Voile full batten
Elenco delle migliori vendite voile full batten

Italia (Tutte le città)
Bienvenue à bord du catamaran EXCESS 11, un catamaran de croisière de 37 pieds.Découvrez cet Excess 11 en version 4 cabines d'occasion ! Ce bateau est une perle rare, très bien équipé par son propriétaire il dispose de beaucoup d'options supplémentaires.Il est le compagnon idéal pour partir en vacances, avec ces grands espaces et 4 cabines vous pouvez embarquer facilement 8 personnes à bord..
Infos comp: Enrouleur de génois, Génois Autovireur taftas gris, Bande anti-UV, Grand voile full batten à corne taftas gris, Grand voile full batten, Gennaker Code 0, Lazy bag, Lazy jack, propulsion motorisée sail-drive, nombre de moteurs: 2, guindeau électrique, bossoir, ancre, anémomètre, girouette, GPS, VHF, loch, speedomètre, pilote automatique, sondeur, compas, batteries, nombre de cabines: 4, nombre de couchettes: 10 personne(s, bain de soleil, bimini, chargeur de batteries, congélateur, cuisinière, système de chauffage de l'eau, équipement 220V, four, pompe cale, réfrigérateur, prise de quai, douchette de cockpit, plateforme de bain, échelle de bain, table de cockpit, coussins de cockpit, reservoir eaux noires, grand-voile, état de l'item nautisme: occasion, pont en polyester, coque en polyester
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2 cabines
Initialement prévue pour le marché américain et dessiné par German Frers, cet Idylle 13.50 saura vous convaincre par son confort et son grand volume habitable, ce croiseur à été conçu pour le voyage et son propriétaire actuel l'a doté de nombreuse améliorations.
Centrale Electronique Tacktick, Pilote automatique, Balise Epirb, AIS, Traceur SIMRAD.
Eclairage intérieur LED, Cuisine ilot Central, Frigo, et conservateur.
Chauffage air pulsé
Batteries 8x145 Ampères + Chargeur Mastervolt
Ancre Inox Spade + Chaine 50 Mètre neuve + Ancre de secours Alu
Teak Refait à neuf par pro
Matelas mémoires de forme neufs fait sur mesure par pro 2018
Helice Tripale Repliable
Système complet harken avec hale bas rigide
1 pack de 4 gilets de sauvetage gonflables /"8.28/"
Annexe semi rigide 3D TENDER structure alu 2,80 m
Moteur d'annexe Parson 9,9 CV
Balise de detresse EPIRB
Ancre Inox 27,5 kg SPADE
Guindeau télécommandé
Chaîne d'ancre diam. 10 - 60m
Ancre alu légère FORTRESS 5 KG
Chaine 10 m + 50 m bout
Gréement et Voiles
Grand Voile Full batten (2010)
Lazy Bag
Lazy Jack
Génois sur enrouleur (2010) Bon
Génois de réserve Bon
Enrouleur de génois remplacé en 2000
Spinnaker asymétrique + chaussette Bon
Spinnaker symétrique Bon
Verin de baume
Bout -dehors inox
Rail de mat et chariots de grand-voile HARKEN
Tourmentin et bec de canard
Circuit 12 V/220 V Révisé en 2010
Chargeur MASTERVOLT 50 A
Régulateur charges batteries MASTERVOLT GESTIONNAIRE
Batteries moteur GEL 145 A
6 batteries de service GEL 145 A AGM
Convertisseur 2000 W
Convertisseur 100 W
Panneaux solaires 550 W
Eclairage entièrement à Leds
Radio FM-CD
GPS traceur SIMRAD avec carte méditerranée hors maghreb (2018)
VHF portable ICOM
Pilote automatique RAYMARINE avec télécommande
Vérin de pilote hydraulique
Girouette - anémomètre RAYMARINE - TACKTICK
Capote de roof
Bimini cockpit
Taud de camping protection fermeture latérale sur le bimini
Portique inox + bossoirs
Palan inox pour moteur HB
Barbecue de balcon inox
TVA payée pavillon Français
Inventaire sur demande
Place de port possible
English informations on request
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Italia (Tutte le città)
DUFOUR 36 Classic de propriétaire, Volvo 2030D. Nouveau mât 2023 + gréement révisé, joint saildrive de 2017, équipé pour la navigation hauturière. REPRISE, FINANCEMENT ET PLACE DE PORT POSSIBLES...Contact Frédéric:
Owner's DUFOUR 36 Classic, Volvo 2030D. New mast 2023 + revised rigging, saildrive joint from 2017, equipped for offshore navigation. POSSIBLE RECOVERY, FINANCING AND PORT PLACE...Contact Frédéric: 00336.
