Wheel arches extension
Elenco delle migliori vendite wheel arches extension

Monza (Lombardia)
Wheel Arches, Wheel Trims also known as Fender FlaresWheel Arches are crafted in Polyurethane (PU).The kit contains 10 piecesGlossy black colorFittingThis kit is painted, but we strongly recommend to repeat the priming and painting process in order to achieve the perfect look.For increased security of the installation, we recommend fitting with strong adhesive (windshield adhsesive).Package ContainsFender Flares Wheel Arches Set (10 pieces)Product without E-mark/ABE/TUV. These Side Steps are meant to change yours SUV appearance in order to transform it in a genuine Off-Road SUVCompatibility:Suitable for:Land Rover Discovery Sport L550 (2014-Up)
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Specification:^#^Voltage: DC12V^#^Light Color: RGB Multi-Colors^#^Light Source: 5050 LED super bright^#^Length of tube: 2x90CM(36")+2x60CM(24") or 2x90CM(36")+2x120CM(47")^#^Flexible and Waterproof: Yes^#^Several remote control patterns^#^Sound Active Effects^#^ ^#^Features:^#^SOUND ACTIVE- The LED under car glow system is equipped with sound sensors that lets the LED lights synchronized^#^with music beat.The LED music light strip follows the beat and adjusts flashing to fit the strength of the sound.^#^MUSIC DECORATION- The Kit designed to be simple, yet also provides elegance inside the car when driving at night or^#^enjoying music.And because it has sound sensor, the under car glow system synchronize with music beat^#^PREMIUM QUALITY- It can be bent, fold, wound and fixed in place easily, perfect for under wheel arches, around the front grille,^#^under foot-wells, in the trunk, along the dash, etc.^#^MULTI COLORS- The LED under car glow system produces multi colors which are Blue, Green, Purple, Red, Teal, White, and Yellow.^#^The under car glow system has also multi color flashing modes, perfect for synchronizing with the beat of music.^#^BRIGHT COLOR- The LED under car glow system lights up colorful colors to give a stylishly stunning look to the areas you may want to^#^put them on.Even though they are really bright, they are great power savers so you do not have to worry energy consumption.^#^ ^#^Package includes:^#^Size optional:^#^2 x LED STRIP LIGHT(90CM/35")^#^2 x LED STRIP LIGHT(120CM/47")^#^OR^#^2 x LED STRIP LIGHT(90CM/35")^#^2 x LED STRIP LIGHT(60CM/24")
18,13 €
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Car Underbody Light LED Light Strip Multicolor Rgb Led Light Car Atmosphere Lamp Car Decoration Light Flexible LED Strip^#^Specification:^#^Product name: Car Underbody System Light Strips^#^Input Voltage: DC12V^#^Output Power: 30W Light^#^Color: RGB Multi-Colors^#^Light Source: 5050 LED super bright^#^Length of tube: 2x90CM 2x150CM ^#^Control Mode: APP/Remote control^#^^#^Feature: ^#^1. Premium quality: It can be bent, fold, wound and fixed in place easily, perfect for under wheel arches, around the front grille, under foot-wells, in the trunk, along the dash, etc;^#^2. Ideal choice for car decoration: RGB muti-color mode, colorful interior car atmosphere light strips, enjoy a leisure and relax drive;^#^3. Wiewless Control: APP/Remote control, easier to control the light anytime, anywhere and creating a cheerful & relaxing atmosphere;^#^4. Waterproof: It can still work good whatever it rains and snows. Withstand the weather and washed;^#^5. Super sticky double-sided tape: Thick super-sticky non-maring hight translucent double-sided tape.^#^^#^Notes:^#^1.The pictures are for reference only. The actual product shall prevail.Your satisfaction is our utmost concern.^#^2.Please contact us to better resolve any issue before leaving any neutral or negative feedback. Thanks a lot! ^#^^#^Pakcage: 1set / order
22,69 €
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Barge (Piemonte)
