Work experience tipo specialistico
Elenco delle migliori vendite work experience tipo specialistico

Venezia (Veneto)
Work experience garanzia giovani di tipo specialistico Corso più stage Mestre Venezia Inizio Maggio/Giugno per info scrivi a [*vedi modalità di candidatura*] oppure chiama lo *vedi modalità di candidatura* Clicca sul link sottostante "sito web" per inviarci la tua candidatura.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Penta Formazione promuove il progetto codice 4387-0001-1304-2023 Work Experience: FOR_TI FORmazione e Tirocinio con l'obiettivo di incrementare le conoscenze e le abilit dell'Operatore di Reception. OBIETTIVI Se desideri, infatti, distinguerti nel mondo dell'ospitalit di lusso, il nostro corso la chiave per formare profili professionali e accedere a prestigiose strutture alberghiere! Entrerai in contatto con rinomate strutture alberghiere desiderose di scoprire nuovi talenti. Avrai l'opportunit di mettere in pratica ci che impari in contesti reali, contribuendo alla tua crescita professionale. Progettato per soddisfare e rispondere ai fabbisogni delle aziende, offriamo un percorso completo centrato sui massimi standard di servizio, formando e promuovendo il tuo inserimento lavorativo. DESTINATARI Sono destinatari dell'iniziativa 8 disoccupati ai sensi della Legge n. 26/2019 art. 4, comma 15-quater e del D. Lgs. 150/20156, beneficiari e non di prestazioni di sostegno al reddito, residenti o domiciliati nel territorio regionale, di et superiore ai 18 anni. Sono accoglibili le domande di partecipazione alle Work Experience anche da parte di destinatari di altri progetti finanziati nellambito del Percorso 1 del Programma GOL (DGR n. 600/2022 e n. 845/2022) e del bando Giovani Energie (DGR n. 729/2023) PR Veneto FSE+ 2021-2027. I destinatari devono necessariamente essere in possesso di diploma (preferibilmente quello di tecnico dei servizi turistici) e di una buona conoscenza della lingua inglese. Saranno considerati elementi valorizzanti il profilo la conoscenza di una seconda lingua e la precedente esperienza in ruoli analoghi. PROGRAMMA Il progetto prevede la realizzazione dei seguenti interventi: orientamento specialistico della durata di 3 ore, orientamento di gruppo della durata di 2 ore, formazione mirata all'inserimento lavorativo della durata di 108 ore, tirocinio extracurriculare in azienda della durata di 2 mesi, accompagnamento al lavoro per ogni mese di tirocinio della durata di 2 ore, valutazione finale degli apprendimenti della durata di 2 ore. Nelle 108 ore di formazione affronteremo i seguenti moduli: - Gestione di procedure check-in/check-out alberghiero (32 ore): imparerai le tecniche essenziali per gestire con precisione le procedure di accoglienza e congedo, offrendo un servizio impeccabile; - Assistenza al cliente durante il soggiorno (40 ore): svilupperai competenze per offrire assistenza personalizzata e attenta alle esigenze del cliente durante tutta la permanenza; - Comunicazione digitale e condivisione contenuti digitali (20 ore): scoprirai le ultime tendenze nella comunicazione digitale, imparando a gestire con sicurezza strumenti e piattaforme digitali; - Utilizzo della lingua inglese in reception (16 ore): affinerai le tue abilit linguistiche per interagire con ospiti internazionali, distinguendoti come professionista del settore. La partecipazione gratuita. Solo per le attivit di tirocinio prevista lerogazione di unindennit di 450,00 lordi al mese, solo se il destinatario avr raggiunto la frequenza di almeno il 70% del monte ore mensile previsto dal progetto formativo del tirocinio. Lindennit sar erogata mensilmente. Al termine del percorso formativo finanziato da Regione Veneto sar rilasciato un Attestato dei Risultati di Apprendimento. MODALIT SELEZIONE E PARTECIPAZIONE Per partecipare alle selezioni necessario inviare la seguente documentazione: - Modulo di ammissione e domanda di partecipazione; - DID rilasciata dal Centro per lImpiego di competenza; - Copia fronte retro della carta di identit; - Curriculum Vitae; - Fotocopia permesso di soggiorno (se cittadino/a straniero/a). Per partecipare obbligatorio compilare e inviare la DOMANDA DI AMMISSIONE e gli ALLEGATI entro e non oltre il 01/03/2024 alle ore 18:00. Test scritto e colloquio di selezione saranno svolti presso Penta Formazione in via Bassa 14 a Sommacampagna (VR) luned 04/03/2024 alle ore 09.30. Lammissione ai corsi avverr in base ad una graduatoria risultante da prove di selezione, effettuata da una apposita commissione, il cui giudizio insindacabile.
