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With experience servizio

Elenco delle migliori vendite with experience servizio

Chieti (Abruzzo)
Servizio posate argento 800,pezzi 31,6 forchette,6 coltelli, 6 cucchiaia,6 forchette frutta,6 coltelli frutta,1 mestolo, firmati calegaro,azienda leader nel settore argenteria e con la passione di ricercare i particolari del designer, gr tot.2,221,7, vendo ¤ 2,287,00,allego scatola e garanzia delle mie gioiellerie. no email. solo chiamate. 136 trusted checkout top review / recensioni top best price/quality for condition world miglior rapporto qualita prezzo per condizioni best price world / miglior prezzo del mondo per condizioni instagram massimiliano_massaro follow me 7800 followers facebook 3 profile two full massimiliano massaro 20000 contacts with gerarda sarni on facebook mother of massimiliano massaro follow us both add us on facebook auction/asta orologi watch gioioielli/jewels massaro 1000 members add members pagina facebook put like follow us 2000 followers like 3 physical store show room 5 on line orogeria massaro chrono 24 349 offers make your best offer/fai la tua offerta massimiliano 3485575362 pagina facebook massaro oro srl instagram massimiliano_massaro welcame paypal il nostro successo il vostro sorriso 3 negozi fisici pescara/ chieti scalo/ chieti 300000 visite mese 1)sito web massarooro sia it che com 2)venditore pro seller orologeria massaro chrono24 +349 offerte di orologi di valore 3)sito web massaro gioiellerie orologerie subito impresa +499 annunci 4)negozio kjjj annunci massaro gioiellerie orologerie +1499 annunci vuoi vendere il tuo orologio o gioiello manda foto con descrizione anno referenza prezzo e corredo e avrai la massima valutazione phone/whatsapp 3485575362 our smile is our success 3 physical stores pescara / chieti scalo / chieti 300000 visit month 1) website massarooro sia it and com 2) seller pro seller watchmaking massaro chrono24 +349 offers of valuable watches 3) website massaro jewelers watchmaking immediately business +499 listings 4) shop kjjj ads massaro jewelers watchmakers +1499 listings want to sell your watch or jewel send photo with description year price reference and kit and you will have the maximum rating phone / whatsapp 3485575362 spediamo in tutto il mondo. per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è solo previo appuntamento. contattateci liberamente. le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono fedelmente l'orologio in vendita. per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. acquistiamo e permutiamo i vostri orologi. we ship worldwide. for safety reasons, we can show the watch only after appointment. call us to make appointment. the photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.for more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. we buy and exchange your watches.
2.287 €
Vista prodotto
Chieti (Abruzzo)
Servizio 12 pezzi di coltelli con manico argento 800,lama acciaio inox,gr tot. 830,40, firmati calegaro, azienda leader nel campo argenteria,dal 1959, vendo ¤ 690,00,allego scatola e garanzia delle mie gioiellerie. no email. solo chiamate. 136 trusted checkout top review / recensioni top best price/quality for condition world miglior rapporto qualita prezzo per condizioni best price world / miglior prezzo del mondo per condizioni instagram massimiliano_massaro follow me 7800 followers facebook 3 profile two full massimiliano massaro 20000 contacts with gerarda sarni on facebook mother of massimiliano massaro follow us both add us on facebook auction/asta orologi watch gioioielli/jewels massaro 1000 members add members pagina facebook put like follow us 2000 followers like 3 physical store show room 5 on line orogeria massaro chrono 24 349 offers make your best offer/fai la tua offerta massimiliano 3485575362 pagina facebook massaro oro srl instagram massimiliano_massaro welcame paypal il nostro successo il vostro sorriso 3 negozi fisici pescara/ chieti scalo/ chieti 300000 visite mese 1)sito web massarooro sia it che com 2)venditore pro seller orologeria massaro chrono24 +349 offerte di orologi di valore 3)sito web massaro gioiellerie orologerie subito impresa +499 annunci 4)negozio kjjj annunci massaro gioiellerie orologerie +1499 annunci vuoi vendere il tuo orologio o gioiello manda foto con descrizione anno referenza prezzo e corredo e avrai la massima valutazione phone/whatsapp 3485575362 our smile is our success 3 physical stores pescara / chieti scalo / chieti 300000 visit month 1) website massarooro sia it and com 2) seller pro seller watchmaking massaro chrono24 +349 offers of valuable watches 3) website massaro jewelers watchmaking immediately business +499 listings 4) shop kjjj ads massaro jewelers watchmakers +1499 listings want to sell your watch or jewel send photo with description year price reference and kit and you will have the maximum rating phone / whatsapp 3485575362 spediamo in tutto il mondo. per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è solo previo appuntamento. contattateci liberamente. le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono fedelmente l'orologio in vendita. per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. acquistiamo e permutiamo i vostri orologi. we ship worldwide. for safety reasons, we can show the watch only after appointment. call us to make appointment. the photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.for more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. we buy and exchange your watches.
