Elenco delle migliori vendite vp

VP Globe è una lampada a sospensione disegnata da Verner Panton e prodotta dal marchio Verpan. Questa lampada, dalla forte presenza scenica, ha una sfera esterna in acrilico trasparente, con cinque riflettori interni in alluminio verniciato o vetro, sospesi da catene in acciaio. Panton ha progettato questa lampada con l'obiettivo di avere un elemento in grado di definire un ambiente, sia da solo che utilizzato in gruppo. Pensata soprattutto per le sale da pranzo, è ideale anche per i corridoi o come elemento caratterizzante un angolo di un appartamento o di un ufficio. VP Globe è una lampada contemporanea, adatta a qualsiasi ambiente, in equilibrio tra design e tecnologia. Capace di stile ed eleganza senza dimenticare la funzionalità, questa lampada sarà un gioiello da esporre con orgoglio. Sorgente luminosa: E27 (230V) E26 (120V) max. 60W
1.866 €
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VP Globe è una lampada a sospensione disegnata da Verner Panton e prodotta dal marchio Verpan. Questa lampada, dalla forte presenza scenica, ha una sfera esterna in acrilico trasparente, con cinque riflettori interni in alluminio verniciato nei colori cromo, rosso e blu sospesi da catene in acciaio. Panton ha progettato questa lampada con l'obiettivo di avere un elemento in grado di definire un ambiente, sia da solo che utilizzato in gruppo. Pensata soprattutto per le sale da pranzo, è ideale anche per i corridoi o come elemento caratterizzante un angolo di un appartamento o di un ufficio. VP Globe è una lampada contemporanea, adatta a qualsiasi ambiente, in equilibrio tra design e tecnologia. Capace di stile ed eleganza senza dimenticare la funzionalità, questa lampada sarà un gioiello da esporre con orgoglio.Sorgente luminosa:G9 - 220V - Lunghezza cavo in tessuto nero 400cm
970 €
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VP Globe è una lampada a sospensione disegnata da Verner Panton e prodotta dal Brand Verpan. Questa lampada, dalla forte presenza scenica, presenta una sfera esterna in acrilico trasparente, con cinque riflettori interni in alluminio verniciato o vetro, sospesi tramite catenine d'acciaio. Panton ideò questa lampada con l'obiettivo di avere un elemento capace di definire una stanza, sia da solo che utilizzato in gruppo. Pensata soprattutto per sale da pranzo, è ideale anche per corridoi, o come elemento caratterizzante di un angolo di appartamento, o di ufficio. VP Globe è una lampada contemporanea, adatta ad ogni ambiente, in equilibrio tra design e tecnica. Capace di stile ed eleganza senza dimenticare la funzionalità, questa lampada sarà un gioiello da esibire con orgoglio. Sorgente di Illuminazione: 220V - E14 max. 60W
1.525 €
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Da un progetto del designer danese Verner Panton del 1965 nasce il disegno geometrico di questi originali plaid dallo stile senza tempo, firmati Verpan. Disponibili in quattro tonalità di colore sono realizzati in 100% lana Merinos. Il disegno geometrico dei plaid è composto da triangoli isosceli, che in un gioco di vuoti e pieni formano nuove e insolite forme geometriche. Leggero, morbido ed assolutamente di design, il plaid di Verner Panton assicura tepore e comfort in living o in camera da letto.
