Triumph Design e' una societa di design e branding con sede a Milano e a Tokyo. Competente in molti campi del design:logo design,product design, interior design, graphicdesign, web design, progettazione di spazi architettonici e urbanistici ecc. Cerchiamo la figura professionale di un Web Designer per collaborazioni a progentto. Il cadidato ideale deve essere in possesso delle seguenti caratteristihe: - only resident of Milan area - Native Italian speaker (or equivalent) - Good English language proficiency - Excellent understanding of HTML and CSS - Good understanding of JavaScript & jquery - Familiarity with Wordpress CMS (Themes, plugins, and maintenance) - Good understanding of basic programming practices - Good ability of copywriting - Good skills of general graphic design - Fluency in Adobe, Photoshop & Illustrator - Ability to collaborate with others and work well within a team - Ability to keep up with a growing, fast-paced environment Desirable Criteria - Experience with E-mailing, emails, and ESPs - Basic experience with SEO - Interest to work with international clients
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