690 €
Vista prodotto
Chieti (Abruzzo)
Servizio cucchiaini caffè in argento 800, 12 pezzi, gr tot. 151,2,manici intarsiati, marchio italiano, realizzati con grande cura nella ricerca dei materiali preziosi e nei particolari del designer, vendo ¤ 151,00,allego scatola e garanzia delle mie gioiellerie. no email. solo chiamate. 136 trusted checkout top review / recensioni top best price/quality for condition world miglior rapporto qualita prezzo per condizioni best price world / miglior prezzo del mondo per condizioni instagram massimiliano_massaro follow me 7800 followers facebook 3 profile two full massimiliano massaro 20000 contacts with gerarda sarni on facebook mother of massimiliano massaro follow us both add us on facebook auction/asta orologi watch gioioielli/jewels massaro 1000 members add members pagina facebook put like follow us 2000 followers like 3 physical store show room 5 on line orogeria massaro chrono 24 349 offers make your best offer/fai la tua offerta massimiliano 3485575362 pagina facebook massaro oro srl instagram massimiliano_massaro welcame paypal il nostro successo il vostro sorriso 3 negozi fisici pescara/ chieti scalo/ chieti 300000 visite mese 1)sito web massarooro sia it che com 2)venditore pro seller orologeria massaro chrono24 +349 offerte di orologi di valore 3)sito web massaro gioiellerie orologerie subito impresa +499 annunci 4)negozio kjjj annunci massaro gioiellerie orologerie +1499 annunci vuoi vendere il tuo orologio o gioiello manda foto con descrizione anno referenza prezzo e corredo e avrai la massima valutazione phone/whatsapp 3485575362 our smile is our success 3 physical stores pescara / chieti scalo / chieti 300000 visit month 1) website massarooro sia it and com 2) seller pro seller watchmaking massaro chrono24 +349 offers of valuable watches 3) website massaro jewelers watchmaking immediately business +499 listings 4) shop kjjj ads massaro jewelers watchmakers +1499 listings want to sell your watch or jewel send photo with description year price reference and kit and you will have the maximum rating phone / whatsapp 3485575362 spediamo in tutto il mondo. per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è solo previo appuntamento. contattateci liberamente. le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono fedelmente l'orologio in vendita. per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. acquistiamo e permutiamo i vostri orologi. we ship worldwide. for safety reasons, we can show the watch only after appointment. call us to make appointment. the photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.for more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. we buy and exchange your watches.
151 €
Vista prodotto
Chieti (Abruzzo)
Servizio cucchiaini caffè, 12 pezzi,in argento 800,gr 180, con manici intagliati,marchio italiano, realizzati con grande cura nella ricerca dei materiali preziosi e nei particolari del designer, vendo ¤ 110,00,allego scatola e garanzia delle mie gioiellerie. no email. solo chiamate. 136 trusted checkout top review / recensioni top best price/quality for condition world miglior rapporto qualita prezzo per condizioni best price world / miglior prezzo del mondo per condizioni instagram massimiliano_massaro follow me 7800 followers facebook 3 profile two full massimiliano massaro 20000 contacts with gerarda sarni on facebook mother of massimiliano massaro follow us both add us on facebook auction/asta orologi watch gioioielli/jewels massaro 1000 members add members pagina facebook put like follow us 2000 followers like 3 physical store show room 5 on line orogeria massaro chrono 24 349 offers make your best offer/fai la tua offerta massimiliano 3485575362 pagina facebook massaro oro srl instagram massimiliano_massaro welcame paypal il nostro successo il vostro sorriso 3 negozi fisici pescara/ chieti scalo/ chieti 300000 visite mese 1)sito web massarooro sia it che com 2)venditore pro seller orologeria massaro chrono24 +349 offerte di orologi di valore 3)sito web massaro gioiellerie orologerie subito impresa +499 annunci 4)negozio kjjj annunci massaro gioiellerie orologerie +1499 annunci vuoi vendere il tuo orologio o gioiello manda foto con descrizione anno referenza prezzo e corredo e avrai la massima valutazione phone/whatsapp 3485575362 our smile is our success 3 physical stores pescara / chieti scalo / chieti 300000 visit month 1) website massarooro sia it and com 2) seller pro seller watchmaking massaro chrono24 +349 offers of valuable watches 3) website massaro jewelers watchmaking immediately business +499 listings 4) shop kjjj ads massaro jewelers watchmakers +1499 listings want to sell your watch or jewel send photo with description year price reference and kit and you will have the maximum rating phone / whatsapp 3485575362 spediamo in tutto il mondo. per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è solo previo appuntamento. contattateci liberamente. le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono fedelmente l'orologio in vendita. per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. acquistiamo e permutiamo i vostri orologi. we ship worldwide. for safety reasons, we can show the watch only after appointment. call us to make appointment. the photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.for more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. we buy and exchange your watches.