. Infos comp: Répétiteur(s) ST 50 et ST 60, Cockpit teck, Capote de descente, Sellerie refaite en 2019, Taud de barre à roue, Hi-Fi, Enrouleur de génois FACNOR 2023, Génois de 2016, Bande anti-UV, Grand voile full batten Deltavoile de 2011, Spi symétrique, Tourmentin, Gennaker CODE D sur emmagasineur de 2016 + SAKACODE, Lazy bag 2015, Lazy jack, Spinnaker, propulsion motorisée sail-drive, nombre de moteurs: 1, guindeau électrique, ancre, anémomètre, girouette, GPS, VHF, loch, speedomètre, pilote automatique, sondeur, compas, batteries, nombre de cabines: 3, nombre de couchettes: 8 personne(s, panneau solaire, équipement audio, bimini, taud, chargeur de batteries, cuisinière, système de chauffage de l'eau, dispositif d'éclairage, équipement 220V, pompe cale, réfrigérateur, prise de quai, carré transformable, douchette de cockpit, plateforme de bain, échelle de bain, table de cockpit, éclairage de cockpit, reservoir eaux noires, capote de roof, foc, spi, état de l'item nautisme: occasion, pont en polyester, coque en polyester
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Voiler d'occasion et d'exception POGO 40 chantier Structure.Un mot vient à l'esprit lorsqu'on le visite: EXCEPTIONNEL.Ce Pogo 40 a été équipé par son propriétaire qui est un professionnel du nautisme ex coureur. Quelques Régates mais principalement croisieres ont été au programme.
Visible sur rendez vous, merci de contacter Christophe BUHOT ou Philippe FROMENTSitué en Méditerranée sur 23 hectares, Port Navy Service, aujourd'hui plus grand port à sec européen, vous offre plus de 1500 places, 120 tonnes de capacité de levage et 35 années d'expérience à votre service..
Infos comp: Génois, Bande anti-UV, Grand voile full batten CARBONE 2023 + INCIDENCE 2021, Spi Léger, Solent Ullman 2021 avec enrouleur CARVER 2024, Autres voiles Code 0 + Code 5 ELSTROM 2023, Lazy bag, Lazy jack, Nombreuses voiles en super état, propulsion motorisée sail-drive, nombre de moteurs: 1, guindeau électrique, ancre, anémomètre, girouette, GPS, VHF, loch, speedomètre, pilote automatique, sondeur, compas, batteries, nombre de cabines: 3, chargeur de batteries, système de dessalinisation de l'eau, équipement 220V, pompe cale, réfrigérateur, prise de quai, douchette de cockpit, coussins de cockpit, EPIRB, spi, état de l'item nautisme: occasion, coque en matériau composite
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Une exclusivité MY BATEAU, Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 44 DS de 2015, équipé en moteur Yanmar 57 CV, radar, pilote automatique, propulseur d'étrave et de poupe, GPS, lave linge. REPRISE POSSIBLE, FINANCEMENT ET PLACE DE PORT POSSIBLE ! Contact Clément +33 6 11 18 63 71
. Informations complémentaires: Grand voile full batten Hydranet, Lazy bag, Lazy jack, propulsion motorisée Sail-drive, guindeau électrique, ancre, anémomètre, girouette, GPS, VHF, loch, speedomètre, pilote automatique, propulseur étrave, radar, sondeur, traceur, compas, batteries, propulseur de poupe, nombre de cabines: 2, nombre de couchettes: 6 personnes, panneau solaire, équipement audio, bimini, taud, chargeur de batteries, congélateur, cuisinière, système de chauffage de l'eau, équipement 220V, four, passerelle, pompe cale, réfrigérateur, poste de télévision, prise de quai, carré transformable, douchette de cockpit, échelle de bain, table de cockpit, coussins de cockpit, réservoir eaux noires, capote de roof, état de l'item nautisme: occasion, pont en teck, coque en polyester
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Italia (Tutte le città)