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Perugia (Umbria)
Offriamo presso la nostra Sede Operativa di Perugia Servizio Cura e Accoglienza / Assistenza Diurna / Counseling a Bambini, Adolescenti, Adulti e Anziani autonomi e/o con disabilita' accertata e comprovata (esempio: pensione di accompagnamento /assegno care giver). Per accedere al nostro Servizio di Cura e Accoglienza / Assistenza Diurna / Counseling e presentare Domanda tramite modulo di richiesta per un Vostro familiare e/o amico, Vi chiediamo gentilmente di contattarci direttamente presso la nostra sede operativa di Perugia rispondendo a questo annuncio tramite telefono, sms o email specificando il Vostro Nome, Cognome, Data d Nascita, Residenza, tipo di Cura e Accoglienza / Assistenza Diurna / Counseling richiesto e dieta eventuale richiesta. Si offre un Servizio di Cura e Accoglienza / Assistenza Diurna / Counseling serio e puntuale, attento alle necessita' dei nostri clienti e soci, con personale esperto, bravo nella preparazione di piatti di cucina sana e variabile ad ogni necessita' dietetica, in lingua italiana e Inglese, residente a Perugia Citta' (Centro Storico). Zona di lavoro Perugia Citta' (Centro Storico) Offresi massima serietà, referenze ed esperienza lavorativa significante in Italia e all'Estero. Si richiede max serietà, astenersi perditempo. Grazie. Contatti: +39 328 833 50 44 +1 864 907 5775 - (For English Speakers) Care and Hospitality Service / Day Care / Counseling at our Headquarters of Machaseh shel Tikvah (Shelter of Hope) for Counseling in Perugia, Italy We offer Care and Hospitality Service / Day Care / Counseling for Children, Adolescents, Adults and Seniors who are autonomous and / or with (ascertained, proven) disability at our Headquarters in Perugia (example: Invalidity/Disability pension / Care giver allowance). To access our Care and Hospitality Service / Day Care / Counseling Service and Submit an Application with our Appication Form for a Family Member and / or Friend, we kindly ask you to contact us directly at our Headquarters in Perugia by answering this announcement by telephone, sms or email specifying your Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Residence, type of Care and Hospitality Service / Day Care / Counseling and specific diet details required. We offer a serious and punctual Care and Hospitality Service / Day Care / Counseling, attentive to the needs of our Customers and Members, with professional and experienced staff, also good in the preparation of healthy dishes which can be varieted subject to every specific dietary need, in Italian and English, living in Perugia City (Downtown Perugia). Working area: Perugia City (Downtown Perugia) We offer Professionalism, References and significant Work Experience in Italy and Abroad. Respect is highly reccommended, to refrain time-wasters. Contacts Details: +39 328 833 50 44 (Italian) +1 864 907 5775 (English)
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Are you ready to take your career to new heights? At D-Orbit, were pioneering the future of space logistics, transportation and servicing. Established in 2011, our company is leading the way in helping businesses profitably and sustainably unlock the full potential of the final frontier. As a member of our team, youll have the opportunity to work alongside a diverse group of highly skilled individuals, all driven by a shared passion for innovation and excellence. Join us in our global mission to push the boundaries of whats possible and take your ambition to new heights. Apply now and join us in shaping the future of space. D-Orbit is hiring a senior systems engineer to join our growing systems engineering team. As an integral part of the group, you will be responsible of the customization of already flight-qualified platforms, such as the ION Satellite Carrier Vehicle, and the design of new advanced missions. Your ultimate objective as a systems engineer is to ensure your systems, the spacecraft, will fly safely to orbit, deliver the services required by mission objectives and eventually successfully accomplish its disposal. Main Duties will consist of · Coordinate other systems and specialist engineers, following and consolidating the end-to-end design and development cycle of the systems platforms, starting the requirements capture and consolidating requirements as development progresses, trade-off analysis, systems architecture and design definition, definition of the verification and test campaign, test plan and procedures, supervising execution of the tests on first prototypes and final requirements compliance assessment. · Interface with the Program Manager to support planning and management task. · Coordinate with the Procurement team to support in the procurement process of test and flight parts. · Coordinate with the manufacturing team and the AIV team for the definition of the test plan, procedures, setup and execution, monitor AIV progresses and maintain the requirement compliance matrix updated accordingly. · Interface with the Flight Operations team to support the definition of the detailed ConOps, mission timeline, operations plan definition and procedures, and provide active support during the first flight operations. Tasks and Responsibilities: - Technical responsible for the overall spacecraft or mission. - Actively contribute and monitor the development of systems architecture and subsystems design. - Coordinate multidisciplinary teams of specialists working on the systems and s/s design. - Systems and subsystems budgeting. - Requirements capturing & management from Stakeholder to equipment level. - AIV plan definition and execution with the support of the AIV team. - Support the systems test plan, procedures, and setup definition. - Authoring of Technical documents. Professional Experience: · We are interested in speaking to people with a minimum of five years of experience working in the field of Spacecraft design and development. Required Technical Skills: · Strong knowledge of Space Systems Engineering and Space Systems Architectures · Systems-level knowledge of all spacecraft subsystems · Experience in the definition of systems budgets and trade-off analyses · Experience in satellite verification and validation approaches · Experience in planning and management task · Experience in procurement processes · Experience in requirements management tools, e.g. DOORS or Jama; · Basic knowledge of software development and configuration management, e.g. GIT or Bitbucket; · Knowledge of Microsoft office Nice-to-have