110 €
Vista prodotto
Padova (Veneto)
Servizio di trasporto veicoli in Italia ed Europa: auto marcianti, storiche, incidentate; trattori, quad e oggetti voluminosi. Peso massimo 1950 kg, larghezza massima 185 cm. Costo di 70 centesimi al chilometro con sconto oltre i 250 km. Il totale viene calcolato contando la distanza da casa mia->luogo di ritiro->luogo di consegna->ritorno. Transport service with trailer for cars, tractors and bulky objects in Italy & Europe, max weight 1950 kg, max width 185 cm. Price 0.7 €/Km, lower price for journeys over 250 km..
Vista prodotto
Perugia (Umbria)
Offriamo presso la nostra Sede Operativa di Perugia Servizio Cura e Accoglienza / Assistenza Diurna / Counseling a Bambini, Adolescenti, Adulti e Anziani autonomi e/o con disabilita' accertata e comprovata (esempio: pensione di accompagnamento /assegno care giver). Per accedere al nostro Servizio di Cura e Accoglienza / Assistenza Diurna / Counseling e presentare Domanda tramite modulo di richiesta per un Vostro familiare e/o amico, Vi chiediamo gentilmente di contattarci direttamente presso la nostra sede operativa di Perugia rispondendo a questo annuncio tramite telefono, sms o email specificando il Vostro Nome, Cognome, Data d Nascita, Residenza, tipo di Cura e Accoglienza / Assistenza Diurna / Counseling richiesto e dieta eventuale richiesta. Si offre un Servizio di Cura e Accoglienza / Assistenza Diurna / Counseling serio e puntuale, attento alle necessita' dei nostri clienti e soci, con personale esperto, bravo nella preparazione di piatti di cucina sana e variabile ad ogni necessita' dietetica, in lingua italiana e Inglese, residente a Perugia Citta' (Centro Storico). Zona di lavoro Perugia Citta' (Centro Storico) Offresi massima serietà, referenze ed esperienza lavorativa significante in Italia e all'Estero. Si richiede max serietà, astenersi perditempo. Grazie. Contatti: +39 328 833 50 44 +1 864 907 5775 - (For English Speakers) Care and Hospitality Service / Day Care / Counseling at our Headquarters of Machaseh shel Tikvah (Shelter of Hope) for Counseling in Perugia, Italy We offer Care and Hospitality Service / Day Care / Counseling for Children, Adolescents, Adults and Seniors who are autonomous and / or with (ascertained, proven) disability at our Headquarters in Perugia (example: Invalidity/Disability pension / Care giver allowance). To access our Care and Hospitality Service / Day Care / Counseling Service and Submit an Application with our Appication Form for a Family Member and / or Friend, we kindly ask you to contact us directly at our Headquarters in Perugia by answering this announcement by telephone, sms or email specifying your Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Residence, type of Care and Hospitality Service / Day Care / Counseling and specific diet details required. We offer a serious and punctual Care and Hospitality Service / Day Care / Counseling, attentive to the needs of our Customers and Members, with professional and experienced staff, also good in the preparation of healthy dishes which can be varieted subject to every specific dietary need, in Italian and English, living in Perugia City (Downtown Perugia). Working area: Perugia City (Downtown Perugia) We offer Professionalism, References and significant Work Experience in Italy and Abroad. Respect is highly reccommended, to refrain time-wasters. Contacts Details: +39 328 833 50 44 (Italian) +1 864 907 5775 (English)
Vista prodotto
Agrigento (Sicilia)
Material: PorcelainPieces: 18 Pieces If you want to add a touch of originality to your home, you will do so with Tableware Porcelain (18 Pieces).