Sviluppata sulla base della Raga Racing 2021, TRS inizier/u00e0 a fine marzo la produzione e commercializzazione della nuova/u00a0XTRACK RR, una moto che amplia il concetto di Trial & Adventure, abbinando in un?unica moto equilibrio tra prestazioni, specifiche tecniche e versatilit/u00e0.XTRACK RR pu/u00f2 considerarsi un 100% Trial escursione, con un?altezza sella di soli 80 cm, semplicissima da guidare e con componenti sorprendenti. Si distingue per i suoi miglioramenti nel comfort della sella e un nuovo serbatoio benzina traslucido da 3,8 litri firmato ACERBIS, che facilita un migliore controllo dell?autonomia.Disponibile in/u00a0quattro cilindrate: 125, 250, 280 e 300 cc, la/u00a0XTRACK RR/u00a0/u00e8 stata equipaggiata per affrontare con estrema versatilit/u00e0 ogni tipo di terreno, anche il pi/u00f9 estremo, offrendo la possibilit/u00e0 di utilizzare il piccolo serbatoio per l?Extreme Trial e quello con maggiore autonomia e comfort per lunghe distanze.MOTORE// ENGINE:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 2T Monocilindrico // Single cylinder 2 stroke.Cilindrata // Displacement:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 294,1cc ? 272,2 cc ? 247,7 cc./nRaffreddamento // Cooling system:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 A l/u00edquido // Liquid cooled./nAlesaggio e corsa // Diameter & stroke:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 79/u00d760 mm (300 cc) ? 76/u00d760 mm (280 cc) ? 72,5/u00d760 mm (250 cc)./nAccensione // Ignition:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Nuova Centralina/u00a0 HIDRIA/u00a0/u00a0 (doppia scintilla) // New HIDRIA CDI (double spark)./nFrizione // Clutch:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Sistema TRS idraulico a 3 dischi// 3 disks diaphragm TRS hydraulic system./nCambio // Gear box:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 5 velocit/u00e0// 5 speed.Quantit/u00e0//tipo olio motore//Engine oil capacity:/u00a0NILS FOR CLUTCH TX ? 350cc.Trasmissione // Transmission:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 A catena // Chain./nCombustibile // Petrol:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 4,0L Benzina 98 ottani/u00a0 con olio per 2T 1.5% // 2,5L Petrol 98 2T oil 1,5%./nCarburatore // Carburator:/u00a0 /u00a0 /u00a0KEIHIN PWK28 /u00a0con aspirazione lamellare // Reed valve admission./nAvviamento // Starting:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 A pedale della trasmissione primaria // Kick to primary transmission (Kickstart)./nFiltro aria // Air filter:/u00a0/u00a0/u00a0/u00a0 In spugna // Foam./nCandela // Spark:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 NGK-R/u00a0 BPMR6A.TELAIO // FRAME:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Doppia culla in alluminio forgiato // Twin spar forged aluminum frame.Forcellone // Swing arm:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Alluminio // Aluminum./nSospensione anteriore// Front suspension:/u00a0/u00a0/u00a0/u00a0 Tech in acciaio, diametro:39mm, corsa 175mm // Steel Tech 39 mm diameter, 175 mm str./nRegolazioni // Setting:/u00a0/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0Compressione, estensione e precarica della molla // Adjustable spring, preload and extension./nSospensione posteriore // Rear suspension:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 REIGER con sistema progressivo idraulico// Progressive hydraulic system./nRegolazioni // Setting:/u00a0 /u00a0 /u00a0Compressione, estensione e precarico della molla // Adjustable spring, preload and extension./nCorsa // Stroke ? travel:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Corsa ruota posteriore 168mm // Rear wheel stroke 168 mm./nRuote // Wheel:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Cerchi in alluminio Morad a raggi // Morad aluminum radiated wheel./nCopertone anteriore // Front wheel ? tyre:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 1.6/u00d721/u00a0 Michelin X11 Trial 2.75/u00d721./nCopertone posteriore // Rear wheel ? tyre:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 2.15/u00d718 Michelin X11 Trial 4.00/u00d718 TL./nFreno anteriore // Front brake:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Disco 185mm/u00a0 pinza 4 pistoni BRAKTEC/nFreno posteriore // Rear brake:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Disco// Disk 150mm/u00a0 pinza// clamp 2 pistoni// pistons BRAKTEC./nPeso a secco // Net weight:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 65Kg./nDimensioni // Dimensions:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Lunghezza x larghezza x altezza: 2.015 x 830 x 1.125mm (length x width x height)./nAltezza sella // Seat height:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 640mm/nProtezione motore // Engine protector:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 In alluminio 7075 // 7075 Aluminum./nPedane // Foot rest:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Regolabili // Adjustables./u00a0/u00a0/u00a0