skills. · Experience in Institutional projects with ESA, ASI or other agencies. - Knowledge of ECSS/NASA standards. - Experience in Mission Analysis and usage of dedicated tools (e.g., STK, GMAT) - Working experience in space transportation and servicing applications. - Experience in carrying out tests in relevant space contexts (e.g., functional testing on EM, environmental test campaigns) - Experience in launch campaign activities and interfacing with launch providers. - Programming skills. - Experience in MBSE. Education - University degree preferably in the fields of Aerospace/Space Engineering. Language This role requires professional proficiency in English. At D-Orbit, diversity and inclusivity are not just values, they are integral to our mission and the way we operate. We are committed to fostering an environment where all individuals are respected, valued, and celebrated for their unique backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. We believe that a diverse and inclusive workplace is not only the right thing to do, but it also leads to better decision-making, innovation, and overall success. We actively strive to build a culture where everyone can bring their authentic selves to work, and where all voices are heard and valued. We are dedicated to creating a workplace where everyone feels safe, supported, and empowered to share their ideas, and where everyone is given equal opportunities to grow and excel. We believe that our differences make us stronger, and we will continue to work diligently to create an inclusive culture at D-Orbit that reflects this belief. Settore: Industria aerospaziale Ruolo: Ingegneria/Progettazione Gestisce altre persone: Sì Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo indeterminato Inquadramento: Impiegato
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Are you ready to take your career to new heights? At D-Orbit, were pioneering the future of space logistics and transportation. Established in 2011, our company is leading the way in helping businesses profitably and sustainably unlock the full potential of the final frontier. As a member of our team, youll have the opportunity to work alongside a diverse group of highly skilled individuals, all driven by a shared passion for innovation and excellence. Join us in our global mission to push the boundaries of whats possible and take your ambition to new heights. Apply now and join us in shaping the future of space. D-Orbit is looking for a Hardware Product Assurance Engineer to join our Product Assurance Team. As a Hardware Product Assurance Engineer, you will work in a young and dynamic environment, on activities that will span from the EEE parts Quality Management with internal and external stakeholders (customers and/or suppliers) to the involvement in the materials and processes reviews ensuring that the components and their assembly process comply with program requirements. Key Responsibilities: · Establishes requirements on EEE parts quality management on the assigned programs in accordance with company standards. · Guarantee the conformity of EEE and related materials and processes to requirements of the assigned programs. · Be the interface with internal/external customers and/or suppliers for all aspects related to EEE components. · Issue and maintain EEE parts documents according to milestones of the assigned programs. · Take part, as relevant contributor, to EEE parts dedicated meetings. · Manage EEE parts NCRs and related NRBs as chairperson. · Contributes to the definition of design solutions to comply with new-space sector requirements. Requirements: · A master degree (or higher) in engineering or in any relevant technical science · Knowledge of EEE component technologies and international standards (Automotive, ESA, NASA, MIL, IPC) · Experience with Space Quality Standards (and Space Standards in general), their implementation and of the space industry in general. · At least 2 years of experience in similar positions (experience with institutional programs is considered a plus) · Experience with EN9100 standard · Excellent ability to use MS Office tools · Excellent ability to use NCR management tools · Knowledge of Jira, Jama, Confluence and Teamcenter is considered a plus · Proactive attitude, problem solving skills and ability to work in a team · Ability to manage assigned tasks to comply with deadlines. · Ability to communicate clearly and effectively. · Capability of working in autonomy as well as in team. · Ability to work in a fast-paced environment. · Ability to work in a team setting to meet tight schedules. · Fluency in Italian · Professional proficiency in English (any other language is considered a plus) Preferred Qualifications: • Materials and processes ESA standards knowledge • EEE management ESA standards knowledge At D-Orbit, diversity and inclusivity are not just values, they are integral to our mission and the way we operate. We are committed to fostering an environment where all individuals are respected, valued, and celebrated for their unique backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. We believe that a diverse and inclusive workplace is not only the right thing to do, but it also leads to better decision making, innovation, and overall success. We actively strive to build a culture where everyone can bring their authentic selves to work, and where all voices are heard and valued. We are dedicated to creating a workplace where everyone feels safe, supported, and empowered to share their ideas, and where everyone is given equal opportunities to grow and excel. We believe that our differences make us stronger, and we will continue to work diligently to create an inclusive culture at D-Orbit that reflects this belief. Settore: Industria aerospaziale Ruolo: Ingegneria/Progettazione Percentuale di occupazione: Full-time Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo indeterminato Livello di istruzione: Dottorato/Master