238 €
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440ml Pigment Roland SC,SJ,XC,XJ,VS,RS,VP,SP SERIES#LM Compatible with these machines: Roland RS Series, Roland RS-540,Roland RS-640, Roland SC Series, Roland SC-500, Roland SC-540,Roland SC-545, Roland SC-545EX, Roland SJ Series, Roland SJ-1045,Roland SJ-540, Roland SJ-640, Roland SJ-645, Roland SJ-645EX,Roland SJ-740, Roland SJ-745, Roland SJ-745EX, Roland SP Series,Roland SP-300i, Roland SP-540i, Roland VP Series, Roland VP-300, Roland VP-300V, Roland VP-300i, Roland VP-500, Roland VP-500i, Roland VP-540, Roland VP-540V, Roland VP-540i, Roland VS Series, Roland VS-300, Roland VS-420, Roland VS-540, Roland VS-640, Roland XC Series, Roland XC-540, Roland XC-540MT, Roland XJ Series, Roland XJ-540, Roland XJ-640, Roland XJ-740
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440ml Pigment Roland SC,SJ,XC,XJ,VS,RS,VP,SP SERIES#LC Compatible with these machines: Roland RS Series, Roland RS-540,Roland RS-640, Roland SC Series, Roland SC-500, Roland SC-540,Roland SC-545, Roland SC-545EX, Roland SJ Series, Roland SJ-1045,Roland SJ-540, Roland SJ-640, Roland SJ-645, Roland SJ-645EX,Roland SJ-740, Roland SJ-745, Roland SJ-745EX, Roland SP Series,Roland SP-300i, Roland SP-540i, Roland VP Series, Roland VP-300, Roland VP-300V, Roland VP-300i, Roland VP-500, Roland VP-500i, Roland VP-540, Roland VP-540V, Roland VP-540i, Roland VS Series, Roland VS-300, Roland VS-420, Roland VS-540, Roland VS-640, Roland XC Series, Roland XC-540, Roland XC-540MT, Roland XJ Series, Roland XJ-540, Roland XJ-640, Roland XJ-740
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Weidmüller VP 29-K54. Tipo: spina, Materiale: poliammide, diametro: 4,4 cm. Quantità per confezione: 50 pezzi(e) Testo tradotto automaticamente....
19,98 €
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Penelope è una lampada da terra disegnate dal designer italiano Domenico Rinaldi e prodotte dal brand Fisionarte. Lampada realizzata in metallo verniciato, rete verniciata intrecciata a mano e vestito in tessuto ignifugo lavorato a uncinetto. Penelope prende il nome dalla tessitrice del mito di Odisseo, simbolo femminile di intelligenza, pazienza, manualità e astuta adattabilità alla mutevolezza degli eventi, capace di rigenerare e mantenere lo spirito della casa; nata come l'evoluzione del tappeto che diventa luce, è più di un semplice complemento di arredo, infatti nella funzionalità dell'abitare contemporaneo rappresenta un elemento capace di decorare, arredare e definire gli spazi della nostra quotidianità, e al contempo di stimolare i sensi e raccontare storie di origini antichissime. Prodotta in un'unica versione, nuda o vestita, porta all'interno della casa la tattilità di un oggetto artigianale, e con essa la irripetibilità di un prodotto interamente realizzato a mano, frutto della sapienza tramandata - allo stesso tempo semplice e ricca di storia - che risiede nella tecnica della tessitura ad uncinetto.Sorgente luminosa: LED E27 - max 60W Dimmerabile - 230V - IP20. Classe energetica da A a G. Lampadina non inclusa.
4.724 €
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Guaine per il passaggio di cavi con e senza spina di 3 - 33 mm di diametro del cavo per luso con i telai delle VarioPlate da 4 a 24. Testo tradotto automaticamente...
2,28 €
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Piastra di chiusura senza preincisioni per pareti dellalloggiamento ENYSTAR 180 mm. Testo tradotto automaticamente...
2,49 €
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Il tubo a getto Vario Power: dal getto di detergente a bassa pressione al getto ad alta pressione, con regolazione della pressione infinitamente variabile, semplicemente ruotando il tubo a getto....
46,99 €
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I tappi di chiusura servono a chiudere i fori filettati superflui, in modo da garantire il mantenimento del grado di protezione IP....