8,52 €
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Cuneo (Piemonte)
TRS RR 300 TRIAL Caratteristiche del veicolo Chilometraggio: 1 Immatricolazione: Tipo di veicolo: nuovo Carburante: Benzina Potenza: 7 kW / 10 CV Tipo di cambio: Manuale Marce: Colore esterno: Giallo Colore interno: Garanzia: Carrozzeria: Moto - Trial Cilindrata: 300 Cilindri: Porte: Posti: Equipaggiamenti: Descrizione fornita dal venditore: NUOVO in Promozione TRRS ONE RR 250 / 280 / 300cc. - 2021Prezzo:€. 8.200,00MOTORE: Nuova equilibratura dell’albero motore; Nuova Stella desmodromico in alluminio; Desmodromico in alluminio; MIGLIORIE: Nuova grafica; Nuovo tendicatena; Protezioni in plastica del telaio; Regolatore di tensione Guilera; Nuovo impianto elettrico; Nuovo disegno del manubrio Neken; Pedane TRRS in micro fusione; Supporti pedana con perno filettato da 10mm Telaio rinforzato nella zona del canotto di sterzo; Nuova corona di trasmissione; Nuova pompa del freno posteriore con serbatoio integrato Braktec; Nuova protezione carter motore, più grande ed avvolgente; Piastre forcella e archetto del parafango anteriore anodizzati di colore rosso; Nuova cassa filtro, rinforzata in prossimità degli attacchi sul telaio, nuova entrata dell’aria per un flusso maggiore e maggiore volume all’interno; MOTORE/ ENGINE: 2T Monocilindrico / Single cylinder 2 stroke.Cilindrata / Displacement: 294,1cc – 272,2 cc – 247,7 cc. Raffreddamento / Cooling system: A líquido / Liquid cooled. Alesaggio e corsa / Diameter & stroke: 79×60 mm (300 cc) – 76×60 mm (280 cc) – 72,5×60 mm (250 cc). Accensione / Ignition: Nuova Centralina HIDRIA (doppia scintilla) / New HIDRIA CDI (double spark). Frizione / Clutch: Sistema TRS idraulico a 3 dischi/ 3 disks diaphragm TRS hydraulic system. Cambio / Gear box: 5 velocità/ 5 speed.Quantità/tipo olio motore/Engine oil capacity: NILS FOR CLUTCH TX – 350cc.Trasmissione / Transmission: A catena / Chain. Combustibile / Petrol: 2,5L Benzina 98 ottani con olio per 2T 1.5% / 2,5L Petrol 98 2T oil 1,5%. Carburatore / Carburator: KEIHIN PWK28 con aspirazione lamellare / Reed valve admission. Avviamento / Starting: A pedale della trasmissione primaria / Kick to primary transmission (Kickstart). Filtro aria / Air filter: In spugna / Foam. Candela / Spark: NGK-R BPMR6A.TELAIO / FRAME: Doppia culla in alluminio forgiato / Twin spar forged aluminum frame.Forcellone / Swing arm: Alluminio / Aluminum. Sospensione anteriore/ Front suspension: Tech in acciaio, diametro:39mm, corsa 175mm / Steel Tech 39 mm diameter, 175 mm str. Regolazioni / Setting: Compressione, estensione e precarica della molla / Adjustable spring, preload and extension. Sospensione posteriore / Rear suspension: REIGER con sistema progressivo idraulico/ Progressive hydraulic system. Regolazioni / Setting: Compressione, estensione e precarico della molla / Adjustable spring, preload and extension. Corsa / Stroke – travel: Corsa ruota posteriore 168mm / Rear wheel stroke 168 mm. Ruote / Wheel: Cerchi in alluminio Morad a raggi / Morad aluminum radiated wheel. Copertone anteriore / Front wheel – tyre: 1.6×21 Michelin X11 Trial 2.75×21. Copertone posteriore / Rear wheel – tyre: 2.15×18 Michelin X11 Trial 4.00×18 TL. Freno anteriore / Front brake: Disco 185mm pinza 4 pistoni BRAKTEC Freno posteriore / Rear brake: Disco/ Disk 150mm pinza/ clamp 2 pistoni/ pistons BRAKTEC. Peso a secco / Net weight: 65Kg. Dimensioni / Dimensions: Lunghezza x larghezza x altezza: 2.015 x 830 x 1.125mm (length x width x height). Altezza sella / Seat height: 640mm Protezione motore / Engine protector: In alluminio 7075 / 7075 Aluminum. Pedane / Foot rest: Regolabili / Adjustables.