DUFOUR 445 Grand Large. Bateau en très bon état général. Très équipé. Grand voyage. Panneaux solaires. Eolienne. Déssalinisateur. Convertisseur. Génois sur enrouleur 2023. Trinquette sur enrouleur 2023. Grand-voile full batten 2023. Genaker sur emmagasineur. 3 Winchs électriques. Pilote automatique sur secteur de barre. Propulseur d’étrave. Moteur Volvo D2-75 de 75 comptant 1 426 heures. Prêt à partir.
Prix affiché: 245 000 €uros
DUFOUR 445 Grand Large. Boat in very good general condition. Very well equipped. Long voyage. Solar panels. Wind turbine. Watermaker. Converter. Furling genoa 2023. Furling staysail 2023. Full batten mainsail 2023. Furling gennaker. 3 Electric winches. Autopilot on tiller. Bow thruster. Volvo D2-75 engine of 75 with 1,426 hours. Ready to go.
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Porto Viro (Veneto)
Malu’ is a rare and excellent example of a vintage yacht in perfect conditions. She was designed by Sparkman& Stephens and built at the highest standards under the direct survey of the RINA director of Livorno harbor. After a life as cruiser racer Malu’ received the most accurate and respectfull restoration and she is better than ever. Sailing Malu’ is just like diving in the past and her elegant lines and details are highlighted by new rigging, new sails, new engine and systems, new closets and interior furniture and new tapestry.The hull was completely emptied to provide a general refit and to protect her from the risk of osmosis (she had no osmosis anyway) the hull was treated with epoxy resin. The restoration was surveyed by one of the best known Italian expert, and in our experience of hundreds classic yachts to offer to demanding customers we have been amazed reading his survey. Every analized matter and item on board is rated at the top. Survey available. Original drawings available. ACCOMMODATIONS: Malù is a very comfortable boat with elegant and functional accommodations. 3 cabins one of which with double bed,saloon, one bathroom, galley,chart table. Sleeps 5 guests in the cabin and 2 in the saloon. Description: From the entrance to the left a cabin with single, comfortable bunk and the wide chart table. On the right the L shaped galley. After the half bulkhead there is the saloon with L shaped settee on the left side and a lifting table.A wide settee/ bunk on the right. Half bulkhead ahead there is a well type fridge with wide pantry storage and oil skins closet. The bathroom in front on the right side. You enter now in the double cabin with separate beds with wide storage space, and the owners cabin with V shaped double bed. The anchor chain storage is ahead and reachable trough a watertight opening RESTORATION: The boat was purchased in 2009 by the actual owner and moved by truck to the shipyard Cantieri Pier 12 in Marina di Ravenna. The plan was to make her perfect and beutifull. No energy was spared. Between 2010-13 The boat was emptied completely to bare hull and treated with epoxy resin outside and inside. The deck was relaminated with void technology before fitting a new teak deck. New beams set under the deck and cabin. The accommodations and furniture completely restored or rebuilt where some imperfection was found. New closets, drawers, and storage spaces. New systems, new tapestry,new winches, new sails. Perkins engine 50 HP completely overhauled 250 hours New propeller shaft Albero motore e baderna 2013 + cuffia Volvo New exhaust and muffler system and + sifon break 2013 All Harken deck fittings 2013 (bozzelli, golfari, trasto) New haluards and sheets Gottifredi brand in Dyneema old fashion Deck stainless steel Winches 2013 Andersen Mast Winches