199,99 €
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CASSETTA NASTRO TZe-MQ531 COMPATIBILE BROTHER NERO SU BLU PASTELLO 12mmX5mt TZ-MQ531 TZMQ531 CASSETTA NASTRO TZe-MQ531 COMPATIBILE BROTHER NERO SU BLU PASTELLO 12mmX5mt TZ-MQ531 TZMQ531 STAMPANTI COMPATIBILI: Brother P-Touch Brother P-Touch 1000 Brother P-Touch 1000 BTS Brother P-Touch 1000 F Brother P-Touch 1200 Brother P-Touch 1200 P Brother P-Touch 1250 Brother P-Touch 1250 J Brother P-Touch 1250 LB Brother P-Touch 1250 S Brother P-Touch 1250 Series Brother P-Touch 1250 VP Brother P-Touch 1250 VPS Brother P-Touch 1260 VP Brother P-Touch 1750 Brother P-Touch 18 R Brother P-Touch 1800 Brother P-Touch 1800 E Brother P-Touch 1850 Brother P-Touch 1850 CC Brother P-Touch 1850 Series Brother P-Touch 1850 VP Brother P-Touch 1950 VP Brother P-Touch 200 Brother P-Touch 210 E Brother P-Touch 220 Brother P-Touch 2400 Brother P-Touch 2400 E Brother P-Touch 2420 PC Brother P-Touch 2430 PC Brother P-Touch 2450 Brother P-Touch 2450 CC Brother P-Touch 2450 DX Brother P-Touch 2450 Series Brother P-Touch 2460 Brother P-Touch 2470 Brother P-Touch 2480 Brother P-Touch 2500 PC Brother P-Touch 2730 VP Brother P-Touch 300 Brother P-Touch 300 SP Brother P-Touch 310 Brother P-Touch 310 CC Brother P-Touch 310 Series Brother P-Touch 340 Brother P-Touch 340 C Brother P-Touch 340 Series Brother P-Touch 350 Brother P-Touch 3600 Brother P-Touch 540 Brother P-Touch 540 C Brother P-Touch 540 Series Brother P-Touch 550 Brother P-Touch 7500 VP Brother P-Touch 7600 VP Brother P-Touch 900 Brother P-Touch 900 BTS Brother P-Touch 900 F Brother P-Touch 9200 DX Brother P-Touch 9200 PC Brother P-Touch 9200 Series Brother P-Touch 9400 Brother P-Touch 9500 PC Brother P-Touch 9600 Brother P-Touch 9700 PC Brother P-Touch 9800 PCN Brother P-Touch Cube plus Brother P-Touch D 600 VP Brother P-Touch D 800 W Brother P-Touch E 500 VP Brother P-Touch E 550 W VP Brother P-Touch GL 100 Brother P-Touch GL 1000 Brother P-Touch H 500 Brother P-Touch H 500 Li Brother P-Touch H 500 Series Brother P-Touch P 700 Brother P-Touch P 750 Series Brother P-Touch P 750 TDI Brother P-Touch P 750 W Brother P-Touch P 750 W + 4 tapes Brother P-Touch PT-P 900 NW Brother P-Touch PT-P 900 Series Brother P-Touch PT-P 900 W Brother P-Touch PT-P 950 NW Brother P-Touch RL 700 S
3,28 €
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CASSETTA NASTRO TZe-MQ934 COMPATIBILE BROTHER ORO SU ARGENTO SATINATO 12mmX5mt TZ-MQ934 TZMQ934 CASSETTA NASTRO TZe-MQ934 COMPATIBILE BROTHER ORO SU ARGENTO SATINATO 12mmX5mt TZ-MQ934 TZMQ934 STAMPANTI COMPATIBILI: Brother P-Touch Brother P-Touch 1000 Brother P-Touch 1000 BTS Brother P-Touch 1000 F Brother P-Touch 1200 Brother P-Touch 1200 P Brother P-Touch 1250 Brother P-Touch 1250 J Brother P-Touch 1250 LB Brother P-Touch 1250 S Brother P-Touch 1250 Series Brother P-Touch 1250 VP Brother P-Touch 1250 VPS Brother P-Touch 1260 VP Brother P-Touch 1750 Brother P-Touch 18 R Brother P-Touch 1800 Brother P-Touch 1800 E Brother P-Touch 1850 Brother P-Touch 1850 CC Brother P-Touch 1850 Series Brother P-Touch 1850 VP Brother P-Touch 1950 VP Brother P-Touch 200 Brother P-Touch 210 E Brother P-Touch 