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Are you ready to take your career to new heights? At D-Orbit, were pioneering the future of space logistics and transportation. Established in 2011, our company is leading the way in helping businesses profitably and sustainably unlock the full potential of the final frontier. As a member of our team, youll have the opportunity to work alongside a diverse group of highly skilled individuals, all driven by a shared passion for innovation and excellence. Join us in our global mission to push the boundaries of whats possible and take your ambition to new heights. Apply now and join us in shaping the future of space. We are looking for a number of Embedded Software Engineers with different experience levels to join our team. You will become part of a software design group responsible for the delivery of software components across a range of embedded and high performance applications in space. Within a continuous integration environment, you will contribute to the requirements definition, design of SW architecture, coding and testing of mission critical real-time embedded software, running on the D-Orbit latest generation spacecraft. Through these activities and by working with the key stakeholders in the development process you will deliver exciting new features and support spacecraft operations. Tasks and Responsibilities: - Contribute to the entire application lifecycle, focusing on requirements definition, design, coding, debugging and integration with the flight hardware (note that the coding language used during the daily job is mostly embedded C and the software spans multiple layers, ranging from low-level components to middleware and application software) - Preparation of flight software technical documentation - Validation of features including integration with software-in-the-loop and hardware-in-the-loop test suites - Contribute to the continuous improvement of the teams processes and methodologies Additional duties may be assigned as needed by each project, like: - Define software system specifications during co-engineering activities with the system team - Improve and develop new features to shared libraries - Maintenance of existing flight applications - Support to AIV activities and spaceflight operations Required Technical Skills: - Minimum of 1 year experience in embedded software development. - Experience delivering embedded software in any C-family language - Knowledge of any typical embedded communication interfaces such as USART, SPI, I2C, CAN - Experience using and configuring any common build tool chains or similar development environment (such as ANT, WAF, Makefile, Visual Studio etc.) - Familiarity with Git versioning system or any similar DVCS - Ability to communicate technical concepts clearly and effectively - Degree, in any relevant area such as computer engineering, electronic engineering, aerospace engineering, robotics or automation. - Full professional proficiency of English language is mandatory. Nice-to-have skills: - Good understanding of SW design and testing lifecycle in regulated environment (ideally ECSS standard) - Knowledge of real-time operating systems (such as RTEMS or FreeRTOS) and/or operating systems targeted for embedded applications (such as any embedded Linux) - Experience in debugging embedded software using standard laboratory equipment - Basic understanding of Assembler language - Experience in defining software system specifications and software requirements - Knowledge of Python - Familiarity with using any Linux based distribution and appreciation of application development - Familiarity with typical software development methodology and release versioning processes - Familiarity with OBDH and TMTC architectures used in space systems - Capability of working in autonomy Language: This role requires professional proficiency in English. At D-Orbit, diversity and inclusivity are not just values, they are integral to our mission and the way we operate. We are committed to fostering an environment where all individuals are respected, valued, and celebrated for their unique backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. We believe that a diverse and inclusive workplace is not only the right thing to do, but it also leads to better decision-making, innovation, and overall success. We actively strive to build a culture where everyone can bring their authentic selves to work, and where all voices are heard and valued. We are dedicated to creating a workplace where everyone feels safe, supported, and empowered to share their ideas, and where everyone is given equal opportunities to grow and excel. We believe that our differences make us stronger, and we will continue to work diligently to create an inclusive culture at D-Orbit that reflects this belief. Settore: Industria aerospaziale Ruolo: Ingegneria/Progettazione Gestisce altre persone: No Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo indeterminato Inquadramento: Impiegato
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Gi Group Italia Scopo del ruolo · La figura professionale dellOPERATORE POLITICHE ATTIVE si occuperà dellerogazione dei servizi al lavoro, orientamento specialistico, accompagnamento al lavoro, promozione e monitoraggio di tirocini. avvio alla formazione professionale, scouting delle offerte di lavoro ed eventuali matching con le aziende. Attività LOPERATORE POLITICHE ATTIVE svolgerà le seguenti attività - Erogazione di servizi di orientamento specialistico, accompagnamento al lavoro e incrocio domanda e offerta - Analisi del fabbisogno formativo dellutente e individuazione dei corsi di formazione disponibili in linea con il percorso definito - Promozione e monitoraggio tirocini Strumenti da utilizzare - Accesso ai Portali Regionali: SIL e SISPREG - Accesso al gestionale Flexibile di Gigroup per la pianificazione delle attività Skills & Experience Requisiti indispensabili a fini dello svolgimento del ruolo di OPERATORE POLITICHE ATTIVE a) diploma di laurea vecchio ordinamento (o laurea specialistica o diploma di laurea triennale) e almeno due anni di esperienza documentata presso unità organizzative o aziendali, nello svolgimento di attività di accoglienza e informazione/orientamento di base/orientamento specialistico/accompagnamento al lavoro OPPURE b) titolo di studio secondario superiore e almeno tre anni di esperienza documentata presso unità organizzative od aziendali, nello svolgimento di attività di accoglienza e informazione/orientamento di base/orientamento specialistico/accompagnamento al lavoro Autonomia di lavoro Il collaboratore a Partita Iva procederà autonomamente nella gestione dei Utenti assegnati secondo le procedure condivise utilizzando in autonomia i portali regionali dedicati. Le attività potranno essere erogate in presenza presso le sedi Gi Group accreditate o in modalità a distanza secondo le disposizioni regionali. Capacità necessarie per il presidio della posizione Completano il profilo: - Buone capacità di interazione con lutenza - Buone doti relazionali, organizzative e di orientamento al risultato, precisione e flessibilità - Disponibilità a brevi spostamenti sul territorio - Automunito Esperienze precedenti a supporto del ruolo: E gradita precedente esperienze in ambito di attività e bandi di Politica Attiva regionale. NECESSARIA PARTITA IVA e disponibilità settimanale minima di 24 ore Settore: Agenzie per il lavoro/Società di selezione Ruolo: Risorse umane Data di assunzione: 16/06/2005 Percentuale di occupazione: Part-time ≥50% Gestisce altre persone: No Tipo di occupazione: Lavoro autonomo Livello di istruzione: Laurea Triennale
