Turbo red cover
Elenco delle migliori vendite turbo red cover

Parma (Emilia Romagna)
SPETTACOLARE DUCATI 1198/u00a0IN PERFETTE/u00a0CONDIZIONI/n/nMOTO APPENA TAGLIANDATA, REVISIONATA/u00a0/n/nE GOMMATA NUOVA!/n/nKM CERTIFICATI TRAMITE CRONOLOGIA TAGLIANDI UFFICIALE DUCATI/n/nDOPPIE CHIAVI E LIBRETTI USO MANUTENZIONE/n/nACCESSORIATA CON:/n/n- COPRIFRIZIONE IN CARBONIO APERTO/n/n- PIATTELLO FRIZIONE IN ERGAL DUCATI PERFORMANCE/n/n- COVER COLLETTORI DI CARICO IN CARBONIO/n/n- BATTITACCO PEDALINE IN CARBONIO/n/n- PORTATARGA SPORTIVO CON FRECCE LED/n/n- PARAFANGO ANTERIORE IN CARBONIO/n/n- PARAFANGO POSTERIORE IN CARBONIO/n/n- COVER BLOCCHETTO CHIAVI IN CARBONIO/n/nMOTO IMPECCABILE! CONDIZIONI DA MUSEO!/n/nPRONTA ALL'USO. FOTO REALI./n/nSI POSSONO TROVARE MAGGIORI FOTO IN ALTA DEFINIZIONE SUL NOSTRO SITO AKMOTORS.IT/n************************/u00a0/n1)ACCETTIAMO PERMUTE: sul nostro sito www.akmotors.it puoi richiedere un valutazione del tuo usato in modo semplice e preciso. In giornata avrete la nostra migliore valutazione./u00a0/n2)RITIRO DEL VEICOLO IN 1 ORA: Passaggio immediato presso la nostra sede - Ricevimento clienti da stazione ferroviaria di Parma 3)POSSIBILITA' DI PROVA SU STRADA/u00a0/n4)POSSIBILITA' DI FAR VISIONARE L'AUTO//MOTO DA UNO/u00a0/nSPECIALISTA DI FIDUCIA/u00a0/n5)Tutti i nostri veicolo sono visibili SU APPUNTAMENTO/n--------------------------------/u00a0/nLa dotazione tecnica e gli optionals potrebbero in alcuni casi differire dall'effettivo equipaggiamento del veicolo. A causa della difformit/u00e0 dei dati pubblicati dai vari portali, AK MOTORS. declina ogni responsabilit/u00e0 per eventuali involontarie incongruenze, che non rappresentano in ogni caso un impegno contrattuale INFORMAZIONI AGGIUNTIVE: Accensione elettrica, Catalizzatore
8,89 €
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Parma (Emilia Romagna)
SPETTACOLARE DUCATI 1198/u00a0IN PERFETTE/u00a0CONDIZIONI/n/nMOTO APPENA TAGLIANDATA, REVISIONATA/u00a0/n/nE GOMMATA NUOVA!/n/nKM CERTIFICATI TRAMITE CRONOLOGIA TAGLIANDI UFFICIALE DUCATI/n/nDOPPIE CHIAVI E LIBRETTI USO MANUTENZIONE/n/nACCESSORIATA CON:/n/n- COPRIFRIZIONE IN CARBONIO APERTO/n/n- PIATTELLO FRIZIONE IN ERGAL DUCATI PERFORMANCE/n/n- COVER COLLETTORI DI CARICO IN CARBONIO/n/n- BATTITACCO PEDALINE IN CARBONIO/n/n- PORTATARGA SPORTIVO CON FRECCE LED/n/n- PARAFANGO ANTERIORE IN CARBONIO/n/n- PARAFANGO POSTERIORE IN CARBONIO/n/n- COVER BLOCCHETTO CHIAVI IN CARBONIO/n/nMOTO IMPECCABILE! CONDIZIONI DA MUSEO!/n/nPRONTA ALL'USO. FOTO REALI./n/nSI POSSONO TROVARE MAGGIORI FOTO IN ALTA DEFINIZIONE SUL NOSTRO SITO AKMOTORS.IT/n************************/u00a0/n1)ACCETTIAMO PERMUTE: sul nostro sito www.akmotors.it puoi richiedere un valutazione del tuo usato in modo semplice e preciso. In giornata avrete la nostra migliore valutazione./u00a0/n2)RITIRO DEL VEICOLO IN 1 ORA: Passaggio immediato presso la nostra sede - Ricevimento clienti da stazione ferroviaria di Parma 3)POSSIBILITA' DI PROVA SU STRADA/u00a0/n4)POSSIBILITA' DI FAR VISIONARE L'AUTO//MOTO DA UNO/u00a0/nSPECIALISTA DI FIDUCIA/u00a0/n5)Tutti i nostri veicolo sono visibili SU APPUNTAMENTO/n--------------------------------/u00a0/nLa dotazione tecnica e gli optionals potrebbero in alcuni casi differire dall'effettivo equipaggiamento del veicolo. A causa della difformit/u00e0 dei dati pubblicati dai vari portali, AK MOTORS. declina ogni responsabilit/u00e0 per eventuali involontarie incongruenze, che non rappresentano in ogni caso un impegno contrattuale INFORMAZIONI AGGIUNTIVE: Catalizzatore, Accensione elettrica
