOUS EQUIPMENT Boarding ladder (telescopic, new on board but not fitted yet) Rope bags (original ones repaired + a completely new set made Jan 2016 to be fitted) Covers for pedestal and winches (new in Jan 2016) Boom cover (new in Jan 2016) Hardware and Tools: Bag with deck equipment (soft shackles, loops, blocks, etc.) Toolbox with var. hand tools for hardware jobs Toolbox with var. hand tools and bits & pieces for electric jobs Toolbox with var. hand tools and bits & pieces for electronic jobs Toolbox with var. bits & pieces for plumbing jobs Box with var. electric tools (drill, lamp, hot air gun) and cables & spares Box with var. bits & spares for rigging jobs Box with var. hardware bits & spares, tapes, sealants Box with var. lubricants, cleaners, etc. Box with var. thinners, paints and tools for paintjobs Several Diesel 20 litres Canister Boathook Bowman Chair Climbing Harness Container (located in Galway, Ireland): Boat Cradle (dismounted) Spare Rudder Spare Dagger Boards Satellite Systems, some Media Hardware, Wireless Cams, etc. Loads of sails Spares for winches, rigging, deck hardware Carbon spares Sail bags Covers Detail given in good faith with no guarantee nor warrant for accuracy or conditions. A Buyer should instruct his surveyor to investigate such details as he desires validated. This is NOT a contractual document....Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
GREEN DRAGON is the most perfect Volvo 70 Class boat to combine serious racing, race charter, cruising and conversion project. There are several features making her preferable to other Volvo 70s, such as: · contemporary Carbon C6 Rigging not having any expiry date like Kevlar or PBO · large spare rigging inventory · engine Saildrive transmission fitted (reliable and safe - no further hassle with retractable shaft) · no hydraulics for trimming · extremely weel built hull, no structural problems during the Volvo Ocean Race and since · very little use and almost no serious racing after the Volvo Ocean Race · thanks to her interior layout and original structure, she is very well suited for an interior conversion project General Builder: MC CONAGHYS Naval architect: REICHEL PUGH Type: VOLVO 70 Year: 2007 some new interior accommodation in 2015/2016 Flag: Austria Displacement: 14.50 tons Construction hull: Carbon composite superstructure: Carbon composite deck: Carbon composite Keel: canting keel with hydraulic rams Dagger boards: 2 (+ 2 spares) Engines 75 HP VOLVO PENTA D2-75 - approx. 1,600h (March 2016) VOLVO PENTA Saildrive 150S transmission 3 blades VOLVO PENTA folding propeller Generator VOLVO PENTA D1-30 Electrics Batteries Service Batteries 14 x Optima YT S 4,2 55Ah (new in 2016) Start Battery 2 x 12V (new in Oct 2015) Tankage Fuel: 350 L plastic main tank 130 L spare plastic tank Electronics B&G WTP 2 B&G 5 x 20/20 Mast Displays, 8x MFD-Displays sounder B&G Autopilot/Smart Pilot S3G 1 x ST7002 + 2 x ST6001 controllers + Type 2 linear drive AIS Class A: AIS Transonder with own GPS Antenna Comar CSB200 computer: Beta Version of Transas Tsunamis 99 Program with world wide maps on Board PC LAN network Netgear Serial server Moxa nPort 4 channels NMEA WiFi Comar NMEA-to-WiFi NMEA Buffer 2 units of SB1324 Fleet 500 (powers up, ready to work but without SIM Card). Satcom C (condition unknown) VHF radio: Silva S15 DSC (= Nexus NX2500) VHF/FM Antenna Splitter NAVICO Emergency VHF Antenna NAVTEX receiver Nexus NX2600 (display on VHF and/or PC) NAVTEX / VHF Silva S15 (= Nexus NX2500) NASA Meteoman Barograph GPS: FURUNO GP-90 (Furuno GP-31 in spare) RAYMARINE Raystar 130 SeaTalk / NMEA Plotter Raymarine E80 Raymarine 2kW Colour radar Epirb DECK AND COCKPIT HARKEN winches (all Carbon Series): 2 x Primary 1 Main 2 Runner 3 Halyard 2 Traveller 3 pedestals Various blocks, clutches, jammers, etc. Complete set of ropes (sheets, tack Lines, halyards, runner tails, spares, etc.) Dagger Boards: 2 fitted + 2 in spare Electric anchor windlass (new on board but not fitted yet) Bow roller for anchor (new on board but not fitted yet) Anchors: 30 kg stainless BRUCE anchor 2nd FORTRESS aluminium anchor Anchor lines: Wrap approx. 60 m Anchor Lead Rope 50m (new) ACCOMMODATION Salon with 2 upholstered benches (retractable for serious racing) 2 removable tables L-shaped Galley with 2 sinks (retractable for serious racing) One burner cocker with canting system (additional spare cocker) 2 refrigerators Electric head Electric fresh water pump Aft ballast tank of approx. 