220 Brother P-Touch 2400 Brother P-Touch 2400 E Brother P-Touch 2420 PC Brother P-Touch 2430 PC Brother P-Touch 2450 Brother P-Touch 2450 CC Brother P-Touch 2450 DX Brother P-Touch 2450 Series Brother P-Touch 2460 Brother P-Touch 2470 Brother P-Touch 2480 Brother P-Touch 2500 PC Brother P-Touch 2730 VP Brother P-Touch 300 Brother P-Touch 300 SP Brother P-Touch 310 Brother P-Touch 310 CC Brother P-Touch 310 Series Brother P-Touch 340 Brother P-Touch 340 C Brother P-Touch 340 Series Brother P-Touch 350 Brother P-Touch 3600 Brother P-Touch 540 Brother P-Touch 540 C Brother P-Touch 540 Series Brother P-Touch 550 Brother P-Touch 7500 VP Brother P-Touch 7600 VP Brother P-Touch 900 Brother P-Touch 900 BTS Brother P-Touch 900 F Brother P-Touch 9200 DX Brother P-Touch 9200 PC Brother P-Touch 9200 Series Brother P-Touch 9400 Brother P-Touch 9500 PC Brother P-Touch 9600 Brother P-Touch 9700 PC Brother P-Touch 9800 PCN Brother P-Touch Cube plus Brother P-Touch D 600 VP Brother P-Touch D 800 W Brother P-Touch E 500 VP Brother P-Touch E 550 W VP Brother P-Touch GL 100 Brother P-Touch GL 1000 Brother P-Touch H 500 Brother P-Touch H 500 Li Brother P-Touch H 500 Series Brother P-Touch P 700 Brother P-Touch P 750 Series Brother P-Touch P 750 TDI Brother P-Touch P 750 W Brother P-Touch P 750 W + 4 tapes Brother P-Touch PT-P 900 NW Brother P-Touch PT-P 900 Series Brother P-Touch PT-P 900 W Brother P-Touch PT-P 950 NW Brother P-Touch RL 700 S
4,19 €
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Consumabile per Epson LQ-1060, LQ-1060 PLUS, LQ-2500, LQ-2550, LQ-2550 PLUS COLOR, LQ-670, LQ-680, LQ-680PRO, LQ-860, LQ-860 PLUS, LW-2500 PLUS, LW-2550 PLUS, M3-C, VP 3000 Marca: Epson
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White 9mmX8m for LW300,LW400,LW600,LW700,LW900#C53S624402 COMPATIBLE FOR Epson LabelWorks LW-1000 P / LW-300 / LW-400 / LW-400 Series / LW-400 VP / LW-600 P / LW-700 / LW-900 P
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White 58mmX58m Compa Brother P-Touch QL1000,1050,1060,820 Etichetta compatible for BROTHER P-Touch BROTHER P-Touch QL 1050 BROTHER P-Touch QL 1050 N BROTHER P-Touch QL 1060 N BROTHER P-Touch QL 1060 NX BROTHER P-Touch QL 1100 BROTHER P-Touch QL 1100 NWB BROTHER P-Touch QL 1100 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 1110 BROTHER P-Touch QL 1110 NWB BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 A BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 BS BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 BW BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 550 BROTHER P-Touch QL 560 BROTHER P-Touch QL 560 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 560 VP BROTHER P-Touch QL 560 YX BROTHER P-Touch QL 570 BROTHER P-Touch QL 580 BROTHER P-Touch QL 580 N BROTHER P-Touch QL 580 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 600 BROTHER P-Touch QL 600 B BROTHER P-Touch QL 600 G BROTHER P-Touch QL 600 R BROTHER P-Touch QL 650 TD BROTHER P-Touch QL 700 BROTHER P-Touch QL 710 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 710 W BROTHER P-Touch QL 710 WSP BROTHER P-Touch QL 720 NW BROTHER P-Touch QL 800 BROTHER P-Touch QL 810 W BROTHER P-Touch QL 820 NW BROTHER P-Touch QL 820 NWB BROTHER P-Touch QL 820 Series