8.330 €
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Cuneo (Piemonte)
TRS ONE 300 x track Caratteristiche del veicolo Chilometraggio: 1 Immatricolazione: Tipo di veicolo: nuovo Carburante: Benzina Potenza: 7 kW / 10 CV Tipo di cambio: Manuale Marce: Colore esterno: Nero Colore interno: Garanzia: Carrozzeria: Moto - Trial Cilindrata: 300 Cilindri: Porte: Posti: Equipaggiamenti: Descrizione fornita dal venditore: Sviluppata sulla base della Raga Racing 2021, TRS inizierà a fine marzo la produzione e commercializzazione della nuova XTRACK RR, una moto che amplia il concetto di Trial & Adventure, abbinando in un’unica moto equilibrio tra prestazioni, specifiche tecniche e versatilità.XTRACK RR può considerarsi un 100% Trial escursione, con un’altezza sella di soli 80 cm, semplicissima da guidare e con componenti sorprendenti. Si distingue per i suoi miglioramenti nel comfort della sella e un nuovo serbatoio benzina traslucido da 3,8 litri firmato ACERBIS, che facilita un migliore controllo dell’autonomia.Disponibile in quattro cilindrate: 125, 250, 280 e 300 cc, la XTRACK RR è stata equipaggiata per affrontare con estrema versatilità ogni tipo di terreno, anche il più estremo, offrendo la possibilità di utilizzare il piccolo serbatoio per l’Extreme Trial e quello con maggiore autonomia e comfort per lunghe distanze.MOTORE/ ENGINE: 2T Monocilindrico / Single cylinder 2 stroke.Cilindrata / Displacement: 294,1cc – 272,2 cc – 247,7 cc. Raffreddamento / Cooling system: A líquido / Liquid cooled. Alesaggio e corsa / Diameter & stroke: 79×60 mm (300 cc) – 76×60 mm (280 cc) – 72,5×60 mm (250 cc). Accensione / Ignition: Nuova Centralina HIDRIA (doppia scintilla) / New HIDRIA CDI (double spark). Frizione / Clutch: Sistema TRS idraulico a 3 dischi/ 3 disks diaphragm TRS hydraulic system. Cambio / Gear box: 5 velocità/ 5 speed.Quantità/tipo olio motore/Engine oil capacity: NILS FOR CLUTCH TX – 350cc.Trasmissione / Transmission: A catena / Chain. Combustibile / Petrol: 4,0L Benzina 98 ottani con olio per 2T 1.5% / 2,5L Petrol 98 2T oil 1,5%. Carburatore / Carburator: KEIHIN PWK28 con aspirazione lamellare / Reed valve admission. Avviamento / Starting: A pedale della trasmissione primaria / Kick to primary transmission (Kickstart). Filtro aria / Air filter: In spugna / Foam. Candela / Spark: NGK-R BPMR6A.TELAIO / FRAME: Doppia culla in alluminio forgiato / Twin spar forged aluminum frame.Forcellone / Swing arm: Alluminio / Aluminum. Sospensione anteriore/ Front suspension: Tech in acciaio, diametro:39mm, corsa 175mm / Steel Tech 39 mm diameter, 175 mm str. Regolazioni / Setting: Compressione, estensione e precarica della molla / Adjustable spring, preload and extension. Sospensione posteriore / Rear suspension: REIGER con sistema progressivo idraulico/ Progressive hydraulic system. Regolazioni / Setting: Compressione, estensione e precarico della molla / Adjustable spring, preload and extension. Corsa / Stroke – travel: Corsa ruota posteriore 168mm / Rear wheel stroke 168 mm. Ruote / Wheel: Cerchi in alluminio Morad a raggi / Morad aluminum radiated wheel. Copertone anteriore / Front wheel – tyre: 1.6×21 Michelin X11 Trial 2.75×21. Copertone posteriore / Rear wheel – tyre: 2.15×18 Michelin X11 Trial 4.00×18 TL. Freno anteriore / Front brake: Disco 185mm pinza 4 pistoni BRAKTEC Freno posteriore / Rear brake: Disco/ Disk 150mm pinza/ clamp 2 pistoni/ pistons BRAKTEC. Peso a secco / Net weight: 65Kg. Dimensioni / Dimensions: Lunghezza x larghezza x altezza: 2.015 x 830 x 1.125mm (length x width x height). Altezza sella / Seat height: 640mm Protezione motore / Engine protector: In alluminio 7075 / 7075 Aluminum. Pedane / Foot rest: Regolabili / Adjustables.