1,000 L, can used as fresh water tank TV HD LCD, connected to board PC Media Box Maxell Board- PC Mini ITX Hercules Monitor Domestic equipment (Nespresso Coffe machine, Water Heater, Toaster, etc. Galley fitted with cutlery, pots, pans, etc. Rigging SOUTHERN SPARS carbon mast: · 31 m of height · completely rebuilt in July 2015 · Hydraulic Jack System (electric pump) SOUTHERN SPARS carbon boom Carbon bowsprit Standing rigging: SOUTHERN SPARS Running rigging: SPECTRA Furlers: HARKEN & KARVER SOUTHERN SPARS C6 rigging with Titanium fittings Spare rigging (same as above) SOUTHERN SPARS C6 forestay with Titanium fittings Spare forestay (same as above) SOUTHERN SPARS C6 runners with Titanium fittings, each 1 pair Top, Frac, upper Checkstay Spare Runners (same as above, TBC weather set is complete) Luff cables for MH Code-0, FRO, J4, SJ Various Spare Luff cables Furlers: · 1 x KARVER racing, · 1 x HARKEN Sails Numerous sets of sails Sail area *upwind: 375 m² *downwind: 675 m² Main sail max.: 175m² Code-0 max.: 350m² Genoa 1 max. 200m² Gennaker max.: 500m² Sails inventory Racing set Code type of sail material hoisting type condition MN-A main 3Di cars on track excellent MH0 masthead Code 0 3Di furled very good FRO fractional Code 0 3Di furled excellent G1 Genoa 1 3DL hanks on forestay very good G2 Genoa 2 3Di hanks on forestay excellent G4 Genoa 4 3Di furled excellent G5 Genoa 5 3DL hanks on J5 stay very good SJ Storm Jib Spectra hanks on J5 stay good TS Trysail Spectra cars on track dood A1 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A2 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A3 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled very good A4 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A9 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled excellent Training, cruising, delivery, spare MN-2 main 3Di cars on tack good MH0 masthead Code 0 3DL furled fair FRO fractional Code 0 3DL furled good G1 Genoa 1 3DL hanks on forestay good G4 Genoa 4 3Di furled fair SJ Storm Jib Spectra hanks on J5 stay good TS Trysail Spectra cars on track good A3 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled very good Further there are many additional unchecked sails in various conditions partly like new. ELECTRICITY VOLVO PENTA D1-30 Auxiliary Engine Service Batteries 14 x Optima YT S 4,2 55Ah (new in 2016) Start Battery 2 x 12V (new in Oct 2015) Additional 24V/140A Alternator on Main Engine with Balmar Charger Controller Sinus Inverter 2kW Charger 24V 30A Sterling Power Monitoring Systems for Batteries SAFETY AND SECURITY 2 Life Rafts 16 persons each (serviced in October 2015, next service in October 2018) 20 Life Jackets with lifelines (new in 2015) 2 Jon buoys (serviced in Jan 2016), one of them includes AIS Jackstays (new) 2 Floating Flash lights EPIRB (new) Flares (Parachute, Hand Flares, Orange Smoke Pots) Anchor Ball Motor Cone 2 Fog Horns plus Spare Can 3 Fire Extinguishers (new) Fire Blanket Search light Emergency Nav. Lights MISCELLANEAOUS EQUIPMENT Boarding ladder (telescopic, new on board but not fitted yet) Rope bags (original ones repaired + a completely new set made Jan 2016 to be fitted) Covers for pedestal and winches (new in Jan 2016) Boom cover (new in Jan 2016) Hardware and Tools: Bag with deck equipment (soft shackles, loops, blocks, etc.) Toolbox with var. hand tools for hardware jobs Toolbox with var. hand tools and bits & pieces for electric jobs Toolbox with var. hand tools and bits & pieces for electronic jobs Toolbox with var. bits & pieces for plumbing jobs Box with var. electric tools (drill, lamp, hot air gun) and cables & spares Box with var. bits & spares for rigging jobs Box with var. hardware bits & spares, tapes, sealants Box with var. lubricants, cleaners, etc. Box with var. thinners, paints and tools for paintjobs Several Diesel 20 litres Canister Boathook Bowman Chair Climbing Harness Container (located in Galway, Ireland): Boat Cradle (dismounted) Spare Rudder Spare Dagger Boards Satellite Systems, some Media Hardware, Wireless Cams, etc. Loads of sails Spares for winches, rigging, deck hardware Carbon spares Sail bags Covers Detail given in good faith with no guarantee nor warrant for accuracy or conditions. A Buyer should instruct his surveyor to investigate such details as he desires validated. This is NOT a contractual document.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
EXCLUSIVE CENTRAL AGENT: Manfred Haas + 41 792 275 942
HAAS INTERNATIONAL - The Sailing Yacht Broker
MARGHERITA is a classic Jongert 20DS, designed for very comfortable, safe cruising and built to the well-known Jongert superior standards. She is a true bluewater cruiser, strong and reliable. Thanks to her hydraulic furling system, she can be operated with ease by a very small crew.