34 €
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
The Lead Linguist will be responsible for adapting U.S English UI and technical documentation for the Australian market. He/She will be working as part of a dynamic team and in an international environment. Specific responsibilities include adapting U.S English UI and technical documentation to Australian English, management and maintenance of Style Guide, overseeing and driving the overall quality of Australian English. Leading provider of Localization Services to IT and software sector Very good opportunit for Translator / Linguist with Australian English language - 100% speaker fluency in Australian English - Professional Copy editing/copy proofreading experience mainly in the IT sector - Degree in English, Linguistics, Translation/Adaptation or similar - Experience with computer-aided translation tools and systems - Experience in technical adaptation for consumer products Will be considered as an advantage: - Experience in managing language specific style guides and language glossaries - Localisation Project Management experienceLeading provider of Localization Services to the IT and software sectors, with headquarters in Ireland and branches in Europe.Contract: 1-year fixed term with a view to permanency Salary: depending on seniority, the range is GAS 24000 EUR - 29000 EUR Smartworking Location: Pavia
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Foggia (Puglia)
You won't be down for long with HP Next Business Day[1] Exchange Service. Get high quality remote troubleshooting assistance and, if needed, a replacement will arrive the next business day, with shipping included. Send your failed unit back to HP in pre-paid packaging. Anni 3 anno/i Next Business Day (NBD) Sì Compatibilità Scanjet 8200/8270/
156 €
Vista prodotto
Foggia (Puglia)
You won't be down for long with HP Next Business Day[1] Exchange Service. Get high quality remote troubleshooting assistance and, if needed, a replacement will arrive the next business day, with shipping included. Send your failed unit back to HP in pre-paid packaging. Anni 3 anno/i Next Business Day (NBD) Sì Compatibilità Scanjet 84xx/7500
285 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Financial and technical modeling of Renewables and if applicable, other projects for the Holdings This involves the commercial forecasts and analysis on cash flows, revenue streams and costs across its existing portfolio and new business, in order to make management decisions, together with a variety of ad hoc projects. Responsible for delivering financial planning as well as financial analysis on variance to plan; develop robust business cases to aid decision making. Provide support to Country Manager Analysis of individual projects, to assist company's analysis of business opportunities, and to help decision making as to which opportunities provide an attractive risk adjusted return for the Company Presentations to potential clients, highlighting attractiveness of our solutions Back-up commercial analysis required for permitting, approval, emission allowances, etc. Provide information and recommendations to the Country Manager Liaise with external consultants, where applicable Evaluating the securities of companies in one industry Compare the companies' financial reports with those of previous years and try to predict what will happen to the companies' earnings in the future. Test and suggest new reports in response to current business issues. Establish and maintain systems to analyze and report key performance metrics to aid management in the identification of improvement opportunities and internal best practices. Perform qualitative and quantitative analysis in connection with acquisitions and/or development within the power industry. Perform financial modeling, investment memos, presentations to clients, site visits, etc. Support Business Development team as well as Senior team. Financial Analyst with experience in the Energy sectorGreat career opportunityBachelor Degree in Finance + 3 years of experience within power, gas or oil markets. Must be able to manage multiple projects simultaneously. Must be able to understand key concepts of the power generation industry and in particular of quad-gen technology. Quick learner and a logical structured thinker. Advanced Excel and Power Point spreadsheet skills. Experience including Macros, Pivot Table, etc. Strong quantitative and analytical skills and attention to detail. Ability to work under time constraints and meet aggressive deadlines. Demonstrated ability to work effectively under little supervision. Excellent written and oral communication skills, as this position will have routine interaction with top company management. Ability to solve problems and develop creative recommendations in an environment with limited standardization. Effective communication skills including the ability to listen to the needs of others, research and comprehend complex matters, articulate issues in a clear and concise manner, and present findings as well as recommendations in oral and written presentations. Our client develops, acquires and operates electric power and district heating businesses around the globe with a particular focus upon high-growth, under-served markets and innovative niches within developed markets.Great career opportunity.