8.530 €
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Barge (Piemonte)
NUOVO/u00a0/nTRRS ONE RR 250 // 280 // 300cc. - 2021/nPrezzo:?. 8.330,00/nMOTORE:/n/nNuova equilibratura dell?albero motore;/nNuova Stella desmodromico in alluminio;/nDesmodromico in alluminio;/n/nMIGLIORIE:/n/nNuova grafica;/nNuovo tendicatena;/nProtezioni in plastica del telaio;/nRegolatore di tensione/u00a0Guilera;/nNuovo impianto elettrico;/nNuovo disegno del manubrio/u00a0Neken;/nPedane/u00a0TRRS/u00a0in micro fusione;/nSupporti pedana con perno filettato da 10mm/nTelaio rinforzato nella zona del canotto di sterzo;/nNuova corona di trasmissione;/nNuova pompa del freno posteriore con serbatoio integrato/u00a0Braktec;/nNuova protezione carter motore, pi/u00f9 grande ed avvolgente;/nPiastre forcella e archetto del parafango anteriore anodizzati di colore rosso;/nNuova cassa filtro, rinforzata in prossimit/u00e0 degli attacchi sul telaio, nuova entrata dell?aria per un flusso maggiore e maggiore volume all?interno;/n/nMOTORE// ENGINE:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 2T Monocilindrico // Single cylinder 2 stroke.Cilindrata // Displacement:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 294,1cc ? 272,2 cc ? 247,7 cc./nRaffreddamento // Cooling system:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 A l/u00edquido // Liquid cooled./nAlesaggio e corsa // Diameter & stroke:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 79/u00d760 mm (300 cc) ? 76/u00d760 mm (280 cc) ? 72,5/u00d760 mm (250 cc)./nAccensione // Ignition:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Nuova Centralina/u00a0 HIDRIA/u00a0/u00a0 (doppia scintilla) // New HIDRIA CDI (double spark)./nFrizione // Clutch:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Sistema TRS idraulico a 3 dischi// 3 disks diaphragm TRS hydraulic system./nCambio // Gear box:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 5 velocit/u00e0// 5 speed.Quantit/u00e0//tipo olio motore//Engine oil capacity:/u00a0NILS FOR CLUTCH TX ? 350cc.Trasmissione // Transmission:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 A catena // Chain./nCombustibile // Petrol:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 2,5L Benzina 98 ottani/u00a0 con olio per 2T 1.5% // 2,5L Petrol 98 2T oil 1,5%./nCarburatore // Carburator:/u00a0 /u00a0 /u00a0KEIHIN PWK28 /u00a0con aspirazione lamellare // Reed valve admission./nAvviamento // Starting:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 A pedale della trasmissione primaria // Kick to primary transmission (Kickstart)./nFiltro aria // Air filter:/u00a0/u00a0/u00a0/u00a0 In spugna // Foam./nCandela // Spark:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 NGK-R/u00a0 BPMR6A.TELAIO // FRAME:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Doppia culla in alluminio forgiato // Twin spar forged aluminum frame.Forcellone // Swing arm:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Alluminio // Aluminum./nSospensione anteriore// Front suspension:/u00a0/u00a0/u00a0/u00a0 Tech in acciaio, diametro:39mm, corsa 175mm // Steel Tech 39 mm diameter, 175 mm str./nRegolazioni // Setting:/u00a0/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0Compressione, estensione e precarica della molla // Adjustable spring, preload and extension./nSospensione posteriore // Rear suspension:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 REIGER con sistema progressivo idraulico// Progressive hydraulic system./nRegolazioni // Setting:/u00a0 /u00a0 /u00a0Compressione, estensione e precarico della molla // Adjustable spring, preload and extension./nCorsa // Stroke ? travel:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Corsa ruota posteriore 168mm // Rear wheel stroke 168 mm./nRuote // Wheel:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Cerchi in alluminio Morad a raggi // Morad aluminum radiated wheel./nCopertone anteriore // Front wheel ? tyre:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 1.6/u00d721/u00a0 Michelin X11 Trial 2.75/u00d721./nCopertone posteriore // Rear wheel ? tyre:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 2.15/u00d718 Michelin X11 Trial 4.00/u00d718 TL./nFreno anteriore // Front brake:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Disco 185mm/u00a0 pinza 4 pistoni BRAKTEC/nFreno posteriore // Rear brake:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Disco// Disk 150mm/u00a0 pinza// clamp 2 pistoni// pistons BRAKTEC./nPeso a secco // Net weight:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 65Kg./nDimensioni // Dimensions:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Lunghezza x larghezza x altezza: 2.015 x 830 x 1.125mm (length x width x height)./nAltezza sella // Seat height:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 640mm/nProtezione motore // Engine protector:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 In alluminio 7075 // 7075 Aluminum./nPedane // Foot rest:/u00a0/u00a0 /u00a0 Regolabili // Adjustables.