MARGHERITA welcomes between six and eight guests. Her large seating area on the aft deck is the ideal place for al-fresco dining or a well-deserved sundowner. The cozy and spacious pilothouse with 360° view is the perfect place in harsher weather conditions.
Below deck, high quality teak paneling and white surfaces dominate the cozy atmosphere, with a large dining saloon and bar, combined with a practical kitchen with ample storage for long passages.
The spacious aft master stateroom is furnished with a large double bed and sofa. The typical Jongert stern windows provides abundant natural light and an appealing feeling. The ensuite bathroom features a shower and a bathtub.
The two identical guest cabins forward offer bunk beds and the upper berth can be enlarged to a larger berth. All cabins are en-suite.
The engine room, large and well laid out, allows easy access to all systems for maintenance.
As with every Jongert, MARGHERITA is solidly built and extremely seaworthy. Her superior build quality, her large volume and easy sail handling systems make her the perfect yacht for world cruising in maximum safety and comfort. Her future owner will make a clever choice of top quality and lasting value.
- Classic Jongert with best pedigree
- Superior quality of build
- Exceptional reliability with remarkable seaworthiness
- easy to handle by two persons
- Spacious and comfortable interior
A word about Jongert:
The Jongert Shipyard has been holding a significant place in the world of luxury yacht construction. Established in 1953 and family-operated, the shipyard has epitomized Dutch craftsmanship and innovation in this exclusive industry, boasting a legacy underscored by excellence of quality, innovation and seaworthiness.
“Passion for perfection”: Jongert’s slogan resonates throughout its history. The brand is celebrated for its impeccable craftsmanship, with each yacht built with meticulous attention to detail and quality, using the finest materials available. Bolstered by a lineage of skilled artisans deeply committed to their craft, Jongert has ensured that every element of its yachts meets the most exacting standards.
Innovation: Renowned for its innovative approach to yacht design and technology, Jongert has continually pushed boundaries. By integrating cutting-edge materials, engineering techniques, and design principles, the shipyard has been producing yachts that seamlessly blend efficiency, seaworthiness and comfort. Thoughtful designs facilitate easy access to all systems, streamlining maintenance and repair processes.
Semi-custom yachts: A hallmark of Jongert yachts is their adaptability. For every new series introduced, each vessel has been tailored to the unique desires and specifications of its owner.
Seaworthiness: Jongert yachts are esteemed for their exceptional seaworthiness. Engineered to effortlessly navigate the world's oceans, these vessels offer stability, comfort and safety even in the most demanding conditions. Whether cruising leisurely or embarking on transoceanic voyages, Jongert yachts deliver a dependable and gratifying experience. Some have crossed the Atlantic more than 45 times, a testament to their enduring reliability.
Resale Value: Thanks to their sterling reputation, Jongert yachts maintain their value admirably over time. Their fusion of luxury, smart layout and systems, robust safety features, and superlative craftsmanship distinguishes them in the world of yacht construction, rendering them highly coveted among discerning clientele.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Guy Couach Flybridge Motor Yacht, a beautifully crafted 15-meter vessel, is in excellent condition with minimal usage, making it a rare find for yacht enthusiasts. Built with quality craftsmanship and designed for both performance and luxury, this motor yacht seamlessly blends functionality with comfort. It offers an outstanding opportunity for those seeking a reliable and elegant boat for coastal cruising, longer voyages, or simply enjoying life at sea.