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White 17mmX54mm 400psc for Brother P-Touch QL1000 1050 1060 Compatible for Brother P-Touch QL 1000 Series / QL 1050 / QL 1050 N / QL 1060 N / QL 500 / QL 500 A / QL 500 BS / QL 500 BW / QL 500 Series / QL 550 / QL 560 / QL 560 Series / QL 560 VP / QL 560 YX / QL 570 / QL 580 / QL 580 N / QL 580 Series / QL 650 TD / QL 700 / QL 710 W / QL 720 NW
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White 29mmX15.24m Compa Brother P-Touch QL1000,1050,1060,820 Etichetta compatible for BROTHER P-Touch BROTHER P-Touch QL 1050 BROTHER P-Touch QL 1050 N BROTHER P-Touch QL 1060 N BROTHER P-Touch QL 1060 NX BROTHER P-Touch QL 1100 BROTHER P-Touch QL 1100 NWB BROTHER P-Touch QL 1100 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 1110 BROTHER P-Touch QL 1110 NWB BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 A BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 BS BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 BW BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 550 BROTHER P-Touch QL 560 BROTHER P-Touch QL 560 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 560 VP BROTHER P-Touch QL 560 YX BROTHER P-Touch QL 570 BROTHER P-Touch QL 580 BROTHER P-Touch QL 580 N BROTHER P-Touch QL 580 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 600 BROTHER P-Touch QL 600 B BROTHER P-Touch QL 600 G BROTHER P-Touch QL 600 R BROTHER P-Touch QL 650 TD BROTHER P-Touch QL 700 BROTHER P-Touch QL 710 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 710 W BROTHER P-Touch QL 710 WSP BROTHER P-Touch QL 720 NW BROTHER P-Touch QL 800 BROTHER P-Touch QL 810 W BROTHER P-Touch QL 820 NW BROTHER P-Touch QL 820 NWB BROTHER P-Touch QL 820 Series
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Clear 62mmX15.24m Compa Brother P-Touch QL1000,1050,1060,820 Etichetta compatible for BROTHER P-Touch BROTHER P-Touch QL 1050 BROTHER P-Touch QL 1050 N BROTHER P-Touch QL 1060 N BROTHER P-Touch QL 1060 NX BROTHER P-Touch QL 1100 BROTHER P-Touch QL 1100 NWB BROTHER P-Touch QL 1100 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 1110 BROTHER P-Touch QL 1110 NWB BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 A BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 BS BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 BW BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 550 BROTHER P-Touch QL 560 BROTHER P-Touch QL 560 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 560 VP BROTHER P-Touch QL 560 YX BROTHER P-Touch QL 570 BROTHER P-Touch QL 580 BROTHER P-Touch QL 580 N BROTHER P-Touch QL 580 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 600 BROTHER P-Touch QL 600 B BROTHER P-Touch QL 600 G BROTHER P-Touch QL 600 R BROTHER P-Touch QL 650 TD BROTHER P-Touch QL 700 BROTHER P-Touch QL 710 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 710 W BROTHER P-Touch QL 710 WSP BROTHER P-Touch QL 720 NW BROTHER P-Touch QL 800 BROTHER P-Touch QL 810 W BROTHER P-Touch QL 820 NW BROTHER P-Touch QL 820 NWB BROTHER P-Touch QL 820 Series