8,32 €
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his is a cube tool to rotate piston back into brake calipers when replacing brake pads on vehicle with rear wheel disc brakes, and it is used with 3/8" drive ratchet and extension. In addition, made from steel, the disc brake piston tool is very sturdy and durable, and you can use it on many universal vehicles with 4 wheels.^#^Features:^#^1. Made from carbon steel, the disc brake piston tool is very sturdy and durable.^#^2. This cube tool rotates piston back into brake calipers when replacing brake pads on vehicle with rear wheel disc brakes.^#^3. Use with 3/8" drive ratchet and extension.^#^4. An indispensable component of brake system, easy to install and you can operate it easily.^#^5. Can be used on universal vehicles with 4 wheel disc brakes, fit most domestic and some import applications.^#^Specifications:^#^Material Type: Carbon Steel^#^Color: Silver^#^Shape: Cube^#^Size: 3 x 3 x 3cm/ 1.18'' x 1.18'' x 1.18''^#^Fitment: For Vehicles with 4 Wheel Disc Brakes^#^Package Included:^#^1Pc Disc Brake Piston Tool
1,69 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
- Barco nuevo a estrenar, en stock en nuestra exposición, para entrega inmediata.
- Homologación inferior a 8 metros de eslora.
- Precio indicado del barco + 2 motores Mercury de 250 CV cada uno + equipamiento estándar y opcional indicado.
- I.V.A 21% incluido.
El equipamiento opcional de la unidad es el siguiente:
Pack Privilege.
Edición Smart: Pack Comfort Cabina, Pack Comfort Bañera, Pack Cocina y Kit de amarre.
Casco color (Gris oscuro).
Extensión plataformas de baño con suelo en teka sintética Flexiteek.
DOBLE GPS PLOTTER SONDA 9/" Simrad evo 3 con VesselViewLink.
Equipo estéreo FUSION con 4 altavoces.
Molinete eléctrico.
Flaps electrónicos.
Toma de tierra.
Hélice de proa (No compatible con motores JPO).
Toldo bimini.
Lona de fondeo.
Lona de consola y asientos.
Transporte de astillero a Palamós.
Montaje motor + equipo baterías.
Inscripción Marítima en Lista 7ª/Zona 6.
Antifouling + Tratamiento Anti-osmosis.
Botadura y Entrega (incluye material salvamento básico).
Pack Privilege: Suelo en cubierta en teka sintética blanda Flexiteek, solárium de proa con respaldo ajustable automático, mejora en tapicerías, mejora en el volante, cofres de estiba con tapicería interior, luces LED de cortesía interior de cabina y cortina corrediza con malla de protección anti-mosquitos en escotilla de cabina.
Pack Comfort Cabina: Nevera 50 L, Microondas y Cortinas.
Pack Comfort Bañera: Asiento abatible módulo central, Asiento abatible estribor y Solárium Bañera.
Pack Cocina: Hornillo LPG y cajonera de hielo 20 L.
- Solicite financiación a medida con el sistema de leasing o crédito náutico SYSFINANCE (desde 4 hasta 15 años, con cuota de entrada mínima 30%).
- Brand new boat, in stock in our showroom, for immediate delivery.
- Homologation less than 8 meters in length.
- Price indicated for the boat + 2 Mercury engines of 250 hp each + standard and optional equipment indicated.
- V.A.T. 21% included.
The optional equipment of the unit is as follows:
Privilege Pack.
Smart Edition: Comfort Cabin Pack, Comfort Cockpit Pack, Galley Pack and Mooring Kit.
Hull colour (Dark Grey).
Bathing platform extension with Flexiteek synthetic teak floor.
DOUBLE GPS PLOTTER SONAR 9/" Simrad evo 3 with VesselViewLink.
FUSION stereo system with 4 speakers.
Electric windlass.
Electronic trim tabs.
Bow thruster (not compatible with JPO engines).
Bimini top.
Anchor canvas.
Console and seats canvas.
Transport from shipyard to Palamós.
Mounting engine + battery equipment.
Maritime inscription in List 7ª/Zone 6.
Antifouling + Anti-osmosis treatment.
Launching and delivery (including basic salvage material).
Privilege Pack: Flexiteek soft synthetic teak deck flooring, bow sundeck with automatic adjustable backrest, upholstery upgrade, steering wheel upgrade, stowage lockers with interior upholstery, interior cabin courtesy LED lights and sliding curtain with mosquito screen in cabin hatch.
Comfort Cabin Pack: 50 L fridge, microwave and curtains.
Comfort Cockpit Pack: Folding seat central module, Folding starboard seat and Cockpit Solarium.