**Performance and Engineering**At the heart of this vessel lies a powerful propulsion system. Its **deep V-planing hull** is specifically designed for stability and smooth sailing, even in more challenging conditions. The yacht is equipped with **twin Diesel engines**, driving high-speed **three-blade propellers** through a robust **shaft system**, ensuring exceptional performance on the water. The deep V-hull not only aids in cutting through waves but also provides enhanced speed, stability, and efficiency during cruising, making it ideal for leisurely trips and more exhilarating passages.
For precise manoeuvring, the yacht utilizes **P-brackets near the rudders**, providing optimal control, especially at lower speeds, which can be crucial when docking or navigating through tight spaces. The **power trim tabs** at the helm enhance stability and comfort, particularly in rough seas, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable ride for the captain and guests. These features make this yacht capable of handling diverse sea conditions quickly and gracefully.
**Flybridge and Helm Station**One of the standout features of the **Guy Couach Flybridge Motor Yacht** is its impressive **flybridge**, which offers **360-degree visibility**. This elevated area provides an exceptional vantage point for navigation and relaxation, making it the ideal place for the captain to steer while offering guests a comfortable space to enjoy panoramic sea views. Equipped with **power steering** and precise **engine controls**, the flybridge ensures a seamless handling experience for the captain, making it easy to manoeuvre even in more challenging waters.
Additionally, the flybridge includes a GRP radar arch, which enhances the vessel’s navigational capabilities, and a sunshade, which provides much-needed protection from the sun during long days out on the water. This thoughtful design ensures that the flybridge is functional and a comfortable and enjoyable space for everyone on board.
**Aft Cockpit and Water Access**Safety and ease of access are top priorities on this motor yacht. The spacious aft cockpit is designed with safety in mind, offering a secure environment for passengers while underway or at anchor. This area is perfect for socializing, dining, or simply relaxing while enjoying the sea breeze. The swim platform at the stern provides easy access to the water, whether you want to swim, snorkel, or launch a tender.
For added convenience, the yacht is equipped with a hydraulic passerelle, which makes boarding and disembarking safe and simple, especially when stern mooring in marinas. This hydraulic passerelle also doubles as a practical aid for passengers to safely get in and out of the water, making the yacht even more user-friendly for water-based activities.
**Recent Upgrades and Maintenance**The yacht has been meticulously maintained and comes with several key **upgrades** and recent services. In **2024**, the following updates were completed:- **Engine Turbo**: The system was upgraded, ensuring improved engine efficiency and performance.- **Autopilot**: A new autopilot system was installed, making long-distance navigation more accessible and automated.- **Engine Maintenance**: Oil and filters were replaced in 2024, ensuring the engines ran at peak performance.
Additionally, the yacht was last taken out of the water for routine antifouling in July 2024. During this time, the hull was inspected, cleaned, and treated to prevent fouling, ensuring optimal performance and protection for the boat.
**Flag and Location**This stunning yacht carries a Polish flag, which can offer certain registration benefits. It is currently located in Barcelona, Spain, a vibrant hub for yachting in the Mediterranean. With its prime location, the yacht is ideally situated for easy access to some of the most beautiful cruising grounds in the world, including the Balearic Islands, the French Riviera, and Italy's Tyrrhenian Sea.
**Schedule a Viewing**If you are interested in seeing this beautiful Guy Couach Flybridge Motor Yacht in person, Network Yacht Brokers can arrange viewings at your convenience. Whether you're a seasoned yachtsman or looking to enter the world of luxury yachting, this yacht offers a unique combination of performance, elegance, and practicality.
Don’t miss the chance to own a meticulously maintained and upgraded motor yacht, perfect for unforgettable cruising experiences in the Mediterranean and beyond. Please contact us for more information or to book an appointment.