Lewmar 45 Genoa furler Bamar 2013 Staysail stay in spectra 2015 c New mast and rigging 2016 New stanchions 2016 Original Goiot deck opening with double opening with new anodyzation and new plexiglass Mainsail One sail dacron full batten 2013 with Antal track – 2 reefs Genoa One sail dacron 130% 2013 Staysail One sail 2017 Teack deck 2013 10mm thick vacuum glued. Never sanded yet Custom made Sprayhood e Bimini 2016 Led lights in cockpit and on the mast Full owning 2016 Tender Silver Quick 2019 Outboard tender motor Yamaha malta 3cv Licenced over 50 miles from coastlines Webasto heating system everywhere 2013 Electric system and panel 2013 Water system 2013 Boiler Quick 25 liters 2013 Ready to fit radar, generator and watermaker Battery charger Quick 2013 2 bilge pumps 2013 Sea water pump for water in the galley and deck Water tanks stainless steel 500 lt 2013 Well type fridge with double opening 2013 Malu' a top class Sparkman& Stephens sloop Malu’ is a rare and excellent example of a vintage yacht in perfect conditions. She was designed by Sparkman& Stephens and built at the highest standards under the direct survey of the RINA director of Livorno harbor. After a life as cruiser racer Malu’ received the most accurate and respectfull restoration and she is better than ever. Sailing Malu’ is just like diving in the past and her elegant lines and details are highlighted by new rigging, new sails, new engine and systems, new closets and interior furniture and new tapestry.The hull was completely emptied to provide a general refit and to protect her from the risk of osmosis (she had no osmosis anyway) the hull was treated with epoxy resin. The restoration was surveyed by one of the best known Italian expert, and in our experience of hundreds classic yachts to offer to demanding customers we have been amazed reading his survey. Every analized matter and item on board is rated at the top. Survey available. Original drawings available. Declinazione di responsabilità La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione...Read full description
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Al (Sardegna)
Splendida Unico Proprietario Scafo Blu Interni in TEAK 3 Cabine In ottimo stato sia esternamente che internamente. Usata da unico armatore, è stata manutenuta con estrema diligenza. Tutti gli equipaggiamenti, senza eccezioni, sono perfettamente funzionanti. La barca non ha mai subito alcun incaglio, neppure lieve, o altro sinistro in navigazione, di alcun tipo. E’ stata usata solo in Mediterraneo, non ha mai partecipato a regate e la navigazione è sempre stata “di conserva”, con regolare uso delle volanti (non strutturali – uso opzionale) per preservare al meglio l’armo. Equipaggiamento: albero maggiorato con 3 crocette, scafo blu, ponte e tuga in teak, randa (full batten con carrelli a sfere) e genoa avvolgibile, trinchetta in mylar con strallo totalmente in tessile “Aramstar”, volanti e drizze in Spectra/Kevlar, gennaker 160mq. con calza, avvolgifiocco Furlex 300S, lazy jack, elettronica Raymarine (log, vento, eco, autopilota), VHF con altoparlante interno ed esterno disinseribile, radar Furuno 24 miglia, GPS Cartografico Garmin, GPS e Navtex Furuno, Transponder AIS Simrad, sirena Marco, Ancora Rocna 25kg con 90mt di catena 10mm in acciaio, salpa-ancora elettrico con barbotin maggiorato e rinvio in pozzetto, alternatore di potenza e regolatore Mastervolt 90A, Caricabatterie Mastervolt 75A, Batterie Servizi AGM 540A, Batteria Emergenza 55A, predisposizione per SSB/Massa (ampia piastra di rame interna con attacco nel gavone poppiero) Comfort: Frigorifero 12V, interni in teak, riscaldamento Eberspacher con termostato programmabile, autoclave acqua calda/fredda con girante in bronzo, doccia esterna calda/fredda, pompa acqua mare elettrica gavone ancora, pompa supplementare a pedale in cucina, radio-stereo con telecomando, casse interne/esterne, 2 cappottine paraspruzzi, 2 tendalini parasole...Read full description