Cooking Pack: LPG cooker and ice box 20 L.
- Ask for customised financing with the SYSFINANCE leasing or nautical credit system (from 4 to 15 years, with a minimum down payment of 30%).
- Bateau neuf, en stock dans notre showroom, pour livraison immédiate.
- Homologation moins de 8 mètres de long.
- Prix indiqué pour le bateau + 2 moteurs Mercury de 250 cv chacun + équipement standard et optionnel indiqué.
- T.V.A. 21% incluse.
Les équipements optionnels de l'unité sont les suivants:
Pack Privilège.
Smart Edition: Pack Cabine Confort, Pack Cockpit Confort, Pack Cuisine et Kit Amarrage.
Couleur de la coque (Gris foncé).
Extension de la plateforme de bain avec plancher en teck synthétique Flexiteek.
DOUBLE PLOTTEUR GPS SONAR 9/" Simrad evo 3 avec VesselViewLink.
Système stéréo FUSION avec 4 haut-parleurs.
Guindeau électrique.
Trim tabs électroniques.
Alimentation à quai.
Propulseur d'étrave (non compatible avec les moteurs JPO).
Toit bimini.
Toile d'ancre.
Console et sièges en toile.
Transport du chantier à Palamós.
Montage de l'équipement moteur + batterie.
Inscription maritime dans la liste 7ª/Zone 6.
Traitement antifouling + anti-osmose.
Mise à l'eau et livraison (y compris le matériel de sauvetage de base).
Pack Privilège: plancher de pont en teck synthétique souple Flexiteek, bain de soleil avant avec dossier réglable automatiquement, amélioration de la sellerie, amélioration du volant, coffres de rangement avec sellerie intérieure, lumières LED de courtoisie à l'intérieur de la cabine et rideau coulissant avec moustiquaire dans le hayon de la cabine.
Pack cabine confort: réfrigérateur 50 L, micro-ondes et rideaux.
Pack Cockpit Confort: Module central de siège pliant, siège tribord pliant et Solarium de Cockpit.
Pack cuisine: cuisinière GPL et glacière 20 L.
- Demandez un financement personnalisé avec le système de leasing ou de crédit nautique SYSFINANCE (de 4 à 15 ans, avec un acompte minimum de 30%).
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Brand New Quicksilver Activ 875 Sundeck - Available Delivery Spring 2023
The Activ 875 Sundeck comes with excellent key features such as a versatile cockpit area, extra large sun lounge, easy water access, fully equipped galley, dual helm with bolsters and armrest, extra large sundeck, U lounge seating, 50L fridge and microwave. Equipped with a twin Mercury 250 AMS V8 engines. This boat has a huge number of extras included.
Finance and Part Exchange Available
Twin Mercury 250 V8 AMS Verado - 500HP
Standard Equipment
Swim Ladder
Navigation Lights
Forward Line/Anchor Locker
Self Bailing Cockpit
Hull Side Windows
Swim Platforms
Motorwell Bridge
LED Courtesy Lights
Forward Sun Lounge with Adjustable Backrest
SmartCraft Speedometer/Tachometer
12v Electrical Socket
Activ Trim
Adjustable Steering Position
4 berths
Storage below Berth
Deck Hatch
Berth Cushions/Filler
Cabin Lights
Opening Portlights
Cabin Table
Dinette Seat Configuration
Enclosed Sea Toilet
Opening Portlight
Sink with Tap
Dual Helm Seat with Bolster
Real Teak Cockpit Table
Cockpit Cushions
Cockpit Shower
Aft Bench Seat
Aft Seat Extension L-Lounge
Aft Seat Folding Backrest
Storage below Aft Seat
Transom Door
OB Pre-Rigging
Dual Battery System
Electric & Manual Bilge Pump
Hydraulic Steering
CO Monitor
Smoke Detector
City Water Inlet
Fire Extinguisher
Starboard Flip Seat
Helm Flip Seat
Cockpit Sun Lounge
Refrigerator 50 l (cabin)
Stove LPG
Mooring Kit
Privilege Pack (INCLUDED)
Flexiteek Flooring
Upgraded Upholstery (Cockpit+Helm Seat Sun Lounge)
Upgraded Steering Wheel
Upholstered liner and storage pads
Ceiling headline with integrated LED lightning
Hatch Screen Cover (hatch cover and mosquito net)
Forward Sun Lounge with Automatically Adjustable Backrest
SIMRAD NSS Evo 3 Dual Plotters
SIMRAD RS20 Vhf Radio
Fusion Stereo System (4 Speakers)
Hull Color
Shore Power
Swim Platform Extensions with Flexiteek
Bow Electrical Windlass
Bow Thruster
Ski Pole
Electric Trim Tabs
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
A rare opportunity to purchase an original Gentleman’s Slipper Launch.