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White 29mmX90mm 400psc for Brother P-Touch QL1000 1050 1060 Compatible for Brother BROTHER P-Touch BROTHER P-Touch QL 1050 BROTHER P-Touch QL 1050 N BROTHER P-Touch QL 1060 N BROTHER P-Touch QL 1060 NX BROTHER P-Touch QL 1100 BROTHER P-Touch QL 1100 NWB BROTHER P-Touch QL 1100 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 1110 BROTHER P-Touch QL 1110 NWB BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 A BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 BS BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 BW BROTHER P-Touch QL 500 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 550 BROTHER P-Touch QL 560 BROTHER P-Touch QL 560 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 560 VP BROTHER P-Touch QL 560 YX BROTHER P-Touch QL 570 BROTHER P-Touch QL 580 BROTHER P-Touch QL 580 N BROTHER P-Touch QL 580 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 600 BROTHER P-Touch QL 600 B BROTHER P-Touch QL 600 G BROTHER P-Touch QL 600 R BROTHER P-Touch QL 650 TD BROTHER P-Touch QL 700 BROTHER P-Touch QL 710 Series BROTHER P-Touch QL 710 W BROTHER P-Touch QL 710 WSP BROTHER P-Touch QL 720 NW BROTHER P-Touch QL 800 BROTHER P-Touch QL 810 W BROTHER P-Touch QL 820 NW BROTHER P-Touch QL 820 NWB BROTHER P-Touch QL 820 Series
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White 62mmX29mm 800psc for Brother P-Touch QL1000 1050 1060 Compatible for Brother P-Touch QL 1000 Series Brother P-Touch QL 1050 Brother P-Touch QL 1050 N Brother P-Touch QL 1060 N Brother P-Touch QL 500 Brother P-Touch QL 500 A Brother P-Touch QL 500 BS Brother P-Touch QL 500 BW Brother P-Touch QL 500 Series Brother P-Touch QL 550 Brother P-Touch QL 560 Brother P-Touch QL 560 Series Brother P-Touch QL 560 VP Brother P-Touch QL 560 YX Brother P-Touch QL 570 Brother P-Touch QL 580 Brother P-Touch QL 580 N Brother P-Touch QL 580 Series Brother P-Touch QL 650 TD Brother P-Touch QL 700 Brother P-Touch QL 710 Series Brother P-Touch QL 710 W Brother P-Touch QL 710 WSP Brother P-Touch QL 720 NW Brother P-Touch QL 800 Brother P-Touch QL 810 W Brother P-Touch QL 820 NWB
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White 24mm 1000psc for Brother P-Touch QL1000 1050 1060 Compatible for Brother P-Touch QL 1000 Series / QL 1050 / QL 1050 N / QL 1060 N / QL 500 / QL 500 A / QL 500 BS / QL 500 BW / QL 500 Series / QL 550 / QL 560 / QL 560 Series / QL 560 VP / QL 560 YX / QL 570 / QL 580 / QL 580 N / QL 580 Series / QL 650 TD / QL 700 / QL 710 W / QL 720 NW
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White 54mmX30.48m for Brother P-Touch QL1000 1050 1060 NA Compatible for Brother P-Touch Brother P-Touch QL 1050 Brother P-Touch QL 1050 N Brother P-Touch QL 1060 N Brother P-Touch QL 1060 NX Brother P-Touch QL 1100 Brother P-Touch QL 1100 NWB Brother P-Touch QL 1100 Series Brother P-Touch QL 1110 Brother P-Touch QL 1110 NWB Brother P-Touch QL 500 Brother P-Touch QL 500 A Brother P-Touch QL 500 BS Brother P-Touch QL 500 BW Brother P-Touch QL 500 Series Brother P-Touch QL 550 Brother P-Touch QL 560 Brother P-Touch QL 560 Series Brother P-Touch QL 560 VP Brother P-Touch QL 560 YX