8,89 €
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Parma (Emilia Romagna)
DUCATI 999/u00a0IN OTTIME/u00a0CONDIZIONI/n/nSEMPRE TAGLIANDATA REGOLARMENTE OGNI ANNO./n/nVIENE CONSEGNATA GOMMATA NUOVA,/u00a0/u00a0TAGLIANDATA E REVISIONATA./n/nOTTIMA PER INVESTIMENTO, DI SICURA RIVALUTAZIONE FUTURA!/n/n/nACCESSORIATA CON:/n/n- SCARICO/u00a0TERMIGNONI RACING (DISPONIBILE ORIGINALE)/n/n-/u00a0PARACALORE E PARAFANGO POSTERIORE IN CARBONIO/n/n- PARATACCHI IN CARBONIO/n/n- TAPPO BENZINA IN CARBONIO/n/n- BIPOSTO CON PEDALINE (COVER MONOPOSTO IN CARBONIO DISPONIBILE)/n/n- PORTATARGA E FRECCE RACING/n/n-/u00a0FRIZIONE A SECCO APERTA CON PIATTELLO IN ERGAL/n/nLIBRETTO USO MANUTENZIONE DOPPIE CHIAVI, CHIAVE ROSSA E CODE CARD DISPONIBILI./n/nMOTO/u00a0PRONTA ALL'USO. FOTO REALI./n/nSI POSSONO TROVARE MAGGIORI FOTO IN ALTA DEFINIZIONE SUL NOSTRO SITO AKMOTORS.IT/n************************/u00a0/n1)ACCETTIAMO PERMUTE: sul nostro sito www.akmotors.it puoi richiedere un valutazione del tuo usato in modo semplice e preciso. In giornata avrete la nostra migliore valutazione./u00a0/n2)RITIRO DEL VEICOLO IN 1 ORA: Passaggio immediato presso la nostra sede - Ricevimento clienti da stazione ferroviaria di Parma 3)POSSIBILITA' DI PROVA SU STRADA/u00a0/n4)POSSIBILITA' DI FAR VISIONARE L'AUTO//MOTO DA UNO/u00a0/nSPECIALISTA DI FIDUCIA/u00a0/n5)Tutti i nostri veicolo sono visibili SU APPUNTAMENTO/n--------------------------------/u00a0/nLa dotazione tecnica e gli optionals potrebbero in alcuni casi differire dall'effettivo equipaggiamento del veicolo. A causa della difformit/u00e0 dei dati pubblicati dai vari portali, AK MOTORS. declina ogni responsabilit/u00e0 per eventuali involontarie incongruenze, che non rappresentano in ogni caso un impegno contrattuale INFORMAZIONI AGGIUNTIVE: Accensione elettrica, Catalizzatore
5,90 €
Vista prodotto

Parma (Emilia Romagna)
DUCATI 999 S IN OTTIME/u00a0CONDIZIONI/n/nAPPENA ESEGUITO MAXI TAGLIANDO CON/u00a0CINGHIE DI DISTRIBUZIONE, OLIO, FILTRI,/n/nCANDELE, TRASMISSIONE E PASTIGLIE PER UN TOTALE DI 1700? (DISPONIBILE FATTURA)./n/nGOMMATA PIRELLI SUPERCORSA, /u00a0VIENE CONSEGNATA REVISIONATA./n/nOTTIMA PER INVESTIMENTO, DI SICURA RIVALUTAZIONE FUTURA!/n/n/nACCESSORIATA CON:/n/n- SCARICO/u00a0TERMIGNONI RACING (DISPONIBILE ORIGINALE)/n/n- PARAFANGO POSTERIORE IN CARBONIO/n/n- COVER CINGHIE E PARATACCHI IN CARBONIO/n/n- PEDANE REGOLABILI IN ERGAL RICAVATE DAL PIENO/n/n- CICLISTICA OHLINS DI SERIE/n/n- FORCELLONE SCATOLATO (ACCESSORIO DUCATI PEFORMANCE)/n/n- PORTATARGA/u00a0RACING CON FRECCE INTEGRATE NELLO STOP/n/n-/u00a0FRIZIONE ANTISALTELLAMENTO APERTA CON PIATTELLO IN ERGAL/n/nDOPPIE CHIAVI E CHIAVE ROSSA DISPONIBILI./n/nMOTO/u00a0PRONTA ALL'USO. FOTO REALI./n/nSI POSSONO TROVARE MAGGIORI FOTO IN ALTA DEFINIZIONE SUL NOSTRO SITO AKMOTORS.IT/n************************/u00a0/n1)ACCETTIAMO PERMUTE: sul nostro sito www.akmotors.it puoi richiedere un valutazione del tuo usato in modo semplice e preciso. In giornata avrete la nostra migliore valutazione./u00a0/n2)RITIRO DEL VEICOLO IN 1 ORA: Passaggio immediato presso la