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Milano (Lombardia)
Sorint.Lab, company with more than thirty years of experience as a 360 ° IT consultant for national and international customers, is looking for a network system engineer expert to hire in Milan, with a permanent contract. The ideal candidate (Network expert profile with experience on the technologies listed below), must be able to perform both configuration operations, ordinary maintenance and upgrades. The candidate will have to be able to manage the following technologies: • Switching: o Cisco Catalist Access Layer (2960, 3650, 3850); o Cisco Catalyst Core (4500, 6500.6800) o Cisco Nexus • Wifi: o Cisco WLC • Router o Cisco Router • Security: o Palo Alto Firewall, o Cisco ISE Required technical skills: • Skills Layer2 (very good) • Dynamic routing protocols (good) • Wifi - Experience on centralized, preferred Cisco WLC systems • Access Control (Radius / Tacas / ACS / ISE) (good) • Stateful Firewalling (very good) • Application Firewalling - Next Generation (good) • Incident management & Monitoring Appreciated certifications: • CCNA R&D or proven equivalent certificate; • CCNA Security (appreciated); • CCNP (welcome); softskills: The ideal candidate is a graduate or has a degree in Technical Disciplines, has a good knowledge of English and has some years of experience in the mentioned role. Good relational and teamwork skills, autonomy and flexibility are fundamental requirements. The contractual hiring form, remuneration and any benefits will be discussed during the interview and will be commensurate with the actual skills of the candidate. We evaluate both, direct hiring or freelance cooperation. Our company guarantees a continuous path of professional growth through its own internal academy.
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Bergamo (Lombardia)
Sorint.Lab, company with more than thirty years of experience as a 360 ° IT consultant for national and international customers, is looking for a network system engineer expert to hire in Bergamo with a permanent contract. The ideal candidate (Network & Security expert profile with experience on the technologies listed below), must be able to perform both configuration operations, ordinary maintenance and upgrades. The candidate will have to be able to manage the following technologies: - VPN L2L, - DNS, - fortinet, - Cisco Firepower. Appreciated certifications: • CCNA R&D or proven equivalent certificate; • CCNA Security (appreciated); • CCNP (welcome); softskills: The ideal candidate is a graduate or has a degree in Technical Disciplines, has a good knowledge of English and has some years of experience in the mentioned role. Good relational and teamwork skills, autonomy and flexibility are fundamental requirements. The contractual hiring form, remuneration and any benefits will be discussed during the interview and will be commensurate with the actual skills of the candidate. We evaluate both, direct hiring or freelance cooperation.
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Cremona (Lombardia)
Sorint.Lab, company with more than thirty years of experience as a 360 ° IT consultant for national and international customers, is looking for a network system engineer expert to hire in Bergamo with a permanent contract. The ideal candidate (Network & Security expert profile with experience on the technologies listed below), must be able to perform both configuration operations, ordinary maintenance and upgrades. The candidate will have to be able to manage the following technologies: - VPN L2L, - DNS, - fortinet, - Cisco Firepower. Appreciated certifications: • CCNA R&D or proven equivalent certificate; • CCNA Security (appreciated); • CCNP (welcome); softskills: The ideal candidate is a graduate or has a degree in Technical Disciplines, has a good knowledge of English and has some years of experience in the mentioned role. Good relational and teamwork skills, autonomy and flexibility are fundamental requirements. The contractual hiring form, remuneration and any benefits will be discussed during the interview and will be commensurate with the actual skills of the candidate. We evaluate both, direct hiring or freelance cooperation. Our company guarantees a continuous path of professional growth through its own internal academy.
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Bari (Puglia)
BFP Group is looking for a Civil/Environmental Engineer for Bari offices with experience of at least 1 year in Technical Due Diligence for Solar and Wind Plants Requirements: - Master's degree in Civil or Environmental Engineering. - Proven experience in permitting and authorization procedures of renewable utility-scale plants (PV and Wind) - Proven experience in the drafting of Technical Due Diligence (at least 1 year) - Availability for national travels (for site visits and meetings with the authorities and/or partners) – Good knowledge of English language – The knowledge of Spanish language is considered a preferential requirement - Required software: AutoCAD and GIS Main activities: - Drafting of Technical Due Diligence for the sale or acquisition of wind and photovoltaic plant projects (under development, Ready to Build and in operation) - checks of projects developed by third parties (final projects and EIA) - screening procedures and drafting - follow-up of authorization and permitting procedures - collection, definition and systematization of the environmental prescriptions received in the authorization documents - definition of the costs associated with the construction of a renewable source and environmental mitigation interventions connected to the projects Job duration: full time Contract: preferably free-lance Availability: immediate Workplace: Bari (Italy) Please send your application to the following addresses: [email protected] [email protected] Reference Code: P-EN-PW-BAR-07082020
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