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Seeking a Commissioning Manager for an EPC contracting company based in Kazakhstan. Scope of work: Commissioning of Production Trunklines & Test Lines (2x18" production trunk lines and 1x16" test line 3.8 Km) and re-Injection Trunkline (KPC 1st Trunkline): 1x12" re-injection trunkline approximately of 5 Km). Compressor (capacity of 12.3 MSCMD), m8ain Interconnecting & Flare Pipe Racks, Inlet Facilities at KPC (slug catcher area), Brownfield modifications (optional scope), Injection approach facilities, Utilities & Flare System, HP Flare & Flare Interconnecting Piperack System, Remote Manifold Station. Essential duties - Perform safe execution of the overall project pre-commissioning and commissioning work scope in accordance with contract documents, specifications, procedures and plans - Define and perform overall project pre - commissioning and commissioning strategy and execution plans in conjunction with alle the involved departments and discipline engineers - Interface, align, and integrate Commissioning plans and requirements with other project stakeholders, i.e., PMT, Engineering, Completions, Workpack, Planning, Construction, as well as Clients and vendors - Coordinate sourcing of project pre - commissioning / commissioning manpower, materials, equipment, and third - party services, if any, and ensure availability as per plan - Prepare pre - commissioning and commissioning execution plans and workpacks ensuring all work processes and procedures conform to the project standards and meet required level of Quality Assurance - Drive pre - commissioning and commissioning schedule and resource plan and interface for input to the overall project schedule - Lead preparation of pre - commissioning and commissioning test procedures as required, interfacing with construction and completions personnel. - Prepare detailed test plans, procedures, work instructions, JSAs, etc. as necessary for commissioning activities - Prepare performance test procedures and operating manuals in support of the Client Commissioning and Operations Team - Identify pre - commissioning and commissioning tools, test equipment, temporary facilities, lubricants, consumables, third party services required for work execution and arrange the procurement thereof - Coordinate sourcing of project pre - commissioning / commissioning manpower, materials, equipment, and third - party services, if any, and ensure availability as per plan - Provide input to the establishment of system and sub - system boundaries and Completions database population in conjunction with the Completions team - Ensure all commissioning data, documentation and handovers are in accordance with Completions process and project procedures - Report accurate commissioning progress and status reports to Project Manager - Focal point to Client Requirements: - minimum 5+ experience as Commissioning Manater - Degree in mechanical or deep experience as Commissioning Manager - Well spoken and written English Settore: Energia Ruolo: Project management/Tempi e metodi Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo determinato
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The EMC Engineer is an expert with more than three years experience, who provides for the inclusion in the laboratories of Electromagnetic Compatibility of CESI Milan. He/she will take care of the testing activities and the drafting of the related reports, in accordance with the standards, corporate procedures and reference regulations. Active participation is required in the revision of test procedures and the deepening of regulations, with a view to periodic adjustments and expansion of activities into sectors (for example EMC tests in the field of e-mobility, aereospace, etc.). The test engineer for EMC will interface with customers and coordinate CESI for the planning and execution of testing activities. Part of the work will be on shift (both morning and evening). Education and training • Degree in Electronic Engineering, preferably in telecommunications (Radio Frequency) Knowledge • Basic knowledge of analog and digital electronic circuits; • In-depth knowledge of industrial and laboratory electrical and electronic measurements. Mastery of the main EMC laboratory instruments, such as oscilloscope, multimeter, spectrum analyzer, EMI receiver, antennas, etc.); • Ability to interpret regulations and set up compliant test setups; • Experience in drawing up operating procedures and technical documentation; • Knowledge of the main document processing software of the Office package (Word, Excel, PowerPoint); • Knowledge of EMC laboratory software for testing; • Previous experience in Project Management (schedule management, risk-analysis, use of MS Project). Experiences • At least one years experience in electronic design activities or, preferably, at electromagnetic compatibility laboratories, with active involvement on topics of electromagnetic compatibility tests; Abilities and aptitudes • Problem-solving orientation • Collaborative and open-minded approach with adaptability, resilience and rapid and independent response • Ability to establish open and competent relationships with colleagues • Ability to motivate and positively influence other colleagues • Technical/scientific curiosity • Organisation and planning • Flexibility and ability to work in virtual and multicultural teams • Readiness and willingness to travel both domestically and internationally • Good written and spoken English Settore: Ingegneria Ruolo: Ingegneria/Progettazione Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo indeterminato