Built by Alfred Parrott of Henley in 1960 – the 20FT craft still maintains its original Stuart Turner engine, which is excellent working order and one of the last remaining of its kind.
Recently undergone an extensive restoration. Work has included all new floor timbers, frames and vertical timbers and renovated decks, covering boards, rubbing strake, keel and transom block.
Further specification includes: spare wheel, lighting board, extension lighting bar, canopy with side infills, full overall cover, navigation lights, spot lights, original brass navigation lights, cleat and fender eyes, auto bilge pump, original mahogany decks, 9mm ply sides and bottom, oak stingers.
The boat is freshly varnished, with two Lloyd Loom wicker chairs and a bench seat aft. The boat comes with a De Graaff trailer, bought new and in excellent condition.
A superb example of this popular little craft, ready for the river, with a current safety certificate until mid-2025.
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Temporary price reduction to EUR 399,000 incl. VAT
Motor yacht SEALINE S335
We offer for sale a new, very well equipped, motor yacht SEALINE S335, year built 2024, warranty until 6/2026
Reason for selling is buying of a bigger yacht.
The yacht is equipped with two cabins (2 + 2 persons), saloon with TV, toilet with a shower, spacious cockpit with a launch table, cooker and fridge and a large bathing platform.
Length 10,31 m, width 3,50 m, displacement 8,5 t, engine Volvo Penta D6-440 (diesel, 440 hp), stern drive, Duoprop, bow and stern thruster.
Electronics RAYMARINE incl. Raymarine ClearCruise Augmented Reality (camera incl. gyroscope).
The hull is covered with silver-grey metallic foil.
The boat is equipped for a cruising area of 20 nm from the coast and ready for immediate departure.
This is an opportunity to buy a good, new, well-equipped boat with the possibility of immediate use.
In case of interest, we will provide more information.
Possibility of an inspection in Marina Novi Vinodolski, Croatia
VAT paid (not possible deductible)
Purchase price: 488.000 EUR (incl. VAT)
Sale price: 440.000 EUR (incl. VAT)
Engine + Engine equipment:
Volvo Penta D6-440 (440 HP)
Duoprop stern drive
Volvo Penta multifunction 7/" display
Automatic control of roll and pitch in the trim tab
Trim Tabs
Bowthruster - 4 HP
Sternthruster - JET
Steering wheel, adjustable tilt
Electrical equipment:
Battery set, capacity: 3x 160 Ah
Deep charge protection for service batteries
Connection to 230V
Sockets 230V
Navigation equipment:
Raymarine i70s multifunctional display with transducer (speed, depth, temp) at helm position
Raymarine AXIOM PRO 12 chart plotter at helm position
GPS antenna
Enlarged dashboard
Enlarged mast
Raymarine Ray90 VHF
Raymarine Autopilot with control
VHF antenna with splitter for FM and AIS
Raymarine ClearCruise Augmented Reality (AR) incl. Gyroscope
Entertainment - lobby and cockpit
2 high-end 2 way speakers in lobby
2 high-end 2 way speakers in cockpit
FUSION MS-ERX400 remote control in cockpit
TV with ante
Anchor 10 kg, stainless steel with 50 m of stainless steel chain
Windlass electric with automatic fuse
2 additional cleats at mid ship, 1 at each side
Cockpit canopies
Cover for dashboard
6 fenders
4 mooring lines
Complete safety equipment (life jackets, flares, first aid kit,...)
Additional equipment:
Bathing platform extension with synthetic teak
Synthetic teak on cockpit floor, bathing platform and steps to the sidewalk
Freshwater wash down
Trash bin in external galley
Door and bulkhead
Lobby with sofa, coffee table, TV with antenna and drawer fridge underneath the sofa and openable porthole
Closed side windows in cockpit with sliding openable frame
Convertible aft backrests lower and raise
Table in cockpit with teak and manual high/low leg, convertible into sunpad with cover
Toilet, electrical
Comfort mattresses
Interior upholstery for - LONG ISLAND LEATHER
Exterior upholstery - SARDINIA
6 LED lights in cockpit (ceiling)
Indirect light package in lobby, head and cabins and courtesy lights
Sunbed cushions for foredeck
Mosquito nets in fwd hatch
Blinds for hull windows
Blinds for hatches
Vista prodotto