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Monte di Procida (Campania)
Rib Starmar Entirely made in Italy by a group of Neapolitan entrepreneurs, Starmar 850 presents itself to the nautical world as a boat balanced between adrenaline and comfort as indicated by the term "sport cabin". We had the opportunity to test it in the waters of the Gulf of Naples in rough sea conditions with more than 15 knots of mistral. At the stern there are two platforms divided by the Suzuki DF350A Dual prop. Through a fiberglass step we are behind the C-shaped stern sofa that occupies the entire width of the boat. This solution is double-edged, since on the one hand it offers greater comfort thanks to the larger dimensions, but on the other it forces us to have to walk on the cushions (removable) in order to access on board. The free space to move in the cockpit is very limited since we have only a small rectangle that can be lifted manually to become a table or a sofa expansion. In this way an area is created where you can have lunch or simply stay with friends where they can sit up to 5 people. A few centimeters further on there is a fiberglass support which towards the stern shows a tip-up top that contains the gas stove with the sink. The presence of the stove so close to the sofa, however, makes it unusable when there is an open table. This means that it is possible to cook, and it is a great advantage for a boat of this size with this type of equipment, but at the same time we do not have many support surfaces where we can put the plates or pots if not the small steel plate that located on the left side. On the front part of the wet-bar, the cushions act as a lumbar support for the diver and co-driver. Even the lumbar support allows greater reflexes during navigation, but in the case of quiet family outings there is no support to sit on. The console is on the right side of the cabin, and has the compass at the top so that it is always visible. +39-3476104928 antonio on the google write
60.000 €
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La Spezia (Liguria)
"Less fat, more speed" was the ethos taken when designing and building KUKA LIGHT. This is a special machine, crafted by a very talented and passionate team, with a pure focus on creating a boat that delivers performance and enjoyment in equal measures. The boat was designed to be the fastest 40 footer in the world and excel on offshore races with a small crew. "High spec" is an understatement with this boat and for those looking to go places fast on a very stable and manageable platform, this one is for you! Inventory MACHINERY: Engine: Lombardi LDW1003 M TMC 60 A 30 HP Propeller system two blade propeller, fully retractable into carbon casing. Fuel capacity 60 lt Diesel. Throttle control in cockpit. STEERING: Twin rudder steering with single central tiler arm. Fully integrated kick up rudder system (180deg) KEEL: Solid carbon keel fin, with canting Cariboni system. 1000 kg bulb on 3.5m fin. Twin retractable dagger board system. Canting keel fin safety systems installed. SAFETY ISAF CAT 3 compliant. Bilge and manual pumps to match category A CE regs Life raft and life jackets. Emergency steering tiller arm Bridge Kuka Light was built to be the fastest boat ever built in it’s class (40-42 feet) for offshore races. The full-carbon autoclave built yacht is designed and engineered to be raced in long distance races by a small crew of 6. The super light boat (3.4 tons displacement) has demonstrated to be as fast as the best 50 and 60 footer in races like Giraglia and Middle Sea Race. Equipped with a canting keel and a rotating mast, Kuka-Light has been constantly developed during the last few years and has highlighted her pedigree under ORC. The boat has been professionally maintained and serviced throughout the years. Every year the carbon fin and the structural parts of boat and mast have been checked by QI-Composite with ultra sound testing. All hardware of the boat has been checked and replaced during every winter. Specs: Length - 12.80 mt (with bowsprit 15.00 mt) Width - 4.60 mt Draft - 3.50 mt Displacement - 3.400 kg Designer - Schickler/Tagliapietra Yacht Design Builder - Marstrom Composite/ Soleri boatyard Built year - 2012 Hull type - Carbon composite Keel - full carbon fin with lead bulb. Canted with single ram with electric pump (Cariboni) CE-certificate CIN SCSSMK42E213 The interior of the yacht is fully stripped out with a typical race boat, minimalist layout. 