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The Company Planet Smart City is a leading, innovative proptech company that designs and builds smart, affordable neighbourhoods around the world. Out unique proposition combines our digital know-how and strong sense of social responsibility to build sustainable, connected communities to improve the lives of residents today and in the years ahead. With a global footprint in the affordable housing sector across emerging and development markets, our expertise in smart solutions integration, digital technologies, services and social innovation enhances residents quality of life. Embracing digital transformation, we place our communities at the heart of company activities and create sustainable value for shareholders. Our smart and socially inclusive neighbourhoods are supported by the unrivalled services of the Planet App, the front-end of Planet Smart Citys proprietary digital platform, which enables residents to engage which each other and their neighbourhood. In tackling the global housing deficits, we focus on generating positive social impact and have created an innovative format for smart developments that can be replicated worldwide. Responsibilities The candidate will join the HR Team, reporting to the CHRO, and will oversee personnel data and HRIS management, and partner with country HR to lead the rewards & performance processes. Main activities - Understand the various employment pay and benefits components - base pay, social contributions, pension, variable bonus, commission etc across Italy, Brazil, India, and the UK. - Liaison with local country HR partners, business leaders and their teams, finance team members, ESG team etc. to collect, maintain and analyse personnel data including people costs, and generate relevant reports with detailed actionable insights. - Create an effective companywide personnel cost plan together with the CHRO. Perform a monthly variance analysis to focus on the budget v actual and the forecast. Provide an oversight on the hiring impact and recommend actions to optimize costs. - Create and provide hourly standard costs and support project teams in maintenance and transition of HR related timesheets activities - Manage Stock Options movements and related data. - Support the CHRO with scenario planning of personnel costs during business review discussions. - Perform calculations for relevant bonus payments and salary increases and share the provisional and actual data with relevant teams. - Manage the HRIS platform centrally. Update the key changes in the organization structure, changes in function/BU, cost centers, pay structures etc. on a timely basis. Ensure people data is timely updated in the HRIS and perform audits and checks with the local HR partners for this smooth operation. Act as the expert to resolve any escalated employee queries related to the HRIS. - Continue the work related to job architecture relevant to the existing company structure. - Performance management cycle management: Drive OKR goal setting, mid-year review, annual review, ratings calibration, and feedback process as per the policy. - Rewards: Advise on compensation changes subject to annual appraisals, role changes, promotions etc. aligned with internal parity and market benchmarking data. - Optimise costs and efficiency of activities within HR and between HR and different departments. Experience and Education - 5 to 8 years of experience in handling HR Operations or people data in the HR and/or other departments. Technical and Soft skills - Proficient in Italian. Basic level of English speaking required. - Proficient in MS Excel reporting, formulas, and dashboards. Knowledge of Macros or running queries to manage database is a plus. - Ability to integrate smoothly different data sources: manual spreadsheets, HRIS data etc. - Strong work ethic, plan work deliverables independently and solution mindset. - We intend to train the role holder to manage performance and rewards as well. Hence, willingness to learn these areas is necessary. Settore: Agenzie immobiliari Ruolo: Risorse umane Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo indeterminato
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Realtimeseismic Join a team of experts in seismic data processing and become a Geophysicist ! Realtimeseismic, a specialist in geophysical services on a global scale, is looking for a Senior Geophysicist to join its team based in Turin. • Participate in global projects • Contribute to innovation in a dynamic and stimulating work environment • Evolve and collaborate with specialist and passionate teams YOUR MISSION As a Senior Geophysicist, you will leverage your knowledge of the principles and techniques of geophysics as well as your experience in project management. You will be in charge of the management and production of seismic processing projects. Your missions will consist of: • Manage a processing project (technical coordination of the project team, validation of sequences, QC of deliverables, reporting to the operations manager). • Ensure the internal technical review of processing projects (peer reviews). • Contribute to the mentoring and training of junior geophysicists. • Identify R&D avenues in collaboration with RTS developers. • Process seismic data for different applications (processing and imaging). • Write technical reports and presentations • Contribute to the improvement of our quality standards and processes • Liaise with customers and other stakeholders Depending on the needs of the service, these missions may evolve. YOUR PROFILE • Masters or PhD in Geophysics • Significant experience in processing and survey design • Solid knowledge of geophysics software (GeoTrust, Reveal, etc.) • Professional English • Project management experience • Ability to work independently and as part of a team • Analytical and attention to detail If you find yourself in this job offer and you want to join RTS, we invite you to apply! We cant wait to share the RTS adventure with you ! Settore: Studi professionali e di consulenza Ruolo: Ingegneria/Progettazione Gestisce altre persone: No Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo indeterminato Inquadramento: Impiegato