nostra sede - Ricevimento clienti da stazione ferroviaria di Parma 3)POSSIBILITA' DI PROVA SU STRADA/u00a0/n4)POSSIBILITA' DI FAR VISIONARE L'AUTO//MOTO DA UNO/u00a0/nSPECIALISTA DI FIDUCIA/u00a0/n5)Tutti i nostri veicolo sono visibili SU APPUNTAMENTO/n--------------------------------/u00a0/nLa dotazione tecnica e gli optionals potrebbero in alcuni casi differire dall'effettivo equipaggiamento del veicolo. A causa della difformit/u00e0 dei dati pubblicati dai vari portali, AK MOTORS. declina ogni responsabilit/u00e0 per eventuali involontarie incongruenze, che non rappresentano in ogni caso un impegno contrattuale INFORMAZIONI AGGIUNTIVE: Accensione elettrica
8,89 €
Vista prodotto

Parma (Emilia Romagna)
DUCATI 999 IN OTTIME/u00a0CONDIZIONI/n/nAPPENA ESEGUITO MAXI TAGLIANDO CON/u00a0CINGHIE DI DISTRIBUZIONE, OLIO, FILTRI,/n/nGIOCO VALVOLE, CANDELE, TRASMISSIONE, PASTIGLIE PER UN TOTALE DI 1500?./n/nGOMMATA NUOVA, VIENE CONSEGNATA REVISIONATA./n/nOTTIMA PER INVESTIMENTO, DI SICURA RIVALUTAZIONE FUTURA!/n/n/nACCESSORIATA CON:/n/n- SCARICO/u00a0TERMIGNONI RACING/n/n- PARAFANGO POSTERIORE IN CARBONIO/n/n- TAPPO SERBATOIO DUCATI PERFORMANCE/n/n- PARATIA SCARICO IN CARBONIO/n/n- COVER FRIZIONE APERTA CON PIATTELLO IN ERGAL/n/n- PORTATARGA/u00a0RACING/u00a0/n/nDOPPIE CHIAVI E CHIAVE ROSSA DISPONIBILI./n/nMOTO/u00a0PRONTA ALL'USO. FOTO REALI./n/nSI POSSONO TROVARE MAGGIORI FOTO IN ALTA DEFINIZIONE SUL NOSTRO SITO AKMOTORS.IT/n************************/u00a0/n1)ACCETTIAMO PERMUTE: sul nostro sito www.akmotors.it puoi richiedere un valutazione del tuo usato in modo semplice e preciso. In giornata avrete la nostra migliore valutazione./u00a0/n2)RITIRO DEL VEICOLO IN 1 ORA: Passaggio immediato presso la nostra sede - Ricevimento clienti da stazione ferroviaria di Parma 3)POSSIBILITA' DI PROVA SU STRADA/u00a0/n4)POSSIBILITA' DI FAR VISIONARE L'AUTO//MOTO DA UNO/u00a0/nSPECIALISTA DI FIDUCIA/u00a0/n5)Tutti i nostri veicolo sono visibili SU APPUNTAMENTO/n--------------------------------/u00a0/nLa dotazione tecnica e gli optionals potrebbero in alcuni casi differire dall'effettivo equipaggiamento del veicolo. A causa della difformit/u00e0 dei dati pubblicati dai vari portali, AK MOTORS. declina ogni responsabilit/u00e0 per eventuali involontarie incongruenze, che non rappresentano in ogni caso un impegno contrattuale INFORMAZIONI AGGIUNTIVE: Accensione elettrica
5,90 €
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Description^#^^#^^#^^#^With its comfortable feel, this attractive steering wheel cover makes driving a more pleasant experience. It can not only adds fashion and chic to your car's interior, it can also provide a more secure performance in terms of grip for your steering wheel. Moreover, it offers luxury feel for your fingertips and improves the appearance for your old steering wheel. Great gift for your family and friends.^#^^#^^#^^#^Feature^#^^#^^#^^#^ Color: Black red.^#^^#^ Material: Microfiber leather.^#^^#^ Size: About 10.8 x 10.8 x 0.2cm.^#^^#^ With its comfortable feel, this attractive steering wheel cover makes driving a more pleasant experience.^#^^#^ Stylish and comfortable. The stretchon Steering Wheel Cover not only adds fashion and chic to your car's interior, it can also provide a more secure performance in terms of grip for your steering wheel.^#^^#^ Offers luxury feel for your fingertips and improves the appearance for your old steering wheel.^#^^#^ Easy to install. Just stretch on your steering wheel and finish installation.^#^^#^ Great gift for your family or friends.^#^^#^ Warm Tip: Dear buyer, Due to lighting effect,monitor's brightness,manual measurement and etc, there could be some slight differences in the color and size between the photo and the actual item. sincerely hope that you can understand! Thank you! 1 x steering wheel cover