6 bunks (3 each side) are installed, with a simple galley and WC arrangement. The boat is very open plan with no full bulkheads between companionway and bow, allowing for a big open space to move around in. The cockpit area was designed with reduced crew numbers in mind and all sail handling and trimming can be controlled without going forward of the mast. The huge beam ensures a very large working space in the cockpit, but with some protection for the crew in the form of a dog house. Since launching the boat has been consistently upgraded and tweaked with simply blistering results. No doubt this boat will thrive under distance racing, particularly those races geared towards reaching and downwind conditions. Machinery INSTRUMENTS NKE with regatta processor and 3D sensor. Portable computer with nav. software Ais system Radio VHF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 24 Volt with 240 Amp at 24 Volts by European Batteries. Auto-pilot system HYDRAULICS Cariboni canting keel ram system with locking track system for safety. Hydraulic mainsheet adjustment. Hydraulic outhaul Hydraulic Vang Rig High modulus, rotating carbon wing mast from Marstrom Sweden. Built in an auto clave, from pre-preg carbon construction. Single spreader on diamond shrouds. Deck stepped arrangement. PBO standing rigging and running back stays. Dyneema and PBO running rigging package with assorted spares. Mast head wand and windex. Fixed, solid bowsprit with single and 2:1 tackline arrangements. All control lines lead back to cockpit area and sail handling manageable with 2-3 persons. Accommodation All regatta sails from North Sails 3Di construction throughout. Mainsail - 3 reef, square top, fully battened with cars. Jib 1 on soft hanks Jib 2 on soft hanks Jib Top - on furler, flying mid-bowsprit. A1 - VMG runner A2 - VMG runner. Reacher - Masthead Code 0 flown off bowsprit. Drifter Staysail Storm Jib + delivery sail...Read full description
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Misano Adriatico (Emilia Romagna)
Cianin is the entire devotion to onboard comfort and fuel efficency. Nearly 60 lts/hr combined at 9 kts. 2 icemakers and 3 fridges on board, professional oven galley. The cockpit is then equipped with flat screen tv, showing gps display and front camera view: the show of the sea at the table. 100% working conditions, full refit in 2016 with stabilizers and up/down stern bathing platform. 200k euro spent in the last 12 months. Vat paid, directly Timone Yacht owned. Evaluate boats as part exchange deal. Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione: AIS, DSC vhf. Allestimento tecnico e di coperta: Camminamenti laterali in teak, Doccia esterna, Hard top, Passerella, Porta laterale, Pozzetto Teak, Presa 220V banchina, Presa acqua banchina, Stabilizzatori (fins (NO zero speed)), Tavolo pozzetto, Winch tonneggio di poppa. Dotazioni domestiche di bordo: Boiler, Clima reversibile, Dissalatore, Impianto acque nere, Prese interne 12v, Prese interne 220v, 3 Telecamera, 2 WC marino elettrico. Intrattenimento: Radio AM/FM, Stereo. Cucina ed elettrodomestici: Frigorifero esterno, 3 Ghiacciaia, 2 ICE Maker. Tappezzerie: Copripozzetto, Cuscineria completa, Cuscineria di poppa, Cuscineria di prua, Cuscineria fly, Cuscineria Pozzetto. Note accessori: Bow thruster - Bathing ladder - Galley - Cockpit covering - Cushions - Fridge n. 3 - Freezer n.3 - Oven - Underwater lights - Stereo sound system - Sat tv system - TV n° 1 - Weather station - Water pump - Shore water plug - Stern mooring winch - Gangway - Coverings - Waste holding tank - Up/down platfoem - Fridge cockpit and on fly - Water heater - Teak platform - Teak cockpit - Teak sideways - Teak FLY - Ais - Meteo fax - Hard top on fly - Nr 3 Cameras - Stabylizers fins - Led lights - 3rd station in cockpit. Strumentazione ELETTRIC 24V -220V - Desalinizzatore - Air Conditioning - Heating system - Generator 11kw + 3,5Kw Mase EQUIPMENT GPS/Plotter 2 x Raymarine E120 - Autopilot + remote Raymarine - Radar Raymarine - VHF Raymarine...Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
AUTO IN OTTIME CONDIZIONI TUTTI I MANUALI PRESENTI SERVICE BOOK CRONOLOGIA DEI TAGLIANDI IN BMW COLORE ESTERNO HELLROT INTERNO NAPPA SPORTROT E NERO PRIMA VERNICE OPTIONAL: HARD TOP SEDILI RISCALDABILI CERCHI DA 18" ANTIFURTO PER INFO: Giovanni Lena +39 329 1037878 Excellent conditions, complete hadbook set, service book, BMW service histoy, "Hellrot" rxternal colour. Never repainted. Hard top, heated seats, 18" alloy wheels, alarm. I nostri servizi includono: - Valutazioni permute - Trasporto e consegna a domicilio - Finanziamenti/leasing - Noleggio a lungo termine su KM0 Queste informazioni NON sono le informazioni precontrattuali previste dal D.Lgs. 21/2014, ma una semplice indicazione sommaria del veicolo offerto, che dovrà essere completata da specifiche informazioni precontrattuali fornite dal Venditore proponente prima che assumiate impegni.I prezzi esposti sul sito internet sono indicativi e potrebbero subire variazioni; pertanto La invitiamo a prestare attenzione alle indicazioni fornite durante l'appuntamento in salone, in quanto farà fede il prezzo di listino riportato sul preventivo.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
PER INFO: Giovanni Lena +39 329 1037878
Excellent conditions, italian car, one previous owner, original plates and documents, historical registered, complete handbook set, service book with complete maintenance history.