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Genova (Liguria)
DIMENSIONI:Lft:12,18 Larg.:3,99 Imm.:1,80 MOTORIZZAZIONE:Volvo Penta D2-55 SD, ore moto 1.250 CARBURANTE:lt.150 ACQUA:lt.300 in 2 serbatoi IMP. ELETTRICO:12/220 V- 3 batterie, caricabatterie manutenzione annuale, raiser nuovo, presa a mare e membrana saildrive 2019 Attrezzatura di coperta: pozzetto teak,,sprayhood,bimini (doppio), tavolo pozzetto,passerella, plancetta e scaletta bagno,salpancora elettrico, ancora Delta, 70 mt. catena, doccetta esterna Interni: 3 cabine, 2 bagni (1 elettrico/1 manuale) boiler,autoclave,frigo,cucina con forno, riscaldamento Webasto,impianto stereo, tv,serbatoio acque nere, 2 pompe sentina Strumentazione elettronica: pilota automatico, gps,log,contamiglia,vento,eco,VHF Radar Vele: randa full batten 2019, genoa avvolgibile dacron Dotazioni sicurezza: autogonfiabile per 8 persone,3 razzi,4 estintori,cassetta medica,anulare,cima galleggiante,giubbotti VARIE:parabordi,cime ormeggio Annotazioni sicurezz.: 2021
65.000 €
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Lavagna (Liguria)
Barca a vela - Vela Del pardo 43 be c Barca a vela - Vela Id: 93121 Anno: 2006 Dimensioni: 12.95mt Motorizzazione: Volvo Penta d 55 1 x 55 HP - Diesel DESCRIZIONE: BArca intonsa e sempre ben manutenzionata. Collare sail drive nuovo, revisione sail drive. Tagliando, vele del 2019- Possibilità di permuta con barca di 34 36 piedi a vela con particolari requisiti INTERNI: versione tre cabine matrimoniali con 2 bagni e rispettive docce. Piano cottura a murta. Dinette ampia. Wc manuali, cucina a due fuochi con forno. STRUMENTAZIONE: 4 diplay: log eco, vento, vmg bolinometro, pilota automatico, cartografico gps alla timoneria e un secon gps cartografico al carteggio. Vhf raymarine 240 dsc con seconda stazione alla timoneria. Stereo cd con altoparlanti in pozzetto. Tv con impianto antenna in testa d'albero carica batterie. Autoclave inverter, pompe di sentina elettrica e manuale. ARMAMENTO: Boiler, riscaldamento a gasolio Eberspacher, elica tre pale abattibile flex o fold, ancora 16 kg con 50 mt di catena, pozzetto in teak, ponte in teak, 6 parabordi, capottina paraspruzzi, supporto fb, attacco 220V banchina, verricello Quick 1000 watt. Prese interne 12/ 220volt. Vele: VAng rigido, randa german sheet, attrezzatura spinnaker con tangone in carbonio, fiocco 105% one sail del 2018 Gennaker con calza, lazy bag, spinnaker, genoa 130%, Randa millenium del 2019 full batten 3 d, 6 winch, avvolgifiocco a scomparsa. Albero con tre ordini di crocette, tendi paterazzo idraulico. Inserzionista: yacht4web
145.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Dehler Varianta 44.2 4 cabine e 2 bagni,lunghezza 13.50, larghezza 4.18, pescaggio 2.20,scafo con strato esterno in resina vinilestere, motore Volvo 55 hp con poche ore e serbatoio 160 lt., fatturabile, mai charter, randa full batten in CL, genoa avvolgibile, lazy bag, capottina, strumentazione B&G completa, autopilota, salpancora elettrico, dotazioni complete per crociera, costruzione 2016 e varo 2017, serbatoio acqua 350 lt.,doccia esterna, boiler, varie modifiche migliorative sugli interni, gas con forno, frigorifero, boiler, ottime condizioni, visibile a Sanremo fatturabile.