7,11 €
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Description:^#^Material: PU leather^#^^#^Color: cool black / black&red / black&blue (best style); black / red / coffee (newest style)^#^Size:(L) X (W) 1520 * 530mm / 59.8 * 20.9 inches^#^List of packages: 1 * cushion for car seat^#^Made of PU leather material, comfortable and soft. Natural PU leather from the environment gives a delicate feeling.^#^Suitable for year-round use.^#^The heating and ventilation functions of the car seat can be used normally.^#^Comfortable, resistant to dirt, resistant to wear, easy to clean, will not fall off.^#^Suitable for most car seats in the market.^#^^#^Specifications:^#^This seat cover is suitable for most car seats in the market,^#^you can use it for four seasons.^#^And it's not just a protective cover,^#^but it can also be used to decorate the interior of the car,^#^it will make your car look new.^#^^#^Package Included:^#^1 * front seat cover or 1back seat cover^#^^#^Thank you for coming and wish you a nice day.
17,23 €
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New Arrival!!! Fantastic Butterfly Car seat cover^#^4 colours opetions, Pink, Red, Blue and Grey.^#^^#^Features:^#^ Extensive farbic and universal size fit for most of cars, sedans and crossovers^#^ Butterfly printing logo on the 2 front seats.^#^ 3D tyre track embossed design, Fashion and Style^#^ 2 Zippers on the rear bench, fit for 60/40 40/60 split bench^#^ 5-thread sewing technology provides much better durability ^#^ Protect the seats, keep them Clean and New^#^ Easy to install and wash up^#^^#^Materials:^#^ printing logo: film transfer printing, has hand-touch feelling.^#^ face fabric: high-elasticity 100% polyester fabric with AZO free test report^#^ underneath foam: high-density good quality 4mm foam, 100% thicker than the 2mm foam item^#^ zippers: made of high quality plastic and fabric^#^ elastic loop: made of high quality elastic band with 100% Tensil Rate^#^^#^What in the Package:^#^2CPS style(1 chair cover only)^#^1* chair cover headgear: 27X26CM^#^1* front seat cover: front: 72x55CM front seat: 59*x60CM^#^^#^4PCS(front row) Set Included: ^#^2* chair cover headgear: 27X26CM^#^2* front seat cover: front: 72x55CM front seat: 59*x60CM^#^^#^9PCS(front and rear row) Set Included: ^#^5* chair cover headgear: 27X26CM^#^2* front seat cover: front: 72x55CM front seat: 59*x60CM^#^1* seat back cover: 125x60CM^#^1* seat back cover: 115x53CM^#^^#^Tips:Due to Installation Requirement, Please Ensure your Headrests can be Detached Before Buying This Set.^#^^#^Thank you for your purchase! I will send the goods as soon as possible!Wish you a happy life^#^There are also many high cost-effective products in our shop. Welcome to shop!^#^Thank you again for your purchase! Looking forward to serving you again next time! !!!!