Climate system, original radio, 15/" wheels, hard top, electric mirrors, total leather interiors.
We are specialized in European customer services, we can delivery the car directly to your home. Please ask for further informations, we have been selling prestigious cars since 1975.
Si declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali discordanze tra l'annuncio pubblicato e le caratteristiche effettive del veicolo in oggetto.
65.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
PER INFO: Giovanni Lena +39.329.1037878
Perfect conditions, no scratches or rust, historical car certified, serviced at 33.000 km;
ABS, electric windows, hard top, four original keys.
We are specialized in European customer services, we can delivery the car directly to your home. Please ask for further informations, we have been selling prestigious cars since 1975.
Si declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali discordanze tra l'annuncio pubblicato e le caratteristiche effettive del veicolo in oggetto.
We are specialized in European customer services, we can delivery the car directly to your home. Please ask for further informations, we have been selling prestigious cars since 1975.
85.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
56.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The making of a masterpiece
The work of several artists absorbed by the spirit of their times are now and absolutely “as we speak” under construction to give you the one and only chance to obtain the masterpiece named “De Cesari 62 Da Vinci”
Combining the famous naval architect Giovanni Ceccarelli and Paolo De Cesari and you just know you have the best recipe for a head-turning creation. A pure quality yacht that stands far out from all the rest.
With this all new 62 Da Vinci the yard created a refined fly-bridge yacht with the looks of a sophisticated, classic sports fisher and even runabout with its long forward deck and flush mounted glass panels. It’s here where you find the praised flared bow that ensures fabulous lifting capacity in heavy seas.
When you expect the best, you are rewarded with the best.
Now is there a downside? Well actually there is, only one is under construction and only one will be built.
Giovanni’s perfect layout
We all like “ensuite”, we all like privacy and the Da Vinci provides you the luxurious triple cabins, triple ensuites and separated crew layout.
The design features the lobster tail and widebody bow for her accommodation.
Nowadays you won’t find any centre line placed engines anymore, all modern yachts are sailing with the naval architecture nightmare designs with reversed engines just to allow a larger inner space. The downside of it is obvious and reason for Ceccarelli not to go with the flow.
With the all new De Cesari you have the advantage of a proper centreline design.
Master cabin
The master cabin stretches an impressive 5 metres in width from port to starboard, beautiful designed fully integrated storage is to be found in every inch the master carpenter could find. Large storage for clothing and linen is also one of the standards.
The stunning part of this double is her fully separated ensuite shower opposite of the head with bidet, toilet and integrated sink. The wet is in this setup fully separated from the head that stays dry no matter what.
Guest cabins
On both sides of the 3 metre long -via glass hatches- top lighted corridor you find the guest cabins, in her standard setup drawn as two twins but if you prefer one twin and one double just say so.
Both cabins benefit of their own bathrooms with also bidet, toilet and sinks. When I do the math we have a true gentleman’s yacht with three showers, three toilets, three bidets. …and then of course I did not even mention the cockpit shower, nor her crew cabin with own facilities…
Also here Paolo’s carpenters created true pieces of pleasure to stay during the night or whenever you want to have privacy in luxury.
Mega yacht style
Just as on board of mega yachts the dining table is a free walk around with a minimum of eight chairs, it is on board of the 62 Da Vinci where you find the same setting and atmosphere. Upon entering from her cockpit the salon is an oasis of space and opposite of the earlier mentioned dining the design allows a very large C-shaped sofa to relax or watch tv that is found hidden inside the dresser behind the dining. The 50 incher pops up at the touch of a button whilst the sound is second to none designed by a famous Dutch surround sound engineer.
Talking about sound now it is for sure nice to mention since I know De Cesari…
‘Sound is kept in the engine room and out of the cockpit by the insulation that a De Cesari is known for.’
The galley is found on starboard and benefits of the U-shaped setup for maximum space. Gentle lifted on a platform fully integrated in her salon it is the galley that lets you do whatever is done in a gally but then with a view towards every angle. A composite worktop, full sized dishwasher, 4 zone induction HOB, microwave, grill, oven and double house-sized sinks provide the cook with all appliances he or she could wish for. It is De Cesari that can deliver a yacht with functionality in this open space designed yacht.