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Planet Smart City The Company Planet Smart City is a leading, innovative proptech company that designs and builds smart, affordable neighbourhoods around the world. Out unique proposition combines our digital know-how and strong sense of social responsibility to build sustainable, connected communities to improve the lives of residents today and in the years ahead. With a global footprint in the affordable housing sector across emerging and development markets, our expertise in smart solutions integration, digital technologies, services and social innovation enhances residents quality of life. Embracing digital transformation, we place our communities at the heart of company activities and create sustainable value for shareholders. Our smart and socially inclusive neighbourhoods are supported by the unrivalled services of the Planet App, the front-end of Planet Smart Citys proprietary digital platform, which enables residents to engage which each other and their neighbourhood. In tackling the global housing deficits, we focus on generating positive social impact and have created an innovative format for smart developments that can be replicated worldwide. Responsibilities The candidate will join the HR Team, reporting to the CHRO, and will oversee personnel data and HRIS management, and partner with country HR to lead the rewards & performance processes. Main activities - Understand the various employment pay and benefits components - base pay, social contributions, pension, variable bonus, commission etc across Italy, Brazil, India, and the UK. - Liaison with local country HR partners, business leaders and their teams, finance team members, ESG team etc. to collect, maintain and analyse personnel data including people costs, and generate relevant reports with detailed actionable insights. - Create an effective companywide personnel cost plan together with the CHRO. Perform a monthly variance analysis to focus on the budget v actual and the forecast. Provide an oversight on the hiring impact and recommend actions to optimize costs. - Create and provide hourly standard costs and support project teams in maintenance and transition of HR related timesheets activities - Manage Stock Options movements and related data. - Support the CHRO with scenario planning of personnel costs during business review discussions. - Perform calculations for relevant bonus payments and salary increases and share the provisional and actual data with relevant teams. - Manage the HRIS platform centrally. Update the key changes in the organization structure, changes in function/BU, cost centers, pay structures etc. on a timely basis. Ensure people data is timely updated in the HRIS and perform audits and checks with the local HR partners for this smooth operation. Act as the expert to resolve any escalated employee queries related to the HRIS. - Continue the work related to job architecture relevant to the existing company structure. - Performance management cycle management: Drive OKR goal setting, mid-year review, annual review, ratings calibration, and feedback process as per the policy. - Rewards: Advise on compensation changes subject to annual appraisals, role changes, promotions etc. aligned with internal parity and market benchmarking data. - Optimise costs and efficiency of activities within HR and between HR and different departments. Experience and Education - 5 to 8 years of experience in handling HR Operations or people data in the HR and/or other departments. Technical and Soft skills - Proficient in Italian. Basic level of English speaking required. - Proficient in MS Excel reporting, formulas, and dashboards. Knowledge of Macros or running queries to manage database is a plus. - Ability to integrate smoothly different data sources: manual spreadsheets, HRIS data etc. - Strong work ethic, plan work deliverables independently and solution mindset. - We intend to train the role holder to manage performance and rewards as well. Hence, willingness to learn these areas is necessary. Settore: Agenzie immobiliari Ruolo: Risorse umane Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo indeterminato
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Società: GI GROUP Job Title: ESPERTO DEL MERCATO DEL LAVORO A PARTITA IVA Interlocuzione con: REFERENTE REGIONALE POLITICHE ATTIVE e OPERATION MANAGER GIGROUP Scopo del ruolo · La figura professionale dellEsperto del Mercato del Lavoro si occuperà dellerogazione dei servizi al lavoro, orientamento specialistico, bilancio di competenze, analisi del fabbisogno formativo accompagnamento al lavoro, promozione e monitoraggio di tirocini, supporto allautoimpiego, incrocio domanda/ offerta, scouting opportunità e matching con le aziende. Attività LEsperto del Mercato del Lavoro svolgerà le seguenti attività; - Attività di presa in carico - Erogazione di servizi di orientamento specialistico, accompagnamento al lavoro e incrocio domanda e offerta - Stesura di Bilancio di competenze - Analisi del fabbisogno formativo dellutente e individuazione dei corsi di formazione disponibili in linea con il percorso definito - Promozione e monitoraggio tirocini - Supporto allAutoimpiego in collaborazione con operatori specialistici - Attività di Scouting, Ricerca opportunità e Accompagnamento allinserimento lavorativo Strumenti da utilizzare - Accesso ai Portali Regionali: Lavoro Xte, SILER e SIFER - Accesso al gestionale Flexibile di Gigroup per la pianificazione delle attività Skills & Experience Requisiti indispensabili a fini dello svolgimento del ruolo di Esperto del Mercato del Lavoro sono: - Laurea o Titolo di studio secondario superiore, almeno 3 anni di esperienza nellambito dei servizi al lavoro o nelle Risorse Umane (formazione, orientamento, riqualificazione professionale, outplacement). Altrimenti conseguimento della Laurea in Psicologia o affini. Specificamente, le competenze richieste riguardano: •la diagnosi della condizione formativo/professionale e del bisogno di sviluppo personale; •lindividuazione delle risorse e dei servizi, compresa leventuale formazione, utili ad accompagnare la fase di transizione; •la progettazione di percorsi di inserimento lavorativo; •Il sostegno alle azioni definite e la valutazione della loro efficacia. • lindividuazione, lanalisi e linterpretazione del fabbisogno formativo e professionale del sistema aziendale di riferimento e la costruzione di proposte adeguate al fabbisogno rilevato Autonomia di lavoro Il collaboratore a Partita Iva procederà autonomamente nella gestione dei Utenti assegnati secondo le procedure condivise utilizzando in autonomia i portali regionali dedicati. Le attività potranno essere erogate in presenza presso le sedi Gi Group accreditate o in modalità a distanza secondo le disposizioni regionali. Capacità necessarie per il presidio della posizione Completano il profilo: - Buone capacità di interazione con lutenza - Buone doti relazionali, organizzative e di orientamento al risultato, precisione e flessibilità; - Disponibilità a brevi spostamenti sul territorio - Automunito Esperienze precedenti a supporto del ruolo: E gradita precedente esperienze in ambito di attività e bandi di Politica Attiva regionale Sede di lavoro: Cento Settore: Agenzie per il lavoro/Società di selezione Ruolo: Risorse umane Tipo di occupazione: Contratto di collaborazione