5,44 €
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Faux Leather Car Steering Wheel Cover Universal 38cm Auto Steering Wheels Car Grip Brake Cover Protector Steering-Wheel Covers^#^^#^Description:^#^^#^Product introduction:^#^^#^Made of high-grade fiber material, exquisite workmanship, novel design, unique creativity, intimate and practical, exquisite shape and exquisite workmanship, exquisite body shape, can be called the fine example of the industry, is definitely the most practical item of your car.^#^^#^Features:^#^^#^1 The shape is simple and beautiful, and the installation is simple.^#^^#^2 With double-sided sticky velvet inside, it can firmly stick the handbrake, and the gear is not easy to fall off.^#^^#^3 Excellent wear resistance, excellent cold resistance, breathability and aging resistance.^#^^#^4 Fine production, novel style and reliable quality.^#^^#^cleaning method:^#^^#^1. Wash with water and detergent, avoid petrol scrubbing^#^^#^2. Can not dry clean^#^^#^3. Can only be washed, and the washing temperature can not exceed 40 degrees^#^^#^4. Can not be exposed to the sun^#^^#^5. Can not touch some organic solvents^#^^#^Specifications:^#^^#^specification:^#^^#^Product: Steering Wheel Cover & Hand Brake Case & Gear Shift Case ^#^^#^Color: Red/White^#^^#^Size:Steering Wheel Cover:37-39CM, Hand Brake Case:4 x 12cm, Gear Shift Case:5 x 11cm^#^^#^Material: Fiber leather^#^^#^Package Included:^#^1*steering wheel cover^#^1* hand brake cover^#^1* gear cover
2,63 €
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Description:^#^^#^*High quality material: Aluminum alloy material, durable, corrosion resistant, scratch and wear resistant^#^*Design: 3D diamond cut surface, stylish and beautiful^#^*Process: Delicate edging process, the product surface is smooth without hurting hands,Durable, scratch-resistant, dirt-resistant and anti-corrosion.^#^*Function: Decorate the engine switch button and to prevent scratches and unintentional touches by children^#^*Easy to install.Installation: It is directly pasted for non-destructive installation, and uses double-sided adhesive for automobile, which does not damage the high-quality non marking adhesive for interior decoration.^#^*A sports-style protective cover, so you will have a particularly powerful feeling when starting the car!^#^^#^Specifications:^#^100% Brand New^#^Color: red, yellow, green, blue, orange, pink^#^Material: Metal Alloy^#^Diameter: 3CM (Inner), 3.9CM (Outer)^#^Size:4CM*5CM^#^^#^Package Included:^#^1pc Engine Push Button Protection Cover^#^^#^Note:^#^The real color of the item may be slightly different from the pictures shown on website caused by many factors such as brightness of your monitor and light brightness.^#^Please allow 1cm-2cm error due to the manual measurement.^#^^#^Thanks for your understanding^#^Wish you have a happy shopping time!
6,61 €
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Universal PU Leather Car Front Seat Cover Waterproof Seat Cover Pad Car Accessories^#^^#^Description:^#^Style 1:A / B / C / D Style^#^Material: PU leather^#^name:pu leather car seat cover^#^Color: black&red^#^List of packages: 1 * cushion for car seat^#^Made of PU leather material, comfortable and soft. Natural PU leather from the environment gives a delicate feeling.^#^Suitable for year-round use.^#^The heating and ventilation functions of the car seat can be used normally.^#^Comfortable, resistant to dirt, resistant to wear, easy to clean, will not fall off.^#^Suitable for most car seats in the market.^#^^#^Specifications:^#^This seat cover is suitable for most car seats in the market,^#^you can use it for four seasons.^#^And it's not just a protective cover,^#^but it can also be used to decorate the interior of the car,^#^it will make your car look new.^#^^#^Package Included:^#^1 * front seat cover^#^Note:^#^1.The pictures are for reference only. The actual product shall prevail.^#^2.Your satisfaction is our utmost concern. Please contact us to better resolve any issue before leaving any neutral or negative feedback. Thanks a lot!^#^^#^Package: 1pc*Steering wheel Cover^#^^#^Thank you for coming and wish you a nice day.