Brother P-Touch QL 570 Brother P-Touch QL 580 Brother P-Touch QL 580 N Brother P-Touch QL 580 Series Brother P-Touch QL 600 Brother P-Touch QL 600 B Brother P-Touch QL 600 G Brother P-Touch QL 600 R Brother P-Touch QL 650 TD Brother P-Touch QL 700 Brother P-Touch QL 710 Series Brother P-Touch QL 710 W Brother P-Touch QL 710 WSP Brother P-Touch QL 720 NW Brother P-Touch QL 800 Brother P-Touch QL 810 W Brother P-Touch QL 820 NW Brother P-Touch QL 820 NWB Brother P-Touch QL 820 Series
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NASTRO LX-350 NERO COMPATIBILE PER EPSON LX300,LX350,LX400,FX80,MX82,RX105-17M C13S015637 NASTRO LX-350 NERO COMPATIBILE PER EPSON LX300,LX350,LX400,FX80,MX82,RX105-17M C13S015637 STAMPANTI COMPATIBILE: FX FX 80 / FX 80 II / FX 80 Plus / FX 800 / FX 800 DPM / FX 85 / FX 870 / FX 880 / FX 880 FDW / FX 880 Plus / FX 880 Series LX LX 300 / LX 300 Plus / LX 300 Plus II / LX 300 Plus II Colour / LX 350 / LX 400 / LX 80 / LX 800 / LX 810 / LX 850 C13S015019 Epson 8750 MX MX 80 / MX 80 F / MX 80 I / MX 80 II / MX 80 T / MX 82 / MX 82 F / MX 82 II / MX 82 III / MX 82 T / MX 85 RX RX 105 / RX 70 / RX 80 / RX 80 F / RX 80 F Plus / RX 80 T / RX 80 T Plus / RX 82 / RX 85 / RX 88 FT EPSON LX350/LQ350/EPSON ERC19/VP80K/VP85K/PRT4282/PRT9282/EPSONLQ200/LQ300/LQ300K/LQ300K+II/400/450/500/510/550/570/800/850/850+/870/LQ305KT/EPSON 942N/EPSON P88EA-LQ800/EPSON ITALIA 4/24N/EPSONLQ580/LQ570E/LQ580K+/LQ950/LQ305K/EPSON ACTIONPRINTER3000/4000/5000/L1000/ CITIZEN 124/HQP40/ SHINWA EL2410/GENICOM GENIPRINT 20/NIXDORFND48/75/92/94/OLYMPIA NP70-24/NP80-24/NP80-24E/NP80-24L/SANYO PR241/TEC GP8404/JOLIMARK LQ300K/MX80 MSP 250 Champion/MSP 240 Star/VP-700U/VP-1200U/VP
1,96 €
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ETICHETTE BROTHER ORIGINALI DK11202 62mmX100mm BIANCHE ROTOLO DA 300 PZ PER BROTHER QL1000 1050 1060 WHITE DK-11202 ETICHETTE BROTHER ORIGINALI DK11202 62mmX100mm BIANCHE ROTOLO DA 300 PZ PER BROTHER QL1000 1050 1060 WHITE DK-11202 Le etichette Brother DK-11202 sono pratiche per tanti tipi di etichettatura. 300 per rotolo, le etichette per spedizioni di 62 mm x 100 mm si usano generalmente per la corrispondenza e in campo amministrativo, e sono perfette sia a casa sia in ufficio. Otterrai risultati professionali con queste etichette pretagliate per spedizioni, che possono riportare loghi, codici a barre, badge dei visitatori o informazioni di spedizione. Prodotto secondo rigorose specifiche tecniche, il ricambio DK-11202 è compatibile con unampia gamma di stampanti Brother QL. Con il rotolo di etichette nero su bianco Brother DK-11202, la tua macchina continuerà a funzionare al meglio, producendo risultati nitidi e destinati a durare nel tempo. Con il DK-11202, le tue etichette rimarranno incollate e saranno leggibili più a lungo. STAMPANTI COMPATIBILI: Brother P-Touch QL 1000 Series / QL 1050 / QL 1050 N / QL 1060 N / QL 500 / QL 500 A / QL 500 BS / QL 500 BW / QL 500 Series / QL 550 / QL 560 / QL 560 Series / QL 560 VP / QL 560 YX / QL 570 / QL 580 / QL 580 N / QL 580 Series / QL 650 TD / QL 700 / QL 710 W / QL 720 NW
15,77 €
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