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Società: GI GROUP Job Title: ESPERTO DEL MERCATO DEL LAVORO A PARTITA IVA Interlocuzione con: REFERENTE REGIONALE POLITICHE ATTIVE e OPERATION MANAGER GIGROUP Scopo del ruolo · La figura professionale dellEsperto del Mercato del Lavoro si occuperà dellerogazione dei servizi al lavoro, orientamento specialistico, bilancio di competenze, analisi del fabbisogno formativo accompagnamento al lavoro, promozione e monitoraggio di tirocini, supporto allautoimpiego, incrocio domanda/ offerta, scouting opportunità e matching con le aziende. Attività LEsperto del Mercato del Lavoro svolgerà le seguenti attività; - Attività di presa in carico - Erogazione di servizi di orientamento specialistico, accompagnamento al lavoro e incrocio domanda e offerta - Stesura di Bilancio di competenze - Analisi del fabbisogno formativo dellutente e individuazione dei corsi di formazione disponibili in linea con il percorso definito - Promozione e monitoraggio tirocini - Supporto allAutoimpiego in collaborazione con operatori specialistici - Attività di Scouting, Ricerca opportunità e Accompagnamento allinserimento lavorativo Strumenti da utilizzare - Accesso ai Portali Regionali: Lavoro Xte, SILER e SIFER - Accesso al gestionale Flexibile di Gigroup per la pianificazione delle attività Skills & Experience Requisiti indispensabili a fini dello svolgimento del ruolo di Esperto del Mercato del Lavoro sono: - Laurea o Titolo di studio secondario superiore, almeno 3 anni di esperienza nellambito dei servizi al lavoro o nelle Risorse Umane (formazione, orientamento, riqualificazione professionale, outplacement). Altrimenti conseguimento della Laurea in Psicologia o affini. Specificamente, le competenze richieste riguardano: •la diagnosi della condizione formativo/professionale e del bisogno di sviluppo personale; •lindividuazione delle risorse e dei servizi, compresa leventuale formazione, utili ad accompagnare la fase di transizione; •la progettazione di percorsi di inserimento lavorativo; •Il sostegno alle azioni definite e la valutazione della loro efficacia. • lindividuazione, lanalisi e linterpretazione del fabbisogno formativo e professionale del sistema aziendale di riferimento e la costruzione di proposte adeguate al fabbisogno rilevato Autonomia di lavoro Il collaboratore a Partita Iva procederà autonomamente nella gestione dei Utenti assegnati secondo le procedure condivise utilizzando in autonomia i portali regionali dedicati. Le attività potranno essere erogate in presenza presso le sedi Gi Group accreditate o in modalità a distanza secondo le disposizioni regionali. Capacità necessarie per il presidio della posizione Completano il profilo: - Buone capacità di interazione con lutenza - Buone doti relazionali, organizzative e di orientamento al risultato, precisione e flessibilità; - Disponibilità a brevi spostamenti sul territorio - Automunito Esperienze precedenti a supporto del ruolo: E gradita precedente esperienze in ambito di attività e bandi di Politica Attiva regionale Sede di lavoro: Piacenza Settore: Agenzie per il lavoro/Società di selezione Ruolo: Risorse umane Tipo di occupazione: Contratto di collaborazione
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Società: GI GROUP Job Title: ESPERTO DEL MERCATO DEL LAVORO A PARTITA IVA Interlocuzione con: REFERENTE REGIONALE POLITICHE ATTIVE e OPERATION MANAGER GIGROUP Scopo del ruolo · La figura professionale dellEsperto del Mercato del Lavoro si occuperà dellerogazione dei servizi al lavoro, orientamento specialistico, bilancio di competenze, analisi del fabbisogno formativo accompagnamento al lavoro, promozione e monitoraggio di tirocini, supporto allautoimpiego, incrocio domanda/ offerta, scouting opportunità e matching con le aziende. Attività LEsperto del Mercato del Lavoro svolgerà le seguenti attività; - Attività di presa in carico - Erogazione di servizi di orientamento specialistico, accompagnamento al lavoro e incrocio domanda e offerta - Stesura di Bilancio di competenze - Analisi del fabbisogno formativo dellutente e individuazione dei corsi di formazione disponibili in linea con il percorso definito - Promozione e monitoraggio tirocini - Supporto allAutoimpiego in collaborazione con operatori specialistici - Attività di Scouting, Ricerca opportunità e Accompagnamento allinserimento lavorativo Strumenti da utilizzare - Accesso ai Portali Regionali: Lavoro Xte, SILER e SIFER - Accesso al gestionale Flexibile di Gigroup per la pianificazione delle attività Skills & Experience Requisiti indispensabili a fini dello svolgimento del ruolo di Esperto del Mercato del Lavoro sono: - Laurea o Titolo di studio secondario superiore, almeno 3 anni di esperienza nellambito dei servizi al lavoro o nelle Risorse Umane (formazione, orientamento, riqualificazione professionale, outplacement). Altrimenti conseguimento della Laurea in Psicologia o affini. Specificamente, le competenze richieste riguardano: •la diagnosi della condizione formativo/professionale e del bisogno di sviluppo personale; •lindividuazione delle risorse e dei servizi, compresa leventuale formazione, utili ad accompagnare la fase di transizione; •la progettazione di percorsi di inserimento lavorativo; •Il sostegno alle azioni definite e la valutazione della loro efficacia. • lindividuazione, lanalisi e linterpretazione del fabbisogno formativo e professionale del sistema aziendale di riferimento e la costruzione di proposte adeguate al fabbisogno rilevato Autonomia di lavoro Il collaboratore a Partita Iva procederà autonomamente nella gestione dei Utenti assegnati secondo le procedure condivise utilizzando in autonomia i portali regionali dedicati. Le attività potranno essere erogate in presenza presso le sedi Gi Group accreditate o in modalità a distanza secondo le disposizioni regionali. Capacità necessarie per il presidio della posizione Completano il profilo: - Buone capacità di interazione con lutenza - Buone doti relazionali, organizzative e di orientamento al risultato, precisione e flessibilità; - Disponibilità a brevi spostamenti sul territorio - Automunito Esperienze precedenti a supporto del ruolo: E gradita precedente esperienze in ambito di attività e bandi di Politica Attiva regionale Sede di lavoro: Bologna Settore: Agenzie per il lavoro/Società di selezione Ruolo: Risorse umane Tipo di occupazione: Contratto di collaborazione
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