15,88 €
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Specifications:^#^Especially designed for cars, these covers will protect your shift knob and hand brake well.^#^Made of high quality faux leather, it is durable.^#^The covers will help you operate on the shift knob and hand brake more efficiently.^#^^#^Type: Shift Knob Cover & Hand Brake Cover^#^Pattern: Lattice^#^Material: Faux Leather^#^Color: Black + Red, Black + White^#^Features: Lattice Pattern, High Quality Faux Leather^#^Shift Knob Cover Size: 11cm x 9.5cm/4.33" x 3.74" (Approx.)^#^Hand Brake Cover Size: 13.5cm x 3.5cm/5.31" x 1.38" (Approx.)^#^^#^Notes:^#^1. Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures.^#^2. Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement.^#^^#^Package Includes:^#^1 x Shift Knob Cover^#^1 x Hand Brake Cover
4,36 €
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2021 NEW Car Seat Cover Universal Car Seat Cover Full Set Car Seat Cushion Seat Protector Car Seat Covers PU Leather Car Seat Accessories^#^^#^Specifications:^#^-Type: Universal Car Seat Cushion^#^- 4 Color Optional: Black&White / Black&Red / Black&Pink / Black&Blue^#^- Material: Leather^#^- Suitable Scope: Applicable to most car seats in the market, four seasons general, let your car take on a new look.^#^- Function: High-quality seat cover fabric breathable, feel comfortable, anti-dirty, wear-resistant, easy to clean, do not fall off, summer will not be too hot winter will not be too cool, four seasons general advanced seat cover.^#^^#^Features:^#^- Featured innovative fabrics and designs.^#^- Easy to install and suitable for most seats.^#^- Update the appearance of old or dirty seats.^#^- Prevent splitting, stains, fading, dirt and pet hair.^#^-The use of high-quality seat cover fabric breathable, feel comfortable, wear-resistant, easy to clean, do not fall off.^#^^#^Package Included:^#^1X Front Seat Cushion / 1X Back Seat Cushion ^#^^#^Thank you for coming and wish you a nice day.
26,31 €
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Leather Car Seat Cover Car Cushion Cover Car Seat Protector Universal Car Seat Covers Luxury Car Seat Cover Car Cushion Car Seat Accessories^#^Product Name: Car Seat Cover^#^^#^Color:Black&White/Black&Red /Beige/Coffee^#^^#^Suitable Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter^#^^#^Material:PU Leather^#^^#^Size: Front: 50cm x 50cm ^#^^#^ Back: 135cm x 50cm ^#^^#^^#^Features:^#^1. Breathable, non-toxic and harmless substances, green technology.^#^2. Full use of silica gel particles at the bottom, the overall good skid resistance, standard ^#^^#^docile.^#^3. Full surround design, protect your original car seats.^#^4. Storage bag at the bottom, Increase the practicality.^#^5. Wrapping process, Trace evenly, More elegant.^#^6. Easy to install and get. ^#^^#^Package:1 PC * Front Seat /2 PC * Front Seat /1 PC * Rear Seat /3 PC(2 front and 1 rear seat)^#^^#^ ^#^Note: ^#^1.The pictures are for reference only. The actual product shall prevail.^#^2.Your satisfaction is our utmost concern. Please contact us to better resolve any issue before ^#^^#^leaving any neutral or negative feedback. ^#^^#^Thanks a lot!
4,84 €
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Universal PU Leather Car Seat Waterproof Cover Breathable Luxury Cushion Front Seat Cushion Pad Car Seat Protector Cover Fits For Four Season^#^^#^Packaging includes:^#^1 x Car Seat Mat Cover^#^^#^Specification:^#^Type: Car Seat Mat Cover^#^Material: PU Leather^#^Color: Red/Beige/Black/Coffee(optional)^#^Quantity: 1 pc^#^^#^Fitment:^#^Universal Full Car^#^(Please buy according to the size of your car seat)^#^^#^Features:^#^-Made of PU leather material, comfortable and smooth.^#^-Natural environmental PU leather gives delicate feeling.^#^-Suitable for year round use and for all cars.^#^-Protect the car seats, and keep the car the same.
19,95 €
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