86.000 €
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Monte Argentario (Toscana)
Bavaria yachts bavaria 33 cruiser Bavaria 33 cruiser Bompresso in acciaio inox custom, con drizza e circuito Randa full batten 30 mq Genoa 150% 31 mq Tormentina Gennaker 85 mq del 2010 zattera revisionata giugno 2012 (scad. 2014) Doccia calda/fredda in pozzetto paterazzo regolabile, albero Selden, carrelli regolabili dal pozzetto, vang rigido Selden con pistone a gas nuovo 2013 lazy bag nuovo 2013 lazy jack bimini top sprayhood 4 winch lewmar cromati self tailing Ancora delta 16 kg catena 8 mm 50 mt. 6 parabordi con calza dotazioni di sicurezza entro 12 mg. leasing in corso, fino a febbraio 2016, rata ? 630,00 +iva 11% Anno: 2006 Km: Alimentazione: Diesel Cilindrata: 0 Optional: Autoradio, Boiler, Bussola, Doccia, Ecoscandaglio, Fornello, Frigo, GPS, Impianto 12V, Impianto 220V, Lavabo, Lettore CD, Log, Plotter, Presa 220 V per Banchina, Raddrizzatore/Carica Batterie, Scaletta, Serbatoio Acqua Dolce, Serbatoio Acque Scure, Stacca Batteria, Televisione, Vento, Verricello Salpa Ancora, VHF, WC Marino Inserzionista: Dreamarine Srl
58.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Anno 1993 lft 7,67 m, largh. 2,36 Inaffondabile e auto raddrizzante, dotata di deriva mobile basculante Randa full batten 2008, Genoa nuovo 2016 con foam luff Interni completamente rifatti, cuscineria rifatta nel 2014 Pannello solare 11w WC chimico del 2015
10.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Comet 41 sport 2007 lft 12.75. largh. 3.98, pescaggio 2.40, un vero fast cruiser equipaggiato egregiamente ed in condizioni perfette, motore Lombardini 40 hp con 1300 ore e serbatoio inox ed elica gori abbattibile, randa full batten, gennaker con bomprtesso, spinnaker, tangone, sartiame in tondino,membrana s-drive nuova, genova 2021, rollafiocco, serbatoio acqua 400 l., sebatoi acque nere, gas con 3 fuochi e forno, frigorifero, interni in ciliegio americano, costruzione in resina epossidica, bimini, capottina, boiler, caricabatterie, 3 batterie, elettronica completa con plotter in pozzetto ed interno, log, eco, stazione vento, pilota automatico, lazy bag, tutte le dotazioni per la crociera, barca da vedere. per informazioni [email protected] 00393472529663
110.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Delphia 37 cruiser 2008 3 cabine e bagno, unico proprietario motore Volvo 30 hp con 450 ore di moto, elica J prop, pozzetto in teak, timone a ruota, serbatoio gasolio in inox 160 l, serbatoio acqua inox 250 l, boiler, gas con forno, WC marino, frigorifero, doccia interna ed esterna, capottina, bimini, tavolo esterno fisso, randa full batten con rotaia Harken, lazy bag, rollafiocco bamar, strumentazione completa raymarine con eco, log, stazione del vento, gps con chart plotter, autopilota, salpancora, ancora trifoil con 70 m di catena, dotazioni di sicurezza, usata pochissimo e quasi sempre per uscite giornaliere. per informazioni [email protected] 3472529663.
72.000 €
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