Inner helm
Opposite of the galley there is a twin seat helm station with a full panorama glass in front. It is here where you find very comfortable cruising when the conditions don’t allow you to use the fly bridge.
Two massive Raymarine Axiom Pro’s feed you with all requested information, flip the touch screens to any installable app and you can even use them for your entertainment or info displays that shows you the fully integrated Victron power systems.
Fully integrated as well is the Raymarine HD broadband radar and the forward looking sonar that allows you not only to see where to bottom it is, but also what bottom you have down below.
Steering by remote, the gyro sensor autopilot compensates roll and the rudder angle of attack so digging into the menu after changing speed is something from the past.
Systems as anchor chain counters, wash down plants, searchlights, speedometers etcetera are all standards.
As expected a well-controlled power steering system comes a standard too.
Stepping into the cockpit you are surrounded with a massive bulwark of around 40 centimetres and the deck measures 12 millimetres of thickness. Again totally different to modern yachts where a teak deck will last for only about 3 years.
On starboard there’s a wetbar with sink, refrigerator, icemaker and stainless grill.
On the aft the cockpit door opens to allow free entry to the hydraulic up and down platform, very well suitable for a heavy dinghy or just to make swimming a true feast. The size of the platform is simply up to you as custom built is a standard with De Cesari.
Fly bridge
Finally a designer that understands how a good fly needs to be built. Fully open aft to ensure stern visibility for easy docking and a U-shaped settee in front of the helmsman for interaction with family and guests. Of course also here Ceccarelli designed a wet bar for comfort.
All instruments are doubled towards the fly and there is also an option to store a dinghy on top if desired. If it was me that could afford a yacht like this I would choose the option for super large sun pads here instead of a dinghy. A five plus metre bimini keeps the sun to your choice and once down it reaches the outer lines of the open aft fly deck. Da Vinci himself couldn’t have drawn it better!
Built in the Adriatic by the finest Italian craftsmen that one by one just love their jobs.
a De Cesari is 100 percent pure, 100 percent custom built for the happy few that not only can afford a De Cesari but moreover can enjoy the breath-taking beauty that she just is.
All in all a yacht that deserves a viewing. The final design and technical specifications are up to your choice. The master carpenters, Giovanni Ceccarelli himself and we will certainly guide you through the process of owning a true De Cesari masterpiece from A to Z.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
A Proven Broward Yacht, Ready for New Adventures
The Broward Yacht design is renowned worldwide, and for good reason. Built in Florida, these shallow draft yachts are ideal for exploring hard-to-reach locations. Celebration offers her new owner the freedom to venture anywhere on the map, from remote islands to secluded bays.
With her manageable size, a confident skipper can easily operate this yacht with a minimal crew, making her perfect for long-range cruising in the South Pacific. She is equipped for extended voyages, boasting over 50,000 litres of fuel, a water maker, HVAC, advanced entertainment systems, and twin 35kW Kohler generators.
Celebration cruises efficiently for a yacht of her size, powered by twin Detroit 12V92 engines. These provide an impressive range of 3,000 nautical miles, perfect for island-hopping. Her top speed of 21 knots allows her to outrun unfavourable weather conditions while cruising at 10 knots ensures excellent fuel economy.
Her exterior has been meticulously maintained, with a recent repaint restoring her to near-new condition. The addition of a retrofitted hard top allows guests to enjoy the flybridge in any weather, making it an ideal spot for sunset cocktails at the sundeck bar. The aft deck can also be fully enclosed for comfortable outdoor dining. Celebration's well-designed stern, equipped with a removable game chair, has made it possible to catch an impressive number of fish while crossing the pond.
Inside, Celebration offers a classic, spacious layout. The aft guest cabins and forward crew cabins (ideal for children or additional guests) make her a perfect choice for an owner-operator. The yacht's large main saloon, sit-down bar, fully equipped galley, and separate dining area provide ample space for entertaining.
Notable features include:
A fuel pump system for supporting shadow boats
Zero Speed Naiad stabilisers for a smooth ride at anchor
Triple navigation stations for easy control from various locations on board
Recent replacement of cutlass bearings
Well-maintained by a dedicated full-time crew member
Dive compressor for underwater exploration
A 5-meter tender with a 60hp Yamaha 4-stroke engine for excursions
Celebration combines style, comfort, and long-range capability, making her a standout yacht ready for her next adventure.
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